As soon as Nico arrived outside the Apollo cabin, his confidence wavered. After hearing about their time together, Hazel had assured him that the chances were that Will liked Nico in more than just a platonic way. But now, he wasn't so sure he wanted to risk it. Hazel had asked, "What could go wrong?" But a great many things could go wrong, and Nico's mind was running through all of possibilities. Will might say he viewed Nico as just a friend. He might be disgusted by Nico's feelings toward him. He might answer rudely. He might say he wouldn't want to remain friends. Nico was risking all of these scenarios on the off chance that Will might actually like him back. But he thought there were several problems with this. Nico had seen Will with a girl before, so that made it more likely that he was straight. And even if Will was into guys, why Nico? Will was perfect. Nico was just the weird, friendless kid whose dad was the king of the Underworld. That alone would be enough to scare some people off. He imagined introducing him to Hades. "Hey Dad! How's the Underworld? Any interesting deaths recently? Oh yeah, this is my boyfriend Will." And then Hades threatening him: "Nice to meet you, Will! Prepare to rot in the Fields of Punishment if you ever hurt my son." Yeah, he could see that going well. Peering into the Apollo cabin's window, he saw a few campers, including Kayla, but Will was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps it's for the best, he thought as he quickly turned around and trudged over to his own cabin.

Will was in the infirmary, sitting next to his newly awoken friend. The thirteen-year-old Austin had woken up from his coma late at night, and Will had come immediately upon Kayla calling him. Austin was still fairly weak, but some ambrosia and nectar were sure to help. He had assured Kayla that he would make sure Austin was fine, and sternly told her that she needed to go back to the cabin and get some sleep. Reluctantly she had departed, leaving Will and his cabin mate alone together.

"So what's up?" Austin smiled faintly. "Anything new since I've been out?"

"Not much," Will responded. "Since there's now only a couple days till school starts, all of the classes have been canceled. But then again, they've been unofficially canceled since the battle. The students just weren't showing up, and last week when Chiron tried to have words with us about it at dinner, some of the campers got together and dumped him in the lake as a protest!" Will chuckled in remembrance.

Austin laughed with him. "Wow. Wish I could've been there. How are you doing? Anything new in your life?"

Will's thoughts immediately flashed to Nico. He blushed, then reddened even more as he realized his face had given him away.

"William Solace, are you telling me you like someone?" Austin was now grinning hugely.

As one of his few close friends who knew Will was pansexual, he felt no discomfort in disclosing the information regarding his new crush.

"di Angelo?" Austin's voice was incredulous. "Wow, okay. Do you know if he likes you back?"

"I'm not sure," Will admitted, frustrated.

"You know, I'm pretty sure he's gay," Austin informed him. "There was a rumor going around a while ago that Nico had a crush on Percy Jackson."

Will's heart jumped a bit. It was only a rumor, but that meant he might have a chance! "Okay, wow, um. Sorry Austin, I think I've gotta go!"

Austin's smile was back. "Good luck, Will. Let me know how it goes!"

In that moment, Will was very thankful for his friend. "I missed you. Try to get some rest, okay?"

And then he was off! Will hurried towards the Hades cabin before his newly instilled confidence could have the chance to wear off.

The Hades cabin was easy to recognize, as it was painted all in black, with a skull of what looked like a boar hanging above the door. There was a small porch with a fancy iron railing, and the windows were tinted dark, so Will couldn't tell if Nico was inside or not. Taking a deep breath, he picked up the metal knocker and softly banged it against the door three times. Will was even more nervous than he had been when he had come here previously to formally apologize to Nico for the comment on his scars. After a heartbeat or two, he heard Nico's bed creaking and a sleepy groan that brought a smile to his face, then the sound of a painful thump that most likely meant that Nico had tripped over something. Or fallen off his bed. Or, knowing his friend's clumsiness, probably done both.

When Nico opened the door, Will noticed that he was sporting an angry red mark right below his elbow, which he was rubbing while wincing. His face lit up upon seeing Will standing by his doorway.

"Hey, Will!" he smiled. "I was looking for you earlier but you weren't in your cabin."

"Yeah, Austin woke up from his coma today, so I was busy in the infirmary with him." Will's heart was racing. What should I say? Should I open up with my sexuality? Just straight-up ask him out? Gods. Why didn't I think of a plan beforehand?

Nico grinned again. "Really? That's great! Must be a pretty big relief, huh?"

"Yeah, it really is." Will paused, trying to think of what to say next.

"So, uh, do you wanna come inside?" Nico offered, breaking the silence that had slightly awkward.

Gratefully Will jumped at the offer, and the two boys plopped down onto chairs as the cabin door swung shut.

Will looked appraisingly at the inside of Nico's cabin. The last time he'd been here, it wasn't to admire the décor, but now he was. There were ten bunk beds lining the walls. Nico had claimed the one opposite the door, and hadn't personalized it much, except for a string of old pictures hung up on the wall. Looking at Nico for permission first, which was granted by a tight nod, Will walked over and picked one up. It was of two children, one a girl who appeared to be around 12, with long, dark brown hair and cheerful brown eyes. The other was a young boy with scraggly black tufts of hair sticking up all over the place. They were hugging, with the younger boy beaming at the camera and the girl looking down and smiling fondly at him, and the picture tugged at Will's heart. He turned to Nico, an expression of incredulity on his face.

"Was this you?" Will asked.

Nico answered with a simple "yeah". Will looked at the girl again before the realization dawned.

"And Bianca?" Will had never met her, but he'd heard of her. The daughter of Hades, turned Hunter of Artemis, who had tragically died on a quest, leaving her ten-year-old brother all alone.

Nico closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. "Yeah." Of course it was still a very sore spot, and Will knew it was best to leave it alone.

Will returned to his chair and the two boys sat in silence for a few minutes. Will continued to look around. It must be so lonely, he thought, living in a cabin all alone. How does Nico stand it? He didn't say anything though, not wanting to break the comfortable silence they'd fallen into. It was relaxing just being in Nico's presence, and Will never wanted to leave.

After a while, Nico's rough voice penetrated the quiet. "I was born in the 1930's, you know," he said, almost casually, as if it was something normal that you heard every day. Will had known that Nico had spent some time in the Lotus Hotel when he was younger, but he'd never known the circumstances, or even imagined that it would have been for so long. This meant… seventy years?! Will kept his mouth shut through his shock, not wanting to interrupt Nico for fear he might not continue. Will knew almost nothing of the mysterious di Angelo's past, and he was eager to hear about it and get to know him a bit better.

"Yeah, Venice, 1930's. I never really knew it though. Really, the only memory I have is of my neighbor. When he was thirteen, everyone gathered to watch him be burned at the stake. He was gay." Nico took a breath and met Will's eyes. Will couldn't figure out if Nico was trying to imply something, or if it was nothing. Maybe his hope that Nico was gay was causing him to imagine things. "Sometime after, we moved to Washington D.C., just me, my mom, and my sister." Will felt he could get lost in the murky hazel depths of the two beautifully brown eyes he found staring right at him, but he didn't look away. "Sorry, my past is a bit complicated, I know. It's not happy, though. Would you mind if I continued?" Nico took a deep breath. "I've been thinking, and it's something I'd really like to get off my chest."

Will nodded. "Yes, please, but only if you feel comfortable with it. As a doctor, I do that know talking about stuff generally does make it feel better."

Nico dipped his head in thanks and took a breath. "We were staying at a hotel in D.C. when Zeus killed my mom. He was aiming for me and Bianca, but Hades erected this impenetrable wall of black energy to protect the two of us, and was trying to get to our mother when Zeus's lightning bolt struck. I was eight, and Bianca ten."

Will closed his eyes. He couldn't even imagine what that must have been like. "Nico, I don't know what to say… I'm so sorry."

"Yeah," Nico said gruffly, leaning his head back. "It's not been a happy life for me." His long, pale fingers traced patterns on his forearm, subconsciously brushing over the self-harm scars Will knew lay there.

Nico laughed uncomfortably. "Well, I've started talking, and now I can't stop. I don't know if I want to stop. But while I'm at it, why not say something else too?" He paused, and his gaze grew distant as if he was contemplating telling Will something, or thinking of what to say. Nico brushed his fringe out of his eyes, straightened his back, took a breath, and looked Will squarely in the eyes.

"I'm gay." Nico's gaze didn't drop, his eyes intently studying Will's face to try and glean his reaction.

After a split second, his words sunk in, and a broad grin appeared on Will's face. He couldn't control it, his inner joy was too strong to be contained. "Hi, gay. I'm Will!"

Nico covered his face with his hands. "A dad joke? Seriously? That's how you respond to me coming out – something I've only done to a few people in my life?" Will could tell he was smiling through his hands, though, and Will was too.

Okay, I know he's gay. That means it's possible he returns my feelings… but he might not. He might just consider me a friend, and nothing more than that. Does he like me? Does he like me?

The smile disappeared as Nico began talking again. "Growing up in the thirties, watching other gay people be shunned and killed –people like me— it made me hate myself for what I was. I tried to wish it away, I tried to look at girls instead and to bury away the part of me that was gay." Nico shuddered as if remembering something unpleasant. "It took me so long to come out and accept myself, and Bianca was such a big part of that. It's been hard without her," he admitted.

Before he knew it, Will was out of his chair and standing before Nico, who uncovered his face to find Will's face inches from his, and suddenly they were kissing. Nico stood and cupped his hands around Will's neck to bring him closer while Will tangled his fingers in Nico's hair as their lips pressed against each other's, warm and soft and gentle. Nico was kissing Will back just as desperately as Will was kissing Nico, and when they finally drew apart, gasping for air, they leaned their foreheads against each other and Will rested his arms over the shorter boy's shoulders.

Well, that answers that.