/AN: I'm, once again, redoing this whole thing. Please have patience but know that I'm back. Trying to post regularly, hopefully every week, or every other if things get crazy again. Hopefully soon I'll be posting new chapters, instead of reposting old ones. /



Jacob slammed the door of his truck and, clenching his fists in anger, he began to pace restlessly across the moonlit front lawn of his house, trying to control the surge of heat moving throughout his bloodstream. The evening played and replayed in his mind, taunting him. He stopped pacing and glared down at his feet just as his dad wheeled himself onto the porch.

"Jacob?" He called through the darkness, "That you?"

"Yeah," Jake replied, trying to keep the rage from his voice.

Billy Black parked by the railings and leaned forward slightly, "You're back early. Something wrong?"

Before Jacob could answer, Sam Uley exited the house behind Billy, but stopped mid step when he saw Jacob.

"Oh no.."

"You!" Jacob growled, taking several threatening steps forward.

Sam leapt over the porch railing and landed squarely on his feet, then began to make his way toward Jacob, who felt his anger roll tumultuously.

"How dare you come here! I told you to stay away from here!" He spat, causing Sam to pause.

"I'm just trying to help you, Jacob," Sam stated firmly.

Jacob scowled, "Help me what? Abandon my friends and family? Get failing grades? Jump off a fifty-foot cliff?! No thanks."

Jacob narrowed his eyes as Sam continued his approach, his vision beginning to blur with fiery anger. It was all he could do to resist outright attacking him. He brought his balled fists up to his forehead, as though attempting to shield himself from the world, but the pain wasn't out there, it was inside him. His intense anger was surprising, uncontrollable and it was frankly terrifying. Jacob's knees buckled as Sam stopped in front of him. His muscles tensed painfully and his teeth ground against each other as heat rushed through him, intensifying each second.

He hadn't even realized they were fighting until he threw his second punch, his fury fueling his arm. His fist landed with a solid thud against Sam's jaw. Two more swift attacks followed, both increasing Jacob's speed and strength, and in turn, his fever. He could barely hear his father's shouts, which seemed far more distant than the porch only a few feet away. As Jacob drew back for another swing, he felt Sam's fist connect to his chin, and his vision went a blurry crimson. He felt nothing but rage and heard nothing save the deafening roar in his own ears. He felt his temperature rise even higher and it seemed that his blood was boiling his insides. Then, spiderwebbing through his veins, came a rush akin to adrenalin, masking the pain.

Jacob's vision began to slowly clear and the scarlet flames that were dancing in his eyes slowly faded until he could peer at the world around him through red-stained glass. Before him he saw an empty blackness, in the midst of which danced two glowing embers. Without thinking, and without delay, he leapt head first into it. His body collided with another and a fierce growl filled his ears. The red continued to fade from his sight, though his mind couldn't quite keep up with what he saw.

"Jake, breath," he could hear Sam's voice very near to him, "You've got to calm down. The first transition is always the hardest,"

Jacob was too confused to answer, his mind suddenly swarmed with far too much information than it could handle. He shook his head to try and clear it, finding that it felt much heavier than usual.

'What's going on?' He thought, trying again to give his head a shake.

"You'll find out soon enough. Just relax, sit down, and I'll explain everything…"

Vivianne strolled casually down the quiet streets of her city, her hands deep in her coat pocket and her collar turned up to the icy rain. She'd had it out with her mother again, their argument ending like it always did, with her slamming the front door in her mother's face. She was getting odd looks from the few pedestrians that passed her by, as it was a rarity to see a woman under 30 walking under the street lamps at this time. Ignoring them, she slowly began to circle back to her house, taking her time, meandering in a zigzag pattern across the sidewalk, occasionally stopping to admire a neat garden patch or swarm of passing moths.

When she opened the front door, she froze on the spot. Her mom was standing there, her face tear stained, beside her were several German police officers.

"Mom?" She asked, taking a cautious step forward, "What's going on?"

"Oh, baby!" Her mother rushed forward and wrapped her in a hug, "Thank heaven, you're okay,"

She returned the hug in confusion, eyeing the officers suspiciously, "Something's happened,"

The officers ignored her, looking on sternly.

"Mom?" Vivianne repeated.

Her mother just shook her head and let out a strangled sob. Though Vivianne did not know what had happened, there was something that she did know. This would be her last night in Berlin.

/AN: Please favorite, follow, review. More soon/