A/N: I never planned on a sequel for Better the Devil You Know but because of the amazing feedback and personal messages I decided to go for it. This picks up only a short time (maybe a couple months) after the end of BDYK and goes from there. I was debating between a 'day in the life' or a full plot sequel and thanks to a few of you I decided to smash both together and hope for the best. It's actually turning out to be a darker theme than intended so be forewarned. Also just as a warning this is between a T and M rating, not terribly graphic but some scenes push the T rating. Enjoy!

Lucifer's onyx eyes shifted over the treacherous terrain that awaited them, watched the tortured souls wandering aimlessly about, their faces blank. As far as the eye could see laid a bleak, dismal landscape filled with jagged pieces of metal jutting from the ground and blinding orbs falling from the Heavens. He swallowed thickly and looked over to his companions wondering how had it come to this. It didn't matter; he would do whatever necessary to protect Chloe and the hell spawn from this terrible hell, would fight to his last breath to save them. They would survive, no matter the cost.

"It's a supermarket Lucifer, not a torture chamber," Chloe sighed with an eye roll. Grabbing a cart she looked down at Trixie who was giggling at the absolute look of horror on his face.

Lucifer still didn't move, just stood wearily at the entrance trying to make sense of the maze of lost souls and perishable items before him.

Trying to contain her frustrations the Detective bit into her bottom lip and counted to ten before smiling tightly at her boyfriend. "I told you you didn't have to come but you insisted so here we are. Now get over here or wait in the car."

The audacity of this woman was unfathomable. He was the Devil for God's sake, quite literally, and no one, not even Maze, was allowed to speak to him this way. He could bring this place, Ralphs she called it, to the ground and damn every single person inside of it. He was the most powerful thing in existence, the Prince of Darkness, and- she was walking away. Steeling himself he quickly followed the pair with long strides refusing to be abandoned here.

"So this is where you humans gather your food?" he questioned.

Grabbing a box of cereal off the shelf and dropping it in the cart Chloe's brow pinched in confusion. "How have you never gone shopping? That's like, impossible."

"Maze. I've always sent her on the more hostile tasks," he replied distractedly, lifting a box off the shelf and looking it over closely. "Why is there a carnivorous animal on this and what is a frosted flake?"

Chloe couldn't believe it. "It's Tony the Tiger but back up. Do you do any chores?"

He arched a single dark brow, "I'm not following."

"Like laundry? Pay bills? Clean?" she laughed in disbelief.

He looked mildly disgusted at the thought. "The Devil doesn't do menial tasks, that's why Maze deals with it. I'm assuming. I honestly have no idea seeing as everything's just always clean and stocked."

"Must be nice," she mumbled.

He agreed, completely missing her sarcasm. "Oh it is. Now what exactly is a Pop-tart?"

At this rate they'd never get out of here, there was still so much to get before heading home. She hadn't directly invited Lucifer along because of this very reason, he was so ignorant sometimes and it made menial tasks extremely difficult. Their trip to the post office had been a disaster that she wouldn't soon forget and she cringed at the memory. "Ok, I'd like to get home sometime before midnight so why don't you two do your own thing and I'll pound this out." As soon as the Devil's lips parted and a smirk covered his face she held up her hand and barked, "Don't say it."

Lucifer watched the fiery woman walk away and disappear around a corner before glancing down at the tiny human at his side. She had grown on him significantly as of late and even though her tiny soul was still suspiciously innocent he was man enough to admit he rather did enjoy her company. Sliding his left hand into his slacks he met the child's eyes. "Your mother trusts me with you, frightening isn't it?"

"I think it's actually the other way around," Trixie reluctantly explained.

The unusually tall man opened his mouth to argue but dignity aside that was probably true. Beginning to walk around he turned down an aisle and noticed the numerous packages of prophylactics ripe for the picking. Instantly grabbing a few boxes he continued to wander, tossing them randomly in people's carts all while explaining to Trixie that he did not in fact have horns or a tail.

"No hell spawn, I have neither. A tail would be a completely useless appendage, if I was looking for another I'd much rather have two- Hello!" he grinned happily, his train of thought derailing at the sight of cool ranch Puffs. Ripping a bag open he began popping the delicious items in his mouth one by one, kicking over a wet floor sign as he passed.

"That's stealing," Trixie commented seriously.

Lucifer paused, a puff halfway to his lips, and looked down with pity. "Oh you poor thing, you're just like your mother."

Trixie smiled happily, taking the comment as a compliment. "Thank you."

"Right," he mumbled and finally spotted the woman that had abandoned them down an aisle. Approaching a large support pillar nearby with a phone attached he tossed the half eaten bag of snacks aside and leaned against the cool steel, plucking the phone from its holder and pressing a few buttons before holding it to his mouth and speaking over the intercom in a terrible American English voice. "Attention female shopper in aisle eight. Yes you. What color are your panties?"

Chloe shut her eyes and let out a very slow breath through her nostrils, her jaw tense. She was going to kill him. Violently. Ignoring the intrigued looks from the men milling about around her she hastily pushed her cart to the center aisle and looked towards the front of the store where Lucifer gave a cheery wave. She was simmering with anger, her boots loudly clacking on the tiled floor as she stormed towards him and his stupid handsome face and his stupid suit that fitted him perfectly, and his stupid smile, and she was getting off track.

"Oh there you are, we were worried sick darling," he cooed in faux concern. "The spawn was getting restless."

Chloe burned him a scathing glare, "For some strange reason, I don't believe that." Glancing around and not seeing her child she worriedly jerked her attention back to Lucifer. "Where's Trix?" she demanded in a panicked voice.

Lucifer pointed down another aisle where Trixie was running back with a slice of chocolate cake and a wide smile. His hand slid across his detective's lower back and pulled her a hair closer, his face serious for once. "You must know I would never allow anything to happen to your offspring."

She nodded, she did know. The man was a giant overgrown child but loyal to a fault for those he cared for and she was well aware of how much he cared for her and Trixie. Since returning from Hell and moving past most of his issues he had integrated quite smoothly into their lives but not overly which was nice. He was accompanying her more places now but they still worked professionally together, or as professional as Lucifer could be, and he was still at his loft or Lux more often than not. He still didn't have a clue what to do with Trixie or what was appropriate for someone her age to hear, say, or do but was fiercely protective of her.

Trixie ran past him and held up her cake victoriously while Lucifer flashed a woman walking by a flirtatious grin. Surprisingly enough it just didn't bother Chloe that he still acted as if he were single, it was ingrained in him and telling him to stop would be like telling him to remove part of his brain. Which sometimes sounded like a good plan. Like now.

"Ok we're all here, nobody leave. All I need is-" If eyes could kill Lucifer would be dead about five times over. Standing only a few feet away he was holding two cantaloupes at chest height making that God awful trumpet noise he had made during his first break in into her home. "I am armed, and I will shoot you."

"Oh Detective," he purred, dropping the melons in the cart. "Foreplay in the supermarket you naughty girl."

Chloe's brows shot up as she gestured to Trixie, trying to convey how inappropriate his comment was.

His eyes slid back and forth between the two before it clicked. "Oh. Oh! Right! Well hell spawn, foreplay is-"

"No!" the blonde interrupted, flabbergasted. "I wasn't telling you to explain it to her!" She grabbed her daughter's hand and drug her away, "Just meet us outside."

Lucifer watched them hurriedly walk away and smirked to himself, it was so easy to rile her up. Taking his time he casually strode towards the front, pulling out his cigarettes and placing one between his lips before lighting it. He ignored the offended gasps from people and when an employee approached him he eyed him up and down and pulled it from his lips. "I'm leaving, go back to your horribly boring existence. I mean is this really what you want out of life?"

The boy's eyes glazed as he hypnotically answered, "I want to be a famous actor."

"Then do it!" Lucifer cried. "Go on, go out those sliding glass doors and conquer." With a smirk he watched the boy leave and followed him out. Once outside he leaned against the buildings exterior and continued to suck the nicotine into his immortal lungs, watching the humans scurry around.

The more time he spent with them the more fascinating he found them to be. They were amazing really, with the ability to procreate they kept their species alive and thriving all while trying to squeeze as much as they could in their minimal time. Humans created jobs for each other and formed relationships, some progressed well, others died young. For the first time since he had been cast out he could start to see why his father had enjoyed them so much, given he still didn't think they were anything to bow down to. They were very easily breakable, both mentally and physically and seemed very immature in regards to race and gender, any differences really. Money was much to important, not to mention hilarious considering it was just a piece of paper that someone decided was worth something. They were irritating little things, but still very amusing.

It felt strange to be among them even after all this time but he supposed that was most likely because he didn't truly try to interact and submerge himself until Detective Decker. That woman, that irritating woman who was immune to his charms and did everything she could to keep his ego in check, was the most amazing creature he had ever met. Chloe had made him work for every single thing and it felt so much sweeter to earn things than just take them. He did like taking things though. Very much.

"Lucifer!" Trixie called and waved from her mother's side.

He tossed the butt down on the ground and stomped it out with the toe of his John Lobb's and rejoined the two. If someone was able to turn his own power on him and ask him what his deepest desire was he'd like to think he would blurt out a war with Heaven, the chance to make his father suffer terribly, an orgy, but deep down under mountains of denial the answer that would emerge wasn't so simple.

He hated all of Heaven and everything it stood for, loathed all its inhabitants and especially it's creator, but the single thing he missed, and only on rare occasions, was the feeling of having others to be amongst, a sense of belonging. He had the Detective now but there was still something holding him back from truly accepting her affections and love. Even the child seemed to have fully accepted him but there was a tether that he just wasn't willing to break yet. Perhaps it had to do with him not being used to having others around aside from Maze, or perhaps his most recent stint in Hell was still affecting him but he just could not seem to fully accept the blonde and the hell spawn as family.

"You're getting that really focused, 'I'm getting lost in my own head' look again," Chloe pointed out to him as she placed the last bag in the car.

His expression cleared in an instant and he defaulted to his normal excitable and aroused grin, his arms snaking around her waist and pulling her flush against him but before he could go any further she pushed him away with a laugh.

"I am not making out in a Ralphs parking lot with my daughter in the car. Now get in so I can get home." She opened her door and slid into the driver's seat and looked to her passenger, "Are you coming over for dinner?"

He was going to reply but the back of his head began to tingle, almost as if it were somehow falling asleep before it turned into a soft buzzing sensation. Instantly on edge he whipped around and looked out the window for anything amiss but everything seemed normal, no one was staring or doing anything out of the ordinary. The uncomfortable feeling didn't seem to be getting worse but it also wasn't ebbing, which was slightly troubling. Decision made he turned and regretfully answered, "I was going to check in with Maze this evening, I'm afraid you'll have to somehow survive without me."

Trixie laughed from the back seat and Chloe shot him a wry smile. "I think we can manage."

Maze absently grabbed a bottle of liquor from the counter beside her and blindly poured a finger into a glass before holding it out to seemingly no one, her eyes never leaving a mans from across the bar.

Lucifer approached from the crowd and grabbed it, downing it instantly and handing it back to be refilled as he leaned against the marble.

After pouring another finger the demon handed it back and finally looked at her creator. "I thought you'd be with your human tonight, I was just about to bring one of my own upstairs."

The Devil followed her eyes to the man staring unabashedly at her before turning back with a scoff. "Him? The blonde vanilla looking chap? Mazie, I'm disappointed in you."

"I love a challenge," she moaned, tongue sliding over her top lip. "I'm going to destroy him."

"Well then I won't keep you from you copulation plans," he countered before his good humor faded into irritation and ire. "I believe one of my brothers was near me today. Felt like an insect was popping around in my skull."

Her face contorted in confusion, "Why? I thought only Amenadiel kept an eye on you and he hasn't been by in weeks."

He pursed his lips, his face darkening. "And why do you think that is Mazikeen?"

"It's not my fault," she argued, her arms crossing. "I wasn't trying to stab him it just happened." Leaning her arms on the bar and grabbing his glass away from him she downed the amber liquid. "You know how it is!"

"Accidental impalement?" he jeered before he sat down on a barstool and sighed. "Yes, I do. I take it the deviant foreplay was a little much for the sanctimonious prick?"

Maze huffed in annoyance before both fell into a comfortable silence. He still couldn't believe that his demon had attempted an actual relationship with his brother, he had taught her better. Angels were servants of God; they were unable to completely let go so when one tried, like Amenadiel, it usually turned in a giant mess before they simply returned to Heaven. Or Hell in Amenadiel's case. How could an angel possibly carry on a relationship and especially one with a demon? Maze was designed to feed off torment, not be cradled like a delicate flower.

"I miss Hell," she mumbled dejectedly and nimbly ran a sharp fingernail over Lucifer's hand and up and down each finger. "I miss us," she added, biting the inside of her cheek.

Lucifer, who had been absently watching this evenings crowd didn't move his hand away, only slid his eyes to hers. In a nostalgic way he missed her too but that was long, long ago and he was quite pleased with Chloe. How could he not be? She taught him how to love again, which was quite the feat and he had given his word that he would not have relations with anyone else. "I don't mind reminiscing with you Maze but it will go no further."

Not ready to give up she leaned forward, cleavage obvious and chest heaving as she groaned softly. "I know you remember every thing we did, every little detail, every noise, every bite," she moaned. "I know what you like, what you need. You can't tell me Decker keeps you satisfied."

Lucifer's movements were a blur, his hand jerking away from hers and grabbing her throat tightly, crimson eyes flashing. "I released you from your oath Mazikeen, I did not give you permission to treat me as an equal," he snarled. His hand tightened, small pops coming from the demon's neck ignored as fear finally shone in her eyes. "Your blatant disrespect ends now."

As if suddenly realizing where he was and what he was doing he released her and pulled back. His once again black eyes looked at the woman across the bar and narrowed when she kept grinning, arousal obvious.

Maze massaged her already bruising throat as she greedily sucked in air. "I'm not the only one who doesn't change. One day your precious human is going to see the real Devil inside."

Lucifer sometimes wished he had never made this demon with a mouth. She would be so much more pleasant if she couldn't speak, but then again he did love a good verbal brawl, not to mention the amazing other things she would do with her mouth. This was their relationship, friendly and entertaining at times, other times angry and spiteful. They would move past their tiff soon and be back to normal but a niggle in him wondered if there was truth to her words.