Note: okay, I wanted to post this fic for Halloween but I was unable to do it because daily life didn't allow me but so I post it now wishing you enjoy at least a little. In fact this was about to be a one-shot but at last I decided to split it into some chapters. It is a fic a little creepy, and scary with some controversial issues therefore I recommend only to those who are open-minded :)
Incubus-Chapter 1
London, 1870
Night had fallen and the young blond Martin Baggins, who was twenty years old at the moment, had decided to go to bed. It was a little later than his usual sleeping time, it had been a long day and fatigue heavily afflicted his feet.
The blond dressed in his pajamas, which consisted of loose cotton clothing. It was raining outside and the sky announcing that soon the storm would worsen. By that time Martin switched off the oil lamp that was on his desk and outside drops of rain began to hit the window with progressive force. When the light went out the room was engulfed in darkness, there was no noise more than that noise caused by inclement that fell outside. Martin was used to turn off all lights of the flat before to sleep every night but strangely in that eve, being in the darkness caused him suddenly a strange feeling of emptiness. He stopped to think about his unjustified fear for a second and suddenly a shudder ran through his body.
Without being able to explain the reason for his extreme fears, the blond finally leaned over his bed and covered himself with the blanket soon. The heaviness of his weariness made him fall into a deep sleep almost immediately and then a series of images in dreams were processed in his subconscious. Some of pleasant images were becoming increasingly in appalling distortions. Even in dreams, Martin could feel a painful oppression on his chest which depleted his breath, but could not be fully aware of it.
The long night ended. Martin woke up early in the morning when the sun had made it out from behind the mountains. Shortly after waking, Martin sat up on the edge of the soft bed. He could feel a sharp pain in his wrists to flex them. He also felt a sharp pain in his hip when he tried to put the first foot out of bed.
Martin fails to explain why those pains suddenly afflicted him. Certainly the blond had been having very difficult days but nothing severe enough to provoke him such ailments. In addition, the blond still felt tired even though the dream he'd had all night must have been restful because he had slept several hours.
"I do not understand why I feel so tired, I slept even longer hours than normal," said the young guy to himself as he approached the gold-framed mirror that was placed over the sink.
Being right in front of his own reflection, suddenly he noticed that his face bore a striking appearance deteriorated. The dark circles under his eyes seemed more pronounced than those he had noticed the day before. Certainly his face seemed gaunter, almost as if he were ill.
However, the blond tried to ignore it all. Surely he just should eat more and stop to stay too much overtime in the community dedicated to charity, he thought.
After a hot bath in the tub, the blond looked at his reflection in the large mirror again. He could realize well that on his skin had appeared strange markings that were becoming a faint purple. He felt great amazed; soon Martin examined those marks and noticed that it seemed as if someone had held him with great violent force. But no one had done it, at least no one he remembered.
Thinking about that was quite absurd to him because in fact he was a young man who normally even used to not have too close body contact with other people. He was a chaste and modest man who preferred to keep a little the distance.
Martin was a shy guy about personal relations, but quite sure of his own convictions. One of those convictions was to be a good Christian who attended church with strict regularity. His family had made him a prominent Catholic faith that derived in good principles and selfless service to others. For this reason, the young Martin had decided to devote his life and free time to help and assist charities. He had acquired the habit from his youth, when he had left the high school in the convent.
The righteousness blond guy and his innate serenity had done on several occasions to consider the idea of go within a seminary for the priesthood. It was a temptation that he sometimes could not stop thinking. But the temptations were evil, something that is certainly linked to sin and Martin could not continue doubting about that idea.
The reason for his hesitation was because also sometimes he longed to be his own family, although the idea of courtship a female scared him a bit. He just did not feel attracted to none; although he had always thought that the beauty of a woman was one of the most wonderful creations of the Lord. But he had never stopped to think about dating some, much less he had never had improper thoughts about it and that comforted him greatly because that prevented him totally to fall in lust. He was glad sometimes for not feel sexual attraction to any girl.
For that reason, Martin was about to be totally convinced to enter the seminary and dedicate his life to God. Perhaps as a priest he could instruct youth and orphaned children and guide them in the right direction. They would like his children, thus should never fall into carnal sin.
This was a cold morning, the fog had spread across London early and that considerably complicated all visibility.
The blond finished dressing to attend his assigned activities for that day. Martin avoided falling into a routine, he always preferred schedule his activities well and serve as possible to altruism. But he should necessarily go to work in the family business, a reputable tailor workshop in the neighborhood, a good workshop where they served even wealthy people important to make their flashy clothes made to measure.
Martin was glad and proud to have learned the craft for the family business that had transcended during generations. Always he exercised with great taste and dedication his job. But in the spiritual plane he knew his heart and devotion belonged to the mandate of the church and for that he was encouraged to save as much money as possible to go to seminary soon.
That morning until noon, Martin and his older brother named Henry had had good clientele in the business. But Martin did not fail to feel greatly mitigated by fatigue that weighed on his body, he felt like his energy was depleted increasingly and with the passing of the hours sometimes even he felt aa if he was about to faint. That morning he had needed to sit down a few minutes several times to rest and recuperate a little. But all was still too exhausting for him.
"What's wrong, brother? Is everything alright?" He inquired the older brother when he noticed the weariness of Martin while he was reviewing some inventories.
"Oh no, Henry. I'm fine, do not worry. I only felt a little dizzy for a moment, but I'll be fine after lunch," said the younger brother.
The older brother looked at him unconvincingly and then he insisted.
"Well, it's almost lunch time. But you can go now if you want," said Henry, then he put a hand on the shoulder of his younger brother to give him empathy.
Martin smiled with a little effort and decided that maybe Henry was right. Maybe he should eat some food soon, maybe that would make him to recover.
"thanks brother, I appreciate it very much!" exclaimed Martin and after that he left the area and went to the kitchen inside the house to eat.
Along the way, the blond could not help feeling some dizziness. All this seemed to be getting worse. He suddenly thought that perhaps it was anemia and that frightened him greatly.
He continued down the corridor leaning walls to keep from falling, suddenly he felt that everything grew in size and in fact all seemed was acquiring an illogical symmetry. He noticed that these were delusions. He feared that this would be due to a fever, but felt his body temperature had not risen. Then he finally could to reach the kitchen and although with some difficult he could to prepare something to eat. Eating was what actually made him regain some of his lost power and dizziness and delirium seemed to dissipate in an instant.
A few minutes after eat Martin returned to the workshop, Henry could see a marked improvement in his face. Martin's cheeks seemed to regain a pink color, indicating good health. And in the same way, Martin had no problem to walk back on his own feet without having to hold on the walls.
But all this was becoming too strange.
"Martin, brother" spoke Henry more resolutely facing him, "I have noticed a strange deterioration in your face, in your movements and performance for days and so I certainly very worried. So I think it would be better if you go to a doctor as soon as possible. I do not want anything bad to happen to you and then have to regret," he said seriously.
"Yes, I'll do it, I think you're right. Thank you for worrying about me, but I promise you I'll be fine, okay?" calmly answered the younger.
The working day for that day ended and the young Martin said goodbye to his brother and left the area to go to the orphanage where he had committed to attend.
Outside, the wind blew with moderate force but the blond felt like if that wind were very strong cold and although he wrapped well he could not help to begin to shiver a bit.
Martin spent a long time visiting the orphans, accompanied by some of his friends who he had met in Sunday school after each Mass and who also dedicated their spare moments to altruism. During that time, Martin thought sometimes sideways spotted what seemed to be dark shapes that formed human shadows that most of the time appeared in the corridors. That greatly frightened him and decided that he should retire early to pray a bit and let go of those strange shadows, because he was sure that was not part of his imagination and delusions.
"I must go now, I will come back to visit you all in a couple of days, right?" said the blond apologetically friendly with the kids and with the innkeepers and after a hearty handshake took his hat from the rack and left the building.
He walked home, the blond had to cross several streets and cobbled lanes to reach his home. At that time it was about nightfall. For years he lived alone in a modest flat that was on the third level of a building that had been built around a couple of decades ago.
Going up the stairs, Martin returned to experience some dizziness that made him feel weak and confused. His feet were so heavy to climb each step, it was almost a torture. But he finally reached his home.
Once he was inside the flat, Martin was barely able to turn the oil lamp on the desk but almost immediately he lay on the bed and hopelessly fell asleep immediately, completely dessed and with shoes on.
His consciousness seemed lost until dawn when the first rays of the morning came through his window. The blond then woke up with a start, a strange chill ran through his chest and pressed him heart. He felt he had been involved in cruel nightmares and weakening made him feel bad one more time. The blond tried to sit up immediately, but a sharp pain stopped him, he could feel a pain between his thighs and his neck ached when exhaling. His surprise was greater when he noticed that he was naked. His shirt was completely unbuttoned and his shoes lay on the floor away from the bed. But he clearly remembered that he had not been able to remove his shoes and undress before being overcome by slumber.
"Oh my God, it's that am I a sleepwalker?" was the first thought that the blond had to try to give a logical response to such strange happenings.
He sat on the edge of the bed. He felt greatly alarmed when he realized he was not wearing his pants on. He was even more alarmed when he noticed on his left leg had a huge mark of a hand, as red as if it were a burn made with hot iron. Martin could not help but felt horrified by it. The brand was so grotesquely notorious and gruesome that he was too impressed. Those marks certainly seemed to be supernatural; the hand appeared to be quite longer than the normal standard, a mark that ended in what appeared to have been caused by the long claws of an animal. That did not seem like anything human, but neither appeared to have been caused by the blow of a beast. The blond could only carry a hand to cover his mouth to the utter astonishment that kept him stunned.
He soon discovered that those marks on his skin felt burning. When he tried to touch them the heat became unbearable. Horrified he noticed that he also had some marks over his arms, those marks had been definitely caused by fingers. But those fingers did seem to be human-like or at least something anthropomorphic.
"Oh, Jesus!" horrified mumbling to himself. Then a huge panic filled him completely when he realized on his virginal member were also some visible marks made by those same fingers that seemed to have crushed it with full intention.
With the ardor that the blond felt and weakening considerably waned his body, it would be very difficult to take a bath in the tub, but he should do it quickly so to leave soon the place and go to the church to tell the father what he had discovered on his whole body that morning.
Although Martin did not even want to think, all this could have been caused by some evil entity. Being inside the tub the terrified blond even crossed countless times looking horrified those unusual marks on the skin that did not disappear.
After dressing as fast as he could, Martin took a rosary and held a Bible in his hands during all the time he managed to eat a little of his breakfast.
He knew then that the unusual cold it had been feeling in the room was not good.
The blond turned to hasty step toward the church, the fear that all this caused him seemed to be stronger than his weakness and pain caused by the unusual wounds.
Luckily for him, when he reached the church, the blond could find the priest immediately in the corridors and soon he carefully explained him everything had happened. But when Martin tried to show the marks as evidence they had gone to his surprise. And although he did not notice in his face there was a big recovery. Anyone who would have seen him could see his pink cheeks indicating that he had a very good health. For all this it was that the father suggested he should to calm down and that everything would be fine as long as he continued doing his usual prayers.
Martin was frustrated because now it seemed that the priest was taking him as crazy but he had experienced firsthand such strange events and he still felt terribly scared. But then Martin decided he needed to spend a good time to do prayers at the altar.
During his prayers at the altar, indeed Martin realized that there could experience the peace he needed. During that time he had not managed to see those horrible shadows that he could only see out of the corner of the eye, those were becoming in something usual.
Spend that time doing his prayers brought to Martin all the peace that it had been absent in his mind in recent days. Being inside the church had made him feel excellent again so he decided he should go to the tailor workshop to help his brother to work as usual.
He said goodbye to the priest and a thanked to him for listen him even if he looked like a crazy and then left the convent and being outside he could quickly get a taxi. The horse-drawn carriage soon took him to his destination. But along the way the blond again experienced the same strange feeling of emptiness that had accompanied him for days. Inside the carriage, while he looked out the window suddenly a burst of images passed through his mind. It was a series of images that disturbed him greatly.
Martin tried to close his eyes for a moment but that only made matters worse. Those images are more grotesquely accentuated when he did it. It was a terrible mixture of lewd images that without avoid it suddenly caused him strange tingling in the crotch. Martin knew that if he did not try to dispel those dirty thoughts from his mind soon his cock would be hard and that was not right thing due his good moral principles.
But those dark and lustful thoughts did not stop to accompany him all the way; the zipper of his pants seemed increasingly pressing. He could not help it, He could not dispel those dirty thoughts that alienated him and filled him with horror and shame. He was experiencing a strange mixture of pleasure and fear at the same time, triggered by thoughts that were not even clear and he could not even control. He felt dirty and absurd at the time.
In this series of lewd faint images he could see himself naked, being touched by languid and monstrous dark hands with long black claws that were provided in a strange red glow that certainly gave it a total infernal appearance. He could make out introspectively how those supernatural hands clung to his skin recklessly, fingering obscenely throughout his body and he could do nothing to stop it. A strange oppression assaulted his chest, a tightness that then seemed to avoid that he could breathe well. Martin tried to keep his disturbance in discretion, even tried not to do noticing his difficult breathing as much as it was possible. And he finally reached his destination. The cruel torture temporarily ended.
When Martin was right in front of the family workshop, paid pennies to the driver of the vehicle and went out.
Being out of the carriage, Martin could return to feel a bit ofpeace. The dirty thoughts did not come to his mind for the rest of the afternoon and everything seemed to be going as normal as always. But despite that, the entire disturbance would not stop to accompany him at all times.
Martin did not want to tell Henry about the gruesome discovery he had made that morning nor told him about the dark thoughts that had taken over his mind during his trip inside the carriage. By contrast, Martin said he had been improving remarkably. He was about to tell him that the reason for the delay had been because he had gone to the doctor as he had proposed but Martin was too good for lying to his brother that way. He had chosen better just skip the bad details.
Henry believed him.
Late in the afternoon, while Martin was reviewing the inventory and orders of that day suddenly a thought flickered in his mind. It was an image of what looked like a human face. He could realize it was like the face of a man looking at him with deep penetrating gaze. But even though the face was not horrible, certainly his gaze seemed supernatural and terrifying. Have seen that face even just for a moment had scared him too much, now Martin remained stupefied still holding the pen in his hand. And what troubled him most was that the face was strangely familiar, but he could not explain from where he knew it.
"What's going on?" he asked the older brother when he entered the room, noticing that Martin was still staring into space.
But Martin quickly responded and got out of his trance. He turned to the right flank and realizing that it was Henry smiled, though without much effort.
"Oh brother is nothing; I think I'm just a little frazzled."
"It's a little late and you have not been very good in recent days and although fortunately I've noticed much improvement in you, I think today it would be better if you go soon to your home to rest" suggested the older brother.
"But there is still an hour to finish my day" protested the younger "besides I was late for work today. I should stay at least a couple of hours more to restore it," Martin said, although not quite sure because though he had total will to stay there actually his body felt terribly tired. For a moment a kind of dizziness made him feel sick again.
"Okay, Martin, you can go to home now. You know that for me it's no problem, I can cover your job. This is also a family business and that means you're also chief here," he said the older brother smiling and giving a couple of patting on the back of his beloved younger brother.
Martin did not protest further. Fatigue and worry were weighing him again and maybe he should go home to rest sooner. Though, certainly he did not want to come home. Since the morning he had not stopped thinking about his house was haunted, it was possessed by an evil entity from hell or by an unfortunate soul. Whatever it was too much terrifying. But at the same time, Martin felt strangely attracted to go home, to discover what had dared to make him that wounds over his skin in that way and perhaps unconscious he felt curious to discover if something so strange and macabre could get back to happen the next morning.
He was willing to take the risk. In addition he was a righteous man. God always would protect him if he continued to be a good Christian devoted to do good things, free of sins.
He entered his home and decided to undress and get to bed early without supper, he had lost appetite completely. Fatigue weakened him more and more but this time might be able to put on his pajamas. He turned off the oil lamp after saying his prayers and put his Bible under the pillow, wishing after all that night was not disturbed by any evil entity or whatever that was introduced in his dreams to cause him such horrible nightmares. He was a man of God and wanted to defeat all evil.
It did not take long for Martin fell into a deep sleep; torpor seized him completely and soon began to feel immersed in his dreams.
But this time there was something different about this, this time he seemed to be more aware of what was happening. He could feel himself falling into a deep abyss as dark and hostile as the cold night. He could feel how his naked body was falling without stopping in a dark place with a heavy gravity. But soon this strange experience suddenly stopped and he was again lying on his bed but surrounded by a completely different atmosphere to his room. He discovered that the bed was in the midst of a gloomy room that seemed to have a great deterioration caused by the years, all furniture and decoration of that room seemed to have at least two centuries old. And he was there, naked on the bed, vulnerable to anyone without being able to explain why the circumstances. Terror gripped him gradually mixed with despair.
Suddenly he could feel the weight of something sinking into the edge of the bed, which seemed to be the weight of a human body that slowly was approaching him lurking. His terror was increased greatly. Then he could feel cold hands boldly began to settle on his thighs and opened them to make separate his legs. Martin was horrified to feel like if someone placed between his legs, someone who began to masturbate him obscenely with his supernatural cold hands. The worst thing was that he could not avoid surrender to the pleasurable stimulation that caused him those monstrous hands. The shock was too much for him and refused to believe that this could really be happening. He wanted to scream at that moment, but the words failed to come out of his mouth. His body was motionless; he was being fondled by that strange entity which until now he could not see. Until then that demon was invisible in his sight. But he could feel that perfectly. It certainly felt like a man on top of him. Whatever it was, that had also begun to push hard his chest and even Martin could feel his heavy breathing close to his face.
A strange smell burned was scattered around the place. He was too frustrated for not being able to realize who was causing him all this and ... he could not avoid to feel immense pleasure that shook his body. He tried to shout, but no sound could be issued from his voice. Martin hunched his back whenever he could feel a long, icy tongue licking his penis, playing to stop at the tip and then tucked it in his whole mouth and stared to suck. Then Martin clung to the sheets in involuntary movements, he really did not want to. He was not moving at will even for that. It was as if he were only the viewer but at the same time he was experiencing each horny sensation. And each damn sensation was very delicious.
Suddenly the evil entity settled between his legs and began to do what the poor young blond was expected, what really scared him now was about to happen. The evil entity was penetrating him. Despair was terribly pressed his chest and that caused him heavy breathing. He could feel the monstrous erection of that infernal entity entering deep inside him, causing an uncomfortable pain that made him feel as if he would break in two. Martin would have given a great shout of pain and despair but he failed, his cries were mute. The Demon started moving and lashing violently inside him, Martin could feel each ruthless thrust. Then Martin noticed a clock with strange glow placed on one of the corroded walls. The time indicated exactly 3:00 am. And then suddenly he lost consciousness.
But that could not have happened. Although Martin was immersed in his slumber he continued to deny to himself that everything would be just an awful nightmare.
The dawn ushered in the morning and the blond woke up very agitated. He was on his bed in his room, there was no sign of deterioration anymore, especially in the bedroom everything seemed to be intact. But instead it was remarkable that something had raped his body. Martin found that his clothes were not only open but this time they were torn as if a wild animal had done it with a blow. He was horrified to realize more than the same marks had reappeared on his skin, and this time they appeared to be much more pronounced. But in addition to the terrible marks made by long fingers this time had also appeared marks that seemed to be licking but with superhuman dimension, no one could imagine that those marks would have made by a normal human being.
Martin quickly tried to sit on his bed first, but an electrifying pain between his buttocks stopped him. He found that on the sheets had some spots of blood and soon realized that blood and pain came from his entrance.
He was too horrified at the thought that he had been sodomized by that evil entity.
As soon as he could, Martin ran soon to get to the bath despite the great pain he was feeling and although his weak body affected him too much. This time it seemed that he had lost much more energy than the previous days, his vision was blurred and his coordination was erratic.
He plunged into the tub to take a warm bath and tried to wash the red marks that were left over his skin, in an effort to make them disappear. But he really wanted to wash his body after all that strange lust. He could not calm down. Despite the pain of the marks he rubbed strongly his body with soapy sponge. He needed to get rid of all that, he felt totally dirty. But he could not get it, the marks were still prominent but this time it did not hurt as much as the day before. Suddenly vaguely he remembered what had happened the night before, he was greatly embarrassed when vividly recalled how that cold phallus penetrated him mercilessly over and over again, slipping inside him, lunging with extraordinary force to the bottom without giving him opportunity to he could get use.
Remember all that caused him chills. Thinking about somehow he had enjoyed the act too stunned him a lot. He should remove from his mind all those libidinous thoughts. Everything was wrong, be sodomized was a mortal sin, be dominated and enjoy sex with such a hellish body was something that certainly would condemn his soul to hell.
He finished his bath and dressed quickly, still he felt great panic and despair. He didn't want to remain in his haunted house anymore. So he took his Bible again and began to read some important psalms because he knew that reading that with the help of his faith should be strong enough to ward off evil from his home.
While he was reading again and again those paragraphs, he could not realize until that moment that just behind him was posed a transparent anthropomorphic silhouette that was perfectly reflected in the big mirror placed on the wall. It showed that it was not a vampire, whose beliefs had spread throughout that century. But before the evil figure vanished again, Martin could only be able to look out of the corner of his eye. The scare that caused him made him drop from his hands the holy book with a start. His face was very pale because of the great fear that invaded him. Although he saw that shadow sideways he had realized that it was the same face that had been in his thoughts to disturb him. That entity had a stylized half-naked male figure, a virile, manly and very attractive figure that was provided with a profiled face with penetrating cold gaze. From that moment Martin stopped not feel that such heavy eyes was watching him at all times.
The blond could feel that demonic presence lurking, but just could not see it. But instead the evil entity from his site still looked at him rejoicing in his sneer while licked his lips to notice the growing desperation of the young blond. Every action and movement performed by the blond sexually excited him too much. Doing to him enjoy with such pleasure, culminating in a delicious orgasm unleashed delicious energy that delight him and kept him alive. Possess the body of the blond guy in such a sexual manner that was what kept him fed and existing. All the energy that orgasms of Martin unleashed was very delicious to him, the whole body of Martin was delicious, his moans, his despair, his shame. That demon had gotten the best source to satisfy his carnal pleasures he had from the underworld.
That demon continued watching him from his back, it drove him crazy to see the delicacy with the blond moved throughout the house and amused how he desperately prayed. But those prayers could not damage him or dissipate him though, whenever Martin did it that just prevented him from getting too close to him. Prayers caused him some discomfort, but did not harm him at all. For that demon it was really erotic to see how the young blond said devout prayers while held the rosary in his trembling hands.
But Martin did not stay too long inside the house. The atmosphere in the place was too heavy. Even if he could not see hi, he could feel the penetrating gaze of that demon.
The blond hurried to get out from his flat and went to church fast, without knowing the demonic entity was followed him by step without losing track of him for a single moment, always wanting the night to come back to grab his lethargy and get into his dreams, to make him of his again. He wanted to rape him again and again endlessly. That was the way he could enjoy his body deliciously in unleashed lust.
That supernatural entity was a demon come from the depths of hell, a fearsome demon that fed on the spiritual energy unleashed during high dose of sex he had with young mortal maidens. He had done it for a long time. He was certainly what was designated as an incubus, a demonic entity that had a male figure and masculine qualities. He had been demonized a long ago, though even much time ago before that, he had also been a being human.
But now his spirit was sentenced to serve the prince of hell. And he could not complain about it, he enjoyed it greatly and his human feelings seemed longer to have no one iota. Now he was a sadistic and sexually demon eager to rape all his victims.
His name in his past life had been Thorin, the last name and his precise origin had forgotten but in modern times the evil Lucifer had been assigned him the name of Richard, a name that denoting great strength and exerted a huge attraction to the unfortunate females who fell into his clutches. That was the name he used since then to seduce his victims when he showed in front of them, materialized as an elegant English gentleman. The human form that did exactly the same look he had in life. Also in his past life he had been a noble, surrounded by frivolous privileges I had left him unleash his cruelty to make suffer to his unfortunate servants.
Thorin / Richard had always been a strong, herculean man with hair almost as dark as night and seductive blue eyes which possessed the ability to charm his victims with a single glance. In addition to these external qualities, the seductive male voice of Thorin / Richard was totally fascinating, inciting to anyone to fall at his feet. And his decisive and elegant personality was totally irresistible.
His favorite victims were those who devoted his lives to chastity and that were away from the sins and excesses. The pure, virgin youngs were those who turned out to be much more delicious and irresistible to him. Sexually raping them and cause them shame and dishonor were his better enjoyment.
Certainly in life Thorin / Richard had been a ruthless man who boasted of killing his enemies after cruelly tortured during the late Middle Ages and raping Females how much he pleased. But also secretly he enjoyed having young men, especially if they were submissive and inexperienced, especially now that had been turned into a demon. For this reason to find the blond young Martin one night to watch through his window, the demonic entity had not hesitated to start to creep into his dreams and began to sexually assault his body. From the first time he had seen the aura of Martin was provided by purity. That purity then would unleash delicious shame when he would provoke him orgasms. The energy that could be caused by this purity could be the best feed for a evil entity so masculine like him.
Thus he had dared to enter his room at midnight a week ago and from the first moment he had felt the sweet smell of his goodness, his sublime virginity. Then Richard knew well it would be delightfully pleasant to provoke him to fall into the libidinous sin.
That was how at the first contact with the white skin of Martin, that demonic entity found out for the first time the great ecstasy to merge with the unfortunate young blond. He knew from that moment that the novice would be for him and began to caress him with obscenity to do him moan with pleasure into his dreams, feeding for the first time for each of his moans. At that time the monster realized that the young blond had a wonderful body, he was so sexy and realized as well that Martin never had had a sexual experience, not even to discover his own sensitive spots so rape his body like that would be so much more delicious. Richard began to penetrate him mercilessly from that first meeting, doing to the bottom of him, while Martin was lethargic and helpless and could not be aware of what was going on but that did not stop he started to scream around the room and he could enjoy to feel the icy invasion of his hellish member. The demon Richard was being the first man in his life, he was taking his body and his virginity frivolously.
The blond finally came to church again and told the priest what had happened but when he tried again to show the evidence of these scratches, already had became invisible. But this time the father could see the anguish in the face of the blond guy and knew he had panicked, his pale face and sinking his eyes gave him away, but without evidence, everything could be only part of his delusions or in the worst case of the dementia. The priest preferred to think that it was that, besides he knew Martin since long ago and he knew Martibn was a very good guy, so he decided to help him.
"Calm down my son, let's take a look at your home and bless it. Just let me get my cassock" said the priest and this made feel better to the blond guy immediately. Martin gave a sigh of relief and waited meantime. The blond sat on a bench in the garden of the convent. His hands were restless due his nervousness and felt so cold that even tried to avoid he could not stop shivering, even though noon was about to arrive and that particular day was being a bit sunny. The priest had gone just for a few minutes but for Martin that seemed almost an eternity. Unknowingly, though he guessed, the demon Richard was watching him from beyond the fence that separated the church with the street.
Martin could feel again that strange smell burned around him. He recalled that it was the same scent he had met in dreams while he was outraged by the demon. Surely the beast was near him, harassing him even in daylight and it made him feel a mixture of terror and anxiety. At that moment he realized that he was really getting tired of it. He did not want to live like that anymore; he did not want to live a troubled life and less for something that did not belong to his mortal world. He did not deserve it. Although after, Martin thought that this could be only a divine evidence of his unshakable decency, a test that would tempt him to fall into carnal sin.
Whatever it was, that had stolen not only his spiritual energy, but had hurt his body frantically. His butt still hurt as proof of what had happened. And that was the worst; it seemed that he had been sodomized. He had been the victim of the most feared mortal sins by a man like him.
Thinking about all that frightened him more because he had not only had his first sexual experience, something that he really did not want, but it had been with a male demon and that meant it had been in homosexual way. Even if he tried to deny it, that entity definitely was not a female demon. Martin had perfectly felt the virile phallus entering inside him; he had felt his masculine presence and was now almost sure because he already had seen his face even for a moment, the same face that was watching him from the side of the street.
"oh for all this I forgot to go to tell my brother, maybe he's a little worried about my absence," said the blond to himself, his legs moving restlessly while nervously rubbed his hands on his knees. The priest returned to where Martin was, with the cassock in hand and with all the necessary gadgets to conduct thorough blessings in Martin's house.
"Let us go, my son," he said the priest, and Martin was relieved to know that soon would dispel the evil of his home with this ritual.
"Yes, let us go father" he replied the young blond and both went out the door into the street where they boarded a carriage. A strange smell of sulfur surrounded the air around him. Unable to see him, the demon Richard was just sitting next to him in the cab. Martin could feel his presence. His throat began to burn without explanation as if he had smoked a cigar in one puff. The demon laughed with derision as he looked at him lascivious. The fear the blond felt that morning made him look much more sexy and delicious than other days, Richard would possess him right then if he could do it but for bad luck of Richard, he could only do it while Martin slept, his power was conferred to have effect only when his victim fell into dreams.
However, despite his impossibility Richard felt very comforted to at least admire so beautiful face suffering from what he had caused. Martin had a tender and beautiful angelic face, which although sometimes frown, never lost his innate charm. And Martin also had a sweet voice that had charmed the male demon from the beginning. Richard knew that he had found everything he wanted in Martin and that was something he could not find in any female in centuries.
Richard could not resist such a pretty face, he needed to touch him, and he was totally tempted to do so even if with his etheric body it was not possible. But he could not materialize yet, that required a lot of energy to do it and he had not consumed enough yet. He needed to possess the body of Martin for more nights. But Martin's face was so sweet, it provoked him too much, now was he who began to feel a little desperate. He could not resist more. Richard touched Martin's cheek gently, stroking with the back of his infernal hand. Martin felt a cold touch instantly. He felt his heart speed up his heart rate and his face seemed completely pale. The priest who was sitting opposite him noticed well his expression of shock. The evil entity was harassing him the full light of day just inside the carriage.
Nota final: Okay, I apologize if I made mistakes. English is not my first language. But I hope you have enjoyed even a little and I also hope you liked the illustration I made specially for this fic :)