AN: Fluff of the purest form: Little Rey. Han is left to care for and entertain his four-year-old all day...

"See that Rey has breakfast. The cereal is in the cabinet. Make sure she eats the cereal part and not just the marshmallows."


"And when you go to the hangar this morning—if it's raining, she has to wear her rain coat and boots and a hat."

"Sure, sweetheart," Han mumbled absently.

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?"

"'course," Han replied, not looking up from his datapad. "Coat, boots, hat...power converters…hmm." Leia rolled her eyes.

"And I'd also appreciate it if you moved the bantha herd from the back pasture to the front pasture, and if you could stop by the grocery store and pick up the plans to the Death Star on your way back from the hangar, that'd be great," Leia tested.


"Mhm. Nerf-herder," she mumbled. "I have to get to the office." Leia pulled on her coat and took her bag off the counter, passing behind Han on her way out the door. His arm shot out and caught her around the waist.

"Do you want the regular Death Star plans, or the low-fat kind?" He teased. She smiled. "I think you have somethin' that belongs to me." She kissed him quickly before hurrying out the door.

Rey woke up an hour later, and after a bowl of Ewok Crunch Flakes, she was as energetic and bouncy as always. Han let her dress herself before they headed down to the Falcon for a while, and she emerged from her bedroom wearing striped tights, a sparkly tutu, and a cream sweater.

"Put on your rain boots, baby," he told her, digging around in the closet for her rain coat. She plopped down on the floor, giggling happily as she tugged her pittin-patterned rain boots on over her tights. "I can't find your rain coat or your hat, so don't tell Mom, okay?"

"Shhhhh," she whispered dramatically. He scooped her up off the floor and locked the house behind them as they started toward the public hangar a few blocks away.

The rain had let up, but the ground was still covered in standing water. Breha wriggled out of Han's arms and began running gleefully through the puddles.

"Daddy, 'mon." She beckoned to him. He took her tiny hand in his and she jumped her way through a long puddle. She smiled up at him and his heart melted. "Daddy jump, too." She led him to the edge of another puddle and they jumped in together. Rey giggled and Han couldn't hold back a laugh. "Sploosh!" She kicked across the top of the water. "Sploosh!" Han laughed again as she pulled free from his hand and ran circles around him, splashing water all over her clothes and his pant legs.

"You're somethin' else, kid."


Han carried Rey through the parts store while he picked up some power converters. Rey loved being up high, level with Han's or Leia's line of sight, when there weren't puddles to jump in or flowers to smell. She pointed out various ship parts to him, babbling on about how shiny or pointy or smooth they were. She also had some entertaining explanations for the purpose of several items, explanations that he didn't completely understand.

"That one for the pittins." She pointed across his chest. "And they run around and around on the inside, right?"

"Whatever you say, baby," he told her, not exactly sure what business a pittin might have running around inside a magneto. He found his power converters and gave his daughter the very important task of holding a few. Arms full of spare parts and four-year-old, he shuffled up to the counter.

"We got to fix the Falcon," Rey explained to the lady at the register as she scanned the converters.

"Really? The Millennium Falcon?" She asked, looking to Han.

"Yeah," Han muttered. He didn't appreciate undue attention from strangers, especially with his kid around.

"We fix the Falcon all day long. Then Daddy make us grilled cheeses. Right, Daddy?"

"Mhm," he agreed, counting out credits.

"Mommy makes them best. But I teached Daddy the sandwich song and now Daddy makes them best, too."

"Is that so?" The lady asked sweetly.

"Yeah," Rey replied solemnly. Han chuckled at Rey as he handed the credits to the cashier.

"Would you like a sticker, young lady?" The cashier held out a sticker in the shape of a Corellian Corvette. Rey squealed with delight and quickly stuck it on her shirt.

"Look, Daddy!" She pointed proudly.

"I see it. What do you say to the nice lady, Breha?"

"Thank you," she recited, just as Leia had taught her. Han scooped up his power converters in one hand and his daughter in the other. All at the same time, she was carefully examining the sticker, giggling and attempting to wiggle into a position where the pittins on her rain boots could still see the sticker. It probably made for a very comical show.

"See, pittins? Sticker!"

When they neared the Falcon, Breha squirmed to the ground and ran up the ramp.

She was buried in a mound of wookiee fur when Han caught up to her in the main hold. Chewie put her down and she ran to entertain herself while Han worked on repairs. Chewie watched her clomp out and raised an eyebrow at Han.

"What? She dressed herself."

[Really? I never would have guessed,] Chewie deadpanned. He looked over Han. [Decided to go wading on the way here?]

"We had to jump in the puddles," Han muttered. "Let's get to work."


"No, Daddy! Lava!" Rey's shrieks and peals of laughter echoed throughout the house. Leia threw her coat over a kitchen chair and kicked her boots underneath it. She caught sight of her daughter for a moment, dressed in what Leia could only categorize as a colorful explosion. Of course, Han had let her pick out her own outfit. She could only imagine what Breha's outfit would look like with the addition of her pittin boots; the thought of her husband carrying Rainbow-Pittin Organa-Solo to the hangar nearly made Leia laugh out loud.

"Save me, Rey!" Han cried dramatically.

"Rey coming, Daddy!" Leia peeked around the corner into the living room. All the couch cushions and throw pillows were scattered on the floor. Han was standing on one foot on the ottoman and Breha, was perched on the arm of the cushion-less couch, aided in her balance by her strong force-sense. She bounded down the couch, jumped gracefully over the gap between the couch and the armchair and then to the pillow next to Han. Rey punched the air a few times, making sound effects as she dropped villains left and right. "Bad siff!" She yelped triumphantly, the Sith that were attacking Han apparently sufficiently battled.

"Did you get them all?" Han asked.

"Yeah! Dis way!" Rey jumped her way back around to the arm of the couch. Han caught sight of Leia and smiled sheepishly as their daughter crawled across the furniture.

"The floor is lava," Han warned Leia.

"Oh, no! Save me, Jedi Breha!"

"I coming, Princess Mommy!" Leia found it amusing: Han called Leia 'princess' so much that their daughter had picked it up.

"Wait, wait! I'm the only one allowed to save the princess," Han told Rey. She seemed just as delighted by this idea, and immediately began jumping up and down.

"Save her, Daddy! Save Princess Mommy!" Rey squealed. Han ran theatrically across the living room and scooped Leia into his arms before hurrying back to one of the couch cushions on the floor. He put her feet on the cushion and tipped her backwards in a kiss as Rey applauded the valiant rescue. "Safe!"

"How about we hop to the 'fresher to brush our teeth?" Leia asked, pointing Rey towards the hallway. She complied gleefully, jumping and dancing to the 'fresher.

Leia shoved the cushions back on the couch and tossed the throw pillows towards the chair, knowing that they'd all be scattered across the floor in the morning, anyways.

"Rough day?" He asked her.

"Long and boring. Typical. I take it you managed to keep the tornado entertained alright," Leia inquired as Han pulled her back toward him. Breha's tiny voice sounded from the 'fresher, singing some unintelligible song to herself.

"We kept busy." His fingers slipped into her perfectly coifed hair and started rooting around for pins. "I can entertain you now," he offered as the braids started falling. Breha returned with toothpaste smeared down her shirt.

"All done, Mommy."

"Ok, baby," Leia winked at Han and took Rey to her room. She helped Rey into her Mookie the Mynock jammies and combed out her hair while Rey recounted her day with Han.

"We splooshed in the puddles. And I got a sticker. See?" She pointed to the Corellian Corvette-class ship, much like the Tantive IV Leia had been kidnapped from all those years ago.

"How exciting."

"And we goed to see Falcon and Uncle Chewie and he gived me a hug and it got fuzz in my mouf."

"Is that so?"

"But I got it out again. We maked grilled cheese for lunch and den Daddy said we had to take a nap. Daddy is loud at sleeping," Rey informed her.

"Yes, he is," Leia giggled at her daughter's innocent description of Han's snoring.

Leia tucked Breha into the blankets and read her a story until her little brown eyes were closed. Leia put out the light and closed the door quietly behind her.

Han was in the living room, flicking through messages on his datapad when she returned. She clicked the device off and set it on the coffee table.

"Sounds like you had quite the day," she said, curling into his side. "Think you have enough energy to entertain a princess?"

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