A/N: I realize this chapter might be a stretch, but that's the fun of fan fiction, I think...

Dr. Rodolfo Fuentes stood outside Dr. Brennan's office, nervously clenching his fists and tapping his foot. He dreaded disturbing her since they were so busy with their new case, but he also realized that he needed to take care of this chore so that he could concentrate on the rest of the work he needed to do today. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on her office door.

"Dr. Fuentes. Please come in." Dr. Brennan acknowledged him without taking her eyes from her computer monitor. "Have you finished cleaning the bones and reassembling the skeleton?"

"Yes, Dr. Brennan. The bones are now laid out for your inspection. However, that is not my reason for coming to your office. I would like to speak with you for a minute, please, if you have time to see me. It is a personal matter." Dr. Fuentes shifted nervously from one foot to another.

"I can give you a few minutes. Let me finish this paragraph." Dr. Brennan typed for a few minutes more and then turned to face Dr. Fuentes. "There. Please come in and sit down. What can I do for you?"

Sitting in a chair across the desk from Dr. Brennan, Dr. Fuentes smiled faintly as he reached into the pocket of his lab coat. "I've recently received a letter from my uncle in Cuba, and he asked me to pass this letter on to you. He said you would understand…" He handed Dr. Brennan a legal sized envelope. "I haven't read it, of course…"

Brennan looked confused as she took the envelope. "I have no idea why your uncle would want to send me a letter…" She took the paper out of the envelope and lay it on her desk, smoothing it with her hands as she tried to read it. "This letter is written in Spanish, and my Spanish is somewhat rusty. Could you help me? I see that it's addressed to me…"

Rodolfo took the letter from Brennan and glanced over it. "Yes. This is a letter from my uncle...Juan Guzman. He asks if you remember him, and he hopes you are in good health…"

"Your uncle is Juan Guzman?" Brennan was thoroughly surprised. "That's amazing. Why didn't you tell me you knew him, Dr. Fuentes? He and I are old friends."

Dr. Fuentes was obviously embarrassed. "I didn't want it to appear as if I was trying to win your favor by mentioning my connection to him. He is well known in my homeland, but I wasn't sure if you would know who he is." Dr. Fuentes shrugged slightly before he continued. "Juan is my mother's brother. He has been very influential in my life, encouraging me to study science. My mother died several years ago, and afterwards there was a lot of trouble between my father and Juan. My father felt that my uncle was too supportive of the government...that he was, in a manner of speaking, a sort of collaborator, especially since my uncle was able to keep his job at the University of Havana under Castro's rule, even though many other men in the academic fields, like my father, were arrested. I believe my father blamed Juan for his arrest and imprisonment, but I'm not sure why."

"I can understand your father's point of view, Dr. Fuentes. Your Uncle Juan has done a lot of archaeological work for the Communist government. I met him when I was asked to visit Cuba to assist him with a case. I'm afraid I can't give you any more details than that." Brennan gestured toward the letter. "What else does the letter say?"

"He mentions that relations between our two countries are becoming more normal, and he wants to invite you to speak at the university early next year. He says that you and Agent Booth would be welcome guests." Rodolfo turned to the second page of the letter. "The rest of the letter tells you that he is doing well and he still appreciates your help in identifying the remains, as you mentioned, Dr. Brennan." Folding the papers again, Dr. Fuentes handed the letter back to Brennan. He hesitated before speaking again. "I have mixed emotions about my uncle, Dr. Brennan. I think he is a fine scientist, but I'm concerned that he is a puppet for the Cuban government."

Brennan nodded as she put the letter in her desk drawer. "I have a difficult choice to make, Dr. Fuentes. I like your uncle very much, and, as you mentioned, he is a fine scientist. However, if I choose to go to Cuba at his behest, it may be seen as if I am giving tacit approval to the present government, and with all their possible human rights issues and abuses, I'm not willing to do that." Brennan turned back to her computer monitor. "I'll probably decline your uncle's invitation for now. Thank you for bringing me the letter. When we finish working on this case, will you help me compose a letter to your uncle that says I cannot come to Cuba at this time? As I said, my Spanish isn't very good anymore."

Dr. Fuentes nodded. "I would be glad to help you, Dr. Brennan." He rose to leave her office. "And thank you...I know you made this choice in support of my family's struggles in Cuba."

"Think nothing of it, Dr. Fuentes." Brennan smiled as she picked up her lab coat. "I suggest that we go look at our new set of remains."