This challenge in this chapter is based on the ARKaeology event.

Episode 11: Some Assembly Required

"Last time on Total Drama ARK," Chris started recapping. "After the campers made an act of betrayal, I decided to punish them by sending them on another Artifact run, this time on an island full of nothing but meat-eaters. Heh-heh, that never stops being funny."

"Scott met an old friend, and when we started leaving the island, our other old friend Scarlett joined in the fun. Too bad she wasn't prepared for the giant ship-eating fish. Ha, ha, ha! In the end though, the Artifact was lost at sea, and the Raptors were forced to take the blame and send someone off. So it was goodbye to Staci and all her tall tales."

"What surprise have I got in store for those kids? Find out now on Total...Drama...ARK!"

Theme Song

Everything seemed peaceful in camp. Jasmine and Sammy were busy collecting berries and vegetables and soon saw Dawn sitting nearby. She was knitting large woolly coats from large piles of brown fur, which they felt curious about.

"Um, Dawn? What're you doing?" Sammy asked the Moonchild.

"Hm? Oh, I'm just making us some coats out of woolly mammoth fur." Dawn calmly answered. "Since Chris may still be planning on sending us to the island's colder region for one of his challenges, I wanted to provide everyone with some form of protection from the cold."

"Where'd you get the mammoth fur?" Jasmine then asked, knowing Dawn's not the kind of person who would kill any living creature.

"Oh, that was easy." Dawn happily waved off. "I was out on the forest at the edge of the ice region, trying to find the right materials for my coats when a migrating head of mammoths appeared. I noticed they were shedding their old coats and thought they'd be perfect. I asked them if I could have them and they politely gave me permission to comb all their old hair off." she explained.

"I feel overjoyed at the thought of being warm in the cold but at the same time disgusted about where your materials came from." Sammy said, caught between said two emotions.

As the three chuckled at that, a sudden foul, green smell suddenly came out of nowhere. The girls caught the scent in their noses and recoiled with disgust, holding their noses to try and block out the smell.

"Crikey! What is that stink?!" Jasmine asked, trying not to gag. "Is it the mammoth hair?"

"No, Jasmine. That's something far worse." Sammy told her. The three looked at the source of the stink: Owen, who was running past them with large green stink-lines on him. Not far behind, Trent, Cody, and Sky were in hot pursuit.

"Did you guys see Owen?" Trent asked his teammates.

"He went that way." Sammy asked while still trying to cover her nose. "But why does he smell so ripe?"

Trent let out a small groan before explaining. "Ever since Chris made us dress up as cavepeople, Owen's been taking the character further by making himself smell like one. And it hasn't been a problem for us until now."

"So now we're trying to give him a bath." Sky told them. "But as you've seen, he's being completely uncooperative."

"Well what are we waiting for?" Jasmine said taking a scrub brush that Cody gave her. Soon all six of them immediately gave chase on Owen.

Owen quickly ran to one edge of the valley to try and lose his pursuers, only for Leshawna and Anne Maria to pop out of the bushes with bath products in their hands. Owen's stink was apparently too much for even the Sabertooths to handle and made them team up with the Raptors to give Owen his bath. A panicked Owen changed his course to the lake, and Jo showed up and used a compact bow to fire metal arrows over his head and land in front of him, helping to corner him.

"I won't do it, guys." Owen defied as everyone from both teams surrounded him.

"It's for your own good, buddy." Trent tried to reason with him.

"Actually, it's for the good of the camp." Amy stated. "Just because we're dressed like cavemen doesn't mean we have to smell like them."

"Cavemen are supposed to smell like this. It's what keeps the predators away." Owen declared. A Dimorphodon landed on his shoulder and gave a small sniff. The little pterosaur gagged in disgust and quickly flew off. "See?"

"While that may try and help prove you're case, I'm not sure that theory is completely true." Cameron disagreed. "Mainly on account of dinosaurs being extinct before humans even existed."

"Besides, doll, our human noses are made to hate bad smells even more." Anne Maria pointed out.

"Actually, I kinda have to side with Owen a little on this one." Shawn then spoke. "Having a bad smell helps make zombies think you're one of them so they'll leave you alone. That's why I rarely take a bath." This only made Jo glare at him before grabbing him by the shoulder strap of his caveman outfit and hurl him over Owen and into the lake, intending to give him a bath too before his stink gets too strong.

"All Right, Tubby. Time for you to join him." Jo then said, ignoring Jasmine's scowl at her for throwing her boyfriend like that. Owen could only dart his eyes around in hopes of finding any way to escape.

While the campers were trying to give Owen a bath, Duncan was in the detention chamber having a conversation with Hawkra. These days serving as Chris' intern lately have made him want to talk with a face from the past. And while his gang and hers have clashed in the past. Duncan and Hawkra had a friendly relationship.

"So how did our respective gangs and the Aqua Jaws end up working for Scarlett Overkill?"

"It started with the Terrorbirds and the Aqua Jaws in our usual turf wars." Hawkra explained. "We were fighting for control over an abandoned park and had already exhausted ourselves. That's when Mr's. Psycho Redhead came in. She was able to convince both Phoenix and Megalodon to work with her, though I didn't really trust a word she said."

"Yeah, and from what I heard from my pals in the Serpentine, they only joined because Scarlett having both your gang and Megs' at her side made them outnumbered." Duncan muttered.

"Duncan, can I ask you something?" Hawkra said. "Do you miss hanging out with your old friends in the Serpentine?"

"Well, yeah." Duncan replied. "From the day I got sent to Juvie I've had them in my thoughts." His mind began to look back to the days he spent as a member of the Serpentine under his alias Basilisk. "Oh man, I had fun times. Trashing shops, dodging the cops, getting into turf wars with your group and the Aqua Jaws. Uh, nothing personal on that I hope."

"Don't worry about it." Hawkra waved off. "Phoenix may be ambitious with her practicing of black magic, but most of us Terrorbirds are good people." The two laughed together at that before a photograph fell out of Hawkra's feathered cape and at Duncan's feet. Picking it up, he saw it was a picture of her dressed in decent clothes and sitting next to Cody.

"Uh, Hawkra? What are you doing sitting next to Cody in this picture?"

"Well, you see..."

Their conversation soon ended when Chris' voice was heard on the megaphone. "All campers to the south gate. It's time for another test of your tolerance to pain. And my personal servant should be there too." he added, with Duncan growling angrily at being called a servant.


Duncan: "Sometimes I wish I was back with the Serpentine."

All of the campers gathered at the south gate, most of them not really wanting to do today's challenge. And by most, I mean all. Chris was just about to open his mouth and say something when his nose picked up a foul odor. The host quickly bent down and coughed out whatever it was he was smelling.

"Okay, what smells so bad?" he asked the campers.

"Owen." Gwen jerked a thumb at said stink factory. "He's taking the role-playing of a caveman a little too far and working to smell like one."

"Hey, I gotta have a layer of stink to keep predators away." Owen said proud, though Cameron was still in doubt of Owen's logic.

"Okay, gross." Chris said in disgust. "While I would like you kids to give Owen his bath, you might need to do that after we're done with today's challenge." he announced, much to the delight of Owen and the chagrin of the other campers. A helicopter soon came into view. "And Brick's arrived just in time for it."

When the copter landed, the military cadet stepped out calmly and greeted his team with a salute. "Private Brick McArthur, back for duty, sir!" he addressed before rejoining his team.

"Glad you're back, soldier, because it's time for today's challenge." Chris told him before getting to telling the teams what said challenge is. "Now I'm sure you kids are tired of life-threatening challenges that almost cost you your lives. Well you don't have to worry. I think you've been punished enough." All the campers breathed sighs of relief from that. "But that won't stop me from sending you back into the jungle." Chris then said to keep them worried.

Chris then pressed a remote button to turn on a TV to help explain the challenge. "Today you'll be hiking around the jungle to find pieces of dinosaur bones and bring them back here to try and assemble a skeleton." A clip was shown of an intern digging his hands in a dirt pile and pulling out a dinosaur bone, then bringing it back to camp to place it on these taxidermy bases." He gestures to the two large pedestals next to each team, one with a blue rim and the other with a red one. "First team to complete their dinosaur skeleton model wins the challenge, and the rights to the McLean Spa Hotel."

"Awesome, a dinosaur digging challenge." Harold said excited.

"I know. The thought of uncovering fossilized remains of dinosaurs that are millions of years old." Cameron said just as excited.

"Chill, you two." Courtney told them. "It's not an expedition, it's a challenge."

"And you're not looking for actual fossils. Those are super fragile." Chris informed them. "You're just looking for plastic replicas I had Chef and Duncan bury all over the island." He then changed the channel to show two piles, each one with a different flag. One had a blue flag and the other had a red one.

"Now, to better help you know which ones belong to which, the blue ones are for the Raptors and the red ones are for the Sabertooths. And be sure to stay away from Scarlett's camp while you're out there." He then pulled out an airhorn. "And...GO!" All the campers immediately ran out the gate to find the bones.

After they left, Chris soon felt curious about something and turned to Duncan and Chef. "Did you guys bury the fake bones and not the real ones we used as visual aid?" he asked. "Because you know we borrowed those from the Smithsonian, and if they get broken, they'll make me pay for it." Chef and Duncan just looked at each other with unsure expressions, not being sure themselves, and just shrugged at the host, much to his annoyance. "Okay, go check and see." he ordered. "And if some of the real fossils are out there and those kids break them, the money need to pay for them is coming out of your paycheck."

"You don't even pay us that much, or at all in my case." Duncan pointed out. Chris just shrugged and walked off, not even reconsidering his statement. Duncan let out a sigh of annoyance and thought back to his friends in the Serpentine. "I wonder if Medusa and her buddies are having it just as bad."

Back at Scarlett's camp, things were looking what the kids would consider bad. The three gangs were nearly finished rebuilding the camp and their army of dinosaur slaves was nearly finished, missing only the Giganotosaurus. Inside the command center, Medusa and Viper were seen at the table enjoying plates of pancakes, bacon and eggs.

"I have to tell you, Medusa, it's things like this that make being with Scarlett more enjoyable." Viper said to her boss and friend.

"We shouldn't get too comfortable, Viper." Medusa said. "Scarlett still wants us out there catching Direbears for whatever scheme she's got planned." That reminder made the mood a little ruined for Viper.

The two soon noticed Scarlett enter the room, accompanied by Megalodon and some of his Aqua Jaws. The redhead had a disapproving look on her face from seeing these two Serpentines sitting at the table eating instead of doing what she ordered them to do.

"Aren't you two supposed to be out catching Direbears?" she asked with a frown.

"Put away your fangs, Scarlett. We were just finishing breakfast before heading out." Medusa countered. "Why don't you guys join us for a while?"

"Actually, I am feeling a little peckish." Megalodon said. Scarlett felt a little hungry too and reluctantly complied. So she sat down and enjoyed some of the pancakes and a few eggs gathered from their farmed dodos.

"You know, I also want you to find any clues to the whereabouts of that Giganotosaurus." Scarlett then told Megalodon. It was a say that made everyone spit out their drinks and cough out their food in shock. They all hadn't forgotten the damage that giant predator caused when they kept him here.

"Are you serious?!" Viper exclaimed. "After what happened after he escaped captivity?!"

"Need I remind you that beast is the most powerful creature on this island?" Scarlett reminded everyone. "Having him could help in the siege to come on Chris' camp. So I want him."

Megalodon felt like he had no choice, knowing he couldn't challenge Scarlett, and reluctantly agreed. "All right, I'll see what I can find to figure out where he went." After the last attack, the Giga moved to a new territory because his old one no longer felt safe.


Out in the jungle, the Raptors were looking for dirt piles that contain dinosaur bones. So far they've found none.

"How hard is it to find a single pile of dirt?" Jo said annoyed. "How wide did those two spread them out?"

"Even paleontologists don't expect the bones to come to them." Cody told her, though Jo didn't look at all satisfied.


Jo: "Okay, I would like to go on record saying I have no interest in being a paleo-whatever. I signed up for this show to win a million dollars, not dig in the dirt for dead lizard bones."

"Let's just find the stupid bones and get this challenge over with." Jo groaned and walked away, seeing the conversation as pointless.

Trent then decided to look around and quietly parted some bushes to see anything without alerting any predators of the kids' presence. When he spotted something, he whispered to everyone to come over and see. "Hey guys, over here." His teammates crept over and took a peek through the bushes. Everyone quietly gasped when they saw a Therizinosaur that was using its scythe-like claws to pull down the branches of a tree so it could dine on the leaves. But what they really gasped about was seeing a dirt pile with a blue flag near its feet: One of their own.

"Well, Jo, you got your wish." Sky pointed out.

"Right." Jo replied back, though a little uneasy from seeing one of their objectives so close to a large creature with razor-sharp claws. She then turned to Cody. "So, Half-Pint, a small recap. Are these things meat-eaters?"

"Well, it's been theorized that this genus started out that way before evolving into plant-eaters." Cody recalled what he learned in school. "And the fact that he's feasting on leaves makes him fall under the latter diet."

"That is true." Dawn joined in. "But his aura tells me his kind is also very territorial. So he won't accept having us anywhere near here, even if it's to collect something that wasn't here from the start."

As the campers continued discussing how they were going to retrieve the bone from the dirt pile, the Therizinosaurus continued happily eating the leaves of trees. Suddenly, the dinosaur stopped when his nose picked up an unknown scent. Whatever it was, it was pretty fowl. This told him there was something in his territory that didn't belong. The beast turned his head left and right, sniffing the air to find the source of the stink. The campers quietly watched as he did this, still perfectly hidden from his sight.

"What do you think he's smelling?" Owen asked his friends, not knowing what it was. Though his teammates already had a good idea, and were greatly worried about it.

The giant dinosaur soon turned around and sniffed around some more. His tracking soon made him look towards the bushes, which the Raptors were hiding in, and gave a low growl and put his clawed hands out, as if ready to attack. He then charged at the bushes as quick as a flash, making the Raptors pop out and scatter to avoid getting sliced. The kids were soon running in all directions in order to get the bone while dodging the claws of the angry Therizinosaurus.

"HOW DID HE EVEN KNOW WE WERE HERE?!" Owen screamed in fright.

"I have a hunch!" Jo replied while glaring at him, noticing the visible stink-lines that came from him.


Jo: "This is exactly what Cameron was trying to tell him about... Whoa, I never thought I'd actually be siding with Pencil Neck on something. Usually I'm one who ignores brainiac advice. Don't tell him I said that."

While everyone was busy trying to avoid getting diced by the Therizino's claws, Sammy saw an opportunity to get to the dirt pile and dig out the dinosaur bone. She quickly ran over to it and shot her hand into it. Feeling around for a bit, she soon felt something and pulled it out; it was the skeleton of a dinosaur's leg.

Happy to have gotten it, she soon glanced at her friend Jasmine. "Jasmine, heads up!" She tossed the bone over to her, and she caught it as she ran. Sammy then went back to dodging the dinosaur's claws.

"Okay, guys, we got what we want." Trent told everyone. "Now let's get out of here!" Everyone didn't even hesitate to make that decision and bolted for the direction of the camp, happy to be getting away from this territorial beast.

Suddenly, the Therizino stepped in between Owen and the rest of the Raptors, glowering down on the large boy. Owen cried in fright and tried darting around him, but the dinosaur proved quicker than him. Seeing no other option, Owen decided to run a different direction and ran westward, the Therizino giving pursuit.

"Owen!" Cody cried out in concern for his teammate. "We gotta do something!"

"Just leave him." Jo dismissed. "He's a goner anyway."

"No way. We don't leave any of our friends behind!" Trent said firmly and turned to Dawn. "Dawn, you think you can sort this out."

"I can try." the Moonchild replied and climbed a nearby tree, walking along a high branch. Grabbing a thick vine, Dawn jumped off the branch and swung through the trees in a manner similar to Tarzan, flying over the Therizinosaur as it kept chasing Owen. Dawn then let go of the vine and landed on her feet between the dinosaur and Owen, the big guy tripping on a root at that moment. The Moonchild turned around to face the incoming dinosaur. Standing fearless, she pit out her hand in a gesture that said to stop. The Therizino instantly stopped running and skidded in the dirt, causing a large dust cloud tho form around him. When it cleared, the beast's face was inches away from Dawn's hand, growling menacingly and glaring down on the two humans.

"We didn't mean to intrude on your home." Dawn spoke softly to the dinosaur. "We only came for the fake bone that was put here."

The Therizinosaur turned to the other Raptors and eyed the bone that was in Jasmine's hands. He knew that he doesn't eat meat and would surely never leave anything like that lying around. Acknowledging their explanation, he softened his tone and growled softly to the Moonchild, as if talking to her. Dawn smiled at this and calmly escorted Owen back to the rest of their team, the dinosaur also returning to feasting on the fruits and berries he was having for lunch.

"All is well, my friends." Dawn told them. "He was only chasing us because he picked up Owen's odor and found it unpleasant." This made everyone glance angrily at Owen, seeing this incident as a way to prove their point earlier today; Owen should've taken a bath. The big guy just blushed with embarrassment from this. Everyone just put it aside for now and started walking back to camp, wanting to do so before the Therizino started attacking them again.

Meanwhile, Courtney and the Sabertooths were looking around Smuggler's Pass for any dirt piles marked for their team. So far they found nothing. The only thing that they found so far was a small herd of Parasaurs grazing on the open fields.

"Well, it looks like this place is clear." Courtney gave up, ready to look elsewhere, only for Cameron to point something out. "I may have to disagree. Look."He pointed outward and everyone saw a dirt pile with their team's color just on the other side of the field.

"Well, that's good." Gwen said, though she was quick to point out something bad after. "But if we just cross the field, we're likely to get attacked by predators with absolutely no form of protection."

As if some good fortune, the trees snapped apart as a herd of sauropod dinosaurs, came and stomped into the field. The campers were completely awestruck at the sight of these majestic giants. They've been her for a few weeks now and still can't stop feeling this way from seeing living, breathing dinosaurs.

"Well, we could walk through the herd to reach the bone." Cameron pointed out. "There are very few predators that are brave enough to try and attack a herd of the largest creatures on Earth."

"You crazy? We could also end up crushed by those things." Anne Maria pointed out. "Ain't no way I'm doin' that." she boldly refused.

However, this didn't stop another teammate from making her change her mind in a way she knew. Eva quickly thrusted her hand into Anne Maria's hair poof and pulled out a can of hairspray. The tan model gasped in shock when the fitness bully hurled it out into the clearing, just inside the sauropod herd with the threat of being crushed.

"Oh, I'll remember this." Anne Maria warned the smirking Eva before running out to retrieve her hairspray. "Lousy Eva makin' me run all the way out here. She probably learned that from Jo." she mumbled while the rest of the team followed her. Soon enough, everyone was walking through the lumbering herd of giants. Anne Maria managed to get her hairspray and applied some to her hair before remembering she was now inside the herd and quickly ran in fear.

nearing the other side of the field, Courtney suddenly halted everyone when she saw brief rustling in the bushes. Then a Carnotaurus burst out of the forest and charged at the herd, his eyes focused on the frightened campers. One of the Brontosaurus saw the predator and quickly reacted by whipping his tail at it, briefly making it jolt back as the sauropod gave a low growl. This didn't stop the Carno as he continued eyeing the kids. This didn't last however when a large Rex came out of the trees and bit down on the Carno's neck, killing it instantly. They saw a saddle on it an realized it was Caesar who saved them, something everyone was happy about.


Gwen: "I'm starting to appreciate Trent and his friends befriending that Rex."

"Well, he showed up at the right time." Leshawna said happily. With the threat over, the kids finally made it to the dirt pile containing one of their dinosaur bones. Eva reached inside and pulled out the bone, which Cameron was able to describe.

"It looks like a leg bone."

"That's one down, who knows how many more to go." Courtney said, feeling a bit bittersweet about her words due to them being somewhat true. She gestured for them to head back to camp and was just about to follow when something caught her eye. deep in the darkness of the trees, she spotted Medusa and Viper riding through on brain-boxed raptors, carrying what looked like snaring tools.

"What could they be up to?"

"Courtney?" she heard Gwen say. "Is there something wrong?"She soon got her answer when she saw the Serpentine in the forest too.

"They're up to something, and it's probably something bad." Courtney said concerned and turned to her teammates. "I'm gonna find out what they're doing and try to stop it. Though I may need some help on that."

"I'll help." Gwen volunteered, as did Cameron, Zoey and Leshawna.

"Thanks, guys." Courtney smiled and turned to Brick. "Brick, you're in charge 'till we get back."

"Sir, yes sir." Brick replied with a salute, much to the chagrin of some of the others, such as Scott, Amy and Eva. Both groups soon parted ways, Brick's group to return the bone t camp and Courtney's to investigate the Serpentine's activities.

Chris was waiting quietly at camp with Duncan and Chef standing with him. They soon saw the Raptors returning with their bone.

"And the Raptors take the lead!" he happily announced. He then saw the Sabertooths coming in with one of their bones. "Scratch that. Both teams are now tied." He soon noticed that not all the members of the Sabertooths wee present. "Uh, what happened to some of your teammates? If they got killed and eaten out there, I'm gonna be so sued by their parents."

"Relax, Chris. They're fine." Brick reassured. "Courtney spotted some of Scarlett's tropes and went off with a few squad members to do some reconnaissance to see what they're up to." he explained. This just made Chris annoyed that the campers were ignoring the challenge again, which the other campers smiled at.


Chris: "Can't these puppets just focus on the challenges I set up for them instead of worrying about Scarlett for once? I expected the Company to get off my back after her base was destroyed. But no, they still think she's a threat and want me to keep her from wrecking their island. Man! A hostman can't even run his show anymore."

"Fine. But the rest of you better keep working on the challenge." the hostman said firmly. Both teams nodded to say est and both split to find more bones. Once they were gone, Chris turned to the camera. "Which team will be the first to complete their dinosaur model? And what schemes is Scarlett up to now that Courtney and her friends are trying to find out? Find out when we return on Total...Drama...ARK!

Out in the forest, Medusa and Viper were riding through, secretly being followed by Courtney and her friends. They soon found themselves stalking them into the redwoods. This made it easier for them to hide whenever Viper or Medusa turned around to look when they felt like they were being followed, which they were.

"Is it just me or do you get the feeling we're being watched?" Viper asked her leader.

"It's not just you, I feel it too." Medusa replied. "It might be some wild predators on the hunt, but part of me's not sure."

"Let's just get the Direbears and get out of here." Viper grunted. "This forest gives me the creeps." Without another word, the two set off to find their quarry. Once they were gone, Courtney and her group came out of hiding, surprised at hearing what they were chasing.

"Direbears? What does Scarlett want with those?" Gwen asked confused.

"Probably to use in her army." Leshawna guessed.

"I don't think so." Cameron disagreed. "Since there are dinosaurs on this island that are more powerful than post-Mesozoic era mammals, it makes little sense for Scarlett to want some in her army."

"Sounds like Scarlett's got something planned that involves these kinds of bears." Zoey thought about this.

"Well, we're not gonna let them get away with it." Courtney declared and gestured for her friends to follow her. "Let's go." Suddenly, a dart came out of nowhere and hit the tree next to Courtney, just in front of her face. Everyone nervously turned to see that it was Viper who fired it, with Medusa and many of the Serpentine at their side.

"I should've known it was you guys." Viper shrugged. "You know, Courtney, I was hoping to bump into you. I wanted us to settle a few things. Now eat darts!" she shot out another dart.

Courtney ducked to dodge the dart and told her teammates, "We gotta get out of here!" That being obvious, the kids quickly made a run for the edge of the redwoods, hoping to give them the slip, Viper and the Serpentine giving pursuit.

"I've heard of man hunts, but chasing people dressed as cavepeople is what I call more of a cave-man hunt. Get it?" Medusa made a small joke to Viper. The two chuckled a little before getting back to firing tranq darts at the campers.

The fleeing campers were finally able to reach the edge of the redwoods and cross the river to escape their pursuers. At the other side of the river, they found refuge in a large crevice and were able to hide before the Serpentine could see them when they made it there too. Believing to have lost them, The Serpentine gave up the chase and regrettably rode back to the redwoods, with Viper being heard muttering "I almost had them" under her breath.

The campers breathed a sigh of relief from finally catching a break from their run, and Courtney turned to her friends. Okay, That went south fast. Now they're gonna be onto us and make it impossible to stop their hunt."

"I guess we should regroup with the rest of our team and get back to Chris' dumb challenge." Gwen grumbled, not really wanting to go back to Chris' show. Courtney sadly nodded in agreement. A thud was heard and everyone saw that it was Leshawna that fell. They all saw that a tranq dart was sticking to her butt.

"This could be a problem." Leshawna said to her friends.


Leshawna: "When I find out which Serpentine punk's the one who tranqed me in the booty, their booty is gonna be mine." she smacked a fist in her open palm.

"It's probably gonna take us a while to at least get you back to camp and out of the reach of wild predators." Courtney grumbled.

"Ooh, tell me you are not saying what I think you're saying!" Leshawna said angrily, Thinking that Courtney was commenting on her weight.

"No! Of course not." Courtney defended. "I'm just saying that with a lot of carnivores around on this island and us having to carry you, it'll be hard to protect ourselves." she explained.

"Not worries. I can handle it." Zoey told everyone. She then walked over to the downed Leshawna and bent down. To everyone's surprise, Zoey was able scoop Leshawna up and drape her over her shoulders. Courtney, Gwen and Cameron had their mouths hanging open, Zoey not even seeing anything wrong with this.

"Are you sure you aren't descended from Amazons?" Gwen jokingly asked her friend. Zoey chuckled a bit at that before telling her friends, "Okay, guys, let's head back to camp." Without another word, the small band started making their way back to camp.

Back at Chris' camp, the host stood waiting for more progress on the challenge, with Chef and Duncan still at his side. Soon enough, both teams made if back here, each one carrying another piece of their respective puzzles.

"And both teams are still tied!" he happily said to the audience. It was at this time that Courtney and her part of the Sabertooth team made it back. "Well, well, look who it is." Chris said annoyed. "How was hunting Scarlett's tail?"

"Very funny, Chris." Courtney said sarcastically. "Maybe if you took Scarlett's threat to us seriously, we'd be rid of her and her band of delinquents by now." she pointed out, which Chris raised an eyebrow at as a way to say that he doesn't care.

While those two were arguing, Zoey went over to the Sabertooths' pedestal and slid Leshawna off her shoulders and laid her on the ground. This did not go unnoticed by Harold, and he gasped in shock and started freaking out over seeing his crush lying on the ground like she was dead.

Leshawna!" he cried as he ran over to where she was. He bent down and picked up one of her seemingly-limp hands. "Oh, why did it have to end like this for you, my luscious goddess?!" he sobbed as he held the hand lovingly.

Leshawna could only chuckle at what she was seeing and calmly reassured her little Romeo. "Relax, sweetie.I'm not dyin'. I just got hit with a small bit of tranquilizer and am gonna be out of the game for a while."

"So we need you to watch over her until she recovers and can rejoin us in the scavenger hunt." Zoey said to Chef and Duncan. "Please?" she asked politely.

The two of them thought about this for a bit 'till Chef answered, "Alright, because you asked nicely." He appreciated Zoey's politeness. Chris on the other hand was annoyed with another camper not participating in the challenge. But knowing there was no point in arguing with these rebellious kids, he just gave a reluctant shrug in response. "Fine."

With that done, the two teams went back into the jungle to see where they could find the rest of their respective skeletons.


The Raptors found a dirt pile near the river that was dangerously close to a sleeping Spinosaurus. Cody tried to sneak over and quietly dig out the bone inside. He was practically done when a loud fart was heard, courtesy of Owen. The noise woke the large dinosaur and he saw Cody standing right next to him. The team wound up being chased along the beach by the Spinosaur.

The Sabertooths found one of theirs near the green obelisk. Eva ripped the bone out of it looking proud of herself. A Troodon suddenly jumped out of the bushes and tried to pounce on her, but Eva just punched it away and the team just left afterwards.

Another of the Raptors' was found in an open plain. They just dug it out when it felt like the place was safe, only for a pack of allosaurs to charge out of the trees and chase them.

The Sabertooths stumbled on one that lay in the old stomping ground of the Giganotosaurus the Raptors met before. Since it all seemed clear of predators, they wasted not time on digging out the bone. But their relief ended when a roaming pack of carnotaurs appeared and chased them down to try and eat them.

"Why does Chris insist on endangering us like this?!" Courtney screamed as she ran.

End of Montage

by this time, both teams have collected nearly all the pieces of their respective skeleton models. They decided to take this time to start putting them together so they can end this challenge quick. For the Raptors, theirs was a type of bipedal dinosaur, presumably a theropod. For the Sabertooths, theirs was a quadruped. Neither of them could figure out exactly what kind they were because the only parts missing were the heads.

"We've come to the tiebreaker, people." Chris said to the audience before turning to the campers. "Now, the final piece of your puzzles will be found in the same place, making it harder to find on the island. But I should warn you, this place is considered the most dangerous spot on the island, and it's not Scarlett's, I assure you."


Gwen: "Right, like everything we haven't run into so far has been anything but."

Sky: "Seriously, Chris doesn't seem to realize that going out there at anytime is practically a danger zone. That's the whole reason the Company built those walls around our camp in the first place; to keep the dangerous animals out and us safe."

The campers didn't feel all that thrilled to go back into the wilderness and risk getting killed again, though Chris wasn't having any of it. "What are you standing around for?" he calmly scolded. "Those skulls aren't gonna collect themselves, you know."

"And those Serpentine punks aren't gonna stop themselves from catching direbears ether." a voice was heard. Everyone looked to see that it was Leshawna, having fully recovered from the effects of the tranquilizers, much to the joy of her teammates.

"Welcome back, Leshawna." Chris sarcastically greeted with a glare. "So glad you could join us after your unexpected break."

"Don't get snippy with me." Leshawna shot back. "That only happened because I got hit with tranquilizers from Scarlett's goons, which we wouldn't have to worry about if you took care of them earlier instead of ignorin' the problem." The others nodded in agreement while Chris just scowled with his arms crossed. Leshawna turned back to her teammates. "So, let's get going." Seeing no reason to argue, most of the Sabertooths shrugged and went back out the gate into the jungle, the Raptors following close behind.

The campers trekked through the wilds, moving leaves that got in their faces and having to sneak past large predators. Of course, the latter was difficult due to Owen's stink being picked up by the dinosaurs' noses, making them have to run for it to avoid getting eaten. This made everyone glare at Owen and groan at why they didn't give him his bath earlier.

The two teams soon parted some bushes and finally spotted what they were looking for. The dirt pile had both teams' flags on it, telling that both their respective skulls were in it. It laid in the middle of a clearing with no signs of dinosaur presence. This confused the kids, since they were expecting something dangerous to be guarding the skulls like Chris told them. Looking like the coast was clear, and now feeling like Chris was just trying to scare them, the campers thought it was okay to grab their respective skulls and get out of here so they could end the challenge.

Suddenly, the ground started shaking under their feet, in a manner similar to thundering footsteps. The snapping of a few tree branches revealed it came from a towering and fearsome apex predator: a Giganotosaurus. The campers all gasped under their breath in fright, for they already knew what this kind of creature was capable of due to past encounters.

"Leave it to Chris to hide these places in the nesting areas of dangerous predators." Courtney groaned in anger. "This is ridiculous! How are we gonna get those skulls without being turned into dino chow?"

"I don't know." Gwen replied, her voice sounding just as angry about the situation. "What I do know is that when this is over, we're gonna give Chris a piece of our mind." All the kinds muttered in agreement to this, feeling that Chris has gone too far this time.

"Right now, we need to think of a plan to get those skulls without him noticin' so we can race back to camp and end this crazy challenge." Leshawna reminded them. "Anyone got one?" Sadly, no one had any good idea they could give out at the moment, much to Leshawna's displeasure. "Not really encouraging, guys."

"We could send out a Parasaur to distract it." Jo suggested.

"Jo, that's cruel!" Dawn protested.

"Well you got a better idea, Tinkerbell?" Jo countered. Of course, no one else dared to go against Dawn and her love of nature, especially since some of them are animal lovers too.

Their planning was soon to end short. At this moment, the large Giganotosaurus suddenly picked up the scent of a foul odor that was in the air. With his sensitive nostrils, it was quite unpleasant for him. The beast sniffed around the field, trying to find the source of the stink.

Owen watched the whole thing through the bushes. "I wonder what he's smelling for." he asked his friends, once again not noticing his visible stink lines that the rest of the campers did, making it clear to them what he was smelling. Things instantly got worse when the Giganotosaurus finally looked in the bushes they were hiding in and found them. The beast gave an angry growl at the intruders, who were beyond frightened.

"AHHHH!" Owen screamed at the top of his lungs. In an instant, all the campers immediately scattered to avoid the snapping jaws of the giant theropod.

"Things are really going downhill from here!" Jo said with her voice full of fear.

"It's much worse for us because this is the same Giganotosaurus we encountered back at the Maw." Dawn pointed out, knowing that because the beast's aura told her so. This just made Jo feel more worried, concerned that this beast may hold a grudge against her for throwing that spear at his face.

"This feels like a bad time, but do you have any idea how we're gonna beat this thing and get out of here alive?" she asked the Moonchild, before face-slapping herself upon realizing she was asking the one person who wouldn't even harm a fly.

Suddenly, B popped out from behind some bushes, startling the jockette. "Jeez, B! Don't scare me like that! I'm not in the mood right now!" she scolded. "What do you even want?" The silent dud pulled out a large piece of paper from his fur jacket and unfolded it to show the two girls what it had. Jo and Dawn both looked at it with interest.

"That might actually work."

The Giganotosaurus had Owen cornered against a tree. The big guy cowered in fear as the giant predator glared down at him. He was just about to snap his jaws at the boy and crush him when a voice called out, "Over here, ya colossal fossil!" The dinosaur turned its head to see it was Jo, who stood behind him with a fearless expression and a spear in hand. "You don't wanna eat that. Trust me, he's too dirty to be appetizing." The large theropod turned back to sniff Owen, recoiling and gagging in disgust.

"Why don't you try me instead." Jo said before turning tail and running. "Hurry, guys! I'll handle this!" she told her teammates as the Giganotosaurus gave pursuit, taking the jockette's taunt as a challenge. Cody and Cameron nodded at each other in agreement and made a dash for the dirt pile to find their respective teams' skulls.

With Jo having the dinosaur's attention, Dawn gave a serious look and gestured to some of the other campers with her, such as Sammy, Jasmine, Scott and Amy. They were all on the backs of pteranodons. The group instantly took off and started circling the giant predator to get his attention off of Jo, while throwing lemon-like fruits to keep him focused on them. Sometimes the kids would fly past the Giga's snapping jaws to taunt him.

"Ha! Take that, you overgrown iguana!" Amy mocked as she threw another fruit at it.

"Amy, we do not use such insults." Dawn scolded, seeing name calling as too far. The mean cheerleader twin just rolled her eyes, not really caring as she insults her sister all the time.

Jo came to a tree and climbed its trunk until she reached a branch that Eva was standing on. The two grabbed a pair of vines and looked at the scene that was taking place, then looking at each other and smirking at what they're going to do next.


Jo: "This challenge has bee one of the most fun so far. I mean, I actually took on a meat eating dinosaur! Sure, we almost got eaten, but the thrill of the fight was still awesome. I'm kinda hoping we get some more action like this every now and again."

The two leaped off the branch and swung over to the dinosaur, letting out a Tarzan yell as they did so. Pretty soon they started maneuvering around the giant beast, getting it tangled in the vines. Eva soon swung herself around its legs, getting it ready for the big fall. Jo went upward and spun around the dinosaur's jaw to prevent his teeth from eating anyone. Finally, the time came. The Giganotosaurus could no longer balance itself with its legs tied up and soon fell to the ground, slipping into unconsciousness on impact. When that was done, the rest of the campers used extra vines to pin him to the ground. They knew this wouldn't hold him, but would keep him down long enough to get out of here.

Jo and Eva landed safely on the ground and caught their breath, with Jo getting up and turning toward the unconscious dinosaur with a friendly smirk. "Better luck next time, Godzilla." she said before getting serious with the other kids. "This isn't gonna hold him long and I don't know how long he'll be out cold. Do Cody and Cameron have those skulls yet?"

"Got 'em." the two said in unison holding out their teams' respective skulls. The Raptors' resembled a Tyrannosaurus and the Sabertooths' resembled a Triceratops. "Now let's get out of here." Cody said fearfully. Everyone wasted no time in running in the direction of camp.

Unfortunately, Sammy didn't look where she was going and accidentally tripped on one of the vines holding down the Giganotosaurus and snapped it. The good cheerleader picked herself up and looked back to see the giant beast open is eyes as it regained consciousness and saw her. Seeing an easy snack, the dinosaur used its strength to push itself up and break free of the vines, using its jaw strength to break the ones around its mouth last.

Jasmine looked back in shock to see the danger her best friend was in. "SAMMY!"

Sammy could only scream in horror as the Giganotosaurus glared down at her with its eyes flaring yellow, believing she was going to die. The dinosaur lunged at her with its jaws open wide, only to be thwarted when a Rex burst out of the trees and violently pushed the larger predator away from the human girl, a Rex they know all too well.

"Thanks, Caesar. I owe you one!" Sammy called out as Jasmine came over to hug her, happy that she was safe.

Caesar managed to push the Giganotosaurus against a spire of rock at the edge of a medium-sized cliff, the beast growling in anger at this. The spire couldn't handle the larger dinosaur's weight and instantly crumbled at the base, sending both it and the Giganotosaurus falling over the cliff and landing on its back with a thump.

The Giganotosaurus rolled itself back on its feet and looked back up the the Rex, both of them glaring at each other. Though due to being exhausted from his fight with the humans and having small pain from the fall, the Giganotosaurus decided to call it quits and started stomping away, in the direction of the cold regions. Caesar gave a mighty roar of victory as his human friends stood with him, grateful for his help.

"Thanks, boy. You earned your bacon for tonight." Cody said petting the dinosaur's leg, Caesar licking his lips at the joy.

"Yeah, thanks for being there when we need you." Gwen said, remembering how he saved them earlier today. "Well, we better get back to camp so we can end this crazy challenge." she then said to the Raptors before she and her team instantly bolted for it. "Last one there gets to send someone home!" she called to them and laughed a little, only for the Sabertooths to feel thundering footsteps and see Caesar dash past them with the Raptors all on his back.

"And the first one gets to sleep in the hotel!" Trent called back in a playful manner.

"Hey, that's cheating!" Amy barked as she the the other Sabertooths desperately tried to catch up, with Sammy calling back in a mocking tone, "All's fair in love and war, at least for you and me. The rest of us is just some friendly competition."

As soon as they left, rustling happened in the background and Megalodon and some of his Aqua Jaws emerged from the bushes. They looked briefly ad the departing campers before turning to the direction the Giganotosaurus went.

"So that's where Scarlett's favorite mount is heading." he said satisfied. "She'll be very happy to hear this." He and his friends turned their raptors around and headed back to their own camp so they could tell Scarlett.

Chris was waiting back at camp with Duncan and Chef at his side. The day was almost over, which was told by the position of the sun, and Chris was starting to feel impatient as he checked his watch to see the time with an angry look.

Everyone suddenly felt the rumble of thundering footsteps and grew concerned. The gate suddenly burst open when Caesar ran in, with the Raptors on his back and the Sabertooths all out of breath as they kept up. In the last stretch of the race, Cody got himself onto Caesar's snout so he could be flung by his tyrannosaur friend and sent straight towards his team's model, safely placing the skull in its proper place on landing, ten seconds before the Sabertooths could reach theirs.

"And we have our winner." Chris happily announced. "The Ravenous Raptors!" Trent's team started cheering with joy, with Trent giving Cody a high-five for his quick thinking. Courtney's team on the other hand was less than amused.

"That's just great." Amy grumbled before angrily snatching the Triceratops skull from Cameron and hurling it at their unfinished model. The whole thing instantly shattered to pieces as a result, much to some of the people's confusion.

"Okay, that confirms it." Duncan said. "Me and Chef looked at the bones we had back in storage and found that the only ones that were the originals were those that belong to the T-rex, while the Triceratops bones were all the plastic replicas. So that means Amy just destroyed museum property." he said with a smile, while Amy dropped her jaw in shock at this.

"Which means I now owe the Smithsonian a large amount of money to pay for said property." Chris angrily growled before returning to his classic smile. "Fortunately, nothing makes me feel better than sending someone from the losing team off the island and out of the competition. And Sabertooths, you're the ones who're gonna present one for me tonight." he told them as he walked off smiling. The Sabertooths could only hang their heads in depression.

Before heading to the elimination ceremony, Courtney decided to call a secret meeting with both teams in the mess hall. She wanted to tell everyone about what she saw the Serpentine doing and what they were looking for.

"So Scarlett has Medusa and Viper looking for direbears?" Cody said with curiosity. "Why would she want those?"

"Yes. As I said before, since the island is populated with more powerful creature like the dinosaurs, it makes little sense for Scarlett to be interested in other creatures like Cenozoic mammals." Cameron lectured.

"Maybe she needs them for something else." Sammy suggested. "Something they're really good at."

"That's a good point." Courtney commented before turning to Duncan, who also attended the meeting. "Do you have any idea what Scarlett's planning, Duncan?"

"Well, as far as I've known Scarlett in Juvie, she's shown to be the kind of dark-hearted witch who never gives up on getting her hands on something she wants." Duncan told them. "I think she's still trying to get her hands on the Artifact of the Devourer."

"But it's at the bottom of the ocean." Sammy pointed out. "How are bears going to help her get it back?"

"Still haven't figured out that piece of the puzzle." Duncan admitted. "But we need to stay on our toes. Scarlett's crafty and never shows any mercy to anyone. So if she's still planning to attack this place, we need to be ready for her. And that's just what I intend to do, no matter what Chris thinks."

Courtney nodded in agreement at that and turned back to the others. "Everyone agree to this?" Everyone who supported her opinion of Scarlett's threat all muttered yes. "Then let's go." she said. Everyone then left the mess hall, though the Sabertooths with sorrowful expressions, since they now had to decide who to vote off next.

It was now nighttime, with the campfire and torches as the only source of light at camp. The Sabertooths sat at the elimination benches while the Raptors sat in the peanut gallery.

Chris came over with a plate of stimberries, which had the single narcoberry on top. "Sabertooths, you guys haven't had a trying day." he said with disappointment in his voice. "Splitting up, juggling priorities, costing me over half my massage budget." the campers just glared and crossed their arms. They were not really in the mood for this tonight.

"Anyway, you've all cast your votes." Chris continued. "When I call your name, you'll receive a stimberry, but one of you will receive the Narcoberry of Loserdom. The caveman..."

"Who receives the Narcoberry of Loserdom is eliminated from the contest and must head to the Crossbow of Shame, get tied to the Arrow of Losers and be shot from the island." Gwen interrupted. "Can't we just get this over with?"

"Yeah, we're all aware of what a bad day we had with almost getting eaten!" Sammy joined in, remembering how she almost got eaten today.

Chris was mildly annoyed. "Fine. Whatever. Spoil the moment." he said. "The following are safe: Scott, Brick, Gwen, Cameron, Eva, Dave, Anne Maria, Harold, Zoey and Amy." The only two left were Leshawna and Courtney, and they both got wide-eyed when they realized this. "That's right, you two. One of you is going home." the hostman mocked. "Courtney for ditching the challenge to spy on Scarlett's goons."

"Hey! You're not gonna take her threat seriously, so we should." Courtney defended.

"And Leshawna for lying down on the job." Chris then said.

"Hey, I was tranquilized!" Leshawna pointed out.

"Eh, I don't look too much into the details." Chris brushed off. "And the Narcoberry of Loserdom goes to..." The drumroll started playing as Chris held the narcoberry out ominously. Courtney and Leshawna could only look with worry, not knowing which of them was going home. Their friends were also worried for them.

"...Courtney!" Chris finally said and tossed the berry to her. Needless to say, Courtney was in complete and utter shock.

"You can't be serious!" Gwen said in protest, though she was worried for both Courtney and Leshawna, both of them being her friends.

"Oh, I'm dead serious." Chris said with a serious glare to prove his point. "What's the point of having a pawn around who won't stick with my own agenda. And there's no force higher than me that can save you in my show, not even the producers or the Company." he said with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.

"Actually, there may be one thing above your authority." Zoey told him, but nervously rubbed her arm as she did due to it coming with a price. Courtney felt just as nervous as she reached behind her back and pulled out none other than the Crown of Invincibility. Everyone gasped in shock.

"You had the crown?!" Amy said in outrage. Courtney could only give an awkward smile to everyone.


Courtney and Zoey snuck into the Spa and made their way to the vault, where Zoey used the key to open it and claim the crown.


Zoey: "Me and Courtney decided to share the crown to help us and our friends avoid elimination as much as possible so we could keep focusing on dealing with Scarlett at the same time as competing in challenges. It felt like a good idea."

"Well, this is an unexpected twist." Chris said, still surprised. "But you do know that if you use it, then Leshawna will be the one going home instead." he then pointed out. The two could only look at each other with unhappy eyes. "What's it gonna be, Courtney? Will you use it to save your own skin and have Leshawna exiled, or accept your elimination and hand leadership to someone else?"

Courtney glanced at the crown in her hands and then to Leshawna, and did so back and forth for a bit. While she felt like she needed to take responsibility for leading the campers against Scarlett, since Chris has shown to have no interest in taking care of it, she also felt that Leshawna was a valuable ally in this conflict. This decision left her conflicted. "On one hand she would be leaving her friends behind. On the other she would be sending away one of said friends who could be of big help, one who her friend Gwen was also close to.

After putting much thought into it, Courtney finally decided and let out a sad sigh. "Chris, I've decided to accept my elimination and step down as team leader." she told the hostman, much to his delight but everyone else's shock.

"Courtney, what're you doing?" Gwen tried to protest. But Courtney wasn't having any of it.

"I'm doing what feels like the right thing to do." she told her friend. "Leaving the one who's most capable of helping you guys beat Scarlett." She looked at her medallion with sorrowful eyes and removed it from her neck, then hand both it and the crown to Leshawna. "You're in charge now." Courtney then sadly walked away, leaving everyone at a loss for words, mostly Leshawna.

Courtney didn't get very far when a hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. "Not so fast, girl. You ain't goin' anywhere!" Leshawna sternly told her, Courtney feeling confused about it.

"What're you doing? You're ruining it!" Chris scolded her.

"Butt out, Chris!" Leshawna shot back and turned back to Courtney. "Look, I'll admit I've had a hard time trustin' you lately due to what's happened in the past." she told her. "But from the start of this season since you became leader, you showed that you care more about keepin' everyone alive than winning some dumb million dollars."

"Well, yeah. Especially since none of us even asked to be pulled back into this second-rate show again." Courtney shrugged. "Chris forced us."

"True." Leshawna shrugged back. "But my point is that you've proven how much you've matured since we last saw each other. And you think I can do a better job at protecting everyone than you? Girl, the way I see it, you're the one they need more than me. Plus, you got some stuff to sort out with Viper, remember?"

Courtney thought about this for a bit, then turned to face the others. In her own team, Gwen and those she also made friends with gave supporting smiles, while the rest like Amy just scowled, not really caring. Even some of the members of the Raptor team smiled in agreement, such as Trent, Dawn, Jasmine, and even Owen.

Seeing all this support from her friends made Courtney feel warmth in her heart, making her smile and leak tears from her eyes. She was finally being trusted by them. Leshawna then put the medallion back on her neck and handed her back the crown. She then turned to Chris.

"Chris, after some thought, I decided to change my mind and use the crown to protect myself from elimination."

The hostman just shrugged in response. "Fine by me, 'cause I don't really care which of you goes."

Courtney then turned back to Leshawna with a sad look. "I wished you could stick around to still help us with Scarlett.

"Don't worry 'bout it, girl." Leshawna simply waved off. "I'll still try to help out from the Aftermath studio. I'm sure Bridget and Geoff won't just sit around and let that crazy redhead run around on the island to cause trouble. I'll still give all the help you need." All her friends thanked her for that. With her peace spoken, Leshawna walked calmly away without any complaint.

Owen then got out of the peanut gallery, looking nervous about something. "Well, this has been an epic day." he said to his friends. "I'm sure beat. I think I'll hit the sack now." He turned to leave, but didn't get far when Jo's hand grabbed him by the shoulder. She wasn't dumb, she could see that Owen was trying to avoid getting a bath again.

"Nice try, big guy." she said in a serious tone. "But we have some unfinished business to attend to." Owen cringed with nervousness from that.

The scene instantly switched to show Owen sitting in a tub, being scrubbed down by Sammy, Jasmine, and even Cody. Jo was shown overseeing the task. Owen however, was not enjoying being forcibly washed and cried in protest.

"Oh mercy! Oh, the humanity!"

"Make sure you get behind his ears too." Jo instructed. "I think I saw a bird or prehistoric proto-bird fly out there." She then grabbed Shawn by his caveman outfit. "As for you..." She wasted no time in dragging him off to give him his own bath, ignoring his protests and explanations that his stench keeps zombies away.

After the scrub-off was finished, everyone on both teams went over to the Crossbow of Shame to see Leshawna off. Leshawna was already tied to the Arrow of Losers and ready to be fired.

"I'll never forget you!" Herold cried out in sobs.

"I'll be okay, sweetie." Leshawna reassured him. "You just remember to stand up for yourself, 'kay? And I'll try and help from the sidelines anyway I can." she told the rest of the kids. "I'll be rutting for you all the way too, ya hear me? You guys kick Scarlett's butt!" The campers all cheered at that.

Feeling like Leshawna said her peace, Chris pulled the trigger and sent her flying over the horizon. "And with that, the show says goodbye to its queen of sass." he said to the audience. "What crazy stunts await our players in the future? Who knows? You'll just have to find out next time, on Total...Drama...ARK!" The mood was quickly ruined by Harold's continued sobbing, much to Chris' annoyance. "Seriously, dude, get over it."

So now Leshawna is gone and the campers are getting onto how dangerous Scarlett really is. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the reviews and I'll see you next time.

If you still haven't figured out how Scarlett plans to retrieve the Artifact of the Devourer, look into ARK's wiki to help put the pieces together.