With Sasuke, there had always been good days and bad days. On one day he might have acted moody and introspective, and the next he'd be talking more, laughing louder. Anyone who knew him was no stranger to his volatile temperament.
Since the attack there were no good days, only bad ones and worse ones. The pain medication had completely left his system by now, so while he was a lot less confused than when he first woke the younger Uchiha was more trouble than ever.
This appeared to be one of the one of the worse days, Neji thought, as he arrived at the hospital room to the sound of raised voices. He sighed, bracing himself before entering into the fray.
"Mr Uchiha-"
"I said NO."
"Sasuke please, they need to do a blood test to check-" Deidara tried desperately, but it was no use. When Sasuke set his mind to doing something he was as single-minded as a dog with a bone. The same went for the opposite. Sasuke couldn't be coerced into things he didn't want to, even those in his best interest.
Neji decided now might be the time to make himself known, offer the hot-headed boy a distraction, striding across the space and the tense atmosphere he set about diffusing.
"Sasuke. How are you feeling?" he didn't offer a smile as he sat down, knowing his friend well enough to assume he wouldn't appreciate mild manners when he was this pent up.
Sasuke cast him a glance and indeed his mood seemed to alter. He cast a warning look back at the nurse for a beat, and everyone in the room read it for what it meant. The argument had been shelved, but only temporarily.
"Neji…" he smiled in greeting, the first he had in days, before answering "Fine, though others will tell you differently out of earshot I'm sure," the last words came sharp and indignant, harking back to rows he and the others continued to tread. Neji ignored the comment and the sigh from somewhere behind them that sounded like it belonged to Itachi.
"Durand sends his best, by the way," he said, setting down flowers on his bedside table.
"From him?" Sasuke inquired.
Neji shook his head. "Yours truly. The business card is his, though," he smirked, withdrawing the little black rectangle tucked into the bouquet. It had become a running joke between the three of them over the years, one perpetuated by Sasuke's continued refusal to enter the world of modelling. The man had long since got the message, but the little exchange still went on for old time's sake.
Neji handed the card over to the Uchiha and could swear he heard the faintest of chuckles, glancing over at a watchful Deidara who smiled, hopeful. So far, so good…
"You could've brought some decent food to eat instead of this hospital rubbish."
"Duly noted for next time," Neji grinned, "I'm sure you're looking forward to getting out of here, though. Back to the café."
Neji could sense the shift in the atmosphere before the words had even finished leaving his mouth. It was practically tectonic. Sasuke's mouth set into a tight frown and his gaze dropped, with something like guilt spreading there.
"I'm tired," he said tersely, folding his arms. They were his only defence against all the eyes on him.
"I'd like you all to leave."
"But… Sasuke, I didn't mean-"
"That wasn't a request!" he shouted, hateful eyes finding Neji's shocked gaze again and pinning him in place.
Itachi stepped forward, one hand resting on Neji's shoulder as he ushered him dejected from the room. He and Deidara were more familiar with this behaviour.
They knew when it was a losing battle.
It happened in daily increments. At first Sasuke had fought, bristling under anyone's touch or focus, but that only lasted so long. This came initially as a relief to those around him, who had spent weeks standing on eggshells, but only for so long. Soon it became clear the younger Uchiha wasn't just calming down. He was going silent. Wordlessly he seemed to be waiting for something, but for what? The others couldn't begin to guess.
That didn't prevent them from trying, though.
"So the doctors have written you some prescriptions for when you're home but they want to keep you in for a few more days, just until you've… Sasuke," Itachi paused. His brother was staring off out the window again, expression not sulky so much as… vacant. This was the third time Itachi had been forced to stop mid-sentence and grab his attention back.
"Sasuke, are you listening?" he tried again.
"Sasuke this is important, please listen to us," Deidara pleaded softly, reaching out to squeeze his hand.
Sasuke wasn't listening, though. He simply didn't care enough, after everything. He wasn't even sure why they were bothering to tell him this, since they seemed so set on making the decisions for him. His knowledge of the plans wouldn't affect their execution. He had no say in his own fate between these walls, and he imagined that wouldn't change once they were back at the café either. His lip curled. Just the thought of that place set his nerves on edge. They were like sitting ducks among tacky throw cushions. At least they were when he was present.
So Sasuke engaged in the one act of protest he had left… ignorance. Instead of paying attention, he chose to cast his mind back. Back to a time when it had all seemed so much simpler. Back when people didn't hurt him or deceive him.
"How would you feel about a holiday, kitten?" Orochimaru asked casually, fingers dancing along Sasuke's bare torso as the boy lay cradled against his chest. The rain-soaked little creature had shown up on his doorstep the night before without an explanation, and after bathing him to warm him up and calm him down he had been lying in Orochimaru's arms ever since.
"I don't know… how do you feel?"
Orochimaru smiled. "I think we could use a few days away."
Sasuke blinked up at him, matching the smile with a hopeful one of his own. "I think so too," he nodded, and Orochimaru laughed. He could pretty much say anything and his Sasuke would tail his thought processes like a little lamb, pretending that he had privately reached the same conclusions, acting as if they shared some special telepathic link. It was infallibly adorable.
"In that case, how about this coming weekend?" he suggested, stroking along Sasuke's forearms as if trying to coax the right response from him.
"I'd love that," he beamed obligingly, the technique clearly working, but this soon faltered as the faintest hint of a frown dawned on his expression. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes at this, pressing a delicate kiss against the arch of Sasuke's furrowed brow and smirking with satisfaction as the skin smoothed instantly beneath the touch.
"Tell me, what's the matter?" The words were spoken softly but the command was unmistakeable.
"It's just my brother…" Sasuke began, worrying his lip between his teeth as he thought, "What if he asks questions?"
Orochimaru chuckled, thumb stroking across his bottom lip before coaxing his chin up into a deep kiss. "Then we'll just have to come up with answers, won't we?" he shrugged.
"They can't know, or they'll…"
"I know, kitten, it's okay. Would you feel better inviting someone else along?"
"S-someone else?" Sasuke frowned.
"One or two. People from school if you wish?" he smiled knowingly, "A weekend away with friends should sound more palatable, wouldn't you agree?" He hummed thoughtfully, hand drifting down Sasuke's spine and drawing a satisfying shiver out of the boy.
"It does. Who should I invite, though?" he blinked, trying to imagine anyone from school intruding on his time with Orochimaru. He balked at the thought. He kept his two lives separate for a reason.
Orochimaru just smiled and kissed Sasuke again, more forcefully this time, "I think I know just the person."
"There are some people I'd like for you to meet," Kakashi said, glancing over at her with a warm smile as he pushed the trolley out in front. He always made sure to keep to her pace though, her big baby bump now slowing down her petite frame considerably in day to day activities.
There wasn't long to go now before the birth. Many mothers-to-be opted to stay home in the late stages of pregnancy, but Sakura was not most women and made her thoughts on the matter very clear when Kakashi had suggested it. The doctors approved as long as she had someone to escort her, a job which normally fell to the child's father. Ino did her part too but she still had college to think of. Kakashi was on leave of absence and jumped at the chance to assist in any and all odd jobs.
"Who's that then?" she asked with interest, wondering whether she'd at last see a glimpse of the company Kakashi kept. Kakashi knew everyone of note in Sakura's life by now… Ino… Naruto… Itachi and all the rest. He was an important part of her life now, and someone she was proud to call the father of her child if nothing more.
"Some friends of mine, ones I've known since school," Kakashi said with a smile.
"Do they know…?"
"They've heard about you and our situation. I'd love for them to meet you, if you're okay with that?" he added, and Sakura smiled.
"Of course, more than okay with it," she assured him, laughing at his audible sigh of relief.
"They're very friendly, I promise," he added with a chuckle as he found the right brand of formula and set it down in the cart.
Sakura wandered out front to pet a scruffy terrier waiting out front for its owner while Kakashi finished up at the checkout. When he patted her shoulder she turned around to be hit by the aroma of sweetheart roses and scented stocks, all pretty pinks and soft mauves in Kakashi's outstretched hand.
"How pretty! What are they for?" she cooed, closing her eyes as she leaned into the sweet scent.
"You," Kakashi said. Sakura looked up at him questioningly but he simply shrugged, "For the mother-to-be," he offered in explanation. They made me think of you , he kept to himself.
Sakura thanked him profusely and they started towards the car again, settling into the passenger seat as Kakashi put the bags on the back seat and they drove off in comfortable silence. Sakura gazed out the window, sneaking sidelong glances at Kakashi now and then as Kakashi's eyes remained resolutely on the road.
She twirled a flower stem in her slender fingers thoughtfully. Kakashi had bought them for the mother of his child, but she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps there was something more to it. The only problem was she couldn't figure out what exactly.
Perhaps these friends of Kakashi's knew something she didn't, she wondered.
"This place, it's… it's huge!" Sasuke gasped as the chauffeur pulled up to Orochimaru's 'country cottage', as he had called it. More of an estate, he corrected, smiling fondly to himself.
"The grounds around it are his too, y'know," Suigetsu laughed from the back seat, feet up even though Orochimaru had warned him about the cost if he damaged the interior's fine furnishings.
The views out the window took Sasuke's breath away. Beyond the vast manor home was a low cliff set against the sea, framed by a delicate foaming tide. There was life and greenery for miles and gold seemed to blossom on everything the light touched. To Sasuke it was paradise.
As the staff took the bags in Sasuke stood at the precipice of it all, staring out across the bay. He startled for a minute before relaxing as Orochimaru's arms snaked around his waist, pressing a kiss of ownership against his forehead.
"It's beautiful…" Sasuke breathed, and Orochimaru chuckled.
"I hoped you would think so. Perhaps we might go for a swim down there later?" he suggested but Sasuke shrunk in on himself at the thought, turning around to curl into Orochimaru's chest.
"No swimming, please," he mumbled, and felt a large hand petting his hair, angling his jaw up to hold a commanding green-eyed stare.
"Of course, Sasuke. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Not with me."
Sasuke smiled relieved, lifting up onto his toes to initiate an adoring kiss.
"You must be Sakura! Come in, come in," said a sweet-looking woman with raven black hair, an infant balanced on her hip as she ushered Sakura and Kakashi inside. Sakura swallowed down her nerves and followed behind just as Kakashi reached for her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze, earning him a surprised but grateful little smile.
"How are you finding everything? It can all be a bit scary, can't it?" the woman asked kindly as they made their way down the hall.
"Definitely scary," Sakura agreed, "Though not the bad kind… and I'm not doing it alone, I guess." She laughed, glancing up at Kakashi whose eyes were already on hers.
"Would that be the voice of the girl I've heard my boy speak so highly of?!" came a booming voice from the sitting room that made Sakura jump a little and Kakashi sigh heavily.
"Gai, rein it in," came a second voice in warning, softer in volume but warm and gravely in tone. The woman pushed the door open to reveal the two men who both stood to greet her.
"Sakura! I'm Might Gai, pleasure to meet you. I understand you're a friend of my adopted son?"
"Lee! Yes of course," Sakura gasped as she registered the striking resemblance, seeing immediately where the sweet kid she'd known since nursery got his energy and silliness from. She withdrew her hand from Kakashi's as she moved to shake the man's hand, but squeaked in surprise as she found herself pulled into a bear hug instead.
"Well any friend of Lee's is a friend of mine, Sakura! Welcome to the family!"
When Gai had finished squeezing the life out of her she met the gaze of the other two, smiling at her arm in arm.
"I'm Asuma and this is my wife, Kurenai," said the bearded man, voice gruff and smile crooked but warm.
"And Mirai," the red-eyed woman added with a chuckle, nodding towards the bouncing baby girl, all bright smiles and curiosity.
"Lovely to meet you all," she smiled, trying not to feel overwhelmed as she sat down at Kakashi's side while Kurenai switched the kettle on and Asuma went out back for a smoke.
This wasn't too bad, she told herself once she was nursing a mug of tea, sending Kakashi a reassuring smile when he sent a look her way that read 'all okay?'
So far, so good…
Sasuke lay stretched out in the long grass that framed the cliff face, smiling and closing his eyes as the sun warmed his skin. He felt happier than he had in a long time. Orochimaru and Suigetsu were talking together, but too far for Sasuke to hear whatever they were discussing. Something work-related, he guessed.
He squinted over towards the figure approaching as the white-haired boy called out. "Sasuke, c'mon, let's do something fun!"
"And what if I like it here?" he smirked up at Suigetsu, shielding his eyes from the sun with his hand.
Suigetsu pouted. "You're no fun! Look, what I've got in mind will be fun, I swear," he grinned widely, teeth sharp.
Sasuke rolled his eyes and stood to face him. "Go on then. Surprise me."
The words had barely left his mouth when he felt a strong hand shoving him backwards over the edge of the cliff, wide eyes fixed on distant Suigetsu's laughing face as he was flung back into the water below. His body begins to thrash and fight in terror before he's even hit the waves.
"Wait for me out here, okay? I have to identify the-"
"She's not coming back, Sasuke, we've been thr-"
Stop, stop, STOP!
He heard a thundering sound as the water around him displaced and suddenly there were strong arms around him, bringing him to the surface spluttering and coughing against someone's chest.
"I've got you, kitten, I've got you," Orochimaru's deep voice rumbled through him and he held Sasuke close as he lay on his back, the young Uchiha cradled on top of him like a life raft.
He wasn't going to cry. He wasn't going to let himself cry, damn it. Because that would mean he was hurting. Which he definitely wasn't. He was just in shock, that was all.
"I should've warned him, Sasuke. This is my fault," said Orochimaru once Sasuke was mostly calm, and Sasuke shook his head vehemently.
"No! No you saved me, thank you, this is…" he sniffed, tears pricking his eyes against his will, "I'm fine, honest."
Orochimaru smiled, petting his hair and gently coaxing him onto his back so they were both staring up at the sky, bleached blue and cloudless. "There now, kitten. That's not so scary, is it?" he cooed in his ear, long fingers tracing up and down his sides so Sasuke shivered with pleasure. The boy nodded in agreement, eyes sinking closed under Orochimaru's gaze.
"My… what a magnificent creature you are," the man breathed, smirking as Sasuke turned his head blindly to the side to kiss his cool skin.
They floated there in the shallow water a while longer, and Sasuke forgot everything besides the two of them. This is where I feel safe , he thought to himself.
This is where I need to be .
Sasuke had not been seen all day. The staff didn't seem to care, much to Naruto's frustration. The Uchiha Corp forces had been sent elsewhere after the initial threat had diminished, and the regular hospital staff were far less tolerant of Sasuke's behaviour. They had all grown tired of the proud and disagreeable man who rejected their help and after all, tomorrow they would be discharging him into his family's care once more. They had done all that they could for him, and now it was his job to heal. To quote one particularly brusque male nurse, ' Mr Uchiha is well on the mend, and this hospital only deals with sick people.'
Naruto however couldn't shake his concern. He'd arrived that afternoon to find his bed made and room empty, and none of the staff were able to tell him of his boyfriend's whereabouts. He'd rung Deidara immediately, who told him they would be there as soon as possible. For now, though, it was down to him to search.
He tried everywhere. Asked in every ward, gave Sasuke's description to any member of staff who would listen.
It was only when he'd exhausted all avenues that a thought came to him, and he made straight for the stairs, scaling flight after flight till he reached a heavy metal fire exit and pushed. And if he knew Sasuke…
"Took you long enough." Naruto heard his voice before he saw him, the sunlight casting the Uchiha in a long shadow against the rooftop. He was facing away from the door in standard issue white hospital pyjamas which billowed slightly against the breeze.
When Naruto began to move closer he span around, and Naruto flinched, withdrawing slightly. Those eyes… those weren't the eyes of the Sasuke he knew. It was like staring into the face of a stranger.
"Sasuke," he tried, ignoring the audible quaver in his voice as he went on, "What are you doing up here?"
Sasuke shook his head as a bitter laugh bubbled up within him. "Come on, Naruto. I know how smart you are, I'm sure you can figure it out," he shot back, words like acid.
Naruto swallowed, and nodded. Sasuke had found a private spot for them to talk.
He was saying goodbye.
"Don't you care about what you'd be leaving behind? Who you'd be turning your back on?" he said, trying to remain composed, nails biting into his palms as he clenched his fists.
Sasuke huffed and began to pace. A caged animal , Naruto thought.
"You just don't get it, any of you," Sasuke snapped, "I'm not like you. Or Itachi, or Dei or… I'm bad news. Haven't you figured that one out?"
"So do better!" Naruto shouted, and only now did he recognise the emotion bubbling within him as anger. Anger that he had been holding onto for weeks. "If this isn't about us, what's your fucking problem? You might not be good at relationships Sasuke but god, do you even know how to try ?! Just stay with me and we can work through this, okay? Togeth-"
"Enough, Naruto!" he hissed then paused, taken aback by his own tone. "Just stop it, please…" he pleaded, more under his breath now. Naruto chose this moment to move closer, and Sasuke didn't stop him. Instead he watched with mistrust as Naruto reached for his hand. Sasuke's fingers made a faint abortive twitch in his grasp, but then nothing.
"I don't think I can do this without you anymore," he whispered, and at last tears began to fall. Sasuke looked away.
"You're better off without me-"
"Who are you to say that?" Naruto's angry words cut him off.
"Mark me, Naruto. This isn't something you understand."
"Then help me to," Naruto pleaded.
"I'm the one who has to bear the guilt every time one of you gets hurt! It's so easy for all of you, isn't it? You've lost loved ones too, I know you have. But you didn't cause any of that. Whereas me…" Sasuke looked agonised, "I've made so many mistakes, Naruto. I have to carry that every day, I know, but that doesn't mean you do too."
"But I want to," Naruto insisted, squeezing his hand but Sasuke tugged it free.
"And I don't." Sasuke had said all he wanted to on the matter. He walked back towards the fire exit and turned around once more, face a mask as he spoke. "I don't ask you to forgive me, Naruto, but if you love me will you do one thing for me?"
"What?" Naruto whispered, swallowing back what tears he had left to shed. Sasuke watched him a moment, lips pressed together in indecision before he looked away at last.
"Forget me."
Itachi honestly hadn't expected his brother to pick up the phone, particularly as it seemed to ring for an eternity. It was that improbability that left Itachi lost for what to say when the call finally connected.
"What, " came Sasuke's voice, terse and unwelcoming with a roaring vibration in the background that Itachi took to be a car of some sort? It was hard to hear with the sniffles and sobs issuing from the blonde boys either side of him.
"Where are you going?" he asked and was met with laughter.
"You know where ." Itachi frowned. It was less where he knew, than to whom.
"After everything he's done, you would choose him over us? Your own family?" Itachi sounded dismayed.
"I am choosing you, idiot. I'm choosing to protect you, so for once let me do the honourable thing."
"Honourable? You're running back to a man who… who…"
"He and I are the same. I belong with somebody like him."
"You are not like him, you hear me? You're my little brother, who's smart and caring with a good heart-"
"I killed someone, Itachi," the confession came through coldly, a near casual tone to it, " I looked a man in the eye, and I killed him. I know what I am."
Itachi didn't have time to answer before the line cut dead, leaving only the flatline sound of the disconnect tone. A tone that grew quieter and quieter as the phone fell from his hand to the floor.