AN: Oh~, now this is fascinating...

So, out of another fit of creativity...ness..that's a word right? I'm going to be making a Dishonored/Naruto crossover to honor the release and return of one of my favorite video game franchises. This takes place after whatever will happen in Dishonored 2 Low Chaos, 'cause that's apparently canon. I'm going to be deliberately ambiguous when it comes to Emily but just assume that she goes low chaos and stuff.

Also, even though I said that I finally understood honorifics in my other story The Trickster: Heir to the Other, I won't use the -san honorific because to me, well it seems to repeat a lot and my fingers are already hurting quite a bit.

Hope you enjoy and tell me if I should continue...

Disclaimer: I own neither of these two franchises. Though what would I give to bear the Mark of the Outsider...

Right, Curtains up!

Chapter 1

Fall into the Abyss...

~Konohagakure no Sato, The Forest of Death~

The Forest of Death. A place where the whole of nature is warped around death, even the animals and plants. Sounds fun, don't it? And currently, the second part of the Chuunin Exams was taking place here. Simple enough, each team had a certain scroll and had to find the counterpart. However, for a certain team, things were going dangerously downhill. Which team? Lucky Number 7. Ironic innit?

~With Team 7~

Naruto screamed in pain as the disguised Orochimaru slammed a Five-Point Seal into his stomach. The 'kunoichi' sneered as 'she' threw him off the branch. His two teammates looked on in horror. The boy had been annoying yes, but he didn't deserve to die! The pinkette shrieked. "NARUTO!"

The said boy panicked as he fell, the new battle above him dimming as he fell. His entire life flashed before his eyes. No! I can't die here! I still have things to do! The faces of his friends popped up in his mind. The Konoha 12, Konohamaru and his little corps, Iruka, and the old Sandaime. I still need to become Hokage and prove all those moron villagers wrong! Suddenly, Hinata's face flashed in his mind. In that exact moment, the reason why Hinata did all the things that she did near him hit him like cold hard stone. He had someone that cared for him? His resolve hardened. When I get out of here, I'll figure it out for sure.

But then, something strange happened. If anyone were to look where Naruto would have fallen, the still falling boy vanished in a puff of glowing white-blue smoke.

~Meanwhile with our blonde protagonist~

Naruto really didn't know what was going on anymore. First, he was falling down the forest floor. Then, all of a sudden, the entire place and background changed. Everything became slightly lighter, a light of unknown origin shining everywhere, though everything still seemed to be shrouded in dark mist. As he fell backwards, he could see that gravity seemed to act strangely. Huge chunks of the ground were just frozen in the air, unmoving. Other objects just lay about suspended around him: a scroll, a candelabra, a coatrack-was that a whale?! Naruto's eyes widened as he flipped over, now falling forwards. He really wished that hadn't happened 'cause now he finally understood the phrase 'gaze into the abyss and the abyss will gaze back into you.'

What lay before him was a section of earth floating beside a smoky black chasm. A chasm that he was falling into! He flailed his arms around, screaming as he fell past the chunk of earth beside the chasm. Imagine his surprise when somehow his fall was arrested. He panted, gasping for breath as he peered down into the depths of the abyss. He then noticed that something was gripping his wrist, holding him up and stopping him from falling. Looking up to see his savior, he gasped.

It was a young man wearing a brown high-collared jacket, and blue pants tucked into black boots. The man had quite an intimidating figure, even though was pretty thin. He had greasy black hair and a very pale, angular face. But, what seemed most intriguing and frightening was the figure's eyes. They were completely, totally, pitch black. There was no pupil or iris. The sclera in those eyes was pure never-ending black just like the inky black auric tendrils that twisted and waved around him. He was also floating above the ground. The lips of the man parted in a look of interested and amused confusion as his eyes narrowed in the same manner.

"Well now, what have we here?" (AN: Recognize this intro from anywhere?)

~A few minutes before, the Void~

"This place is the end of all things. And the beginning."(1) The whispers fluttered across the barren and mystifying realm of the Void, snuffing out a lone candle that lay suspended in the air. Suddenly, that candle disappeared, only to reappear elsewhere in this world. "Someday, this place shall devour all the lights in the sky."

"The one who walks here is all things. Cradle songs of comfort and bones gnawed by teeth." The next whisper floated across the Void before it suddenly vanished upon touching the figure of a young man. This man was in fact, not a man at all. He was the Outsider. Of course he had other names but that was the most well-known. Some said he was Nephalem, half-devil and half-angel, neither good nor evil. But this was not true. In fact, only he knew the truth about him. And currently, the Outsider was, to be put bluntly, bored. He floated along a pretty large section of earth that lay next to an abyss. He sighed. "All of time is meaningless here. Neither seconds nor centuries." The Great Leviathan looked around at his domain. How long had it been since he'd had some fun? Someone to gift and watch as they used his power? Since he'd tried out an experiment? Years? Millennia? The Outsider didn't really know. He sighed again. He wouldn't have admitted it, but for once, he felt genuinely sad and for a very human-ish reason. He missed the Empire. He missed the days before the Great Cataclysm.

The Outsider let his mind travel back to the early days after that little disaster. Apparently, some stupid follower of his decided to detonate a bunch of runes through a strange ritual. The explosion actually opened a hole in the world into the Void. The world was forever changed at that moment.

The planet began to reshape. The Empire became no more and Pandyssia shattered. The world became a place of "war from the shadows," as Daud and Corvo had taken to calling it. Yes the two were still alive(sort of) and with him in the Void along with Emily and Jessamine too, after much pleading from Corvo. The Whaler gang was also there, with Daud. But never mind that. What somewhat ticked the Outsider off was that all his runes had been destroyed, but he paid that no mind. The survivors of the Cataclysm came out from where they'd hid and set up the feudal system. The Void energy that remained combined with the living beings' energy and their genetics. Finally, one man with quite a lot of that new energy in his eyes mastered its use and taught it to everyone else. What did they call him? The Rikudo Sennin or Sage of Six Paths was it? Yes, that's it, and he named that energy chakra.

While he'd enjoyed watching the man surprise him by teaching others not to fight with this power but to pursue peace, he didn't get the same kick out of it. The Outsider paused near the edge of the cliff. He'd thought he heard something. He wasn't wrong.

"AAAAAHH!" Hmm? The Outsider looked to where the supposed screaming was coming from. It was a blonde-haired boy in a horrendous orange jumpsuit. The Void entity raised an eyebrow. This was actually new. While Emily had quite literally fallen into the Void once, the Outsider had actively drawn her in. This time it seemed that the Void had decided to take matters into its own hands for its current inhabitant.(2) He quickly reached out and grabbed the boy's hand as he fell past the patch of ground where the man floated, much like he had when Emily fell. Almost immediately, he felt a strange familiarity with the child, along with a bit of similarity.

The Leviathan pursed his lips in an amused smile as the child looked up at him with cerulean eyes. "Well now, what do we have here?"


Okay, Naruto could officially say that this was the strangest day he'd ever had. The strange man had now set him down in front of him and was regarding him closely, which was quite creepy considering his eyes were pure black.

"Umm, thanks for saving me." No answer. "Okaaay then, where are we anyway?"

The man responded in monotone, yet slightly dazed voice. "This is my domain. I suppose it has many names. The Abyss, the Howling (AN: Reference!), but I mainly prefer the Void, as does it."

The blonde blinked. "It likes that name? You mean this place is alive?" The ground beneath gave a brief shudder, as if saying 'yes I'm alive.'

Suddenly, the man's face contorted in rage. The Outsider was enraged, the air around him raging and roiling with dark energy. Out of curiosity, the entity had taken a look through the boy's past, and what he saw reawakened that little part of him that remained of that little boy outcast he'd been before he became the Outsider. And with it came a little guilt as well as rage and sympathy. "Kurama, is that you?" The Outsider said to himself.

Naruto heard a loud shout in his mind. "FATHER?!"


Not long after the Sage had died, the Outsider had grown bored again, so as an experiment of confronting humanity with powerful beings, he created nine great beasts, with tails to denote their power. The Bijuu. He combined chakra with pure Void energy to create them. He then sent them out, wondering what humanity would do. And just as he'd thought, they'd tried to harness the Bijuus powers for themselves. How disappointing.

-Flashback End-

But now, now the Outsider felt more of a kinship for this boy than he had with the lonely Rat Boy all those centuries along with a guilt for condemning both his creations and this child to the same fate he'd suffered as an outcast before becoming a Void God. The Leviathan waved a hand. Suddenly, Naruto felt a quick, sharp pain that passed as quickly as it came. "Finally, some fresh air!" Naruto stiffened and turned, recognizing the voice. The Kyuubi sat there on his haunches nearby.

He whirled back to the Outsider. "Why the hell did you do that?! Who the hell are you anyway?!"

The Outsider tilted his head. "Well for one thing, he's my son and I needed to talk with him. And as for who I am, well, my name has long since been lost to humanity. A long, long time ago, hundreds of people worshipped me, and they called me, the Outsider.."

Naruto's eyes widened, "You're the Kyuubi's dad?!"

The Outsider shrugged. "I am the father of all the Bijuu. But never mind that. You interest me, Naruto Uzumaki."

Again, Naruto's eyes widened. "H-how do you know my name?"

"The same way I know your name, the name of your friends and rivals, the same way I know your Hokages' names and the name of the woman who threw you out of her orphanage." The Outsider replied in a vague dramatic manner.

Here the Kyuubi decided to enter the conversation. "Hi dad!" The Kyuubi yipped happily as he nuzzled the Outsider's hand. The Outsider acknowledged him for a moment, "Yes hello Kurama. I know it's been awhile but I need to talk to Naruto for a while."

Kurama thought for a second, before nodding and sitting next to Naruto. The Outsider could tell that the fox had something to say to the boy.

~Naruto and the Kyuubi~

The red-orange fox looked at Naruto. "Kit, I just wanted to say sorry for being such a jerk when we met in the past."

Naruto blinked. The 'all-powerful' Kyuubi was saying sorry to him? "Why'd you act like that anyway?"

The Fox grinned sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head with his claws. "Well, you sort woke me up from my sleep. Of course I'd be a bit grumpy! Name's Kurama by the way."

Naruto nodded. Made sense. "Alright then, Kurama, why did you attack the village anyway?" Kurama mimed zipping his mouth shut. "Can't tell you yet."

The boy sighed exasperatedly and the Outsider chose to enter the conversation. "Now then, as I was saying, you interest me, Naruto Uzumaki. An entire village, the very one you've sworn to protect no less, despises you and would like no better than to snuff you out like a candle. In fact, they've already tried that. And yet, you persevere, determined to survive. And now, in the days to come, you shall play a pivotal role."

Kurama's vulpine features went slack with shock. He knew where this going.

"And to make things interesting, I give you this," the Outsider gestured to Naruto's left hand. Naruto stiffened and grimaced as the back of his hand seared with pain. Looking down, the boy noticed that a strange symbol was being seared onto his skin. He clenched his hand into a fist, waiting for the pain to subside. It did, and with that relief, came a feeling of pure power, greater than anything he'd ever felt. Even the Kyuubi's power paled in comparison! The Outsider continued, "my Mark. There are great forces in the world and beyond the world, that men call 'magic' and now, these forces shall serve your will."

Naruto gaped as did the Fox. In fact, Kurama was so shocked that he literally poofed back into the cage in Naruto's mindscape. "W-what's the catch?"

The Outsider shook his head, "There are no catches here. How you use what I have given you, falls to you, as it has for many others before you, though usually you would have to find my runes to gain and upgrade your powers. Unfortunately, the Great Cataclysm destroyed them all, though my bone charms are still intact. I will simply give all the powers you shall have now and teachers to help you learn and such."

The boy grinned with stars in his eyes. "Really?! What powers do I get?! Huh?! Huh?! HUH?!" Naruto asked loudly, getting creepily closer to the Outsider's face with each 'huh.' The Outsider simply backed away a little, his face just barely giving away his feelings of being uncomfortable.

The Outsider continued. "Anyway, with your shadow clones and determination, you should be able to finish your new training in about a year or so."

Naruto's eyes filled with fear."WHAT?! I can't stay here for a year! What about my friends?!"

The Outsider spoke reassuringly, "Don't worry about that. In the Void, time is meaningless. You could train here for centuries and if you went back, it could've just been a second that passed. You won't age, but you will reap the benefits that your training as sown."

Naruto pondered over this, before nodding. "Alright. But you never said what powers I got." The Outsider got a tiny little sweatdrop, before he straightened up.

"Your powers are mixture of the powers that these three have, with a few upgrades." The Outsider elaborated as he waved a hand. Three people appeared beside him, two men and a woman.

The woman, around 25, groaned. "Really? What could you want now? I was in the middle of a game of hide-and-seek with dad! And I was winning!"

One of the other men, who was probably 50 years or so old with grey stubble and sunken eyes like a hawk, smiled. "Now now Emily, our old friend probably has need of us for a reason."

The last person, who appeared to be 60 or so years old and had a scars all over his face, frowned and spoke in a gravelly voice. "What do you want anyway?"

The Outsider smirked. "I'm giving you three a student of sorts." The Void entity gestured to where Naruto stood.

Blink. Blink, blink. "What/What/CUUUUUUTE!"

~One long explanation later~

After the Outsider explained the situation involving Naruto and the Fox to the newcomers, all three were immensely disturbed. The newly-named Emily scowled angrily, the furious expression marring her otherwise pretty face. The other two men, whose names were Corvo (AN: Just so you know, Corvo's in his original outfit) and Daud, were angered to a lesser extent because they were weary and knowing of the cruel world, both having been betrayed (twice in Corvo's circumstances).

Naruto simply bowed his head in shame as the three looked at him. "You all can leave if you want. You don't have to train me."

A hand laid itself on the boy's shoulder, reassuring and rough. Naruto looked up at the hand that lay on his shoulder, following it to the man's scarred face. Daud's face.

The weary assassin's voice was very gravelly. "Kid, I've had quite a bad life as well, seen kids and people who've had worse than me. And I trained them. For years, I held together a shadowy band of ex-mercenaries, street kids, and refugees through discipline and a bit of black magic. They became one of the most feared and respected gangs in the Empire. In a way, they still are."

Corvo grinned lightly. "I can attest to that." Naruto scrunched up his face in confusion. "The Empire?"

The Outsider sighed, unsurprised. "Here." The Leviathan unceremoniously placed a finger on Naruto's forehead and tranferred the entire history of the world before and during the Great Cataclysm. The blonde jinchuuriki winced as the torrent of information slammed into his head. After the wave had subsided, Naruto looked up with bright eyes. "Whoa."

Corvo chuckled. "Whoa, indeed," the old Royal Protector stepped forward. "I've had a pretty bad life too. I had to fight hard in the streets of my hometown. And when I finally became a high-ranked person, I was betrayed. Twice. And Emily here," he gestured to the young woman who still had an angered expression on her face, "she was the heir to the Empire's throne and she was usurped. Of course she got it back."

Emily snapped out of her angered daze. "Sorry about that. It's true by the way, me being usurped. I had to unravel a conspiracy as well. And after my mother died I had a bit of trouble as well." Suddenly, her face turned bright and happy. "And how could I hate someone who looks so cute!" She squealed as she enveloped Naruto in a crushing hug. "Can't...breathe. Need...air!" The Former empress quickly let go, still smiling away at the blonde.

Naruto looked at them all. "So...does this mean that you guys'll train me?"

The three looked at each other before nodding as one. Naruto grinned. "Bring it on!"

~Timeskip: One Year Later, the Void~

The cliff that the Outsider had met his newest chosen one was still there, even though the Void tended to shift things around here and there. And on that cliff, stood a blonde boy with cerulean eyes looking out into the vast expanse of the Howling Abyss as one of the tentacled whales that the Outsider was so fond of floated along. The boy's name?...Who else?

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. The boy had changed a lot during his time in the Void. He had grown quite a bit, rivaling Shino in height and all that fat from so much ramen becoming pure lean muscle. The Outsider's mark burned brightly on his gloved left hand, leaking Void energy. He was technically still 12 years old, though now he had the mind of a 13 year-old and don't even get him started on his level of knowledge. His whisker marks stood out proudly on his face. His eyes shone a bright blue, the mischief that lay there still remained, only now power and knowledge had joined it. But the energy within had been tamed, reflecting the calm and calculating mind within and now Naruto could switch between being playful and mischevious to cold and business-like in a fraction of a second, thanks to Corvo and Daud. The whiskered blonde now wore what looked like a mix between Emily's, Corvo's, and Daud's outfits with a distinctive Naruto-esque twist.

He wore a silvery armor vest, black pants, black gloves, and brown, steel-toed boots. Over the vest he wore a long vest/coat down to his calves, which was very similar to Corvo's, except the where the parts of the Lord Protector's coat were gold, such as the buttons, they were black and the rest of the coat was red. The inside of the coat also had a lining similar to Emily's outfit, but it was a moderately shiny orange. It also had a hood large and wide enough to obscure one's identity. This coat was the brain-child of Naruto's three main teachers as a gift, with a little bit of Void magic from the Outsider. The coat was resistant to wear-and-tear, would grow with the wearer, and could manipulate the shadows around it by absorbing light. On top of that vest-coat, Naruto wore a belt across his waist and another belt across his chest, the latter for any bone charms that the Outsider said he would find and for various types of ammunition.

And as for Naruto's Void powers, he quickly discovered that he'd gained almost all of his three teachers' powers, from Corvo's Devouring Swarm and Windblast to Daud's Pull and Void Gaze/Dark Vision to even Emily's Shadow Walk and Mesmerize all with certain upgrades. For example, Naruto's Windblast was more like a blast of gravity that could be supercharged with elemental chakra and his Devouring Swarm expanded past plague rats and blood flies to foxes and the creatures of the deep that the Outsider held dominion over, though the latter would be more difficult. Of course he did have his favorites though, Blink being prime among them (AN: This is Daud's blink, only Naruto vanishes in a flare of red and a swirl of ash). He found it to be very similar to his father's way of teleporting and attacking. His other favorites included, Void Gaze, Pull, Windblast, and Bend Time the latter of which he could use to speed up, slow, or completely stop time as he wished. The interesting thing was that the three assassins couldn't really chain their abilities together. Naruto, however, could due to Kurama's existence as a massive mixture of Void energy and chakra. This enabled Naruto to use Void powers much faster and more efficiently than them (3), teleporting around them like his father the Yondaime had against his enemies.

Speaking of the Yondaime, turns out that he was Naruto's father...okay then. The Void, being some sort of Purgatory for spirits (the Void was very complicated apparently) allowed Naruto to meet his parents, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. And after clocking his dad in the head, Naruto forgave the ex-Hokage for sealing the Kyuubi inside him. The family had spent a day or two catching up and the blonde jinchuuriki was most definitely sad to see them go and Minato gave him the scroll for the Rasengan as a final consolation for Naruto. The boy mastered it in a week.

Naruto stiffened for a second, before whirling around to catch a gloved fist streaking towards his head. He smirked. "You'll have to try better than that Daud-sensei." The scarred assassin smiled. "And you need to keep your guard up."

The boy's smirk widened as he vanished in a Blink, just as Corvo tried to grab him in a Tyvian chokehold. "I did." Daud and Corvo looked up at Naruto, who was perched atop a nearby bookshelf that was passing by.

The rival assassins grinned. Their protégé had turned out exceedingly well. When they got Naruto as their shared apprentice, the three decided that each would be teaching some things in particular. Corvo taught him hand-to-hand combat (which Naruto had combined with his own style, creating the Senkouken (Translation:Flash Fist) because it was used best when combined with Naruto's Blink) and swordfighting because he was the master fighter amongst them, Daud taught him stealth, espionage, and assassination with his Whalers (though there wasn't much to teach to a kid who could paint an entire monument while dressed in a kill-me orange jumpsuit without anyone noticing at all), Emily taught him diplomacy and manners (the Outsider and any other deity knew he needed a basic idea of them), and all three taught him the use of his powers.

Daud really didn't see how anyone didn't want to teach someone like Naruto. Kid was a prodigy among prodigies, especially with the use of his shadow clones. When Naruto hid himself, Daud could've sent out every Whaler on hand and they still couldn't have found him. And as for Corvo's training, Naruto was much like him. A natural swordfighter. In about a month of having his clones spar, Naruto was capable of fending off Emily, who had originally learnt from Corvo, and another month or so later, he was perfectly capable of taking on Corvo and Daud simultaneously and defeating them. In fact, Daud was actually thinking of entrusting leadership of the Whalers to Naruto, under a new name and if the Outsider allowed it.

Emily really didn't teach him much other than manners, diplomacy, and her side of his powers. Really it was just an excuse for Emily to bond with the boy. And they did. Naruto and Emily became close, almost like a brother-sister duo. They were both pranksters, they had both been betrayed at least once, and, well, they both had the same mentality. Emily was also planning on asking the Outsider if she could return to the real world with Naruto. She didn't want to lose her little bro.

But enough of that.

The two assassins kept grinning as Naruto blinked back to where they stood. Suddenly, a dark rope latched onto the edge of the cliff, a lithe figure shooting upwards. Naruto's grin grew wider as the figure landed next to him. "Hi Emily nee-chan!"

The former Empress smiled as she wrapped the boy in a hug. "Hi Naruto!"

At that moment, the Outsider appeared. "It is time, Naruto." The Void deity smirked. "Now that your teachers have finished your training. You shall be sent back to your world...but first a few gifts I believe?"

Corvo walked over to Naruto. "Naruto, I've got three gifts for you. The first gift is this." The Royal Protector pulled it out. His famous skull mask. "You know, what this is, don't you?"

The blonde nodded. Corvo continued. "I've got a spare in case I need it, so I gave this one to the Outsider," he said smirking a little, "and now it can do this." And with that, he pushed the mask onto Naruto's face.

The mask instantly sublimated, becoming a dark, shadowy mist. The mist quickly coalesced around Naruto's face, bending and altering itself to fit better. Finally, the mask became solid. Emily gasped.

The mask had changed. The once-grey metal was now a pure midnight black with the golden rivets and wires now colored a bloody carmine. The eyes of the mask were now slanted, giving a vulpine look. The mouth of the mask had shifted slightly into a grin that only a man lost to madness would give, enhanced by the vulpine eyes to give the visage of a mad kitsune and shinigami combined. The Outsider quickly summoned up a mirror to show Naruto the altered mask.

Naruto grinned, before he got an idea. He drew in a breath and roared loudly, startling almost everyone. And to everyone's, save the Outsider's, surprise, the mask's mouth turned back into that shadowy mist, only this time, the mist partially solidified into jaws in the position of a roar, before shifting back to its original form.

The Outsider smirked slightly. "I have imbued the mask with magic similar to that in your coat. It can now shift and alter itself as you see fit, considering that it is made out of the Void's shadows. The mask can also zoom in telescopically if you channel chakra to the lenses. Now, picture the mask retracting into your skin."

The boy did so, and as he did, the mask sublimated again, swirling into a spot on the side of Naruto's neck. That spot shifted into a tattoo of a skull. "Cool gift right?" Corvo asked.

Naruto grinned. "Wicked! But what were the other gifts?" Corvo smiled. "Hold on now. The second gift is this," the hawk-eyed man pulled out his Retractable Blade (4), which he had used against Naruto in spars. He twirled the hilt in his hand and the blade sprung out of the center to its full length, the claws around it opening. "Again, I had a spare made. And I give it to you." He dexterously flipped the sword and handed it to Naruto.

The Kyuubi jinchuuriki took the hilt, grinning madly as he did. Suddenly, a column of red energy surrounded the sword. The column dissipated, leaving a sight that made everyone grin. The sword was now black with a blood red edge (AN:Picture Genji Shimada's sword edge design from Overwatch combined with Corvo's sword). On a hunch, Naruto channeled chakra through the blade. The blade's red edge glowed brighter and dark smoke began to rise up around it. Naruto smiled inwardly. Looks like the old fox outdid himself this time.

Ah yes. The 'old fox' could've been considered Naruto's fourth teacher. For while Naruto slept, Kurama would teach Naruto chakra control and various other shinobi techniques, eventually teaching him various jutsus that he'd seen over the ages.

Also, Kurama had taken notice to the seal on Naruto's gut (once they'd gotten rid of the Five-Point Seal). Particularly the function to absorb all of his chakra to eventually kill him. However, Kurama was pure Void energy. So he wouldn't die. However, with that failed function came a strange side effect. The Kyuubi could overload his chakra coils with his energy. This would give Naruto an extreme power boost. The boy could supercharge his Void powers and stronger jutsus. Though the more power Naruto took from Kurama, the most uninhibited Naruto became. Currently, Naruto could only draw up to two tails worth of power.

Corvo finally reached into his jacket and pulled out his final gift. "This is a copy of my own pistol, upgraded all those times by dear old Piero. And I give it to you." He handed the pistol/revolver to his student, who reverently took it and holstered it away. "Thanks, Corvo-sensei." Corvo nodded in approval.

Corvo turned to his rival. "I believe you have a few gifts of your own, Daud?"

Daud stepped forward, disassembling his wristbow from his arm. "I have two gifts for ya kid. One is this," he held up his wristbow, "my wristbow, should prove useful eh?" The assassin smirked at his disciple, who grinned in return. Daud quickly showed Naruto how to fasten the bow onto his wrist before readying himself to give his other gift.

Smirking, Daud made the gesture the Mark required to summon his Whalers. The assassin gang appeared around them, ash spiraling around each individual. "What have you need of us, Master?" The Whalers' second-in-command Thomas spoke. Daud stood up straight, exuding an aura of command. "Men, I know that I have been your master and leader in all those tough times. But now, it is time that I pass the mantle onto someone else, to do with ye as he sees fit!" Daud turned to Naruto, both of their Marks burning brightly. "Your new leader shall be Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock as every set of eyes turned to him in anticipation of what he would do. Daud continued. "Naruto, do you accept this title?"

The said Voidwalker looked up with pure determination. "I accept!" He said as student and teacher clapped their Marked hands together in an 'urban' handshake, the Marks burning a bright gold.

Naruto's new subordinates all felt a slight itching sensation on their hands as the torch was passed for leader of the Whaler gang and the blonde's lesser powers settled on them through Arcane Bond.

Teacher and apprentice released each other, grinning as they did. "Well, now the Whalers'll need a new name kid. What's their gang name now?" Daud asked curiously.

Naruto just grinned mischevously. "When I had that mask on, Daud-sensei, what did I look like?"

The assassin didn't even hesitate. "Death."

The boy's grin widened. "Then I am Death...and these are my Reapers." The Outsider smirked as he waved a hand. Instantly, the gas masks that the newly named Reapers wore became more akin to a bird's skull painted greyish black (AN: Plague Doctor mask).

The Deity kept smirking. "Consider this one of my gifts, Naruto."

Naruto nodded at the two. "Thanks guys." Daud just chuckled.

"Give those fools in your village hell, kid." The scarred assassin stepped back, allowing Emily to come forward.

Emily smiled sadly. "Naruto, we've bonded so much, like brothers and sisters do. But now you're going're like the brother I never had." Her smile then turned teasing. "Which is why I'm coming with you!"

Naruto instantly paled in shock. "WHAT?!" Everyone watched amusedly as the blonde Voidwalker struggled to compose himself. "B-b-but what about everything you have here?!"

Emily shrugged. "I don't have anything tying me down here." Naruto deadpanned.

"What about your dad?" Emily just shrugged again.

Naruto looked over at Corvo. "Aren't you going to try and talk her out of this?" Corvo grinned nervously.

"Trust me. I know not to get in her way when she's made up her mind. She's like her mother in that way. Dear Jessamine broke my jaw..." Emily had to stifle a snicker.

The blonde pondered over the idea in his head. Emily grabbed his hand and looked into the boy's cerulean eyes. "Let me come back with you...little brother." Naruto blinked, before grinning. "Then what sort of otouto would I be if I tried to stop you, nee-chan? Thanks."

Finally, Naruto turned to the Outsider, who kept watching with amusement shining in his dark black eyes. "I have a parting gift for you as well Naruto. I am not omniscient as many would have you believe, but I do have little glimpses of the futures to come. I don't know what path you will take, but I can see that your descendants will almost be as interesting as you. So, I have made your Mark into what your kind calls a Kekkei Genkai. You currently possess the fully awakened version. The first level of the Mark is a single, randomly selected active power. Sometimes one might get two powers or three at max, but generally at least one power. They will however, have all the passive powers. The way to get to your level, is simple." Here, the Outsider smirked in anticipation. "They would need to catch my attention or contact me."

Naruto blinked very quickly. "You do know how hard that is right?" After the Outsider nodded, Naruto shook his head, muttering about 'stupid deities who wouldn't answer the bloody phone.' Nevertheless, Naruto thanked the Outsider.

The Outsider opened a portal on the edge of the cliff, before turning to Naruto, the pools of pitch black betraying nothing of what was within. "Know this, Naruto. Know that when you step through that doorway, I will be watching you, with great interest. There have been very few who have ever borne my Mark and you are the first in a long time to bear it. When I look at you, I see so many paths that you may take and destinies that will be changed. I have given you my Mark, but the real question here is...what shall you give? What sort of Mark will you leave on this world...Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze?"

And with that lingering question, the Great Leviathan vanished.

Naruto sighed, staring into the dark depths of the portal. Let's shake things up now, shall we?

The blonde stepped through the portal, followed by Emily with all her worldly possessions (though only the Outsider knew how she managed to get them all together without anyone noticing) and the Reapers.

~Where Naruto fell, the Forest of Death~

In a warp of ash and red light, the Voidwalking group appeared in an area familiar to their leader (more or less). Naruto grinned as he activated Void Gaze. The Void whispered an unknown language as his eyes turned into pools of pure darkness, similar to those of the Outsider. Those pools widened as he caught sight of his teammates' chakras and that they were being attacked by some team (5).

He smirked just a little, Emily doing so as well, as he summoned his mask to his face and flipped up his hood. The ex-empress pulled up her facemask and, as one, the whole band drew their blades (brother and sister twirling their Retractable Swords to their full lengths) and took to the trees, Naruto and his Reapers blinking through while Emily grappled along using Far Reach. All the while, the Outsider, true to his word, watched with dark eyes shining in fascination.

"What sort of Mark will you leave on this wretched world?"

AN: Wow that took a while.

So this is another long-term project for me to work on alongside The Trickster. Who knows? I might do crossover chapters...oh my.

(1) These are actually descriptions of the Void from the game, as can be heard literally from Jessamine's heart.

(2) The Outsider is in fact one of many Void deities. These deities come into being and eventually faded away.

(3) Usually in the game, those who had Void powers only had a finite pool of energy to draw on, and thus couldn't use their abilities in quick succession. Naruto, however, has immensely higher Void energy reserves due to Kurama's existence as a half-chakra, half-Void entity and would be able to chain his abilities together in a much more fluid and powerful manner.

(4) The Retractable Blade is different and much more versatile than Corvo's original Folding Blade. The Retractable Blade can be folded up completely, can be let out a little to make it into a dagger, or can be extended to its full length. A similar blade belongs to Emily.

(5) I thought up this version of Void Gaze by combining it with Naruto's Dark Vision in MothBallz's Dance with the Devil. I have also drawn inspiration for Naruto's mask from the same story.

And that does it for this chapter! R&R if you want me to continue and if you have any questions!
