"Wealth, fame, power. The man, who once owned everything, the Pirate King, Gold Roger. The words he said before his death sent all the people of the world out to the seas."

"My treasure? If you want it, I'll give it to you! Find it! I left everything in that place."

"Men, searching for romance, pushed forward towards the Grand Line. The world is now in the Grand Age of Pirates!"

Chapter 20: Cafe Brawl! Franky & Paulie vs Sabrina

"So this Conis girl is in pretty serious trouble, eh?" Franky sat forward in his chair, resting his hands on his knees. "And we can't wait around much longer for the others to show."

Zoro sighed, slowly standing to his feet and resting a hand on his hilt. "Then we go find Conis ourselves. Luffy and the others will find their own way there. We always end up coming together in the end when we split up."

"Well..." Gin hoisted one tonfa over his shoulder as he, too, rose to his feet. "I won't sit this one out. This one's personal for me, and I promised Conis that I'd look after her."

The trio stood and looked at each other before their eyes fell on Paulie, who remained kicked back in his chair and both feet on the table. He met their gazes and sighed. "Yeah, yeah... damn it, I didn't come to this island to fight! I'm tryin' to make some quick cash. If going after this Don Krieg guy leads me to some shiny prizes though, yeah, count me in."

As Paulie rose to his feet, the four men extended their hands and placed them on top of one another. "For Conis!"

"For Conis?"

All four paused and looked towards the source of the voice. Several feet away, Sabrina sat on top of the cafe counter with a look of utter amusement on her face. "You boys seriously don't think that you can rescue that winged girl, do you? Don Krieg's plans are already ahead of schedule, there's no way you can stop him or rescue the girl from the sky."

Gin pointed to himself furiously as he glared at Sabrina. "I made a promise to that girl! Don Krieg's reign of terror ends here and now!"

As Gin leaped forward to rush at Sabrina, Zoro clenched his swords and followed suit. Sabrina watched them come and merely grinned. "Oh, they're trying to attack me. How cute."

With a flick of her wrist, a hole appeared on the floor that widened enough to reach both men. With no time to react, Gin and Zoro both started to fall through the floor. "SHIT!" Zoro tried to grab at the edge of the hole, but his attempt to save himself was fruitless as he simply fell into the black abyss.

Sabrina licked her lips excitedly as she glanced towards the hole. "Now to secure our new prisoners!" She quickly made her way towards the hole and winked to Franky and Paulie. "Toodles, gentlemen! I'll be back for you shortly!"

As Sabrina leaped into the hole, Franky and Paulie both looked at each other in frustration before turning back. Sabrina's laugh could be heard echoing out of the hole as it began to close in on itself, but then...

"Rope Action! Hook, Line and Sinker!"

Sabrina looked up with a smirk as her hole was almost shut. Her smirk suddenly vanished, eyebrows raising in surprise as a rope shot into the hole, and wrapped around her tightly. "H-Hey! What's going on? What is this!?"

Without warning, Sabrina was ripped from the hole and slammed head-first into the floor, shattering her sunglasses upon impact. Her vision momentarily went white for a moment as let out a gasp of pain.

Franky grinned and gave Paulie a slap on the sounder. "Hey, good one Pedro!" Paulie silently fumed at his name being gotten wrong yet again, but Franky continued as he assumed an attack stance and raised his left hand. "Now, let's finish the job! Weapons Left!"

Sabrina worked her way into a sitting position and stared in confusion as she watched the man's wrist open to reveal a gaping hole. Without warning, there was a discharge. Franky's cannonball quickly collided with Sabrina, resulting in an explosion that rocked Beek's cafe and sending Sabrina barrelling across the floor and smashing into a wall. She gasped in pain as she weakly climbed to her feet, dusting herself off weakly once noticing that the attack had destroyed the ropes that were binding her. After letting out several short breaths, she glared at the two through one eye and growled. "Fine! You want to play that way, do you? Then I'll finish you both off!"

Franky and Paulie watched as she spun her arm around in a circle and threw it through a small hole directly in front of herself, an exit hole appearing directly in front of Franky where her fist exited and collided with his chest. The pain was immediate, Franky's eyes widening as he was thrust backwards into the wall. "O-Ow! What the hell!?"

"Fools!" Sabrina sneered at them as she assumed an attack stance. "Do you think that all I do is make holes? I have studied martial arts my entire life! With the combined power of my Ana Ana no Mi and extensive Soru training, you are no match for me."

"Martial arts, huh?" Paulie growled as he bit down on his cigar. "Let's see how you handle this then! Rope Action: Bowline Knot!"

Sabrina watched as another rope came her way, prompting her to hastily move to her left and through a hole faster than Paulie could even track. Without warning, she emerged directly behind him and sent her left foot into the back of his head at an untrackable speed. Paulie immediately went careening across the cafe, smashing into chairs and tables, upsetting them all in the process. Franky had only just turned his gaze towards Sabrina when all of this occurred, but it was too late as her own speed was too much to follow when combined with her ability to travel through her holes. Franky watched her seemingly vanish, only for a hole to appear directly above his head and for Sabrina to bring both feet down on his head with extreme force, breaking the floor and sending Franky below.

"S-Shit..." Paulie forced himself up off the floor, breathing heavily and staring across towards Sabrina. "This woman's strong, but all I gotta do is..."


Paulie's words were cut off as Sabrina rocketed across the cafe using her Soru, immediately slamming her fists into Paulie several times before he fell backwards several feet and onto the countertop. Sabrina glared at him, opening a hole below her foot and dropping it through, resulting in another hole appearing just above Paulie's face. Paulie widened his eyes as he saw a heeled foot emerge, prompting him to move his head in the nick of time as Sabrina's heel collided with the wooden counter, splintering it and sending fragments flying.

A breathless Franky reached up and grabbed hold of a floorboard, hoisting himself back into the cafe as he drenched the floor in liquid cocoa from the cocoa marsh below. He glanced towards the scene at the counter just as Sabrina looked over her shoulder at him and grinned. She flicked her wrist through a hole at her side, opening another by Franky and attempting to deliver another blow to him. Franky rolled away just before the fist impacted him as he looked furiously around the cafe. "Ah, this isn't good! She's too fast, I can't keep up with the movements!"

Paulie coughed as he raised his head to look towards him. "Damn it, Franky! Think of somethff-" Sabrina's foot caught Paulie in the jaw, causing him to smash into another wall.

Sabrina sneered at Paulie as he collapsed weakly against the floor, sputtering up blood in the process. "That is enough out of you, blondie!"

Franky's eyes darted all over the cafe while Sabrina was distracted, and that's when he saw something. Sabrina turned her gaze back towards Franky, only to see him rolling behind the counter with something in his hands that resembled a large coffee pot. There was a sound of clinking and clanking coming from where Franky hid as Sabrina began to walk towards the counter with an amused grin on her face. "Oh, you big buffoon... you're not planning on trying to hit me with that pot of coffee, are you?"

No response. Sabrina quirked an eyebrow and waited until, finally, there was a noise coming from the other side. "MmmmnnnmnnnnmmnnnMMMNNN..."

Just as she started forward to take a peek at whatever was going on behind the counter, Franky burst up energetically. "HAHAHAHA! LOOKATTHAT! I'MSUUUUPERCHARGED! SUPERSUPERSUPERSUPERAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Sabrina took a step back in confusion as she saw the absolutely insane look on Franky's face. His eyes were nearly bugging out of his face as he grinned like a maniac, his neck appearing to be twitching and having miniature spasms before he settled his gaze on her. "ALRIGHT! NOWYOU'RENOTGONNAGETAWAY! I'MSUPERCHARGEDFROMCOFFEE! SUUUPEEEER!"

"Peh, you can barely control yourself!" Sabrina growled at Franky as she clenched her fists. "I'll finish this now!"

Sabrina immediately took a step forward, her Soru allowing her to travel at immense speed towards Franky. She attempted to strafe him, but was shocked when his borderline insane gaze simply followed her, a gigantic smile plastered on his face as he simply sent a fist flying at her that collided with her face, knocking her out of her advance. Franky, laughing maniacally, grabbed her with his other hand and slammed her into the ground. "SUPERSUPERSUPERSUPERSUPER! AHAHA, THATCOFFEESUREDIDTHETRICK!"

"D-Don't get cocky!" Sabrina struggled to get back to her feet as she opened two portals to her sides. "Wormhole Technique: Death Grip!"

Just as Sabrina attempted to send one hand through each hole, Franky raised both arms at a speed that surprised even Sabrina. "TIMEFORTHESUPERFINALATTACK! COUPDEVENT!"

An immense blast of air was shot out of Franky's arms that connected with Sabrina and sent her flying backwards, smashing straight through the back wall of the cafe, through the walls of two adjacent buildings, and then through a sign post where she collapsed onto the ground, unconscious and unmoving.

A hummingbird-esque Franky watched from the cafe to verify that Sabrina was out of commission before snapping his gaze towards Paulie. "HEYPAULIEAREYOUALRIGHT?"

"Ungh..." Paulie raised a hand and gave Franky a thumbs up. "T-Thanks for finally gettin' my damn name right."