Vampire Knight
The New Student
[Ivory Masaki]
[Cross Academy]
[A Young Girl steps out of a Black Van she was dressed in black leggings, brown boots, a blue silk long sleeve shirt. She has Long black hair flowing down to her back she has brown eyes. Her name is Ivory Masaki a 17 year old girl. Another girl and a two guys walk towards the car. Ivory picks up her Suitcase as the Headmaster walks up he smiles bowing to her.]
''You made it I am the Headmaster of Cross Academy and you must be Ivory welcome says Headmaster
''Thank you for letting me stay here Headmaster says Ivory
''Of course come with us and we will get you all settled [He looks at Yuki and Zero who were quiet as they observe Ivory intrigued] ''Oh Ivory this is My daughter Yuki and Zero both will be helping you settle in says Headmaster
''It's nice to meet you welcome to Cross Academy says Yuki
''Yeah welcome says Zero
[Zero smiles a little as he turns and walks towards the Huge building that is the Headmaster's office. Ivory looks around in awe of such beauty of the town and the Castle was also breathtaking. Yuki smiles gently seeing Ivory looking around this girl had a Innocence about her that was refreshing and new. Yuki follows Ivory and Zero inside the headmaster's office. The Headmaster pulls out a bunch of maps and books giving them to Ivory]
''This will be your school books and Map so you won't get lost...You will be also joining My daughter and Zero by joining the Displinerly Commiette says Headmaster
''What do they do? says Ivory
''Basically we make sure nobody from the Day class is out at nighttime or pass Curfew we also patrol the grounds at night as well says Zero
''Really that doesn't sound so hard says Ivory
[The Headmaster smiles gently as he then walks over to a wooden cabinet where inside were weapons Ivory was surprised to see swords, guns and Staff's inside]
''Okay all displinery commttee has to chose a weapon that will help protect yourself against intruders from the forests and if the Night Class gets out of hand [he waves a hand towards the Wood cabinet] ''Pick a weapon that is right for you says Headmaster
[Ivory nods then walks over to the cabinet placing her hand over the weapons until one of them throbs in her hands clearly telling her it's the weapon for her she takes out a Sword seeing it was a silver sword with a black and blue halt on it she takes it as the Headmaster shuts the cabinet]''Okay Yuki tomorrow will be her first day here make sure you both keep an eye on her until she doesn't need you anymore says Headmaster
''Yes Headmaster says Yuki
[Zero sighs nodding as he turns to Ivory seeing she was still looking at the sword seeing a silent tear come down her face he was surprised as Ivory looks at the Headmaster and bows to him]
''Thank you Headmaster. says Ivory
[Ivory's Dorm Room]
[Yuki enters the room before Ivory who is carrying her bags with her seeing it was a single Dorm room all to herself.]
''Since you came here a little late we don't have a whole lot of room but this room will do for you I hope says Yuki
[Ivory sighs turning to smile at Yuki] ''thank you Yuki for helping me...I...I will see you tomorrow says Ivory
''You too...remember school starts in the morning at 8:00 so don't be late says Yuki
''I won't says Ivory
[Yuki leaves shutting the door behind her as Ivory walks over to the bed placing everything on it including her bag full of clothes she goes through another bag until she takes out a small book a Journal and she slowly sits down and begins to write.]
''Dear Diary...I made it to the Academy and I am scared since the time both my parents died in the fire attack 10 years ago everything is so different now I've met some nice people so far and I hope I can meet more because I don't want to be alone forever.
[Ivory sighs as she stops writing and then begins to get ready for bed putting on her nightgown pulling out her hair band letting her hair fall to her butt as she then lays down and goes to sleep]
[Cross Academy]
[Ivory is up getting dressed in her school uniform which is black with white strips and black socks and shoes with a red bow in the middle she placed her arm band on her right arm and takes her sword and puts it in her bag as she walks out of the bedroom where Yuki is waiting on her. She smiles relief]
''Wow you are up earily...good we can finally head down to keep the crowd from disturbing the Night class as they go to their classes. says Yuki
''Okay says Ivory
[Night Class Dorms]
[Ivory is staring at a bunch of girls that were going crazy standing around to wait for the Night class students to show up. Yuki runs through the crowd]
''Hey, don't push! says Student girl
''Alright everyone step back it's way pass curfew for all you dayclass students that aren't allowed in just turn around and go back to your droms says Yuki
[Ivory moves through the girls who step back at seeing her she was the new girl who transfered from The All girls school academy One girl walks over and pulls on Ivory's hair]
''Hey Ow...what are you doing? says Ivory
'''s just your hair is so shiny and long...what's your name? says student girl2
''My name is Ivory Masaki and I am on the disciplinary commette and must ask you girls to go back to your dorms now says Ivory
''Oh...we don't want to says Student girl3
We can see what you are trying to do Yuki it's so obvious you're just taken an advantge of the fact your the Headmaster's daughter says Student girl3
''That's not true. I'm from the Disciplinary Committee so I...says Yuki
''Kane...come out says Student Girls
''No you can't do that says Yuki
[She was pushing back the girls as Ivory watches her seeing all the girls were yelling and screaming for the Knight class students to come out she snaps her fingers and the girls were suddenly pushed back by a strong force Yuki stunned looks around at what's doing that Ivory was standing beside her blocking the girls and that she wasn't having differeculty she was surprised]
''Ivory...what's going are the girls being pushed back like this? says Yuki
''Oh...I'm pushing them back with my hands see says Ivory
[Ivory laughs nervously as the doors of the Night Class opens and all the girls then file in a single line making a path in between them so the Night class can walk through. Ivory turns to see all the Night class students and she was stunned at how beautiful they looked she stops pushing them with her mind and turns towards Yuki]
''Who are they? says Ivory
''They are the Night Class students...[sighs as they walk down the walk way all the girls were screaming at a guy in front that has blonde hair] ''That's Aido says Yuki
''Hello Ladies I can hear you loud and clear from the dorm rooms and you are all looking so perky and cute as ever says Aido
''Hanabusa says Akatsuki
''Oh relax you are so stiff Bang!says Aido
[He makes a bang noise and points his finger like a gun at a girl who faints then the girls goes wild runs over to him almost tripping Yuki Ivory helps her up]
''Hey are you okay? says Ivory
''Yes I am fine...thanks Ivory says Yuki
Yuki...[Ivory and Yuki turn to the concerned voice from one of the Night Class students] ''Are you alright? says Kaname
''Oh Kaname yes I'm alright...says Yuki
[Kaname turns to Ivory who was standing behind her he eyes her sensing something about her that she didn't even now he slowly smiles ]
''You must be new I have never seen you here before? says Kaname
''Oh yes I am new I just moved here Last night says Ivory
''[He takes her hand and kisses it not letting his eyes off her she swallows as she gets a powerful sting in her arms she gasps slowly taking her hand back bowing to him]
''Thank you for helping Ms Ivory says Kaname
''You're...welcome says Ivory
''That is what the Disciplinary Committe does says Yuki
[Kaname looks at Yuki smiling at her then at Ivory who was looking at her hand she closes her eyes and then bows to him again and then walks away he watches her.]
''What is wrong with her? says Student Girl2
''She seems so Pale all of a sudden says Student3
[Yuki gasps as Zero comes over to check on Ivory who has stopped still holding her hand]
''Ivory are you alright you seemed pale? says Zero
Um It's nothing just something that I've had since I was a little girl...I sometimes can't touch people it's uncomfortable says Ivory
''I see...[He turns to the Students who were still talking about her] ''You all need to get back to your dorms right now everyday they are all screaming and throwing themselves at the Night Class it's discusting says Zero
''Why are you acting cocky Zero when you're late so stop acting like a jerk it's our job as the Displinerary Committee to set an example says Yuki
''Speak for yourself you are so obvious that you like that guy it's pathetic says Zero
''Hmmm...I need to go says Ivory
[Yuki sees Ivory was walking away fast walking towards the Water fountain Yuki runs after her.]
''What's wrong Ivory? says Yuki
[She sighs as she sits down feeling the cool breeze on her face from the water fountain she looks at her hand from where Kaname touched her when she felt all the girl's emotions which was giving her one of her headaches...]
''It's just...ever since I was a kid I haven't been able to touch people or get near them...I am senstive to other people's touch and when that Kaname person touched my hand...I kind felt dizzy and sick I'm sorry Yuki says Ivory
''No it's least you are telling us that now so we will now and when those girls come around You will just move away...thank you for helping me deal with them today [to Zero] ''Unlike Zero who was late says Yuki
''Will you knock it off Yuki...says Zero
[Zero turns to Ivory who was smiling gently at them] ''This is just going to take me some time to adjust that's when is our patrol duty? says Ivory
''It starts right now says Yuki
[She takes Ivory's hand and pulls her up after her who gasps trying to keep up with the girl she looks at their hands feeling that Yuki has always had feelings towards Zero who has been in her family for years.]
[The Night Class]
[All the Night Class students are sitting at there desks as the teacher tells them all about the new objects called the Blood Tablet]
''The effectiveness of the blood tablet, which the Night class developed and has been excepted world wide You are not just the pride of this school but the entire Vampire realm says Night Class Teacher
''it's not that big of a deal says Kura
''all we did is take part in a group study says Takashi
''I really hate that guy Kiryu who does Zero Kiryu think he is grabbing Dorm President Kuran by the arm like that says Aido
''Oh, you sound like someone in love says Kura
''I'd destroy that Disciplinary Committe member in a second if they just let me says Aido
''Yes but that girl the one that is new...[He licks his lips] ''She was a tasty looking one says Shiki
''Lord Kaname I've noticed that you seem awfully interested in that girl? says Kura
''[Kaname was staring outside seeing the Moon was full] ''Yes I am but there is something interesting about The New Girl as well I think her name was called Ivory Says Kaname
[Ruka sighs irriated as she slams her text book on Aido's hand who was crying out]
''That hurts, that hurts, that hurts Ruka [Aido stands up glaring at Ruka] you wish to die? says Aido
The Moon will soon be covered by the clouds it will be our time...The Night was made for vampires says Kaname
[All the vampires in the room were showing there eyes were glowing red Kaname drinks his red wine as his eyes turn red]
[Cross Academy]
[Ivory, Yuki and Zero are standing before the Headmaster's desk ]
''Why are we doing this? Our duty is to be security guards not be body guards to a bunch of celebrities, headmaster? says Zero
''I know doing this every night is hard on you but...says Headmaster
''If you know that then why don't you increase the number of Discipline Committee for the school all I got is Yuki and she is useless and Ivory who just moved here and became part of this job says Zero
''I am not useless and I don't have to take lip from someone who is late all the time says Yuki
It's our job to keep there secret it's the reason this Academy is divided into the Day class and the Night class for the two to coexist the truth about the night class must be hidden from the day class that is why you as guardian's is so critical that is why you three are the only ones I can trust with this duty [Ivory sighs looking at the Headmaster who's attention was on her she blinks] ''Tell me child how was your first day here? says Headmaster
''It was fine I am still adjusting with everything Yuki and Zero have been a really great help to me says Ivory
''that is good Tonight will be a true test for you child so be careful and good luck if you don't mind I must speak to My son and daughter says Headmaster
''Of course I will be waiting outside says Ivory
[Ivory leaves as the Headmaster watches her then turns to Yuki and Zero who has been watching Ivory leave]
''So you two how has Ivory really been since she arrived? says Headmaster
''Well she is really quiet doesn't say much and she seems to be a good person and smart...she really helped with the crowd today...and you won't believe this Headmaster but I think she somehow moved the crowd with her Mind...I mean I saw her do it says Yuki
[Zero stunned looks at Yuki] ''What? when did this happen? says Zero
''You were late and never got to see it but one moment the girls were all screaming and yelling at the gate and the next the Girls were all moved back and standing still in one place and Ivory was standing with her back to them there really is something about her that is strange says Yuki
''Hmm...I will keep in mind of what you said Yuki...the Masaki Family has always been a secertive family they were a rich family both mother and father were killed in a fire accident...that left the Young Ivory alone in the world lived in a orphange all her life says Headmaster
''Oh that's terrible no wonder she is so withdrawn and quiet says Yuki
''So that is why I need you both to look after Ivory until she is able to do things on her own here says Headmaster
[Night Partol]
[Ivory is walking around the Campus Hallways making sure there is no Day Class students out of bed she continues to look out through the night she sighs leaning against a brick wall as she hears footsteps behind her seeing two Night class students walking around. Ivory stiffens seeing it was Kaname and Ichijo]
''Hello thank you for all your hard work this is your first time here isn't it? says Ichijo
''[She bows] '' is even if it's my first day...says Ivory
''Keep up the good work Ms Ivory tell me do you have a last name says Kaname
[She stiffens and nods] ''Yes it's Masaki Ivory [Kaname's eyes widens as he steps forward she stiffens as his head leans towards her's and he begins sniffing her then he steps back as she does as well.] ''What are you doing? says Ivory
'' have a unigue smell...forgive me Ivory [He walks ahead before stopping turning his gaze back at her narrowing his eyes] ''Till we meet again says Kaname
[She looks at Ichijo confused who was just as confused as well and stunned as he looks at her]
''You said your last name is Masaki? says Ichijo
''It's a last name not really that important says Ivory
''Oh no Ms Ivory it is very important the Masaki Family has been wealthy Aristocrats for thousands of years...[Kaname was staring at Ichico sternly he winces then bows to her] ''Sorry Ivory don't work too hard says Ichijo
[She watches Ichijo walk with Kaname and wondering what was about her last name that stired them both she sighs as she goes about her duty]
[Cross Academy]
[It is morning as Class starts for the Day Class Ivory is sitting at a desk near the window as the Teacher was given his lessons. She turns to see Yuki alseep and that the Teacher was annoyed]
''Yuki! says Teacher
''Yuku...there serving Ginger Stir-fry on the menu today says Yori
''It's time to chow down [Yuki stands up holding her pin up like a fork smiling then it dies as she sees the teacher glaring down at her.] ''Oh says Yuki
''Another Nap? Both you and Kiryu the Disciplinary Committee must be a demanding job says Teacher
[Yuki looks back at Zero who is sleeping behind her with his head laying on the desk. she groans as she turns back to the teacher]
''Oh no...I can handle it says Yuki
[He glares] ''You both have detention says Teacher
'' Yuki[she lays her head on the desk]
''You have it rough, don't you? You didn't return to the dorms until morning then sleep during class...You're like a vampires says Yori
''Huh? do-do you believe there are such things as vampires, Yori? says Yuki
''No of course not says Yori
''Oh me neither haha says Yuki
''Well, hang in there says Yori
[Ivory sighs getting up as the Bell rings placing all her books into her back pack then walks over to Yuki's desk seeing how tired she is]
''it's so boring being here all by myself...with just Zero says Yuki
''Um Zero has already left Yuki says Ivory
''Oh no says Yuki
[It's night time again]
[Ivory is standing around with Yuki and Zero patrolling the grounds to make sure the Night Class and the Day class weren't miss behaving]
...Still looking at Kaname Yuki you are so obvious says Zero
[Ivory looks at Yuki who is glaring at Zero she giggles into her hands then she notices down on the ground two girls from the Day class are outside she sighs then she jumps down from the stone wall and grabs a tree then lands and runs over to them]
''I want your name and class you both now the rules it's dangerous to be walking around at night so go back to your dorms! says Ivory
[One of the girls places her hands on her face looking at her] '''s Ivory we just came to take pictures of the Night Class students can't we just take a few...? Ow...says Student girl
''Are you okay? can you walk? says Girl 2
[Ivory gasps walking over to the students] ''Oh no you're hurt here let me take a look at what's hurting says Ivory
[The Girls watches intrigued as Ivory places her hand on the girl's arm from which it was bleeding and it slowly heals when she senses something and takes out her sword and points it at Akatsuki Kain...and Hanabusa Aido ]
''Night Class Students Akatsuki Kain and Hanabusa Aido...says Student girls
''No need to make a fuss we just came out here because we smelled blood say You are a tasty looking one...says Aido
''Aido...if you lay a finger on the girls, you'll pay dearly? says Ivory
[Aido smiles as he walks toward Ivory touching her hand that was throbbing from the cut on her hand she gasps]
''Did you fall? the sweet smell I am smelling is coming from you...says Aido
[Ivory was stunned looking at her wrist that was cut and bleeding] ''Darn it! when I climbed down that tree...says Ivory
[He smiles pulling on her hand until she falls into his arms she stiffens feeling the energy from him she groans in pain closing her eyes]
''Hmm you are so tasty looking what I would give to sink my fangs into you says Aido
''Aido, don't! Let go of me Aido! says Ivory
''Hanabusa...says Akatashi
''Noo let go of me [She places her hands on Aido's chest and a electric shock enters his chest he gasps taking a step back he stares at her surprised as she looks at her hands in shock] ''What was that? says Ivory
''That is what I like to now...says Aido
[An arm comes around her waist pulling her to stand behind him Zero was glaring at the vampires in front of him]
''Sucking blood on school grounds is strictly forbidden has smelling the blood on Ivory made you lose control vampire says Zero
''Zero...wait hold on says Ivory
''But I've already tasted her says Aido
[Aido flinches as a gun shot went off Ivory gasps seeing Yuki pull Zero's arm away from killing the vampires.]
''You scared me! You can't shoot him, you idiot! says Yuki
''[A Voice spoke behind the vampires Kaname walks out from the building] ''That bloody rose gun will you put that thing away to us vampires, that's very threatening says Kaname
''Kaname...says Yuki
''[Kaname takes a hold of the back of Aido's shirt glaring at him] ''I'll take this fool and we'll wait for the Headmaster's punishment says Kaname
''Dorm President Kuran...says Aido
'' that alright? says Kaname
''Just get them out of here Kuran says Zero
''Akahaski why didn't you stop Aido? You're just as Guilty [to the Dayclass student girls] ''Now then. these two who fainted...[Another girl from the night class jumps down from a tree and places her hand over the girls head taking there memories away] ''I'll have there memories of tonight erased and take them to the headmaster's that okay? says Kaname
''Oh...yes all right. thank you says Yuki
[Kaname looks at Ivory who was standing to the side nursing her arm where the Vampire bit her she had her hand over it and his eyes narrowed seeing a small blue light shining over it. He walks over to her Yuki who was nervous as he passes her to look at Ivory's hand]
''He must have hurt you...may I take a look? says Kaname
[Ivory looks at Kaname and then gasps as he takes her wrist in his hand pulling her to him she was confused as she tries to get her hand back]
'''s okay you don't have too...Ah [He brings her wrist up to his lips and he begins to lick the blood from her all the while he was watching her she closes her eyes in discomfort feeling all the emotions around people she groans pulling away she grabs her arm backing away from him] ''No! please it's alright it was just a small bite says Ivory
Ivory...says Yuki
[Ivory looks at everyone then at Kaname then runs away Kaname watches her licking his lips Yuki looks at him sighing in relief knowing that she wasn't going to be alone in keeping an eye on Ivory]
''Kaname...what is wrong with Ivory? says Yuki
''It seems she is senstive to anyone that touches her...and she also has a gift for healing...says Kaname
[Kaname turns to Yuki seeing Zero was protective of Yuki as he pulls her away]
''What is it about that girl that has you confused Lord Kaname? says Kura
''Ivory is no ordinary girl we must keep an eye on her if we are to find out more about her says Kaname
[Ivory runs all the way back to her dorm room she opens the door then slams it shut she leans against it heavily sliding down the wall until she pulls her knees to her chest then begins to shake she sees the images inside her mind of the night of her parents death]
[10 Years Ago]
[The Mansion was on fire as Ivory who was only 10 years old is screaming for her mother she runs through the halls of the house until she runs downstairs to where the fire was consuming everything when she sees three men dressed in expensive Suits one was standing in front of them and he was there leader he has black hair falling to the back of his neck and he has red eyes and he was glaring down at her parents who were bowing down to him]
''Why are you here Lord Kuran...why are you doing this? says Ivory's Father
''It is to protect our secret which you have done so poorly of You as for the promise of keeping your only child safe from other vampires who will find her blood irresitable...says Kaname
''It was my fault...don't take my wife's life She was only doing what I asked her to do...she needed more blood to keep our daughter from dying says Ivory's father
''No Rorie you can't It's not important to protect me I am the one who broke the laws it is me who should be punished...says Ivory's mother
[Ivory runs down the steps falling into her mom and dad's lap. she was crying]
''Mama...papa what's happening? says Ivory
'' shouldn't be have to run says Ivory's father
''No I won't leave you says Ivory
[Kaname narrows his eyes at the small girl seeing the blue eyes that were filled with sorrow knowing that he couldn't be the one to kill them...He turns to Ivory's mother]
''You will not die by my hands but now this if there are anymore stunts like you pulled I will not hestiate to chop off both your heads...says Kaname
[Suddenly someone appears behind her parents and she was a beautiful woman with long silver hair and red eyes she rises her hands and with a slash her mother's head falls off Ivory screams as her mother's head falls into her hands she backs away as her father turns around to kill the woman but she thrusts her hand through his chest...Kaname is stunned at the blood shed of the Masaki Family he rushes forward and grabs Ivory into his arms she struggles screaming and crying out her parents name]
''NOOO! Mama! Papa says Ivory
[Kaname pulls her face to his chest closing his eyes at such suffering in the girl's eyes placing his hand on her head]
[Ivory's Dorm Room]
[Ivory crying walks to her bed and falls on it rolling into a ball as the pain of the night rushes back losing her parents and who was the one who killed them.]