


He could hear it , the distinct sound of bells jingling , something like a ring spinning on the ground along with a certain voice giggling in the distance .. Against the water's surface , he saw a ripple shining in the dark . Then everything went silent for what felt like forever , only to repeat itself all over again .

What was that ? He'd asked , desperate and starting to panic when nothing left his mouth .

As if on cue , an answering chuckle resonated about the dark , startling him to the point of jolting awake with a heavy gasp and a racing heart .

He spared no time thinking and turned to the right , where Takuma should have been , only to find an empty seat instead .

The hallway of the old building looked far too intimidating at that moment in particular . He could swear it was real , that childish giggle clinging to the walls in a creepy manner that highly unsettled him .

Though maybe it was just a figment of his imagination .

Well , at least the other nobles have yet to regain their consciousness . He'd tried to reassure himself , slowly abandoning the chair and focusing his senses on locating Takuma's presence . Once he felt him close , Senri couldn't hold back a sigh of relief . For a couple of seconds he stood there rooted to his place , telling himself to snap out of it because the other nobles needed him more than ever before .

With that notion on mind , he started moving forward , determined to do the best he could offer to help out.

The moment he rounded a corner , however , he stiffened .

A child ..

" Stay back , Senri ! "

Takuma warned , his tone carrying waves of authority as he took on a protective stance , left hand darting in the middle of the air for emphasis .






Kiryuu has always managed to find a way to get on Kaname's nerves , either by disrespecting or disobeying him . Sometimes it felt like he made it his mission to ruin the flow of what otherwise should have progressed smoothly .

At this moment Kaname understood what it meant when people say 'some things never change' .

Still , he couldn't afford to get sidetracked by whatever was going on with Kiryuu . Kaname told himself . He had to correct his mistakes .

Yuki has always deserved a destiny far better than what he'd given her out of greed and selfish tendencies. It's almost like she was born to live under the light .. Selfish as he was , The kuran ancestor only realized that truth just then . He'd tried to ignore it before , presenting himself with numerous theories to justify his own actions and their consequences until he ran out of them . He couldn't lie to himself , not anymore .

Being a pureblood was akin to a frown on Yuki's face , something that didn't look good on her. And he vowed to change it back . Like how it should have been from the start - a smile so ethereal and warm it could rival the sun- .

To think he was cruel enough to smother her within a fate as dark as his ..Unforgivable ! Yuki could never share him such a life. She won't. He'd see to it .

But that shoved him back to a harsh reality , a fateful question that imposed itself .

Who was going to help him shoulder a sacrifice heavy as that ?

He could do nought but lament , gaze turning around , seeking the window in funereal movement , watching , waiting .

Birds chirped outside , so unlike him , ignorant of what the future held , destruct and wreckage looming in the distance , wanting to devour everything in its way .

Yet another bloodbath to be witnessed , an even more vicious one . Having gone through it once ..Would Cross Academy make it a second time ?

Kaname wondered , knowing better .

The end , he could already see it .












In the darkness of injustice many slumbered , a fact he was well aware of more than anyone else .

Life did not spare him as a child and certainly not as a grown up , snatching him from one thing to the other and barely giving him a break . He'd gone through lots of misfortunes . Nevertheless , being sentenced for a crime he did not commit was not one of them .. until a few days ago .


