Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY or the Dark Souls franchises. Those rights go to RoosterTeeth and FromSoftware respectively. Please support the official release.

Jaune Arc: Bearer of the Curse

Centuries ago, man came face to face with its greatest threat, the creatures of Grimm. As time passed their tactics changed. Upon the discovery of the raw material Dust, they were able to push back the darkness with the fury of nature itself. However, this was not enough. For the only way to truly combat darkness, is light. Thus, came the discovery of Aura, the strength of the soul. The light of humanity shined down upon the Grimm, whose soulless forms held no aura, only malice. Soulless, or so it was thought. With the power of Aura, came special gifts, a Semblance,these powers were unique from person to person. In some rare instances their have been hereditary Semblances, but in some cases a repeat Semblance, is entirely coincidental. Such as the story of Gwyn "the Lord of Cinder", who claims his power came from slaying Grimm, one of the first Hunters to ever walk Remnant. It is said that no matter how many grievous wounds, the man would never die. This legend was to be followed by a man named Vendrick, who sought to slaughter all Grimm, for his power grew with each beast slain. However as time passed, these men were lost to mythos, and stories. However, legends never truly die, they are just…forgotten and as the world of Remnant marches on, completely oblivious to the darkness with their vaunted peace preoccupying their time. Forces gather, that seek to eradicate the light and this is the story of a boy, who came into this power of old, with hopes to end the cycle of violence by eradicating the darkness and learned the horrid truth behind its seemingly boundless possibilities. This is the tale of Jaune Arc, the Bearer of the Curse.

'Ughhhh, my gut tells me I'm in for a bad time', I thought as I tried my best to retain my breakfast. 'Sweet mother of mirth I must be cursed or something, I mean an airship? Seriously!? Who needs a giant flying metal death trap to get to school!?', I sighed as I looked out the window, somehow my naseua receded due to my anger. 'Meh, tiny miracles'. I turned as I overheard two girls talking to eachother, one saying she guessed the view wasn't for everyone, I slightly scowled at that. 'Oh I'm sorry, not everyone's body agrees with flight, if I were meant to fly I'd have been born an avian faunus!'. I stopped and pondered whether or not such a thing exists, but shook my head clear of the thoughts. 'Not the time Jaune'. Deciding that my gut wasn't out to get me for once, I slowly looked around, for the first time since I got on this damned flying tugboat. My attention was caught on a red cloak, and a beautiful head of blonde hair much like my own, but obviously more well kept. It was the moment the two girls stopped talking and the blonde one not so subtely pointed at me, I realized I was staring. Then she started walking towards me, very menacingly.

Then came the threats, "Look, I know I'm hard to keep your eyes off of", the blonde girl spoke boastfully and with a confident smirk, which immediately dropped into a scowl, and her tone having a certain almost venom to it, " but, I can't idoly watch someone perves on my little sister, we clear Green Gil?", I could of swore her eyes flashed crimson for a moment.

Now being the suave, ladies man I am I immediately responded, well more stuttered from fear, " Ummmm, I-I apologize, i-it wont happen again mam...", and like that, my brain finally chose which instinct to follow I bolted for the exit ramp, because lucky ole Jaune, just happened to notice we had landed. Which earned some screaming at me from the blonde girl, but that didn't matter. Seeing the flow of students and realizing how suspicious I just made myself look, I sprinted for dear life remembering to shout out an old friends catchphrase, " IT DOESN'T EVEN MATTER!".

Which turned alot of heads including a girl in white, a girl in black whose bow perked at the sudden noise, and a red haired spartan-like woman who all watched a scraggly blonde guy, sprinting away, being followed moments later by another blonde, who was screaming something about 'accepting his fate'. Finally losing her in the auditotium, I took a seat, in the back, on the other side of the auditorium. 'Smooth, Arc, 20 seconds in and already a girl thinks your a total creeper, and perving on her and her little sister.'. I pushed the thoughts from my head as the auditorium began filling in. Then, I felt strange, as if I hadn't slept, in like a year! Soon, my conciousness faded, and I dreamt, vividly, of darkness and fire.

A lone figure covered in battleworn plate from head to toe, walked the ancient ruins of times long past, guided by the flames. He recognized these once majestic structures, yet knew not of where, or more accurately, when they were. He strode along a giant lake, then heard a voice, echoing in him, a woman, tired and almost sounding, ancient?

'You walk these lands, yet again. Though know not your purpose?', a chuckle, full of tired despair, and a hint of something else, malice, perhaps? 'It is alright, Fate, it seems has given you the option. Bring about an Age of Light, by fire.'. Visions of people, buildings, and black creatures he hardly recognized burned in the flames, as he sat before a massive ember, almost like a bonfire. 'Or perhaps, you will bring those around you to your knees, bringing forth an Age of Dark?' This time the visions, were of the black creatures and people, almost blending into one, and instead of resting next to the tender caress of the flames, he sat upon a throne of blood and corpses, grinning with satisfaction with his power radiating from him and of the glorious form his subjects took to match their master's dark will. 'Or perhaps, unlike so many before. You will challenge Fate, and take destiny in your own hands, away from the Dark, away from the Light.' She cackled madly, 'But that remains to be seen, it is up to you, boy, to take the first step. Where will your path lead I wonder?'.

At that moment he peered over the edge of the lake, and slowly removed his war torn helm, and he saw himself. Messy, matted blonde hair, deep blue eyes, who have long lost their light, and as he peered into the void, the waters began torrenting violently. It became a whirlpool of dark waters. An Abyss, foretelling of the storm to come. And despite his best attempts to pull back. His body, stepped forward and he plunged into the murky depths.

I shot my eyes open with a start, gasping for air and clutching my chest. I felt an extremely unnatural chill. 'W-what the fu-. Language. What the heck was that!?' , slowly regaining my bearings, I looked around and noticed the headmaster, or who I assumed was the headmaster, step away from the stage. 'OK, apparently I missed the opening speech, greaaatttt', I sighed dejectedly. I finally scanned the room and my eyes stopped on someone coming to me, he wore a green coat, had this very nice black hair, tied in an immaculate ponytail, a single highlighted pink strip in the bangs, but what drew me in most, were his eyes. 'Magenta...huh thats, ok hes a little close', I stopped thinking so clearly when he looked directly in my eyes, and placed two fingers on my neck.

' What th-', before I could finish that thought he spoke up, "Sorry about the scare there. Some of the other students were whispering about how they saw you slumpt over, not breathing, and how a few tried to rouse you, being met with an almost ice cold body." .

He was about to add more when a blur of pink shot in front of us both, a girl, short orange hair, and shining turqoise eyes, she exclaimed loudly, " We thought you were dead! Well I did! Renny here was worried, so he came to check himself! Oh I'm Nora by the way, Nora Valkyrie! And this bag of chuckles and good times is Lie Ren, me and Renny have been together for sooooo long! But not like together-together! So whats your name? What was it like being dead!?". I thought to myself, ' Dead? Life? Wait she asked me my name, thats easy! It's...'at that moment my mind was drawing a blank,'What was my name...? It was on the tip of my tongue! Grah, what kind of huntsman forgets his own damn name!?'

Sensing his discomfort at the question, the boy in green, Lie Ren, chimed in, " Nora I think he might not be too comfortable with sha-", "Jaune". "Excuse me?", Ren asked politely, feeling slightly annoyed at being cut off, yet curious as to what he said. "My name, you asked for it. My names Jaune, Jaune Arc!", my normal feelings slowly returning to my body, 'That felt eextrmely weird, oh well'. "Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it!", I finished almost by second nature. Ren cracked the tiniest of smirks, "Do they?".

Nora burst out loudly, "Of course they do Renny! Jaune-Jaune is obviously quite the ladies man, remember earlier? That blonde girl chasing the guy off the ship?". I shuddered remembering that moment, but Nora, bless her, continued on, " Its obvious she wanted Jaune-Jaune and he was terrified of making a scene before the first day so he ran!".

I sighed wearily, 'If only you knew', looking up I saw Ren nod knowingly. 'Well at least he gets it.', I finally realized we were alone here, so I had to ask, "Ummm, where did everyone go?".

Ren responded, "We are to head to the ballroom after dinner for tonight. In the morning we take our initiation.", I nodded in understanding. "Nora and myself will be taking our leave now.", he noticed something about me, I dont know what, but it made him add, " If you wish to, you can join us.".

Nora chimed in very happily, "Yeah, come on Jaune-Jaune! We cant let our new bestest, undead, buddy eat alone!", she was excited, until she saw my face visibly cringe at one word, but I snapped out of it and replied, " Y-yeah, I would love to come along. Could ya just gimme a minute? I had a really weird dream, and a sense of deja-vu.". They nodded and began to exit the auditorium, Ren calmly listening to his best friend talk about anything and everything. I looked at my hands, 'Undead. That word.', thoughts of my dream came back, and I shook my head. 'This can wait, my friends now however might not.'. I pumped my fist and ran to meet them, and one more thought crept in my head. One that should never be thought, 'I mean what could possibly go wrong? Its just a dream!'.

Oh how I would regret that thought in the days to come...

A/N: Alright so I've had this idea for a Dark Souls/ RWBY crossover since I first startec watching RWBY and saw the Forever Fall episode. Thats where my Jaune fandom came from. I'm already positive of where I'm going with this story...and events from the show will be changed. I can state right now, there shall be pairings. However, it will not be Arkos, or if it becomes Arkos, it wilk be through different circumstances. I'm still trying to make Jaune, well, Jaune. With the difference being his partner, who unlocks his aura, and his Semblance.

This is my first story. Please review, I could use some constructive criticism. However regardless of its popularity, I will be continuing the story until the very end. Until next time...this is NexusBladeguard signing out.

Update: Yeah, buddy of mine pointed out the eyesore of my unbroken paragraphs. That promptec me to re read the entire chapter, fixed as much as I could. Until later, chapter 2 should be up tomorrow.