AN: Yes the dreaded author's note… I'll keep this short. This is my first time writing for the Arrow or Constantine fandoms, so please be patient with me. Oliver may seem OC, but since I'm diverging from Arrow, I think I can have a bit of liberty with him.

Disclaimer: No I don't own any of the characters within this story. I'm just taking Constantine out on a test ride because someone thought it was a good idea to cancel his show.

Picks up after the Arrow/Constantine crossover "Haunted". Would recommend watching it considering I just jumped straight to dialogue, but not necessary.

Chapter One



"What's going on here Oliver?" Constantine asked, dark eyes peering knowingly at the tall vigilante. "The hairs on the back of me neck have been standing up since I stepped foot in this crummy ol' town".

Oliver shuffled his feet awkwardly, trying to avoid eye contact with the deceptively slight man before him. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about, John," he started hesitantly. "This isn't the end of my favor, I need you to do one more thing for me and it's not small."

"What, and you thought what I just did was small?" Constantine shot back incredulously. "Hate to break it to you mate, but there's very few magicians who could have restituted* a soul like that."

"John, please," Oliver started.

"No," Constantine cut off firmly. "I'm sorry mate, but my debt's paid. Any other time, maybe I'd help you out but I've got problems of my own. With the rising darkness, I don't have time to take up yours as well." The demonologist turned his back, hands buried deep in his pockets, clearly with every intention of walking away. However he stopped outside the elevator, not done with his rant just yet. "I only agreed to help you now because I owed you and you seemed desperate. And never let it be said that John Constantine doesn't pay his debts. But don't get greedy with me Oliver, I don't have patience for that sort of none sense".

"It has to do with Damien Dark."

Constantine froze then swore vehemently.

" So, you've heard of him then?" Oliver asked softly.

There was a pregnant pause, then Constantine spun around completely, trench coat billowing out behind him. "Of course I've bloody 'eard of him," the Exorcist growled as he stalked past Oliver. "Every magician worth his salt knows of him, and those that wish to live know better than to get involved with him."

"Please John, we need your help. No matter what I do, he's always one step ahead of me. He's playing by a set of rules I don't even understand. I can't defeat him like this."

"I'm sorry mate, truly I am, but this," Constantine gestures around him. "Star City, Damien Dark… None of this is my concern, it's not my fight. There's bigger things afoot and I've got much bigger fish to fry."

Oliver shook his head emphatically and locked eyes with the exorcist. "No, John, you don't understand. Dark's plans are bigger than just Star City, he plans to destroy the world. He sees humanity as an evil scourge upon the Earth that must be wiped out. He intends to start civilization over again with his "genesis" program. There are no bigger fish to fry. If you don't help us stop Dark, there will be no one left for you to save. All the sacrifices we've made, all the people we've saved, it will mean nothing. Those who gave their lives for us because they believed in what we are doing, they will have died for nothing."

Silence fell over the room in a thick blanket after Oliver's impassioned speech. Fighting the overwhelming urge to look away, Oliver continued the strange starring battle that had taken resistance between the two men. Finally, Constantine's eyes shifted away from Oliver's and he sighed. "Cor blimey, you've really gotten yourself in a situation here, haven't you?"

"I'm sorry, its like you said, this isn't your fight. But I don't have a choice. The only way to defeat magic is -"

"With magic, yeah I know the bloody saying." Constantine spat out, angrily lighting a cigarette in agitation and pacing furiously.

Oliver watched the Brit closely, but despite the theatrics, Constantine was surprisingly hard to read. Well, it's now or never, Oliver thought to himself. With bated breath, he laid his cards on the table. "So will you help us?"

Constantine heaved a mighty sigh and hunched his shoulders up with, what, deliberation? Annoyance? Dread? Oliver shook his head slightly, he was really having a hard time reading the damned demonologist. Before he had time to really ponder the question, Constantine shook his shoulders and straighten, shooting Oliver a look. "Well it's not like I've got much of a choice, now do I?" he asked with a sardonic smirk.

"So you'll help us then?" Oliver smiled, unable and frankly unwilling to hide the relief in his voice. So what if he was coming off a little desperate, Oliver pondered. He was desperate, and now certainly wasn't the time to worry about his pride.

"Aye mate, I'll help you,' Constantine answered despondently, glancing around the room as if it was the last time he'd see it. Suddenly, a smirk struck his lips and Constantine's eye light with a dark humor. "Just know that if we somehow manage to wiggle out of this one alive, you'll be the one owing me a favor, eh? I've got a reputation to maintain, can't have people thinking they can rent me out for free like some poor prostitute, now can I?"

Slightly unnerved by the sudden change in behavior, Oliver could only nod.

"Good. Well in that case, glad to be on board mate. Now I suppose it's time to meet those lovely birds you call a team. Honestly Oliver, if you had told me you had such a sweet setup, I would have offered up my services ages ago." With another enigmatic smirk, the exorcist brushed past the silent vigilante and meandered his way up the stairs.

As Oliver watched the demonologist saunter up the stairs back to the main level of the lair, looking far too much like the proverbial cat about to finally get the cream, he felt a sense of dread wash over him. Oliver merely clenched his jaw at the foreboding feeling; while he had every respect for Constantine's talents in the mystical arts after their encounter on the island, Oliver was all too aware that he didn't really know the exorcist at all. Constantine may turn out to be their salvation or he may very well end up the death of them all. Yet somehow, Oliver had the feeling Constantine wouldn't be so black and white. Team Arrow was in for a rough ride ahead, and Oliver could only hope he made the right decision bringing the trench coated Brit on board.

Suddenly Oliver heard indignant shouting coming from upstairs.

Of course, Olivier thought helplessly as he made his way up the stairs to defuse whatever situation Constantine had already started, we might save Dark the trouble and destroy ourselves first.

*Ok not a real word, but Constantine called the spell a "restitutionism" so I'm stumped

AN: Drop me a review, let me know what you thought. I'm not confident in either of these fandoms, hence why this chapter is so short. Consider this a test run of sorts. Reviews keep me writing though, so let's hear it.

Cheers and thanks for reading! Hope it wasn't too rough.