"Stars, I command thee to form!" the booming voice of a god roared.
The void of emptiness was instantly filled with stars in every direction. A young couple, a teenage girl in a nightgown and a 10,000 year old boy with his long brown hair nearly covering his eyes, were watching the stars wink constantly at them while holding on to each other's hands.
"This is beautiful, Yukki," the girl said. Her grip around his hand tightened as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm so happy I finally get to see this wonderful sight... with you..."
"Yuno," Yukkiteru breathed as he rested his head on hers.
The only other person with them was a tanned, mischievous girl who looked to be around the age of seven-to-ten with a pout spread across her normally cute face.
"Hey, First, now that the Second's here, can you create a new world now?"
"My world is right here."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Murmur screeched. "Look, you've waited to make a new world for 10,000 years, now start making a cool world whose inhabitants I can pull pranks on already!"
"J-just give us a few minutes, Murmur-"
"Yukki," Second said, "I would also like a new world. Please, honey, do it for me?" She turned her head upwards and lightly pecked him on the cheek.
A hand was placed behind her back and another under her knees as the brunette stood up, holding her in his arms.
"If that's what you want," he said. "Let there be light!"
A large ray of light loomed behind the trio and rose up in front of them, pushing back the dark and mixing the star night's dark blue aura with its golden yellow aura.
Yukki fell on his knees, still keeping a tight grip on the pinkette.
"Creating something like that takes a lot of energy," Murmur explained. "But I'm sure you have enough strength left to create an Earth, or a solar system. Why don't you start with something small, like a new Mercury?"
"Hey, uh, I already made a sun, so... C-can I spend some more time with Yuno?"
The brown midget sighed.
"Baby steps, I guess..."
(music begins)
"Yuno," Yukki said as he held her close. "I missed you so much..."
"It's okay, Yukki, I'm here with you again. This time forever."
(They say we are what we are, but we don't have to be.)
"That's right, you're not an ordinary girl anymore."
(I'm bad behavior, but I do it in the best way.)
"Live with me, Yuno. Forever."
(I'll be the watcher (watcher))
She nodded.
(of the eternal flame. I'll be the guard dog-)
"Until the day I die."
(-of all your fever dreams.)
Yukki gripped her hands tightly.
"I'm a god now, and I'll gladly maintain that position." He fell on his knees, still looking at her. "But only if you'll be my goddess."
(I am the sand in the bottom of the hourglass. (Glass, glass))
"Y-Yukki... YUKKI~!" Yuno cried as she grabbed his neck. "Of course I'll marry you!"
(I try to picture me without you, but I can't.)
"You and I..."
('Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals.)
"We're immortals."
(Just not for long, for long. And live with me forever now-)
"Yuno, live forever with me."
(-pull the blackout curtains down. Just not for long, for long.)
He picked her up bridal style and jumped into the starry area.
(Because could be imoooor-)
The void of stars seemed endless, causing a smile to slip onto the Second's face, pleasing her future husband.
(Immortals. Imoooor-)
"I'm so glad this is where I'll be living forever. But you're more wonderful than the stars, Yukki."
(Immortals. Imoooor-)
"Your eyes are more wonderful than either."
Yukki stopped running and placed Yuno's feet on the ground, and then immediately grabbed her hands.
"Here, I shall declare my love, to Gasai Yuno."
(Sometimes the only pay off for having any faith-)
Yuno blushed.
(-is when it's tested again and again every day.)
"I, Amano Yukkiteru..."
(I'm still comparing your past, to my future.)
This was the greatest moment in the boy's entire life.
(It might be your wound but they're my sutures.)
"-promise to honor and obey my perfect wife, and no matter what, to put her needs over mine. Through pain, and even death, I will never leave her side."
(I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass))
"And I, Gasai Yuno, promise to protect my husband, not to let anyone touch him, talk to him, or even think about him. Or I'll kill them!"
Yukki sweat dropped.
(I try to picture me without you but I can't.)
"I do."
"I do."
(Cause we could be Immortals.)
He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss.
(Immortals. Just not for long, for long.)
Keeping the kiss, he pulled the nightgown down her legs.
(And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down.)
He moved his head to start kissing her neck.
(Just now for long, for long. Because we could be Immooor-)
"You're so gentle, Yukki..."
He moved back up for a kiss.
(Immortals. Immooor-)
They both slowly fell to the ground and deepened the kiss, gripping their hands tightly together.
... Please...
(I-i-i-i-Immortals. And live with me forever now.)
Please have her eyes.
(Pull the blackout curtains down.)
Please have his smile.
"Aishteru, Yuno."
"Aishteru, Yukki."
(We could be Immortals.)
He picked her back up bridal style.
(Immortals. Just not for long, for long. We could be immooor-)
"You're not going to leave me this time, Yuno!"
(Immortals. Immoooor-)
Yuno wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Hell no, I'm not."
They kissed again.
Yukki fell over on his back to let her take over the kiss.
(Immortals. Immooooor-)
Yuno started tickling him.
"H-ha ha! Y-Yuno, s-stop tha- ha ha! Ha ha!"
She giggled.
"We're Immortals now," Yukki said.
The small girl hovered over them.
"You two do know that even as gods you won't live forever, right?"
"Don't ruin the moment."
Murmur hovered closer to them and started snickering a giggling constantly.
"This is even cuter than in the manga! You two make such a cute couple!"
"Thanks," Yuno giggled.
"By the way, First, are you ready to start creating a new world?"
"Don't worry," Yuno said, "we'll have plenty of time to cuddle when you're done."
Yukki smirked.
"Alright. Let's get started."
"By the way, Yukki, while you're doing that, why don't I give you a hair cut?" the pinkette asked. "Seriously, honey, it's longer than mine, this is just sad. Ha ha!"
Yukki smiled.
By the time the brown haired god created a new Solar System, Yuno was only one day away from labor.
Yukkiteru was resting his head on her lap, gasping for air.
"Man, that took a lot out of you, didn't it?"
"Y-yeah... I kinda don't wanna create new humans now."
"Why don't you wait until your child is born?" Murmur suggested. "That way you can make a mate for them, and they can carry it out from there."
"That's a great idea, Murmur!" Yukki agreed. "It's this world's Adam and Eve. Oh, what would you like to call them, Yuno?"
"W-well..." She blushed. "I always wanted a daughter named Yuyu. A-and for a boy, Kino."
"All right!" First said as he sat up. "Then, once our child is born... I'll create a mate for them."
A/N: The song was "Immortals" by Fallout Boy. Kick-ass song, go check it out. I will continue this, right now I'm just wondering what to do in the new world Yukki and Yuno create. And no, Yuno will not be OOC. This is the Yuno who never lost her innocence, so she's not a Yandere. And yes, Yuyu, and Kino are a combination of the beginnings and ends of Yukki and Yuno's names. XD Please review! More is coming!