
New story? Indeed.

I hope you enjoy this new story because I personally love high school stories!

So here we go…




Everyone in the cafeteria stopped talking and eating and turned to look at the cafeteria doors as a tall, slim girl with midnight blue hair strolled in followed by a middle-aged brunette teacher with a scowl on her almost wrinkled face.

"I AM GOING TO EAT MY ICE CREAM WHENEVER THE BLOODY HELL I WANT TO MS ROBERTA!" the girl with the blue hair yelled as she stormed into the now silent cafeteria with a bowl of ice cream in her hand.

"Musa stop running," Ms. Roberta growled making it quite audible for the students to hear.

"It's called fast walking Ms. Roberta," She grinned as she speed walked away from her with the teacher panting behind her.

"Don't you try acting smart with me!" She snapped.

"Who said I was trying?" The blue haired girl snapped back now climbing on top of the lunch table next to mine in attempt of getting away from Ms. Roberta, "Hello, how are you!" She smiled at the group of boys sitting on the table that were looking at her in awe, before turning around and laughing as she saw the teacher nearing her, "Well, it was nice meeting you all," She grinned as she jumped off the lunch table and walked to the other side of the room as she stuck a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. The boys on the table just gaped at her, their cheeks flushing a pale pink.

Ms. Roberta looked horrified at the blue haired chick's act of movement; freezing next to the particular lunch table with her hands on her hips and her scowl transforming into a look of astonishment. I mean, who would blame her though? Looking at the expressions on every other students faces, I don't think I could spot one with an almost straight face. It's not every day that a random new kid gets chased by a Math's teacher for eating a bowl of ice cream is it?

The middle-aged teacher quickly ran around the lunch table and walked towards her.

"Don't make me give you a detention on the first day of you being here!" Ms. Roberta threatened.

The girl rolled her eyes and slowed her pace, turning around to face the woman and then turning back around and picked up her pace; "Really? You're going to detain me for eating…at lunch time?"

Ms. Roberta froze and her eyebrows wrinkled together. "Well, I mean, umm, yes," she frowned; "Our school doesn't agree with eating such unhealthy foods, we'd prefer if you were eating a salad of some sort, besides you are a female at the age where self-consciousness and body issues must be inevitable,"
The girl stopped walking and the Math's teacher let out a sigh of relief as her pants went at pace.

The girl with the blue hair turned around and looked at the almost dying teacher with a slightly amused expression.

"Are you saying you think I'm fat?" She asked gesturing to herself with her right eyebrow raised.

No one said anything as we looked her up and down and then turned to the now blushing female teacher.

"Well I suppose you do look quite fit and healthy," Ms. Roberta muttered.

Yeah you got that fucking right. The girl – who I've now come to realization is named Musa – was super fit. She was basically bikini model slim but with a little bit more in the specific places where it's need if you know what I mean.

"But in order to maintain that fit and healthy body you should seriously consider not eating food containing a bunch load of calories," Ms. Roberta pointed out.

"You should consider not judging someone else's diet as it does not concern you," The girl -ahem, Musa - shrugged putting another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth.

"Oh snap," I heard someone mutter as I grinned.

Who was this chick?

"Musa Melody, you are making it very difficult for me to not hand you a detention slip right now," Ms. Roberta hissed.

Musa sighed and walked over to the trashcans; "Do you really want me to throw this perfectly good bowl of ice cream knowing that someone out there would kill to have it?"
Ms. Roberta clenched her fists and sighed, "I have a feeling you and I are going to be seeing a lot of each other, and I can't say either of us will enjoy it," She narrowed her eyes at the now smirking new girl before walking out the cafeteria.

Musa grinned triumphantly to herself as she walked to an empty table.

"Musa Melody I am truly appalled by your behavior,"

The new girl stopped walking and rolled her eyes, "And I, Flora Linphea, couldn't care any less," she turned around and a grin plastered across her face when she saw 2 female figures walking into the cafeteria. 2 figures that I apparently couldn't familiarize with.

"Already got yourself almost in trouble I see, nothing new," the other figure laughed.

"What can I say? Teachers adore me," She smirked as all 3 girls sat down on the empty lunch table.

"Oh. My. Fuck. I think I'm in love," I heard a 15 year old boy - sitting on the table across from me – sigh, clutching his heart.

The whole cafeteria soon erupted into their own conversations and there was no doubt that it was all revolving around the 3 new girls sitting at the complete end of the large cafeteria hall.

"Who the hell are they?" Brandon – one of my best friends – asked as we all turned around to face each other.

"Well we know the blue haired chick is Musa Melody, and I'm assuming the brunette is Flora Linphea because of the direct speech Musa aimed at her containing that specific name," Timmy – another one of my best friends – spoke for the rest of us. We nodded in agreement.

"And we're yet to find out who the blonde is," Sky – Another best friend - mentioned.

"And the other 3 walking into the cafeteria," Nabu – yet another best friend - commented nodding his head towards the cafeteria doors. We, among several others, turned to look and there indeed be 3 other females (looking just as attractive) walking towards the rest of the 'new girls'.

"You know what? Who needs school? Let's skive," One of them – the one with the dark brown hair - muttered to the rest as she crossed her arms around her chest and sat down.

The other 5 girls rolled their eyes and shook their heads as they – those that were still standing - sat down.

"It's only been 2 hours," The blonde grinned.

"I know! And I already hate it!" The dark brown haired girl groaned.

"Aye!" The rest chorused, nodding.

They just began chatting amongst themselves as everyone else proceeded into not eavesdropping in on their conversation.

"Oh My Gosh! There you are! We've been looking for you for ages!"
I inwardly groaned as I recognized the voice.

"Well not long enough," Helia – the last one of my 5 best friend's – muttered so only us boys could hear; causing us to snicker.

"We've been here all this time love," I shrugged as I turned to look at my current girlfriend whom I loved 'ever so much', as she took her seat next to me.

"Oh My God girls! Check their fugly outfits!" Scarlett – Brandon's current girlfriend – gagged quite loudly as the 6 new girls walked towards our table in the attempt of going to the lunch queue.

"Oh My God girls! Look at how we don't give a shit!" The blonde one amongst the 6 mimicked making the rest of her friends burst out laughing as they walked past our table and joined the lunch line.

I saw Brandon bite his lip as a grin played on his lips and I did the same because I got a glare from my girlfriend when a slight snicker escaped from my mouth.

"Ugh, who are those freaks?" Teresa - Timmy's girlfriend – sneered as she leaned her elbows on the lunch table.

"Just a bunch of nobodies, I think I'm going to have fun messing around with them," Malia – my girlfriend – scoffed a small smirk appearing on her lips causing the boys and I to roll our eyes.

"Do you really think tormenting other beings is a good idea?" Helia asked.

"Of course! It's fun! Show 'em who's boss," Freya – Helia's girlfriend – winked at her friends.

The boys and I frowned at each other before turning to look at the 6 girls again.

"Oh come on guys!" Lana – Nabu's girlfriend – sighed, "We'll just show them who not to mess with, get them aware that we're in charge!"

I scrunched my nose in disgust at how gruesome that sounded.

Really, I don't know why we put up with them.

"Come on girls, let's go," Bailey – Sky's girlfriend – grinned as she stood up, "We won't be long,"

The rest of the girls stood up and walked towards the mentioned lunch table as of which the new girls were to be seated in. The 6 new girls were walking back to their table, while laughing at some unknown thing and the boys and I watched in dismay as they approached their table and were confronted by our girlfriends.

"It's their first day and the most we could do is traumatize them by letting our girlfriends give them a few 'warning tips'" Nabu sighed as he held his head in his hands in shame.

"Poor girls, they'll just become like the rest of the students in this school; afraid. They'll act like timid, mouse-ish creatures in front of us making it hard to hold a conversation – and I don't know about you guys, but I really do want to converse with those 6," Sky frowned.

the 6 girls (THE WINX) walked towards their table as 6 other girls walked up to them with scornful grins plastered on their caked up faces.

They stood in front of The Winx with their arms crossed making the 6 new girls stare at them in confusion.

The approach of the 6 unknown girls brought a bunch of attention towards the 12 making The Winx's curiosity grow.

"Ummmmmm, can we help you?" Flora - a 17 year old teenager with long, waist length honey brown hair and golden tanned skin – asked softly as her and her friends put their lunch trays down on the table.

"We just came over here to introduce ourselves," Freya answered innocently causing the 6 boys on the nearby table to exchange surprised yet mildly confused looks.

The Winx's facial expressions changed from that of curiosity into smiles.

"Well; I'm Stella, this is Layla, Bloom, Flora, Tecna and Musa," Stella – a 17 year old teenager with long, waist length golden blonde hair - smiled pointing to her friends.

"No. that's not the introduction we came here for," Scarlett snorted.

"Oh? Well then what kind of introduction did you come here for?" Tecna – a soon to be 17 year old teenager with short, shoulder length purple hair - asked raising her eyebrows into a questioning expression.

"We just came here to inform you girls and get you aware of the fact that - we, rule this school, everyone knows us. And everyone is scared of us," Lana sneered.

"I'm not doubting the whole scaring part," Layla muttered causing the rest of The Winx to giggle.

"We're being serious! We rule these hallways of Oakdale High," Malia snapped.

"Oh but of course! How could we be so oblivious and negligent? I mean we only got here 2 hours ago, how silly of us to retort to concentrating on our studies and adapting to this school than actually finding out who rules the school. It's our up most honor to be associating with the rulers of the hallways we walk in." Musa – a 17 year old teenager with long, waist length midnight blue hair and soft white skin – smiled sarcastically as she and the other members of The Winx slightly bowed down taking the 6 other – still unknown – females aback.
Musa's sarcasm caused chuckles to go around the cafeteria which made the 6 unknown girls quite annoyed.

"Now, if you don't mind; we'd absolutely love to know the names of the so called rulers of this school," Bloom – a 16 year old teenager with long, waist length fiery red hair and slightly tanned skin – said acrimoniously, rolling her eyes and standing up straight.

"I'm Bailey; this is Malia, Lana, Freya, Scarlett and Teresa," Bailey muttered scowling at Bloom.

"Well, now that we've properly introduced ourselves to each other, do you mind letting us eat in peace?" Flora asked pointing to her lunch tray.

"Whatever," Freya scoffed as the 6 girls sashayed away, heading back to their boyfriends.

"I think we just met our new enemies," Layla smirked as the Winx sat down to eat their now cold lunch in the remaining 5 minutes they had left until lunch was over.

"I'll say, and I have a good mind I want to put them in their place, so that they know "who's really boss", I think they'll be a bit despondent when they realize it's not them…or anyone at that matter," Tecna grinned as she and the rest waved their hands at the 6 girls that were scowling at them from their table.

The boys sitting on the table looked shocked.

"I definitely did not expect that," Teresa pouted as she sat down next to Timmy.

"I don't like they're attitudes; they're so going to regret opening their egoistic mouths," Scarlett growled as she stole a celery stick from Brandon's tray.

"Who do they even think they are? Using big words like that," Freya frowned.
"They probably made it up," Bailey muttered.

"Or it could be from their alien languages – because you know, their aliens," Malia grinned causing the 5 girls to snort in laughter.

The boys threw Malia a look of disgust at her lack of ability to insult another being, but Malia was to oblivious at the look the boys were giving her as she was too busy doubling over with laughter.

Then the lunch bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria stood up and began piling out the hall.

"What do you girls have?" Bloom asked as she and her friends picked up their empty lunch trays and discarded them in the escalator type thing that took plates into the kitchen.

"I don't know, I haven't opened the package the principal gave us yet," Stella shrugged. The rest nodded and they walked towards their lunch table.

"Let's open it together?" Tecna asked as all 6 girls took out a brown envelope from their bags.

They tore open the seal at the top and fished inside for the bunch of papers.

"What period are we in now?" Flora asked as she examined the pile of papers in her hands.

"5th," Musa said as she unfolded a paper with the word 'Timetable' at the top in bold letters, "I've got Mr. Thomason now and Ms. Heathers next,"
"I've got Mr. Alex now and Miss. Jason next," Layla remarked
"Oh me too!" Bloom cheered as she and Layla high-5-ed.

"I've got Ms. Hollister now and Mr. Arnold next," Stella announced.

"Same," Tecna nodded, the 2 girls grinned at each other.

"And I have the same teachers as Musa, I guess that means we're in the same classes for these 2 periods?" Flora asked as she put the papers back in the envelope and into her bag.

The girls nodded before heading out the cafeteria.

"Doesn't this school have a dress code?" Flora asked all of a sudden causing Musa to look at her with an eyebrow raised.

Musa quickly looked at her ripped black jeggings, red crop top that reached just below her belly button and black open cardigan that she paired with black high tops with her hair left loose and then looked at Flora's outfit that consisted of black ripped jeggings and grey long sleeved t-shirt that had a black pocket on her left 'breast area' and a big black patch on each upper arm sleeve. She was wearing black and white Adidas running shoes and her hair left loose.

"Why the sudden random question? None of our outfits are on any anti dress code level," Musa asked.

Flora shook her head; "Not us, those other girls during lunch, they were literally just wearing small pieces of cloth sewn together,"
Musa chuckled and nodded; "I guess there isn't a dress code? Or maybe they're just rule breakers?"
"Maybe…is this the class?" Flora asked as they halted in front of 2 doors, "Or is this the class?"

The 2 girls looked at each other and shrugged.

Flora opened the door to the left the same time Musa opened the door to the right, they peeked in and Musa closed the door shut.

"There's a female in there," Musa whispered making Flora nod and open the door to the left wider. The 2 girls walked in and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at them.

"Ah Musa Harmony Melody and Flora Orchid Linphea, welcome to Science, I'm Mr. Thomason. Now, where shall we sit you?" A tall, slim guy with greyish hair and harry potter glasses smiled at the 2 girls, "Hmm, over there," the male teacher said.

The 2 girls followed the direction he was pointing at and shrugged.

"That's not fair!"
The 2 girls turned to face each other and frowned as they recognized the voice.

"Oh for God fucking sake Musa," Flora whispered so that only the blue haired female could hear, "We have to be in the same class as slut number 1 and slut…well, also number 1,"
Musa frowned at the brunette, "This is going to be one hell of a semester," She muttered.

"Yeah! Why can't we sit next to our boyfriends and these 2 freaks can?" Freya whined.

"Because I said so," The teacher snapped.

"That's not an excruciating answer," Malia smirked at Musa and Freya...like as if she was trying to prove to them that she knows a big word too.

"Whoa! Blondie knows a big word, too bad she can't use it in the right place," Flora smirked back making the class burst out laughing and Musa to high 5 her.

"Malia I think you need to take a permanent trip to the English Department, and while you're at it, buy yourself a dictionary," Musa cooed as she and Flora made their way to their assigned seats. By now the class was doubling over with laughter and Mr. Thomason was trying to control them without laughing himself.

Once the laughter died down, Mr. Thomason finally got the chance to speak.

"Class the seats I've assigned for you today will be your permanent seats for the rest of the semester, they will also double over as your lab partners and since this is the final year, they will be a lot of assignments and group work, now since a couple of you aren't familiar with each other I'm going to give you 10 minutes to get to know each other before I explain the rules and regulations to the lot of you. You're all very much old enough to already be knowing these rules but quite a few of you are…well, forgetful is the nicest word I could think of. So your 10 minutes start now." Mr. Thomason explained.


Once I got to my seat I wanted to fucking faint.

Mr. Thomason gave me a seat next to – I'm assuming Freya's boyfriend by the evil looks she was giving me – a tall, extremely fit, pale skinned guy with mid back length blue hair and gorgeous midnight orbs that I could stare into for days…snap out it Flora, SNAP OUT OF IT!
He smiled at me as I dropped my bag on the floor and elegantly sat down in my seat.

Well, elegantly.

I turned to look at Mr. Thomason as he explained how we'd be working with the people we're sitting next to for the rest of the summer and I was just trying not to have a mini anxiety attack the whole time.

I, was going to be working with this guy for the whole year?

I don't know if I should be super excited, or super worried.

I mean; this guy is taken by FreyaWhatever-her-last-name-is, she already hates me as it is, now I'll be working with her God Damn boyfriend – who I just happen to have a sudden slight affection towards…

When Mr. Thomason stopped talking I tried to calm myself by taking deep breaths.

Just talk to him Flora. You'll just become friends!
"I'm Helia, Helia Lopez," My eyes snapped open as all the thoughts in my head just disappeared at the sound of his fucking hot voice.

I slowly turned to look at him.

You can do this Flora. You're Flora God Damn Linphea! You can do whatever the bloody hell you want to!
"I'm Flora Linphea," I smiled, "Nice meeting you Helia Lopez,"
"You new here Flora Orchid Linphea? I sure would have noticed that pretty face in the halls," He smiled.

"Is that appropriate? Seeing as you have a girlfriend?" I asked, my eyebrow raising slightly.

"Well, it's not like she doesn't do the same, it could be like a hundred times she's flirted with another guy, she's even slept with other guys so what's wrong if I friendly flirt with just one girl," he shrugged staring at my face.


I bit my lip and looked down at the desk, "Well, okay, I know nothing I say should affect you but, I do not like your girlfriend," I said the last part in a whisper so Freya couldn't hear me.

Helia chuckled, "Well Flora Orchid Linphea, I guess it's an opinion, trust me, Freya's not all that bad,"
"Isn't she?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together, looking up at him, "Okay, you have quite the bizarre taste in girls huh?"

He chuckled again, "Well Flora Orchid Linphea, that again is an opinion,"
I nodded and looked back down at my palms. God, I've just made this conversation awkward.

"So where are you from?" Helia asked leaning his head on his palm that was leaning on its elbow that was leaning on the desk.

Yes, I'm being very specific.
"I moved here like last week from Ma-Malibu, Malibu yes, that's exactly where I moved here from,"

Nice going idiot! Blow your fucking cover on the first day why don't you? That's not going to be a problem at all innit? Idiot…
"Well Flora Orchid Linphea from Malibu; tell me about yourself," Helia urged.

"Why do you keep calling me by my full name?" I asked softly.

"I like your name. Flora in Latin means goddess of Flowers, Orchid is a type of flower and it symbolizes exotic beauty, refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm. Some people believe it also symbolizes proud and glorious femininity. Linphea reminds me of well, nature. It also reminds me of a quite – well - vague memory, I think I used to know someone with the name Linphea…or a place of some sort. It was probably the place I used to live in before, I don't remember much – all I know is that my friends and I had to come here for safety issues or something, but forget that," Helia shrugged, his cheeks flushing ever so slightly,


Oh GOD! I can't believe I almost thought Helia was one of the 6 princes!

I realized I hadn't said anything to answer or comment on what he said and so I just grinned.

"Sorry, I guess I love nature a bit too much huh?" Helia smiled sheepishly.

"No, its okay, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a huge nature geek myself," I laughed slightly as his smile grew into a grin.

"Really? Great! That means we'll be having a blast in the biology part of this subject isn't it Flora,"

I laughed and nodded.

"Okay everyone, 10 minutes are up!" Mr. Thomason called from his desk. I looked away from Helia and turned to look at Musa. She was looking at me and we both gave each other the look.

You know, the look you give your best friend when you think you're in love with someone you literally just met and you know he's taken but you're going through that stage of hormones and shit so it's a normal thing but he's just so hot that you feel like you're just going to melt because of the heat radiating from his perfectly built body?

You know? THAT look.

Well we both gave each other the look and then grinned before turning to look at the teacher.

He began explaining the rules and regulations but the whole time Freya just kept glaring at me from across the class because Helia kept nudging my arm every time Mr. Thomason would say a new rule and he'd be like "Did you hear that Flora Orchid Linphea? That's important," in a joking manner of course and then I'd say something like "What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, I didn't think the rules that could help prevent me from dying were that important," and then we'd both silently laugh so we don't get in trouble.

"Okay, now since today is just the first day of school I won't be giving you an assignment as such, but prepare yourself to get one tomorrow. You'll be getting a weekly assignment every week and I want to emphasize the fact that these small assignments would result into up to 30% of your end of year exam grade. And we all know that these end of year marks are important as it'll be your ticket to University, you are dismissed." Mr. Thomason explained as the bell rang and all the students stood up and began collecting their belongings.

I stood up and picked up my bag and headed for Musa, we then headed towards the door before we were stopped.

"Listen here bitch; you better stay away from my boyfriend you hear me?" Freya threatened me which in return I raised an eyebrow.

"I swear to God Musa, I will make your final year of high school a living hell, you hear me? I don't know about you and how things are where you come from, but over here in Gardenia? People don't try stealing each other's boyfriends," Malia hissed.

"If I was you, I'd watch my back. You and your little girl squad better stay away from our guys," Freya sneered.

"Who said we were trying to steal them? We didn't choose to sit there did we?" I asked.

"Yeah, but you could have refused, or you could have ignored them, but instead you started laughing and flirting around," Malia growled.

"Look okay, we don't mean any harm, you've brought up a really good point, if it's really bugging you we'll try convince Mr. Thomason to give us new seats," Musa sighed. We knew how it felt having someone you like flirting around with other girls.

"Flora I'm going to fucking die in Science!" Musa groaned causing me to laugh and nod my head as we walked down the corridors and into Ms. Heather's classroom.

"Welcome students to Art! Please take a seat but mind you, the seats you take will be your permanent ones until the end of the year," Ms. Heathers smiled as we – the students and I – stormed into the room.

The classroom was fairly large; on one side there was a row of 3 sinks, on the other were cupboards containing different Art supplies and equipment and in the center there were columns of canvas isles that would double over as a desk. The isles were set up in a way so that there were 2 leaning against each other with stools placed in front of them.

The stools were designed in a way that you could swivel it to your liking; if you swivel it to your right (or left depending on the seat) you'd be facing the front of the classroom where Ms. Heathers would most likely be standing. Musa and I took the seats somewhat in the middle so we have a good angle of the classroom. Musa took the seat that was behind me; as in her stool was leaning against mine.

"Flora Orchid Linphea, is this seat taken,"

I looked up and almost, almost let out an evidential gasp.

"I, um," I turned to look at Freya. She was glaring at me and shaking her head, I sighed.

"Yes, sorry," Thank THE LORD for my best friend!
Riven walked up to Helia and both males frowned.

"I thought you and I would sit together Muse," Riven sighed.

The both of us looked at Malia and Freya who were smirking at us. "Sorry, but we wanted to sit together,"
"Oh," The 2 good looking males muttered.

"Babe you can come sit with me!" Freya called pointing to the chair across from her and Malia nodded enthusiastically.

Riven and Helia looked at each other before sighing and walking to their girlfriends.

I let out a sigh of relief. "I can't thank you enough Musa,"

"It helped the both of us right? It was a perfect excuse," Musa smiled weakly.

I nodded.

At least if I avoid Helia I'll be able to get over this mildly acknowledgeable yet seriously intense burning desire to be with him.

"Okay class, I'm Ms. Heathers and I'll be teaching you art this semester. I see a lot of new faces which I hope will be very easy to remember, so for your first piece of work this term I want you to draw something that appeals to your liking - It could be something you love doing, something you love looking at, it could even be someone you love, I just want it to be as detailed and creative as possible. I want to see what beauty looks like in your eyes," Ms. Heathers instructed.

I looked up at Musa and she looked at me too.

"Whatever are you going to draw my love?" I asked, "What does beauty look like in your eyes I often wonder?"

"Oh my dear sweet Flora, the only beauty I see, is you, my love," Musa joked.

We both laughed.

"Can I get a mirror? Beauty right there," Musa asked winking making me grin and shake my head as I looked at my own canvas.

The fact that we're mythical creatures from another universe and had our own special powers and won't be able to use them whenever we want to was a big bummer. Stupid princes.

Why couldn't they just save their own God Damn lives?
Who are these princes anyways?

I looked at the empty white canvas for a moment; squinting at it and changing the angle until I came up with some sort of inspiration. I got up and went to pick up the supplies and stuff before setting to work.

As I was drawing and painting and whatever, I kept seeing Helia glance at me before looking down at his canvas; obviously I ignored it and continued with my work but I couldn't help but let a small blush creep onto my cheeks. I saw Helia grin at the corner of my eyes and I just closed them shut and concentrated on my art piece.

"Done!" I smiled as I put my paint brush down and grinned. I was actually quite pleased with my work.

"Oh Flora! That's gorgeous! I love how much detail you've put in!" Ms. Heathers exclaimed clapping her hands together as she stood next to me.

"Thank you!" I smiled up at her.

Ms. Heathers smiled before walking towards Helia. She let out a gasp and immediately turned to look at me - which literally made my curiosity expand till the size of, I'm going to exaggerate a slight bit here, the empire state building. So big that fucking King Kong could climb it. Yes, it grew that big.

"It's beautiful Helia!" Ms. Heathers cried, like literally wiping a tear away from her eye.

"I want to see!" Freya squealed jumping up from her seat and walk towards her boyfriend. She gasped and then turned to look at me.

"YOU!" She yelled, I looked away from Musa and at the freckled brunette, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?!"

I raised my eyebrow at her. How fucking dare me do what?

I stood up and walked to Helia's canvas isle. I froze and gasped when I saw a picture of a garden of pink and white orchids, and in the biggest one, right in the center, there was a small figure that looked exactly like me!

Before I could say anything I felt something cold splash onto my shirt.

Everyone in the class gasped as I slowly opened my eyes.

Freya was standing in front of me with an empty glass in her hand and a pleased look on her face. "I told you not to steal my boyfriend Flora!"

"I'm not stealing your boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Then explain the painting he drew of you!" Freya growled. I closed my mouth and turned to look at Helia.

"Flora I am SO sorry, i-"
"No. forget this," I muttered pointing to my soaking t-shirt, "I want to know why you'd be so stupid and draw me?"
"What? You don't like it?" He frowned.

"Of course not! Helia you have a girlfriend that's so skeptical, meaning you don't go around drawing other girls! That just makes you a horrible boyfriend!" I squeaked. I actually really loved the painting. It was so beautiful and so realistic. Kind of like a Thumbelina based drawing.

"I am not skeptical!" Freya whined.

"Then believe us when we say we want nothing to do with your boyfriends," Musa barked before grabbing my hand and walking me out the door. I ignored the hurt looks that flashed across the 2 boy's faces as I let Musa drag me out of the classroom.

We walked to the girl's bathroom and Musa checked if there was anyone in the stalls. Once we concluded that it was clear, she used her magic and changed my soaking white t-shirt into a similar looking one, but dark blue. I washed my face and thanked her.

We walked back to the classroom, and went to our seats.

I stole a quick look at Helia and I wanted to burst into tears.

He looked hurt! I can't believe I told him off for being a 'bad boyfriend'

He looked really pleased with his work and obviously he'd be crushed because I told him I didn't like it. GOD I'M SUCH AN ASS!

I sighed and turned to look at my work.

It was a drawing of the Tree of Life. I added the sun beams shining onto the leaves. Like the first day I saw it. It was absolutely gorgeous and I knew I had to paint it.

I stood up and walked towards Musa, I looked at her piece of work and burst out laughing.

She had drawn a diagonal line across the canvas in order to split it into 2 sections. On one half; she drew a bunch of instruments and music notes and on the other half she drew a big red heart…with a slice of pizza in the middle.

"Only you Musa," I sighed as I walked back to my seat.

The bell rang and Musa and I quickly picked up our stuff and ran to the car park. 2 minutes later we were joined by the rest of the girls and we all got into our white 6 seater range rover sport. Musa took the driver's seat and we drove off to our apartment.

Once we got there, Musa parked in our spot and we all piled out the car.

We got inside the building and began climbing up the stairs to our floor.

Which just happened to be the complete top floor. The 7th floor.

when the girls reached the 6th floor they were brought to a halt when someone began talking.

"What the hell are you girls doing here?"

The 6 girls turned around on the stairs and their eyes grew as wide as – I'm going to exaggerate again over here – the tectonic plates. If they crashed against each other there's no doubt an earthquake would form.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," Tecna muttered.

"You're the girls that are replacing the old bat – Mr. Griffin? Is it too late to call him and his stupid cats back?" Timmy gasped.

"Normally I would have taken that as an offence – but quite frankly I wish he'd come back too so I wouldn't have to see your face after school as well!" Stella barked.

"If you keep barking like that – you'll turn into a dog, you've already got the personality of a bitch," Brandon sneered.

"You know so much about bitches. Were you raised by a pack of wolves or something? Because you've got the habits of one. You fucking uncultured swine!" Musa snapped.

"Who are you calling an uncultured swine? Why don't you go back to wherever the lot of you came from – we've already got enough problems in this world as it is." Riven snapped back.

"Of course they're problems in this world! With your existence I'd be surprised if there weren't any!" Layla growled.

"You seem to know a lot about problems huh? Is it because wherever you go you cause them?" Nabu asked.

"Maybe, and we'll know shitloads more now that we live in the same building as you," Flora yelled before all 6 girls ran up the stairs to their apartment.

The boys rolled their eyes and entered their apartment.


"I can't even right now," Bloom muttered, "Why the actual fuck did we have to have them as our neighbors, I'd have preferred anyone else! Even bloody Valtor!"

"Speaking of Villains; have any of you guys tried figuring out who those princes are?" Tecna asked as she sat down on the sofa.

"Not really, I've been too caught up picking fights with some people," Layla sighed.

"What happened with you?" Stella asked as she sat on the floor with a pillow in her hand.

"Okay, so we got to Maths and Mr. Alex made me sit next to Nabu and Bloom, Sky. So we started talking and things were going great until those bitches Lana and Bailey? Yeah they made this big deal about how we're stealing their boyfriends and shit like that. I'm like okay whatever; so Bloom and I decided we'd better off avoiding them right? Wrong. Nabu and Sky made it hella hard to avoid them and so they're bitchy girlfriends started this huge ass argument and we called the boys idiots for dating 'those hoes' and Sky and Nabu caught feelings and got pissed and said "don't talk to our girlfriends like that" yet it was them that started it and so we just walked away and they said we had an attitude problem and then Bloom said "yeah, and you have a girlfriend as a problem" and then we just walked away. It was such a pissing off situation but it was so fucking hilarious!" Layla grinned. The girls laughed and shook their heads.

"We were involved in a similar situation," Tecna sighed; "So Stella and I were on our way to Drama ya, and we accidently bumped into Timmy and Brandon, they helped us up and we walked together to our class because turns out they had the same lesson as us. Ms. Hollister put us into groups and stuff and Stella and I wound up with Brandon and Timmy. Keep in mind we didn't know they had fucking girlfriends!"

"Exactly! If we did we wouldn't have gotten too friendly with them…obviously! We're not dumb! So towards the end of the lesson, what's her face? Scarlett and Teresa? Yeah, they came up to us and told us to 'watch our backs' and shit like that and so when we got to home Ec. Brandon asked me if he wanted to be my partner and I saw Scarlett glaring at me and so I felt bad ya, luckily I didn't have to say anything because Tecna here swooped in and saved my butt by saying we were working together. Timmy and Brandon frowned but went to work with their girlfriends because they were yelling at them to."
"Next thing you know, Brandon and Timmy are trying to talk to us resulting into Stella and I being coated in flour! But fucking Timmy and Brandon didn't see them doing that, oh no! All they saw was us arguing with Scarlett and Teresa! And then they actually believed the girls when they said we were trying to sabotage their cake. The nerve! We're just like "Whatever minger, believe whatever the hell you want to," and ignored them." Tecna rolled her eyes.

"Sabotage their cake?!" Flora asked, "What the shit? Honestly these guys are hella dense,"

"Helia drew a photo of Flora!" Musa snickered making the rest of The Winx – minus Flora - scream "What?!"

"Yeah, in art. We were told to draw "what beauty looked like in our eyes", It would have been hella romantic…but his girlfriend went all emo and so she threw a glass of dirty water on Flora. Flora then called Helia a bad boyfriend for drawing a picture of her instead of his girlfriend. And I was pissed because of what Freya did and so I said we didn't want anything to do with their boyfriends and we stormed out of the classroom. And like you, we were warned to 'watch our backs'. Pffft. As if we're scared of them or something," Musa laughed.

"Yeah well Riven already has a nickname for Musa! He calls her 'Muse', meaning goddess of Arts and Sciences. Funny because we had Science and Art as our last 2 periods! You should have seen the way Musa tried to hide her blush," Flora laughed.

"Okay that is cute," Bloom gushed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever, it's just a small crush. I'll get over it by tomorrow," Musa grumbled.

"Well I guess we all will?" Stella asked and everyone nodded.

"So…what's for dinner?" Layla asked.

"We'll do a takeaway, 2 of us will go pick it up?" Tecna suggested.

"I'll go," Stella and Bloom offered at the same time, they turned to look at each other and grinned; "We'll both go,"

"Great! Let's order Chinese?" Flora asked.

The Winx agreed and Tecna ordered their food online.

Nice to see you again!

If it even is an 'again', lots of new people read fanfictions you idiot.

Right! So anyways, I hope you enjoy this new story. I'm going to give credits to princessamber081898 and xsunsparklestellax because I kind of got the idea from their stories; 'Sugar, spies and all things nice' and 'Please Understand'

Also if you read my story 'Boston, Here I come' you know that it is coming to an end and loads – if not all – of you wanted me to do a sequel and at first I was going to but then I decided not to…I'm really sorry if I disappointed any of you!
I'm still writing a last chapter so don't worry about it ending
just yet.

Anyways, please review and favorite!
