Hey guys, I just made a new story, hope you enjoy it. I do not own High School DxD or the opening and ending of a different animes.
I only own my ocs.
"Anata, wake up."
The sound of a young woman voice was heard by a young man sleeping in bed.
He as straight light brown hair, with a bit of muscle on his body, and is height is above average.
When he open his eyes, which are brown, he turn to see a beautiful woman next to him.
She had long crimson hair that reach down her thighs, with a strand sticking out on top, has blue-green eyes, and has a buxom figure.
He then looked down to see that she was naked.
"Your habits haven't die Rias."
Rias just smile at him. "You know that I can't sleep without being in the nude Kazuto."
"Well lets get ready then, let me help you with your bra."
Rias sigh happily. "Thank you Anata."
The two got out of bed and started changing, Kazuto help Rias put her bra on, while she puts on her pantis ,suddenly hear a knock on the door and voice came out.
"Mom, dad, can I come in?"
Rias just smiled at hearing the voice. "Yes dear come in."
The door open to reveal a 5 year old girl, wearing a long-sleeved shirt that was to big for her, and yellow sock with red stripes, she looked like a kid version of Rias, with her face, eyes, and hair style, but her hair is light brown.
Kazuto smiled at the girl. "Good morning Elle, do you need something?"
"I'm here to tell that breakfast is ready, uncle Issei, grandma, and grandpa are all up, and my other sisters are here."
Rias just smile while looking at her daughter. "Thank you dear, since you reminded us you get a kiss from mommy."
Elle look up with a happy expression on her face. "Really, Thank you mommy."
Rias then went to Elle and gave her a small kiss on the cheek, with Elle having a big smile on her face.
"Well let's get change and join them you two."
""Yes/Okay Anata/daddy"
Then the family of three started changing to get ready for the day.
(Dragon Soul English version song by Sean schemmel)
(Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now! Don't stop, there's so much to be found!) It was dark all around the mountains.
(We can find paradise, All we have to do is go! Go! Free your soul.) Then Kazuto appear while flying and release the energy and fill the area.
Reincarnated Fallen Seraph
Kazuto then fly out of the title.
(Mysteries abound in this world that we will seek (that we will seek)) Red Lighting was coming out of the dark clouded sky.
(Foes all around, But I will go fearless and free.) Kazuto, Rias, Sona, and there peerage appear and fly up to the sky.
(I'll give you strength, You give me love. That's how we'll live. (that's how we'll live)) They then came into the nice blue sky.
(Courage won't fade. If you're with me, my enemies can never win.) Elle, Shuri, and Minako fly towards there parent and they all smile.
The fallen angels appear then came a read light.
(We will fight for love and glory. We will live to tell the story.) Kazuto is practicing his martial arts.
(There is nothing we can't live through - Nothing ever dies; we will rise again.) He then turn to his daughter who came at him with everything they got,while Rias, Sona, and Akeno tell them it's lunch time. It then change to Issei staring at his older brother, before both went and battle each other.
(Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now.) Matsuda and Koneko keep hitting monster with there strengths, while Elle slash the screen to a new scene.
(Don't stop, keep your spirit proud.) Raiser looked while smirking, then the scene change to Kazuto building up energy.
(And ride upon the wind All we have to do is go!) The sky was clear as day with the sun rising up.
(Don't stop, don't stop! We're in luck now! Don't stop, there's so much to be found.) Issei and Kazuto fight the fallen angels and stray exorcist while rescuing Asia.
(We can find paradise. All we have to do is go! Go! Free your soul.) The fallen angels fire there light spears while Kazuto use Excalibur Morgan, the to power coiled with each other and made a big explosion.
(Dragon Soul) Kazuto shows up smiling and Rias, Sona, there peerage, Elle, Shuri, and Minako appear with him.
A New Begining
"The food is great grandma, it the best food I ever tasted."
"Thank you Elle, just for that you get a third serving."
"Issei, you should learn a thing or 2 from Kazuto, it might help you and your 2 friends to get girlfriends."
"I don't need help from Kazuto dad, also me, Matsuda, and Motohama will do what we want with are lives."
"Some never change, do they girls?"
"No dad."
"Nope daddy."
"No way daddy, but maybe magical girl Mina-Tan will help cure them!"
"Minako, please behave in your grandparents house."
"Ara let them have there fun Sona, they live young once."
"Akeno, I just can't help but be reminded of Onee-Sama behavior."
"Mommy, when I get older will you teach me everything about what you do."
"Ara Shuri, you naughty girl, your not suppose to think like that till your 19."
"But you do fun thing with daddy, aunt Rias, and aunt Sona."
"It nice of you to bring your daughter and our granddaughter for a visit Mrs. Himejima,sorry for the trouble."
"It fine Mrs Hyoudou, just seeing my cute son-in-law is great as well, so what should we make for dinner for them?"
"...Oni-chan, let me have more sweets."
"Okay Koneko, just wait a bit,Kiba, do you want anything?"
"No thank senpai, I'm all good."
"I still can't believe you brought him here Kazuto."
"Hes a friend Issei, and I am a member of the Occult Research Club."
Now change in there school uniforms,the family of three went downstairs to eat breakfast and see the other family members and friends.
Kazuto is now wearing his school uniform, a white long-sleeved dress shirt with black highlights, has a black ribbon on the collar, a black button-up blazer, with matching long black pants, and white socks.
Rias is wearing a female version of his school uniform, a white long-sleeved button-down shirt with a black ribbon on the collar, under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, has a magenta skirt with white accents, and white crew-length socks.
Elle, is wearing a smaller version of Rias school uniform, without the black cape.
As they went downstairs, they sit down on the chair and see the rest of the family members and friends on the table.
The first was Kazuto's parents, his dad has brown hair and eyes, wearing glasses over them, he is wearing white work shirt and brown pants.
Next is his mom, she had light brown hair, and had hazel eyes, she wore a white work shirt, and blue pants.
Then came Kazuto second wife, Akeno Himejima, one of the great One-sama at school along with Rias, she has long black hair and violet eyes, she has a orange ribbon to tie her hair in a ponytail that reach down her legs, with to strands sticking out on top, sloping backwards. She is wearing the same school uniform as Rias but with black knee high socks, and has a voluptuous body.
Next to her is her mother, Shuri Himejima, she wears a white shirt with black on the collar and hems, with short blue pants, she looked like a older version of Akeno, expect she had a blue ribbon, and has hazel eyes.
Then on Akeno lap is Kazuto second daughter Shuri Hyoudou, name after her grandma, she is like younger version of Mrs Himejima with her eyes, but has light brown hair, she is wearing the same school uniform as Elle and has a the same style of hair as her mother and grandma, but with a green ribbon.
Next to Akeno is Kazuto third wife, Sona Sitri, the Student Council president, she has black hair styled in a short bob cut, with a yellow hair clip on her left side, violet eyes with glasses over them, and has a slim figure, she is wearing the same school uniform as Rias and Akeno.
On top her lap was Kazuto third daughter, Minako Hyoudou, she Looks like a younger Sona, but with brown eyes and a child impression on her face, she is wearing the same school uniform as Elle and Shuri, but has a magical girl outfit over it with a magical wand in her hand.
Next between Kazuto parents was his brother, Issei Hyoudou, he has short brown hair and light brown eyes, hes wearing the same school uniform as Kazuto, but with the white shirt open to reveal a red t-shirt under it. He is know as one of the Perverted trio along with his friends Matsuda and Motohama.
On Kazuto right side is the mascot of Kuoh Academy, Koneko Toujou, she is a pettie girl with white hair and hazel eyes, the front of her hair has two long bangs going past her shoulders, several loose bangs on her forehead,while the back has a short bob cut. She has two black cat-shaped clips on both sides on her hair. She wears the same uniform as Rias, Akeno, and Sona, but does not wear the cape.
Last on Kazuto left side is the Prince of Kuoh Academy, Yuuto Kiba, he has short blonde hair, grey eyes,and a mole under his left eye. He wears the same uniform as Kazuto and Issei, except he keeps his blazer closed. He is loved by the females and hated by the males, expect Kazuto, at the academy.
Soon after the finish eating, everyone got ready to go to school, the put on there shoes, which are brown, but Issei put on white and blue sneakers. Everyone said goodbye and started heading to the academy.
Kuoh Academy
While walking to the academy, Kazuto can't stop thinking about the past when he first met everyone, it been 5 years when he met Rias at the park, he was just walking to the park when he bump into Rias, she almost fall if he had not catch her, they were both lock on to each others eyes, then the realize what was happen and Kazuto put her down, they both turn around to hide there blush from each other, in the end they decide to talk to each other.
He learn a lot about Rias, she a otaku, interested in the supernatural, cooks, and likes the feeling of hot water on her body. She learn a bit about him as well, he likes martial arts, painting, reading about legendary people, an anime series Rias show him one time name Gundam, and swordsmanship from Camelot and Japan.
They really got along with the past weeks, they then started meeting at other places like restaurants, lakes, and the beach.
Then one day, when he was looking around town, he saw a Stray devil in the area fighting Rias and her peerage. After the battle the were ready to leave when Kiba spot him, she was shock to see him here and was afraid of what he might think of her, to her surprise he already knew she was a devil, she ask how and he shows her his back, then 12 black wings came out of it. They were shock what they had seen.
Kazuto was a fallen seraph angel.
Before things get out of hand, she ask how long he knew she was a devil, it was the time when they first met and the park. Rias was very confuse and wanted to know why he did not attack her, she was a devil, and he was a fallen angel, they are enemies, so why did he not attack her, when Kazuto told her the reason she and her peerage became shock.
Kazuto was a reincarnated fallen angel.
She ask how, he told them his godfather, Azazel, who they were shock to hear that the leader of the fallen angels is a godfather to a human, create the Fallen Pieces, similar to what the devil do with Evil Pieces, the Fallen Pieces reincarnates humans to fallen angels, so far he was the only one that had these pieces, which are shogi pieces. From what he god father told him each piece, besides kings, has it own special powers.
The gold and sliver general are the same as the Evil Piece queen, except the gold general are stronger.
The bishop, rook, knight, and pawn are the same as there Evil Piece counterparts.
The last ones, the lances get great agile.
It work on Devils to, only they will still be devil, but will get fallen angel wings and power.
After that they all decide to head home to get some rest.
After a few days he got along with everyone in the club, yet he still see hatred and sadness in Akeno eyes, so he decide to speak to her on the rooftop at school, he want to get to know about her. She was a bit hesitated at first but she then came clean about her childhood.
She was a hybrid between an human and a fallen angel, she lived a great life with her mother and father, Baraqiel who is a close friend whit his godfather. Then one day when her father left for a mission,her mom relatives took this as a change to kill the "tainted blood",she manage to get away, but did not know what happen to her mother but she thinks she might have been killed protecting her, she hate the fact that her father was not there and hate fallen angel ever since.
Kazuto was mad beyond mad from what he just heard, he told his parents that he be out of town for a while and be back in few days, in reality he was going to give the Himejima clan a good piece of his mind, with his fists.
When he got there, the clan members recognize him as a fallen angel and attack him. Thanks to his martial arts skills, he defeated them really quick and painful, he walk you to the head of the clan, use his one hand to hold his collar, gave him the scariest face to him, and ask where is Akeno's mother.
He was scary shitless and told him in the basement, where all disgrace can go and die.
Kazuto then gave the man a punch in the stomach and went down to get her, he did not expect her to still be alive,after what he see in the basement.
Kazuto went down the basement and open the doors,he was disgusted at what he had see, skeletons all over the area, he should have just killed the bastard.
He got in and see that is was a lot bigger in the inside, he then hears a noise further in, he follow where the noise is, when he got there he was shock to see Shuri alive, but she did not looks so well.
She need treatment right away, so he decided to use one of his Fallen Pieces, he got out one of his silver general pieces and put it near her just,her body absorb it and the wounds were starting to heal.
When she open her eyes, she turn around to see him.
"Who are you?"
"Just a friend, come on, your daughter must be worried about you."
Flashback end
When they got back, Akeno was shock and couldn't stop crying and hugging her mother, she was so thankful to him, there relationship change, with Akeno teases him a lot, and trying to seduce him in uncomfortable situations, but other then that, they are great friends.
His relationship with Sona was a profession one, they do talk about some stuff, but she is interested in chess, he then ask if she want to play it with him, she agree and let him have the for movie, she was confuse about him moving the king as well, when she ask why he simple answered with this.
"If a king does not lead, how does he expect his subjects to follow him."
She was a little surprise by his answer, but decide to think about after the game,they were both really good at it.
In the end Kazuto won the game.
They both thank each other for a good match and got back to there own things, when he left she mutter to herself saying "You are the one".
After some days, he couldn't help but notice Rias being a little sad about something, he decide to ask what was wrong, she was a bit hesitated but she told him the truth, she was in and arrange marriage with a jerk name Riser Phenex, she hated it with no bounds, but she can't do anything about it, plus she loves someone else.
He then ask if there was anyway he can help her, and maybe tell the person she loves how she feels about him, but she seem nervous and was having a hard time saying something, when he ask what was wrong, she decide to just show him, she then kiss him right on the lips.
He was very shock, but accepted the kiss. After a few minutes of kissing and moaning they separated, she told him that she love him, the reason for that is because he is honest, kind, and only see her as Rias, other only see her and Rias Gremory, but he sees her as just Rias, the door suddenly open and Akeno and Sona fell down, turn out they were listening to the conversation.
She then ask why where they here,and they said that they were listening, of course she knew Akeno answer, she was also in love with him, he didn't treat her any different when she reveal her secret to him, kind, and was thankful for saving her mother. She ask why Sona was her, Sona told her that she love him to, which shock the three of them, she said the reasons were that he was smart, and kind. She like talking about stuff with him, and she told them that he defeated her in chess, which shock both Rias and Akeno.
Kazuto was having a hard time with this, he can tell that all three of them love him, and he can't just hurt there feelings, if anything he was in love with all three of them. Then and idea came to him, so he got the girls attention and told them his plan.
"Lets all 4 of use elope together."
They where shock and what he had just said, he also told them how he feels about them and they were more shock about, eventually they all hug him and agree with his plan.
Of course when Azazel heard about this, he laugh and decide to give his godson a gifts, so he came to him and his girls with a sword in his hand, and 4 rings.
The sword was all black, with red lines and circle on the flat surface and handle.
Azazel told him it was a Excalibur created by Morgan Le Fey, Excalibur Morgan.
They where shock to see a demonic version of Excalibur.
Azazel then gave him the rings and sword to him as Kazuto thank him for it.
The next day was the wedding,the people that were there are Issei, who is crying because he isn't getting married and is jealous of him, his parents, Mrs Himejima, Kiba, Koneko, and Azazel, who is wearing a fake mustache and beard, with glasses and a hat to hide his identity, and the marriage "priest".
Kazuto was in a white tuxedo, with a black dress shirt under it, black shoes, and a black ribbon on the collar.
The girls each wore a different wedding dress, Rias look just like a princess with her wedding dress, her top part was all white, covering her shoulders and assets, her bottom part was long that reach down to her legs, and has glass slippers.
Akeno wears a white kimono, with a matching obi belt, with cherry blossom design, and wear geta on her feat.
Sona wears a Chinese dress, all white, and golden flowers on it, and white heels.
With the "Priest" finishing is words and said to kiss the brides, they all kiss, and it was a happy they for them.
After that the three girls want to join his peerage, he was shock at first but accepted them in is peerage.
Rias and Akeno absorb his golden general pieces, while Sona absorb the last sliver general piece.
Few weeks later, Rias, Akeno, and Sona were pregnant with there daughters, and Kazuto fainted after hearing the news.
A month later they were born,and then the mothers name them Elle, Shuri, and Minako.
"Thinking about the past Anata?"
When he heard Rias voice,he turn around and smile.
"Yeah, it been 5 years since then."
"Bye mommy/mom/oka-san and daddy/dad/oto-san, we are off to school."
"Goodbye dear/honey/Minako."
The daughters smile and wave at their parents and went off to the elementary division of Kuoh Academy.
"Issei there you are."
"Over here."
Issei turn to see his friends, the two other Perverted trio Matsuda and Motohama.
They wear the same school uniform as the male students. Matsuda is bald with grey very short hair,and grey eyes, and Motohama has short hair is brown had glasses on his eyes, that we can't see.
"Hey guys what up?"
"It all most time."
The of them smile mischiefly.
"Well I got to go with my friends,see yeah later."
And the Three ran off somewhere.
"Something never change, come on, let's get to class everyone."
With that said everyone of them went to class.
After School
Classes were over,and Kazuto was about to leave when- ""Kazuto/senpai.""
He turn around to see 2 girls calling him, they are the captain and vice caption of the Kendo club, Murayama and Katase.
Murayama wearing the same school uniform for female, she has brown tied twin tail with red ribbons, with bang on her forehead and two longer locks on each side, with hazel eyes.
Katase wear the same clothes as the other female students, has pink hair that slightly touches her collar, her bangs pulled back with a white hairband, and two longer locks and fall down and touch her shoulders.
"Thanks for telling me and Murayama about the hole in the closet senpai."
"Yeah, the perverts got a surprise when we got them into a corner."
"It was nothing girls, I'm just trying to help."
"Oh, there you are Kazuto."
The three of the turn to see a bespectacled girl who wearing a female school uniform, but with out the cape, has light brown hair down up in French braids, and golden eyes.
Her name is Aika Kiryuu.
"What up Aika?"
"You didn't hear, your brother just got a date."
To say there were shock was understatement,they were beyond shock, then suddenly Matsuda and Motohama came while crying.
Student were leaving to not hear them scream, after that it was just the 6 of them,the 2 stop crying and has serious faces on.
"What does this mean boss?"
"Don't know, but I got a feeling he going to get involved now, for now just act normal to him."
"""""Got it/Yes/Sure/Okay boss/Kazuto/king/senpai.
After that the 6 went there way to do there own things.
Hyoudou Resident Sunday Night
"I sure hope Issei is okay, but knowing him he might do something stupid again."
Kazuto was getting Elle to bed and making sure that nothing bad happen to her.
"Good night dad."
"Good night Elle."
He gave her a kiss and she went into a deep sleep.
He went outside her room to go to his bed when he see Rias carrying Issei on her back.
"How is he, was he attack by a fallen angel?"
"Yes, and he find for now, I guess we can tell him everything now that he is a devil."
"Yeah lets wait until tomorrow after school in the old school building."
They put Issei into his bedroom, on his bed, after that they went to there bedroom. He got into his pajamas, while Rias strip in the nude, and the both lay down on the bed together.
"Tomorrow will be a long day."
"I know Anata, but for now get some rest.
And like that the two of them went to sleep, while Kazuto wonder what will happen tomorrow.
(Justice Fight! The Brave Legend!) Show Kazuto, Rias, Sona ,Akeno, and there daughters.
(Seinaru gyukuji inori o mune ni daki) Shows Elle, Shuri, and Minako playing in the pool,while there parents watches them.
(itsuka tadori tsuku ma taminu tokyou he) Then shows Issei looking up, while Ddraig behind him.
(kaosu no uzu ga zawameki dasutoki otoko wa moe agaru) Shows Kiba looking at his swords, Koneko eating candy, and Asia healing a bird.
((chi) kaze o saki (gi) yami o kiru (re) shin (chi) jiru (shi) mama ni) Shows Kazuto, Rias, Sona, and there peerage,with there wings out flying to the enemy.
(tamashii ni michibi kare Mirisha densetsu no kuni e) Show Raynare, Kalawarner, and Mittelt holding light spears in there hands.
(Hiyaaku habikoru sekai yugan da shihai no wana uchi kudaku yuusha tachi Zillion Fighting) Shows Riser in his phoenix from, while Kazuto and his Fallen Angel peerage ready to attack.
(Kizuwa tomo ienu mama tatakai tsuzukeru no sa) Shows Murayama and Katase having a duel.
(Justice Fight! The Brave Legend!) Shows Elle fishing and catches a big fish, Shuri, Minako, Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt, and Aisa are cheering, while Koneko drools over the fish.
(kagayaku hoshi tsukami toru made) Shows Issei in blanace breaker, while Kazuto wears gold armor in the front.
And done. Man I was on a roll with this one,it was hard what to right and who should be in is peerage. If you wonder who is in who harem and who is in Kazuto harem I tell yea,but I might update it.
Kazuto Harem:Rias, Akeno, Sona, Kuroka, Raynare, Kalawarner, Murayama, Katase, Akia, Serafall, Irina, Xenovia, Ni, Li, Ophis.
Issei Harem:Aisa, Koneko, Ravel, Le Fey, Mira, Ile, Nel, Isabela.
And now for his peerage.
Golden general:Rias,Akeno
Silver general:Shuri Himejima,Sona
Bishop:will be reveal in a later chapter.
Pawn:one will be in next chapter/4 will be reveal in a later chapter/4 have not decide
If any of you have question, please come ask me, and if you have ideas for the 4 other pawn, please tell me.