Author's Note:

Hey, Guys! Cosmic here :D And today I'm gonna do something different, this isn't a oneshot but a multi-chapter story! Yup, and with the help of ChocolateSyrup!(If you don't know who she is yet, check her out! She has written amazing stories like the others) We did a collab about this a few weeks ago... so, yeah. Onwards! To the story.

Ps. This is my first multi-chapter story so please be nice.

The Jade Palace. Home to one of the greatest protectors of China and the Dragon Warrior. The sun was starting to rise, it's rays shining through the rooms of the barracks. As if on cue, the gong sounded thus making the doors to the barracks simultaneously open and out comes the warriors except for one particular panda.

"Good morning, Master!" The warriors said in unison.

"Good morning, students." Shifu said, while walking to the end of the hallway, he looked at the door that's still closed and sighed. He looked at Tigress and said,

"Tigress, go wake up Po for us, please."

Tigress nodded and proceeded to open the door to the panda's room. Once inside, she closed the door and walked over to the snoring panda.

"Po," she said, lightly shaking the panda,"Po, wake up." Po just stirred.

"Po!" she said a little more stern, but Po just turned his back on her. This got her more annoyed, but her eyes lit up, the corner of her lips turned into an evil smirk as she unsheathed one of her claws and dragged it across Po's back.

Po's eyes quickly shot open as he turned to the source of the disturbance, but soon relaxed as he saw it was only Tigress,"Tigress? What are you doing here?" he said, clearly confused.

"To wake you up, because you missed the gong again."

"Oh, hehe, Thanks." Po said, sheepishly.

Po went out the door with Tigress trailing behind. He was met with the eyes of the Five and Shifu, he chuckled nervously and bowed. "Good morning, Master Shifu, apologies for missing the gong...again."

Shifu sighed,"This is your last warning, Po, if you miss the gong again, I will make you run up the thousand stairs 100 times, understand?" Po nodded.

"Good, now all of you," Shifu turned to face them,"Go get breakfast then go to the trai-" Shifu was cut off by the sound of the warning gong.

"Looks like we're gonna be late for breakfast." Po said. They all looked at Shifu.


They quickly went to action. They went to the courtyard and saw Zeng, banging the gong like there's no tomorrow.

"Zeng, what's wrong?" Tigress asked.

"Temutai and his army are raiding the Jade Palace!" Zeng pointed to the building,"You must hurry!"

Without questioning further, they ran towards the palace.

They burst through the door, and what they saw made their blood boil. Half of the artifacts are gone and Temutai's army were continuing to take the artifacts.

Just before a water buffalo was about to grab another artifact it heard a growl.

"You dare steal from the Jade Palace?!" Tigress growled loudly with gritted teeth.

This made the army stop and look at the tiger who was glaring menacingly at them.

"And what are you going to do about it, 'Kitten'?" Temutai responded.

Temutai heard them say,"Oooooohhh, bad idea, man."

Tigress widened her eyes for a brief second then narrowed at the huge buffalo.

"" Tigress asked coldly with a voice full of venom, while cracking her knuckles.

"I said. Kitten." Temutai whispered the 'kitten' part, enough for Tigress to hear.

"Po, you go deal with these lowlives with the others. I'm going to have a little chat with Temutai." Tigress said, with a tone that left no room for arguments, as she got down on all fours and sprint past the army and headed straight for Temutai.

"Okay, this should be fun, alright guys, let's go!" Po said, taking his battle stance.

Tigress lunged at Temutai with her foot outstretched, the force of impact from her foot caused Temutai to stagger back. He tried to smash Tigress but she was too fast, leaving him open for an attack, she jumped and did a side kick at Temutai's face. As he staggered back again she took this opportunity and gone for her signature move: The Double Palm Strike.

Meanwhile, Po and the others were currently being overwhelmed. They were surrounded, with nothing left but to hold them off.

"There's too many of them!" Viper exclaimed.

"Hold them off! We can do this!" Po commanded,"We have to wait for Tigress."

Tigress made a good distance between her and Temutai. As she began to drop on all fours, she ran at him with full speed. When she was close enough to Temutai, she jumped. While she was in mid-air, she retracted her arms and opened her paws, joining her two paws together and thrusted her palm against Temutai's chest. Once her palms made contact with his chest, Temutai went flying and crashed against the thousand scrolls which began to fall beneath him, covering him with scrolls, leaving him with only his head popping out.

Just as they thought they were done for, they heard a loud thud that came near the moon pool. The buffalos stopped attacking and gazed at the direction of the noise.

There, was Temutai defeated by Tigress. The buffalos look on in horror, they dropped their weapons and began to flee, dropping the artifacts in the process.

They sighed in relief as they cheered for Tigress.

"That was awesome! Tigress!" Po said, patting Tigress on the back.

They headed back to the barracks to report what happened to Shifu.

Author's Note:

I hope you liked it! R&R