Zootopia: Visiting The Burrows

Sup ya'll! Dizzle HamHam Writer with another new fanfiction. This time on one of my new favorite Disney Movies, Zootopia. I watched the movie a while ago and I LOVED it. I really liked the characters Nick and Judy. Yes. I shipped them. I shipped them really hard. I think they are my new OTP now. Anyway, this fanfiction may not be much of a "shipping" fanfic, but I will try to have a few moments. Anyway, this is my take on Nick's first visit to Bunny Burrow with Judy to she her family. This will be about four or five chapters. I still got a LOT of my other stories to work on. Anyway, this will be fun. So let's get this story started.

Zootopia, the city where anyone can be anything. Everyday in Zootopia was busy. Mammals all over were doing their regular, everyday lives. This included two mammals working for the Zootopia Police Department. A grey rabbit and a fox. The famous duo of Judy Hopps and her partner, Nick Wilde. After solving the missing preds case and stopping Bellwether's plot, the two have become the best team on the ZPD forces. Solving case, stopping criminals and making a differences. The two were currently finishing up their patrol and were about to meet up with Chief Bogo in his office. The two of them went into Bogo's office and stood in front of his desk to give them their daily report as alway.

"Wilde. Hopps. I have to say, as always, I'm impressed with you're work." Bogo said. "During the past week, you arrested 13 criminals, helped solved 7 cases, and stopped illegal businesses in the streets."

"Thank you, sir." Nick and Judy said standing straight.

"Honestly, I never thought that a bunny and a fox would be some my best officers." Bogo admitted. "You two have really proved me wrong time and time again."

"You're too kind sir." Nick said smiling a with a bit of cocky smile. "Maybe we should give the other officers some pointers."

"Nick!" Judy said quietly as she bumped Nick with her elbow.

"Anyway... be that as it may... I believe that you have done quite a lot of work of late." Bogo stated. "With that said, I think that you two deserve some time off."

"Time off?" Judy said tilting her head.

"Yes. Time off. Just three, four days." Bogo said.

"Four days of no working?Nice." Nick said seeming happy about it.

"Four days?" Judy said looking a bit shocked. "Sir, are you sure everything will be okay in Zootopia without us working for four days?"

"Seriously, Carrots? It's only gonna be four days." Nick stated.

"Don't worry. We all gotten along fine without you two the first time. We'll be fine for a few days."

"Last time that happen, the fate of predators and prey on Zootopia were on the balance." Judy stated quitely.

"Speak up Hopps. I can't here you." Bogo said.

"No...Nothing sir!" Judy said sounding frantic.

"Okay. Like I say don't worry about us here. So go out. Do something new. Go somewhere outside of the city for a while." Bogo said. "Now, dismiss."

"Sir." Nick and Judy said saluting.

After that, Nick and Judy left Bogo's office and were ready to clock out. They went to their lockers to take out their stuff. The two decided to do some talking.

"So Carrots, what you are planning to do with your days off?" Nick asked.

"I'm not sure." Judy said thinking. "I mean, there are still plenty of places I haven't seen around the city. Or... I can go visit my family in Bunny Burrow."

"Seeing the family, huh? That sounds pretty good." Nick said. "You're folks tend to be the worrywarts. Seeing you will make them feel better."

"Hey Nick. You want to come with?" Judy asked smiling.

"Hmm... a city fox visiting a town filled with a whole bunch of bunnies, who tend to see them as rapid? Yeaaaaa... no. I'll think I'll pass." Nick said rejecting the offer.

"Come on, Nick. My parents are like that anymore. They learn to grow with change." Judy said. "Besides, I think it's time you meet them in person."

"I don't know." Nick said scratching the back of his head.

"Please Nick?" Judy pleaded with her ears down and her eyes puppy dogs like. Nick couldn't resist that look in her eyes.

"Alright. Alright Carrots. I guess I got nothing better to do." Nick said. "So I'm guess I'm going to Bunny Burrow with you."

"Great." Judy said smiling. "I'll be sure to call my parents and tell them that you're coming."

"You coming back to your hometown and bringing a fox with you? That's gonna be great for your parents to hear." Nick said sarcastically.

"Nick..." Judy said bumping Nick with her elbow. "My parents are not that superficial... anymore. They even got rid of their fox repellents and their fox taser. I think..."

"Funny thing about a fox taser. It's basically just a taser." Nick stated. "Those things could hurt anyone. Even the non-foxes."

"Taser or not, I'm sure my family will like you." Judy said.

"I'll guess I'll have to believe you." Nick said.

Nick and Judy then walked outside of the ZPD building holding bags with their stuff.

"Guess I better start packing." Nick said to his rabbit partner.

"I'll buy the tickets for the train tomorrow." Judy said getting her smartphone out to buy two tickets online. "...aaaaaand done. The train leaves at 10:00am, so be sure to get their early."

"Okay. I'll try not to be late." Nick said. "Well, guess I'll see you tomorrow Carrots."

"See ya, Nick." Judy said.

So the two said their goodbyes and went off to their apartments. Judy walked to the subway station and rode the train to the district where her apartment was. She open the door to her tiny apartment, put her stuff away, and then change out of her ZPD uniform and into her casual sleep clothes. She then picked up her phone so she could call and video chat with her parents. She made the call and she see her parents, Bonnie and Stu.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" Judy said with a smile.

"Judy! Good to hear from you." Bonnie said.

"Jude the Dude! How have you been?" Stu said greeting Judy with his nickname for her.

"I'm great. Everything has been going well for me now. Anyway, I'm calling to you to tell you I got a few days off, so I decided to use those days to visit you and the family at Bunny Burrow." Judy said.

"That's great news." Bonnie said happily. "It's been so long since you visited."

"Yeah. Our little Judy. Back home." Stu said. "You're brothers and sisters will be happy to hear that."

"Yeah. Also..." Judy said. As she continued, her ears drooped down as she was about to mention Nick. "You remember that fox that I told you about? The same fox that helped me with the 'Missing Predators' case?"

"You mean that Nick person you are always talking about it?" Bonnie asked.

"From what you told us, he sounds like a great guy. As far as foxes go." Stu said.

"Glad you think so, dad. Cause what I wanted to ask you... how would you feel about him spending the next few days with us?" Judy asked.

"Wait... what?" Stu said looking surprised and a bit concerned.

To be continued...

So the call was made and it looks like Bunny Burrow is about to get two visitors. One of them, being a city-slicker of a fox. So how is Judy's family going to react to Nick during their visit? Will it be positive... or will it be a train wreck? Let's hope things turn out well.