
The week after Feli leaves is odd for Luciano. He still gets calls and texts from the other in between classes and after school, but it doesn't feel the same as when they are right next to each other. He's hyper aware of the distance between them now. Ever since he figured out exactly the distance separating them it seems so much farther away and yet so close. He can drive there within a day. That's no time at all.

He dangles his legs off the edge of the playground he and his friends have taken over. Allen and Lutz are spinning wildly on the squeaky merry-go-round that Matt has reluctantly agreed to push for the pair of overgrown children while Kuro video tapes it in case they throw up. Luciano sighs and pulls his legs up to fold underneath him. Matt notices his action and walks over, placing a hand on his knee in a silent comforting manner then going back to push the contraption to spin Allen and Lutz faster.

Even his friend's have laid off the teasing since his mood went more sour. They can tell he's not up to put up with their bullshit and for that he's slightly thankful. Even if they are awful they can at least tone down their douchebaggery for some time. He doesn't know how long that's going to last, but for now it's enough. He phone buzzes in his pocket and he fumbles to get it out, a smile threatening to show at seeing Feli's name on the ID.

"Hey," He answers, giving a small nod of confirmation when his friends look over at him expectantly. Allen whistles and Kuro yells at him encouragements that he rolls his eyes too.

"Hi! What are you doing right now?" Feli's happy voice filters over the speaker. Luciano's face twists up in confusion at the question, eyeing Lutz holding Allen in his arms while Matt holds Kuro in his with a deadpan expression on his face.

"I'm at the park, why?" He asks. He receives a giggle in response.

"Well that's good cause, well, you know," Feli trails off. Luciano raises an eyebrow to that, looking up only to have his breath catch in his chest. His mind can barely comprehend Feli standing at the edge of the sidewalk with a phone to his ear and a few other people next to him. His phone slips from his hand to the playground. It's a natural reaction to drop to the ground and take the few strides to meet Feli half way with his arms open wide to catch the other as he skips into him. He buries his face in Feli's hair, happiness bubbling within him at hearing his laugh.

He doesn't care for his friends at this moment or their teasing comments or the sweet words and giggles that come from Feli's. It's unreal to see him so soon. It's nearly unbelievable that he's here. Luciano pulls back ever so slightly to see Feli smiling brightly up at him. He giggles and places a kiss or two on Luciano's cheeks.

"Feli," He says evenly. It doesn't stop the other from placing more kisses on his face, littering them on every available space.

"Feli," Luciano says more forcefully to get the other's attention. Feli giggles gently and continues on his quest.

"FELI," Luciano almost shouts at him though not unkindly. Feli stops suddenly and blinks up at him. Seeing no trace of anger on Luciano's face he giggles again and goes back to hugging him tight, an embrace Luciano is all too happy to return.

"Hey Luciano is this your-HUHG," Luciano snaps his head around to see Allen on the ground with Matt standing above him with Luciano's phone in one hand, the other curled into a gentle fist. Luciano rolls his eyes when Matt comes over to give him back his phone though the taller does not leave once his task is over with. Feli turns too, waving a hand and his small group comes closer.

"These are my friends!" He cheers. The small group waves as Feli introduces them.

"This is Alfred and Matthew, they're cousins. And Kiku and Ludwig, he drove here," Feli tells him. Luciano gives them a small wave and shakes Ludwig's hand when offered to him.

"Thank you for looking after him when we couldn't," He says stiffly. Luciano nods at that, not knowing how else to respond. He's not sure if Feli's friends even knew he was gone until he was eating pasta at his house. He debates introducing his own friends when the one called Alfred starts pushing at his cousin hazardously.

"Mattie look they have a bowling alley! Oh man we should go we haven't done that in forever!" He muses loudly while pulling gently on Matthew's arm. Luciano raises an eyebrow to them as Lutz and Kuro come over to see the newcomers.

"That sounds like a kickass idea actually," Lutz chimes in, throwing an arm around Matt's shoulder only to have the other elbow him not as hard as he could have. Still Lutz hurks and backs away.

"Damn dude," He says and Allen cackles from his spot still on the ground. Feli giggles at the action, turning to his friends once more with a shrug of his shoulders.

"We don't have any other plans," The one Feli said was Kiku looks to Ludwig who sighs and waves his hand in a 'whatever' kind of fashion. Alfred and Feli cheer, Alfred pulling Matthew and Feli pulling Luciano. He stumbles along, offering a confused shrug to his friends who are more than willing to go have fun with a bunch of strangers.

Set up is a little confusing but Ludwig manages to get everything going smoothly despite Lutz and Allen ragging on him to do funny names.

"How did you get here?" Luciano asks after his turn. He takes a seat by Feli, keeping his head on straight when the other tangles their fingers together.

"I told you Ludwig drove! He's very good with cars," Feli nods his head in confirmation to his statement.

"Why?" Luciano asks though he's honestly really happy to see Feli. He almost wants to damn the reason but he's curious. Feli giggles.

"I wanted to see you and my friends wanted to know who you were and this town isn't all bad," Feli tells him with a smile on his face. Luciano sighs and shakes his head in disbelief, jerking only slightly when Feli rests his head on his shoulder. He settles for watching his friends argue between themselves while Feli's laughs at them.

"Holy shit dude!" Allen nearly shouts when Alfred bowls another strike. The blondie laughs gently and rubs at the back of his head. Matthew pushes his cousin playfully out of the way to take his turn, bowling a strike on his own, though Matt seems to be the only one to notice.

"Yo Keeks it's your turn!" Alfred says. Luciano looks over to Kiku and Kuro locked in a heated staring contest. Kiku has his head resting on his chin and an easy smile on his face while Kuro is glaring hardcore.

"Bowl for me I'm taking this pansy down!" Kuro shouts to anyone in general. The comment makes Kiku laugh lightly. Ludwig shrugs and Lutz takes it upon himself to purposefully bowl a gutterball.

"I'm happy to see you," Feli says gently, just low enough for their friend's chatter to cover up the sound so only Luciano hears him. He has to remind himself to breathe easy, nuzzling ever so slightly into him.

"Me too," He says back. He lets Feli up when it's his turn, smiling ever so slightly when Feli barely manages to knock any pins down but doesn't seem bothered by the fact, shrugging his shoulders and laughing it off. Luciano accepts his cuddles when he comes back to him.

"Is there a sport you're not good at?" Allen asks nearly tearing his hair out as he questions Alfred who has an embarrassed look on his face. They have travelled, their party now taking a lunch break at Frisk's. Matthew snorts.

"Hockey," He says causing Alfred to push at him.

"Not fair!" He whines and pouts. Matthew laughs at him, his comment earning him Matt's attention as the normally quiet one gets Matthew talking just a bit more on the sport. Kiku and Kuro are in the middle of the restaurant table across from each other once more in a staring contest. Lutz is trying to mess them both up while Ludwig watches quietly.

"This place is so nice," Feli muses with his arms linked to Luciano's. He hums in response to the statement, his nose twisting up only a little when Feli places a kiss to his cheek.

"I wanted to thank you again for taking care of Feli," Ludwig suddenly turns to him. Luciano shrugs at the comment and opens his mouth to speak but Ludwig continues on.

"I didn't know he left until after school and when I called his phone it was off. His brother said he was gone when I went over." Luciano listens quietly to the story, gently rubbing his thumb over Feli's hand as the other twitches besides him, ashamed at the explanation being offered up.

"I'm just glad someone-" Ludwig turns his head over to Alfred trying to balance a spoon on his nose while Allen and Kuro both try to swat at him to mess him up, though Kuro hasn't taken his eyes off Kiku in front of him.

"-Somewhat responsible found him first." Luciano snorts at that, smiling gently down at Feli who looks up with a bright smile on his face. He doesn't shy away when Feli kisses his cheek gently.

"It's the least I can do," He tells Ludwig. The blonde nods his head then turns to Matthew asking him a question about the food. Luciano blocks out the rest of the conversation, angling his head back down to see Feli.

"Your friends seem nice," He whispers. Feli giggles and sits up to face him fully. There's a smile tugging at his lips as Feli smiles at him. He's never been so at ease with someone. For a second Feli's smile falters and Luciano doesn't have time to ask why. It's quick and unexpected to the point he doesn't see it coming. Feli pushes forward the last few inches to kiss him where it counts. He pulls away just as quick and then goes back to snuggling in Luciano's chest.

Food comes and Luciano has to consciously not make an effort to freeze up while eating. He's trying to act normal but it's hard with Feli so close up next to him. Feli just kissed him. Does it mean what Luciano hopes it means? If the snuggles and silly giggles when he says something snarky proves anything he's still just as confused. He takes sneak peeks at Feli all throughout their meal. When Feli finally catches him staring the kiss is repeated just as quick. Luciano can barely feel heat rising to his cheeks which he tries hard to ignore. Luckily no one notices.

"Come on we have to go," Ludwig says impatiently. He seems to be the only one ready to leave. Allen and Alfred are talking comics while Matt and Matthew are talking hockey, still. Kiku waves Ludwig's comments off, smirking ever so slightly at the strain in Kuro's eyes. Luciano huffs with an arm around Feli's waist.

"Dude relax, what's the rush?" Lutz throws an arm over Ludwig's shoulder in an attempt to get him to calm down. Ludwig sighs and turns his face away from the other but does not answer. Feli's group of friends let out a collective complaint at having to leave, but in the end, it is Ludwig's car and none of them doubt his threat to leave them there, though Luciano doesn't think that could be the worst thing.

He and his friends walk Feli back to the car where they parked just a street away from the park. He holds Feli tight as the others say their goodbyes.

"Let me know as soon as you-" Luciano's words are cut off by another quick kiss. Feli smiles gently up at him, a soft tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Of course," He says to Luciano's unfinished order. He jumps into the car and waves out the window as Ludwig begins their drive home. Luciano stuffs his hands in his pockets as Lutz sides up next to him.

"So," he says. Luciano half heartedly glares up at him. Kuro comes to his other side.

"Not dating huh?" Kuro teases him. Luciano groans and drops his face to his hands. Allen laughs at him and joins their small huddle.

"Man I wish I got starshine's number," He muses loudly, nudging Matt for an agreeing statement. Matt simply raises an eyebrow at his brother and holds up a folded napkin that Luciano can barely see the scrawl of numbers on. Allen is instantly jumping on his brother's back to try and reach the napkin but with no luck. The entire walk home he hears nothing but Allen complaining.

He flops face first into his bed, pulling up his phone to barely look at it. He raises an eyebrow to the picture message from Feli waiting for him. He opens it and it takes a second to see what he's looking for. He hides his face in his pillow when he sees. The screenshot of Feli's phone is opened up to their messages, one text typed out to be seen but not yet sent.

I think! you need a name change ;D what do you think? :o

Luciano clenches his teeth, eyeing the little heart next to his name in Feli's phone. He fiddles with the electronic, then sends his own screenshot with a new heart next to Feli's name.

You may be right.

He said he loved me

"So then Lovino said to him to shut up, and overall it was really scary but I think grandpa gets it now?" Luciano hums as Feli prattles on from the other side of the phone. He's not paying much attention to his surroundings, opening up his locker and then staring into it dumbly, choosing to listen to Feli instead.

"Hopefully they'll stop fighting, because it's.." He doesn't finish his sentence but Luciano understands. He jerks slightly when his locker is slammed shut by Allen leaning on it carelessly.

"Yo jerk-wad you talking to your not-boyfriend?" Luciano gives him an unimpressed look as Feli giggles from the other end. Lutz shows up from out of nowhere and drapes an arm over Luciano's shoulder.

"Have you told him you love him yet?" Lutz teases and here Luciano elbows him hard in the gut. Lutz drops like a sack of potatoes and Allen takes off running, not wanting to meet the same fate. Easily Luciano collects his things and steps over Lutz to go to class.

"Did you hit him?" Feli asks. Luciano grunts in response.

"That's so mean!" Feli chides him but it makes Luciano crack a smile instead of be annoyed. Feli laughs soon after anyway.

"Are you going to tell me you love me though? Cause I love you~" Feli asks him with a light tone to his voice. Luciano sighs and slides into his desk, ignoring the kissy faces Allen makes over his brother's shoulder at him.

"Yeah yeah love you too," The words leave his mouth without much thought. He pauses soon after to glare at his desk, wondering if what just happened really did happen and not some sick twisted dream he has yet to wake up from. He really doesn't want to have to get ready for school again. Feli giggles uneasily and sighs.

"I'll call you after class," He promises and with a quick goodbye hangs up. Luciano puts his phone to his desk and stares at it, still blinking from the hang up with Feli's name on it, the little heart still there. It's been two months since he's changed it, just a little under half a year since they've been talking. He mulls over his words in his mind. They didn't feel forced or untrue like how he imagined they would. They felt easy slipping out of him. He blinks down at his phone when it buzzes with a text from Feli.

I love you :D

Luciano covers his face with a hand and can't help the small laugh that comes out. He looks at the text through his fingers, a smile on his face at the simplicity. He doesn't care for the teacher's angry look at him blatantly texting during the start of class to respond.

Love you too.

He hides his phone and waits for the end of class, dialing Feli's number as soon as the bell rings. It takes a moment for him to answer, just enough time for Matt and Oliver to walk next to him. He nods his head in acknowledgement to them when Feli finally answers.

"DO YOU MEAN IT?" Luciano angles his phone away from his head with a pained look on his face at the sudden assault to his ears. Oliver giggles as Matt raises an eyebrow at him to silently question if he's okay. Luciano brings the phone back to his ear and walks past them, barely registering them following.

"Yes," He says simply, ignoring the jolt of panic that etches through him. Feli could take his words any number of ways and he really doesn't know how to begin to explain them. It'd be stupid of him to deny he has feelings for Feli cause that would be a lie, but telling the other that could do catastrophic damage to any friendship they have built up. His nerves start to skyrocket when Feli doesn't answer right away, leaving Luciano to listen to the voices on the other end he can barely pick up.

"What did he say?"

"Did he mean it?"

"Does he like you too?" He jumps when Matt puts a hand on his shoulder to guide him away from running straight into someone. He stares up at the other, not knowing how to react to the information he heard. Matt tap's Luciano's head to bring him back to earth. He shakes his head hard and goes back to his phone conversation.

"Feli? Are you-"

"I LOVE YOU LUCI OKAY BYE!" Once more he has to angle the phone away from his ear to not have the sound ringing in his head. He stares at the electronic once more showing Feli's name blinking on the screen signaling the end of the call. He huffs and turns to Oliver next to him who looks about ready to explode.

"He said he loves you!" Oliver cheers and jumps on him for a hug. Luciano groans with a disgusted expression on his face at the affection. He groans again when Matt playfully ruffles his hair like he's some kind of child. He swats at them to get out of their arms, his mind running marathons. He's not sure how to take what just happened, what he just heard and it's so like Feli to make a rash decision and then run. He drags a hand down his face and in the oddest turn of events smiles softly.

He doesn't know how Feli meant his words, but hearing the other's in the background gives him just enough logic and hope to maybe wish for it to mean something more. He walks into class in a daze, only snapping once at Kuro to shut up.

At home however is a different story. Luciano has lost count of the times he's called Feli, each at 10 minute intervals. He runs a hand through his hair again, making it look like a frazzled mess. He kicks Flavio out of his room when his brother tries to help him tame the mess. It's not what he needs right now, not what he wants. He growls and flops in his desk chair, opening up his laptop to do stress relief drawing.

It's three hours of solid staring at his screen until his head starts to hurt. He rubs ta his temples and looks at his phone, silent and without anything new. He sighs and taps at his computer, trying to find some new sort of distraction. He finds himself looking through Feli's little art blog TinyPasta.

He smiles at the name, remembering when it first appeared in his inbox. He creeps through the pages, eyes widening at seeing not only photos of Feli's trips to visit him but some of Luciano himself in a cute style. He sighs looking at the drawings. He's never seen them before, never had looked through Feli's blog before. He scrolls for a while longer until he finds a link to a different blog, one that takes him to a more personal kind. Most of the posts are legit entries, the first one stealing his attention.

He said he loved me.

He's not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but reading through the plethora of tags Feli has added to the post make him smile. Random smashing of letters together as well as a few consisting of how happy he is about the revelation. Luciano sighs and takes his phone out, calling Feli once more, this time opting to leave a voicemail instead of just hanging up.

"You can't avoid me forever," Is the first thing he says, closing out of Feli's blog. He will pry no more, figuring there is a reason Feli never told him about it his personal blog in the first place.

"Don't be scared okay? Nothing's changed," He reassures gently, hoping Feli will hear his message and feel better. No matter what he doesn't want to lose the first and foremost friendship he has with the other.

"Okay maybe your name has two hearts next to it now but that's it," He teases lightly, knowing it would help Feli's nerves.

"Talk to me," He says, nearly pleading, something he's never done before. He hangs up and plays with his contacts, taking a screenshot to prove his words, knowing Feli would want it. He places his phone away from him and goes back to drawing to take his mind off things, less frustrated now. It's another hour before his phone actually does buzz. He picks it up calmly, seeing Feli's name on the screen.

"Hello?" He says into the receiver, still drawing lightly when only silence greets him back. He waits patiently, knowing there is sound on the other end meaning Feli hasn't hung up yet.

"Did you know that the Germans made this ice cream that looks like pasta?" Luciano raises an eyebrow at the random fact.

"That's weird," He says back. Feli laughs lightly and then he goes off on something else, making the interaction normal once more. It's odd ended and full of Feli's tangents that Luciano has come to adore.

"What are we?" Feli asks suddenly after a tirade, making the conversation stop short as Luciano is not prepared for the question. He taps his tablet pen to his knee to keep his nerves at bay.

"What would you like to be?" He asks simply. Feli makes a small uncomfortable noise on the other end. Luciano waits for him to answer, not finding the need to rush.

"Can I be, not your not-boyfriend?" Feli's voice shakes as he asks. Luciano stares dumbfounded at the wall in front of him. Of course he did want something more of an attachment to Feli, but to have the opportunity so blatantly shoved in his face is unexpected.

"I mean, if you don't want me to be then haha that doesn't have to be a thing, but you asked me what I wanted, and I well, I didn't really feel like lying about it, and you do know how I feel so I thought it'd be only fair to be honest and-"

"Feli," Luciano cuts him off easily. Feli squeaks at his ramblings, mumbling out a small apology. Luciano takes a deep breath.

"Feli, will you not be my not-boyfriend?" Luciano twists his nose up at the way the question sounds but can't exactly take it back now. Feli begins to giggle on the other end and Luciano finds himself smiling at the sound.

"Yes, yes yes," Feli laughs loudly and Luciano releases a breath he held. Feli goes off on another tangent, further proving that nothing has changed until he arrives back home from his walk back from hanging out with friends.

"I'll call you tomorrow, not not-boyfriend," Feli giggles once more and Luciano rolls his eyes at the amount of fun Feli is having with the nickname.

"Goodnight Feli," He says.

"Goodnight Luci," Feli coos back at him. The lines go dead. Luciano places his phone down calmly. He sits still for all of ten seconds. His hands smack this face and he screams lowly into them, not having any other idea on how to get rid of his excited energy. He leans back in his chair and nearly topples over, grabbing his desk just in time to not crash. He uses the momentum to bang his head to his desk and wiggle back and forth, not knowing how else to handle himself.

His phone buzzes. He blinks at the text from Feli, shouting in all caps about how he doesn't know how to deal with himself. Luciano smiles at that, thankful the feeling is mutual in more ways than one. He's going to have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow, but for now he's content with the knowledge of having Feli all to himself.

Not Not-Boyfriend

Luciano can't stop the smile on his face. He's way too smug for his own good. With his head held high he waits near the front door for Flavio to be done messing with Feli's outfit. Just last night he went to go pick Feli up, along with a few of his other friends who were also invited to the event. They are getting ready elsewhere so right now Luciano has Feli all to himself.

"Ready?" Flavio opens his door, standing in such a way that blocks Feli from sight. Luciano feels a sudden wave of nerves go through him. He keeps his smug look as best he can to the cheshire grin Flavio gives him. When his brother finally side steps Luciano is left breathless.

Feli's face is a little red out of embarrassment and yet there is a still a small smile on his face. His white dress shirt is pressed properly, a soft bright red vest wrapped around him with a tie to match. He fiddles with his fingers as he comes closer.

"Let me fix this," Flavio's hands are near Luciano's neck before he can say anything. He groans as Feli giggles, letting his brother fix the deep red tie around his own neck to match his vest, contrasting nicely with the black dress shirt that Flavio insisted on rolling the sleeves up. He manages to get his brother to stop fussing by walking out the door with Feli in tow, calling out a sharp 'bye' and slamming the door on his face.

He stares dumbly at Feli, his face bright and giggling softly to the antics. Luciano pulls him in for a tight hug, running his hands gently over his date's back. Feli hums happily and snuggles into him.

"You look wonderful," He whispers. Feli giggles and kisses his cheek in return.

"So do you," He says bashfully. There's a distinct flutter in Luciano's chest. He controls himself just enough to be charming, guiding Feli to the car and opening the door for him. Feli giggles the whole way to Frisk's.

Once inside they find their friends laughing with an appetizer between them. Alfred and Allen are matching in different shades of blues, while Matt and Matthew are in different shades of purple. Kuro and Kiku are in opposite black and white outfits yet match perfectly. Lutz and Oliver are wrapped around each other in contrasting shades of pink.

Luciano finds himself smiling throughout dinner even with his friends being ridiculous. He barely takes his eyes off Feli next to him, laughing brightly without a care in the world. Feli turns to ask him a question or get his opinion, honestly Luciano had been paying more attention to the light in Feli's eyes to really notice.

He doesn't let Feli get his words out, stopping them with a kiss. He pulls back with a smug smile on his face, completely ignoring the wolf whistles from his friends to enjoy the smitten flustered look on Feli's face. He chuckles lowly as Feli hides his face in his neck to avoid being seen so speechless. Luciano has no problems with that, wrapping an arm around his date and pulling him closer.

They drive separately to the vendor, walking in together when they all arrive. Allen and Alfred take to the dance floor to join the other students there, throwing their hands up wildly to the pounding music. Luciano rolls his eyes and pulls Feli through the crowd to back patio where Oliver dragged Lutz.

Outside is a small trio of musicians, playing soft music for slower dances. Matt and Matthew are already swaying softly and Luciano pulls Feli close to him, putting their heads together and moving them gently. He smiles softly when Feli hums along to the music, following his motions easily.

Luciano lifts his finger to Lutz making fun of him on the small benches outside with Oliver curled up into him and giggling happily. Feli sputters into a laugh at that, taking Luciano's face between his hands to kiss him sweetly. It's hard for Luciano to be any semblance of angry at that.

"I love you," The words leave his lips unchecked. Feli blinks up innocently at him before a mind numbing adoring look crosses his face. He throws himself into Luciano, holding him tightly.

"I love you too," He squeals. Luciano snickers into his neck and swings him back and forth as the sweet music plays over them. There's nothing else for him to pay attention to in this night but the way Feli feels cuddled into his arms and the feelings that managed to widdle their way into his heart.

AN: HAPPY ENDINGS... they were at prom in case you couldn't tell XD