Okay last chapter go!

"Hey Iza?" Shizuo says leaning into the doorway of my office.

I pause in my typing to glance up at him, "Hm?"

He pulls his bow tie off and runs a hand through his hair, "Got a second?"

Mixed with the look on his face, I feel my entire body freeze. A sinking weight falls into my stomach and I feel like I'm gonna be sick, lead has grounded me to the spot it feels, "Yeah." My voice cracks as my throat constricts. He looks so serious as he walks towards me and his eyebrows knit together.

"Izaya, calm down, I'm not going anywhere." He smoothes my hair seeing the terror in my eyes, "Damn flea…" His lips connect with my forehead and I let out the air I didn't know I'd been holding in. "A woman came to me today."

I stand up so he can sit in my chair and I can sit in his lap. He wraps his arms securely around my waist and places his chin on my shoulder, "Okay? And?"

I feel him tense under me and I feel a small amount of dread leak into my system, "She said she was Mizu's kid." My blood runs cold at his name and suddenly I'm tied to a chair again. Shaking away the memory I listen to Shizuo keep speaking, "She said she wanted to speak to us, together… I told her we'd meet her."

My body takes a big inhale and then exhales, "When?"

He lets me go as I slip onto my desk so I can face him, "I promised tomorrow night, Russia Sushi, private room." Sad brown honey eyes look ashamed, he can hardly meet my gaze as he fiddles with his shirt sleeves, "I didn't know what to say to her."

I ruffle his hair and try my best to smile, "It's okay, we'll get through this."

The next night, I meet him on the corner, he's smoking like an American BBQ is taking place here. He keeps tapping his foot and switching his weight, "Are you sure about this?" He asks between drags.

"No." I answer keeping my eyes straight ahead as we walk, "But what other choice do we have?" I let out hands brush lightly as a comfort to myself. "She should be thanking us, her bigoted asshat of a father…"

Before we enter the restaurant, Simon feels the need flag us down and remind us how happy he is we aren't fighting. Suddenly though, he grabs my arm and speaks lowly in Russia, "There are two women asking for you, a private room in the back. Are you okay, do I need to divert them?"

I feel Shizuo growl lightly behind me, he must be really on edge, "Yes, it's a business matter, Shizuo might tear off your arm though if you keep touching me." I joke lightly in Russian back. Simon booms laughter onto the street and releases me.

Shizuo snags his arm around my shoulder and through clenched teeth mutters, "Mine."

"Ah, Shizuo! I kid! No harm done!" He claps my boyfriend on the shoulder and ushers us inside. The restaurant isn't all that busy, but dread seems to feel the air around Shizu-chan and I. Simon opens the door to the private room and a woman about our age stands up, she has long black hair, longer than when I last saw her. Her dark brown eyes are her father's there is no mistaking that. Mizu's daughter, Izumi, looks at me and then at Shizuo and slowly Simon closes the door. My over analytical mind starts trying to route escape plans and possible outcomes of what she called us here to do. None of those thoughts ended with her hugging me, which is what she did.

"Huh?" I question out loud looking at Shizuo who looks just as shocked, she holds onto me for a second longer before shoving me back and wrapping her slender arms around Shizuo. I feel a bit jealous as her lean legs are sticking out of a small skirt, and her black tights are leaving nothing to the imagination about her figure. She's got an angled face and a sharp nose. She's beautiful but I know she's just as cunning and dangerous as her father was, if she wanted to be. My eyes catch the gold wedding band on her finger and my eyes lock with other softer brown eyes in the room. There's another woman sitting at the table, she has shorter bleached blonde hair and is smoking a cigarette. Her features are a little harsher, but she's just as beautiful. She raises an eyebrow and glares at my tall boyfriend. This woman is dressed in a white blouse with a business pencil squirt, it leaves more to the imagination than her companion and that comforts me.

She then rises and is almost as tall as Shizuo himself. "Hands off." She barks and pulls Izumi away who snickers and takes a step back.

"Please sit." Izumi motions to the table and the two go back to sitting on the left side of the table. Shizuo sighs and sits down and I somehow follow suit. The blonde glares at my blonde and I look over at Izumi, "Shiori, it's okay…" She pats her wife's hand, "They're gay." She whispers and I sigh heavily.

Shizuo lights his own cigarette, "I'm bisexual actually."

I roll my eyes and lean my elbows on the table to rub my temples, "No no, what do you need us here for? Don't start that conversation."

Izumi leans forward and I feel her breath across my face, "Why not, you outed me?"

I sit up and stare at her, "I was saving us both, you're welcome! I sure as hell didn't want to be with you and your lady parts and judging by the band on your finger, congratulations by the way, you didn't want to marry me either. So you're welcome from saving us from getting married and allowing you two to get married. " I motion to her wife and back to her, "Otherwise this would look a little more weird than it already does."

She snickers and shakes her head, "Yeah I suppose you're right. I was actually about to thank you. Since my father is no longer with us," Shizuo flinches ever so slightly, his hand on his knee twitches, "I no longer have to hide out, which means I can walk to streets of Tokyo again without any issues." She pats my boyfriend's hand and I tense, "So thank you. Don't be ashamed of what you've done. My father was a terrible man, he needed to pay for his crimes. I'm here to not only thank you, I'd like to apologize for his behavior."

I glare at her hand and place my hand on his leg, "His behavior?" Shizuo's ghost of a smile is not invisible to me when I touch him, "You mean kidnapping us, killing people and stuffing their bodies in our old closet? Shooting me? Shooting at Izaya?"

She chuckles and nods her head, "Yeah, all that."

I sigh and lean back onto my hands, "Why did you need to call us out here to do that?"

Shiori looks over at me and I flinch at how much she looks like Shizuo but in a female way, "Izumi was worried you two were beating yourselves up about what happened and she wanted to thank you for releasing her from her father… Well… To me." She snakes her arm around the other's waist.

Shizuo shakes his head and puts out his cigarette, "Well that was easy."

Izumi shrugs, "Thought I could buy you guys dinner."

I feel confusion wash over me, "You want to buy us dinner… For killing your father?"

She cackles and I feel a stupid smile form on my face, "Rather fucked up isn't it?!" For some reason the tension that was in the air snaps and we all share a chuckle. "Let's drink too!"

My mind is hazy as Shizuo basically pulls me back home, I'm giggling and stumbling... But he's a steady rock. My steady rock. "God you sound like a sappy romantic movie, cut the shit Izaya." He chuckles anyways and my face scrunches, "Yes, you said that out loud."

I blink and start giggling again, "Oh shit, I'm drunk!"

Shizuo sighs and hikes me onto his back and I giggle again, "Oi! I'm not a horse!" He yells as I spur him forward.

My ankles hook around his waist and I point into the air, "My magical steed, away!" We both giggle at that and I settle against his back. "Shizu-chan?" His name comes out slurred and I feel a wide grin on my face, "Shizu-channn!"

"What flea?" He asks as he keeps walking. "God you're drunk."

I put my face into the crook of his neck, "I don't hate you…"

He shakes his head slightly, "I love you too idiot."

My face feels hot as I put my lips up to his ear, "Do you think we can get married some day?" He pauses in his walking and I feel nervous all of a sudden, "Not like right now, or you know soon or anything, but you know maybe some day, after a long, long, long, long time. You know suits and wine and flowers and stupid family and all that?" He doesn't move and I feel embarrassed, "Nevermind, I'm drunk, take me home, I'm not going to remember this tomorrow." Shizuo still doesn't move, he doesn't even make a noise, "Did I break you?" I poke his cheek and feel my lower lip poke out in a pout, my mind doesn't stay focused long, thoughts float in and fade out. The street is swaying lightly and the lights feel like they're streaking forever. "Shizu-chan? Shizu-chan are you okay?"

"Yeah." He swallows hard, "Yeah, I'd marry you someday… Maybe sooner rather than later."

"Huh?" I blink and he starts walking again, "Married, what do you mean married? Are we married? I don't remember getting married… Are you proposing? You should wait until I'm sober, and I should call my grandma and my sisters first." I scold and lean my head against his shoulder, "But yeah I'd marry you."

He shakes his head and chuckles that special chuckle. I remember it well. From the first time we stopped fighting. Back when we were fighting, I'd ran back to my apartment instead of into an alley or disappearing into a crowd. He followed me and when we realized where we were… We paused. Namie stared at us from my office. "What the hell are you two idiots doing?"

I blinked trying to remember how I'd gotten there, my feet had just instinctively ran here. Shizuo's entire demeanor changed in front of me. "What are we doing?" His voice was soft and he seemed nervous. "This is stupid… She's right."

I turned on my heel and stared him down, "Namie is almost never right."

She walked past us, "I'm done for the day anyways. Have fun."

How dare he try to change the rules? This was how it was, wasn't it? What was he doing? "No, she's right… I can't do this anymore." Shizuo had said while loosening his bowtie, "This is pretending. Aren't you sick of pretending Izaya?" He had closed some space between us and suddenly I felt fifteen again, looking at him for the first time and being shocked. Amazed. He was beautiful and he had so many layers to him that some never saw. And yet… Here I was seeing another layer, after ten or so years. "We beg for each other's attention. We crave it." He smirks because he knows I'm melting for him already. He'd seen it, even when I hadn't wanted to. Sure we'd been close to this, but it was unspoken… Don't say how you really feel. Spit the insults, spit the hatred, spit the name calling. Hide. Bury it deep and only let it out when no one is looking or watching. Only in long hot showers, or cold showers depending on the moment. Hide it into your pillow late at night when loneliness plagues your heart. Sweep it under the rug as you stare at your desktop wondering where the other was, if they were still awake and wonder if they felt the way you did, or if they simply needed to hate someone. Never, under any circumstances, act on the impulses you feel in your heart. "Just admit it."

"Huh?" I blinked up at him and my cheeks were red, I knew they were.

Then you chuckled, a soft gentle, loving, chuckle. "I love you and you love me too."

"Izaya, please drink some water before you pass out." Shizuo was kneeling on the edge of our bed, holding out a glass, and looked annoyed but content.

I sat up and blinked, "When'd we get home?"

"You sorta passed out when I was walking, you were mumbling about hiding… Then the way I confessed to you. You said it, word for word." He ruffles my hair gently as I take a small drink, I don't feel as drunk, my mind focuses a bit better and a little longer. "I love you and you love me too." He smirks and kisses my temple.

"I'm gonna feel like shit in the morning." I set the glass aside and wrap my arms around his shoulders realizing he's without a shirt, "In more than one way."

The next morning I'm sore, my head hurts, my hips hurt, other things hurt… I groan at the small light in my eyes. I'm naked in our bed with a small memory of meeting up with Izumi last night. A warm arm is wrapped around my waist and soft breathing tickles my shoulder. "Ow." I slightly move out from under him and when I get up to put my feet on the floor, I feel my legs scream in protest. "Shit." I yank the blackout curtain closed and turn to see Shizuo stretching. He laughs at me and I glare, "You did this!"

Shizuo throws his head back on the pillow and laughs out loud, "You came onto me! You begged! Four rounds of pure begging! Another three of nothing but nails and the final round… The competition round."

I move back to bed and feel the consequences of last night's decisions. "Sex is always more eventful when I'm drunk." I snuggle into his side and nuzzle my nose against his shoulder, "Or when we're really in the mood, or had a bad day, or it's a holiday, or an anniversary, or a birthday, or weekends off, or..."

He kisses my forehead chuckling deep in his chest, "I get it, I get it. How ya feeling?"

I sigh heavily, my mouth feels like a desert in Egypt that even a camel would run screaming from. "Normal hangover sex symptoms."

"Hips, head, heart, hurl. The four h's."

"Hips from sex, head from drink, heart from both, and hurling in our case… Just the drinking." I laugh at our own little way of describing a hangover one night stand.

"I hope to god you aren't hurling from the sex, we'd have a lot of problems, Shinra would have a heyday." He laughs and tickles my stomach, "No babies here." I squirm and giggle trying to move away from him. When suddenly he pauses, "How much of last night do you remember?"

I blink, "I didn't try to strip again did I? Or sing karaoke? Or start a fight?"

"No." He says studying my eyes, "You mentioned another rule breaker."

My eyes close as the ache sets in, "Okay… I'm thinking… I'm sure it was embarrassing, I turn into a bad rom com when I'm drunk." He licks his lips as he waits for me to process, "Oh no…" I remember thinking about the lesbians and then about the time he said he loved me. "Did I cross the big line?"

"The marriage line?" Shizuo sighs heavily and nods, "Yeah, you did."

My eyes study his, "I didn't propose did I?"

His serious demeanor cracks as he chuckles and kisses my forehead, "No, you said you'd want to marry me someday, and I said the same thing."

I sink into the mattress, "You proposed."

He laughs and leans his head onto my chest and I can't help but start chuckling too, "No… I don't think so." I thread my hands into his hair still surprised after three years at how soft it is. I blush at the thought of us walking down an aisle and exchanging vows. "But… Drunken words are the sober thoughts right?"

I nod my head slowly, "I mean… Yeah… I'd marry you. Can't think of anyone else I'd rather spend my life with." I feel my entire face clear up to my ears ignite, I'm blushing.

He kisses a hickey he'd left on my chest and then kisses my forehead, "Me neither. Don't worry I won't whisk you off to the church right now. In our own time, following the rules, then breaking the rules."

I roll my eyes and smile up at him, "I'm going to take a shower, you can join."

He smoothes my hair, "I'll make breakfast actually, I'm starving."

"Deal." I roll out from under him and watch his bare ass exit the room, "Clothes for the love of Ikebukuro Shizuo!"

He smirks and catches the sweats I throw at him, "No fun flea."

With that we part ways and I step into the bathroom. While under the hot water, washing away the night's activities and soothing my aches, I hear loud banging and clanging of pots and pans and dishes breaking. Shizuo cursing loudly and him yelling, "MOVING FUCKING SUCKS!"

Another story down! I'm happy with the ending even if I wasn't very satisfied with some of the other chapters, it's been a journey but it feels good to just stretch the creative muscles. Anyways please leave reviews and fav and follows are always appreciated! Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this story and putting up with my updates! Thank you!