((Surpriseeee, I'm back! Haha.))
Bucky looked down at the still sleeping form of Willow, worrying only increasing. A whole day had passed, and night had fallen upon them again since the incident. The rest of the team plus the aid of a clean-up crew hired by Stark worked diligently on repairs, but he couldn't pull himself away from her side. The team helped give him a sense of belonging and redemption for his past transgressions—but she gave him purpose. Taking her hand in his, he brought the back of it to his mouth, placing a gentle kiss to it. "Please, Willow…wake up." It didn't matter that they'd only known each other for a little over a month—their bond made it feel like so much longer than that. The ache in his chest feeling impossibly deep but it was undeniable.
Hearing the automatic doors slide open, he turned his head to see Sam walking in, "you should probably eat something, man." He held up a brown bag in one hand, a drink in the other.
Bucky scoffed a laugh, "this a peace offering?"
Sam couldn't help but smile, "yeah, keep wishing, man. Just doing the right thing." Setting the food on the small table at the bedside, he nodded to Willow. "How's she doin'?"
Bucky's smile faltered and he sighed, "Banner said she'd be fine, and she just needed rest, but it feels like it's taking a long time. The injuries were minor enough, but I just want her to wake up."
"She will. You sittin' here watching is like watching a pot boil though if you get what I'm saying," he reached in the bag and pulled out a fry, popping it in his mouth.
"Yeah, I get it," he said rolling the bag shut, "isn't this supposed to be for me? Get your own."
With a chuckle, Sam held his hands up, "excuse me for being a friend and checking the temperature of your damn food. Last time I help you out."
"You guys are so loud," a soft voice croaked.
Turning quickly, Bucky stood, hand cupping her cheek now, "hey there, doll," unable to resist he gently rest his forehead against hers, "you don't know how good it feels to hear your face, sweetheart."
Taking a shaky breath, she reached up slowly, fingers cautiously running through his hair, "I'm okay," she reassured softly. Tears threatened to spill but she kept her eyes closed to keep them at bay. "You waited?" Her voice barely above a whisper.
"Of course, I did, sweetheart," he pulled away enough to see her face, "I couldn't have left if I wanted to," he chuckled, thumbs gently brushing her cheeks.
Finally opening her eyes, glossy with unshed tears, she smiled. Memories of her time being held by H.Y.D.R.A threatened to flood her mind, but she focused on the man before her. His gaze holding her captive and keeping her grounded. "Thank you," she said, removing her hands to push herself up so she could sit. Bucky moved out of her way but put his hand out.
"I wouldn't get up just yet. You should let Bruce check you out again before you try to move around."
"I'm okay, just starving," she said shifting her foot up to push herself back on the bed more, only for searing pain to shoot up her entire leg. Her body tensed; a whispered curse passing her legs as she stilled. That only set off a domino effect. Pain clearly any grogginess from her mind and the aches and pains became ever-present.
"You're okay, you're okay," Bucky shushed, helping her lie back down, "I'll call Bruce so he can come give you more pain medication, okay?"
"What?" She sounded alarmed now, looking over to him with wide eyes, "no. No, I don't want anything. Please. I don't want anything. I don't wa-" she took a deep breath, heartbeat picking up as panic threatened to set in. Her eyes darted around the room, hearing Bucky's voice but not making out any words. What exactly happened when she was out anyway? What all had they done to her? Who saw things they shouldn't have? Who was poking around her body during that time? Looking down at herself now, a blanket draped from the waist down, bandages covering most of her forearms but leaving a space for the IV in her wrist. The edges of her vision blurred, and her breaths came in short gasps. A million thoughts went through her mind in that second. None she had answers to, only assumptions. Assumptions that did nothing to calm her down. "I need to get out of here," she panted, moving frantically now, pulling the IV out carelessly as the pain started to fade; adrenaline kicking in.
"Willow, look at me!" The volume of his voice rose without him yelling, but it was enough to get her to shift her focus to him. Just realizing his hands on her shoulders. When had that happened?
"Get off of me! I want to leave. I want to go!" she said trying to push him away while kicking the covers off her legs.
"And go where? It isn't safe out there for people like us. Willow, please, stay with me alright, kid? Breathe. Breathe with me," he said taking a deep breath, "focus. You're okay. You're in a safe place, alright? No one's going to hurt you or force you to take anything you don't want."
Willow's body trembled, watching him carefully. Chest rising and falling at a slower rate as she started to mirror his breathing. The concern in his eyes confused her, even though she knew it shouldn't. She felt undeserving of it.
"Breathe in. Good. Now, out. There you go. Again." He did that a few more times with her until she relaxed again. The tears in her eyes broke his heart, just as much as her panicked response but he understood. Maybe that's what made it hurt more.
"I'm sorry," she breathed, "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, kid. You sure you're okay?"
"I am. I'm okay. I didn't mean to freak out, it's just—"
Bucky rose a hand, "you don't have to explain, Willow. No meds. Easy as that." He smiled softly, hoping it'd reassure her. "Let's just focus on getting some food in you first, okay?" Glancing over his shoulder he realized Sam had left. Probably to get Banner. Or maybe give them privacy. Hell, maybe both. It didn't matter now though. One thing at a time. Pushing a button on the side of her bed so she was upright, he moved the tray, so it was over her lap.
"Isn't this yours?" She asked, looking over to him.
Bucky shrugged, "I'm not even hungry," he smiled, "eat up."