Over My Dead Body
Lance woke up to the sound of Pidge struggling to break free of Sendak's grasp. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out what was going on, he knew he rescued Coran from an explosion but after that he lost consciousness.
"What the...where am I?" His first thought was as he struggled to focus on his surroundings, the sound of panic was everywhere and he could tell someone was right beside him, but he didn't know who.
But one thing was certain: Pidge was in danger.
Her grunts of pain as Sendak tightened his grip around her body as she was helpless to break free. Even though she thought her plan had worked, she wound up getting caught by the Galra Commander.
"You really thought your little hologram trick would work with me?" the Galra Commander asked the Green Paladin with a sneer.
Lance caught his breath, "Oh no." Things went from bad to worse as he continued to hear Pidge grunt in pain as the Commander's grip on her tightened. If he went any harder on her he would snap her in two!
"I can't let this purple gremlin kill Pidge." Lance thought as he reached for his Bayard clipped to his side. Even if he could only take one shot at the big guy, it would be enough to turn his attention away from Pidge so she could escape.
The sound of footprints echoed through the hallway as Lance saw Allura and Keith confront Sendak ready to fight him.
"Stand back!" Sendak barked at them. Holding Pidge up like a shield in front of him as the little Paladin struggled in his grasp.
Lance grinned as he thought, "Well. I might just die for this, but it'll be worth it for Pidge. He'll have to do it over my dead body."
So he pulled the trigger and shot the Galra Commander's arm that was holding Pidge hostage, she tumbled away and Sendak turned his head crazily around towards Lance's direction. Lance gave the big brute a menacing wolf grin of his own before his body finally collapsed on him. His eyes grew heavy and he couldn't keep his head straight anymore. His arms went limp as his Bayard transformed back into its original form as he crashed back into the wall behind him.
He saved Pidge. Pidge was safe. That's all that mattered to him.
And now he was ready to pay the consequences.