Chapter 1: Mother Hen Instincts

Angelina Johnson walked up the aisle of the Hogwarts Express, super hungry. She was searching for the Trolley Lady, eager to get some sweets to take back to her compartment shared by twins Fred and George Weasley, the youngest of their family's clan of five kids.

As she turned a corner, she heard shouts and laughter that did not sound friendly. She soon discovered the commotion: a gang of students, new first-years by the looks of them, ganging up on one of their peers.

The authoritative third year took over in Angelina and she leapt right into their midst. "Hey! Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" Here, Angelina's above-average height for her age proved effective, and the boys scampered away nervously. The dark-skinned girl chuckled. Soon-to-be Slytherins, if their temperament was any indication. She then turned to their left-behind victim.

"Are you alright?" She spied a pair of glasses on the floor. "Here, you dropped these." She picked up the glasses and fitted them back to the boy's face, for the first time getting a really good look at him.

He looked to be a first-year himself, with black hair and piercing green eyes. There was also a unique lightning scar on his forehead….

"Oh, you're Harry Potter!" she realized, having heard tales of the child who had defeated Lord Voldemort all those years ago. She helped him to his feet and stuck out her hand. "Angelina Johnson, Gryffindor and Chaser for the house Quidditch Team."

Harry shook her hand with a smile. He was grateful she had saved his life from that Malfoy boy and his crowd, and was also impressed that she did not gawk or treat him any differently upon realizing who he was.

"I was just going to look for the Trolley Lady when I came across you. Whaddasay we look find her together and take the lot back to my compartment?" Angelina offered.

Harry brightened at the prospect. "Hey, thanks."

The two soon found their candy cravings and returned to Angelina's apartment, where Fred and George were waiting. Angelina explained the situation to them, and they both accepted Harry readily.

"Welcome to the club, kid! We've got uniforms!" Fred cracked.

Angelina laughed and slung an arm over Harry's shoulder. "See? You stick with us, and you'll make it through Hogwarts fine."

Harry figured she was right.

That night in the Great Hall, Harry was sorted into Gryffindor. His new-found trio of friends gave a roar of approval and applause as he formally joined them at their table and in their House. Theirs would be the start of a beautiful friendship…..