A/N at the end today! :D

One year later

Late one otherwise ordinary afternoon, Summer walked into Bucky's somewhat new office downtown and tried to calm the nerves fluttering within her. He hadn't been in private practice for very long, only about six months, but it was going rather well for him and his office in midtown Manhattan was thriving. He wasn't aware that Summer was dropping in for a visit, and that was the way that she wanted it.

He had a sweet little old receptionist named Betty who looked up the minute Summer arrived and smiled at her excitedly. "Summer! I didn't know you were dropping today. How are you?"

"I'm pretty good," Summer smiled back, slipping her hands inside the pockets of the leather jacket that she had bought just the day before. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm keeping busy, same as always," Betty smiled back. "Do you want me to ring your fiancé and tell him you're here?"

"No," Summer smiled, biting her lip and feeling her nerves burst forth all over again. Having rehearsed this conversation in her head countless times already, she said, "I'm actually his last appointment today."

Betty looked at Summer in mild confusion before checking the appointment sheet laying before her. "His last appointment today is a Ms. Allison Smith."

"Yeah," Summer smiled a bit nervously. "That's kinda... me. I'm trying to kinda... surprise him, and... if you could just like... make sure his door stays locked..."

Betty suddenly understood. "Oh! Oh. Absolutely! Not a problem. Why didn't you just say so in the first place? Tell you what, I'll be out of here as soon as I can, too."

"Oh, you don't have to do that," Summer smiled, rather fond of the woman that Bucky employed full time. She was a grandmother of three and her deceased husband had been a Navy Seal, and Summer held a lot of admiration for her quiet inner strength and resilience.

"No, no, don't worry about it. Go on in and have a seat, sweetie. He stepped out to grab some coffee a little while ago, but he should be back any minute."

"Okay," Summer smiled. "Oh! And don't tell him I'm the appointment."

Betty looked at her like she was crazy. "Of course not! I know exactly what you're up to, hon, and I'm not gonna spoil your fun."

Summer blushed a little and gave Betty a grateful smile. "Thank you so much."

The older woman nodded and then made a shoo gesture with her hand. "Go on, hurry up before he gets back!"

With a giggle under her breath, Summer did as she said and hurried inside Bucky's office. She closed the door behind her and took a deep breath, briefly biting her lip and again trying to settle the nerves that were fluttering wildly inside of her. To keep herself busy while she waited for Bucky, she took a walk around the office and ended up behind his desk, smiling at what he had strewn on top of it.

He wasn't the neatest guy she'd ever known, and that showed in the somewhat tall pile of papers on the desk and a few packs of random snacks he had stashed next to a container holding pens and a few pencils. He had a closed laptop on the desk as well, and best of all, a cute framed photo of himself and Summer from the high school reunion that had pushed their relationship to the next level.

After staring at the photo with a little smile on her face, Summer decided to go ahead and take her seat in front of the desk. She sat down and crossed her legs, fidgeting with her fingers in her lap until the vibrant sparkle of the diamond on her left ring finger caught her attention and made her start smiling all over again.

Bucky had proposed just a month earlier, out of the blue during a sweet and lazy morning they'd spent in bed together. He then confessed that he'd had the ring for three months already and had just been waiting for the right moment to pop the question. Now the ring was sitting on her finger, a gorgeous and impressive reminder of how far they had come and how much further they would continue to go together.

She was happier than she had ever been before in her life. Her career was thriving and so was his, and the week prior they had gone shopping for apartments together. There was one available in the same building that Loki and Aemilia resided in, and if their application was approved, they would be moving in together soon and Summer would get to live just one floor down from her best friend.

She was incredibly excited, and excitement was something that she didn't take for granted. Bucky had been so good to her and had helped her self-confidence grow by leaps and bounds, and she wanted to repay him for that in a way that he would never forget. Today was a part of her plan to do just that, along with keeping things between them exciting and interesting.

He had once casually mentioned an interest in roleplaying, back when they had been just friends and he liked to say things to get her flustered and blushing. He was rather adventurous in ways that Summer's other boyfriends had never been, and while ideas like these had been rattling around in her brain since almost day one, she only just now had worked up the nerve to finally try one of them.

The sound of the office door opening jolted Summer from her thoughts. She suddenly sat up straighter, gulping down a lump of anxiety in her throat, and she turned in her seat to look towards the door and the unsuspecting psychologist walking through it.

He was wearing a dark gray suit and a white button down shirt underneath, with two buttons undone and no tie in sight. His hair - still gloriously long, maybe even an inch or so longer than before - was tied back in a somewhat loose bun, and his eyes were glued on a chart in his hands as he closed the door behind him.

"Miss... Allison Smith," he said, finally raising his eyes and smiling only to blink in surprise upon seeing his fiancée sitting there instead of a new patient. "Sum-"

"Nice to meet you, Doctor," she smiled, quickly standing up and extending her hand to his. When Bucky simply stared at her in confusion, she winked at him as if to say come on, just go with it. "Thank you for seeing me."

He slowly shook her hand, his bewildered gaze flickering down over her somewhat out of the ordinary attire. In addition to her new body-hugging leather jacket, she wore deep red high heels and a short equally deep red skirt that showed off her dark stocking-covered legs. Then, because she had decided to be a cheeky little thing, she wore a skin-tight black Bon Jovi concert t-shirt that she had recently bought on eBay specifically for this purpose.

It was definitely not the typical sort of thing one wore to see their therapist, but this was also far from the typical therapy appointment. And as soon as Bucky saw the t-shirt, it all clicked and he somehow knew exactly what Summer was getting at.

He cleared his throat and smiled. "No problem, Miss Smith. Go on and have a seat."

She smiled and nodded, biting her lip from grinning too stupidly when she turned away to sit back down. Bucky ran his eyes over the back of her, taking in the curves that her outfit displayed before forcing himself to go and make his way to his own seat, also trying not to smile like an idiot and possibly burst out laughing.

This was gonna be one hell of an "appointment", that much was obvious.

Forcing her smile into something a little less obvious and over the top, Summer sat back down and crossed her legs again as Bucky sat behind his desk, setting down the patient chart in front of him and making eye contact with Summer again as he grabbed a pen and popped off the cap. "So, Miss Smith, what brings you here today?"

Mentally going over her well-rehearsed story in her head, Summer tried not to get too distracted by how incredibly hot she found Bucky to be when he was in "doctor mode" and replied, "Well, I've been having a hard time sleeping lately, and instead of going to a regular doctor and just getting a prescription, I figured it would better to try this instead."

"All right. So insomnia," he said, scribbling a note down on the patient history section of her paperwork. "How long has this been going on?"

He looked up at her as he waited for an answer, and Summer almost burst into a sudden fit of giggles as it suddenly sank in that they were really doing this. But she controlled herself. "I think about six months or so. I just can't turn off my brain and relax, you know? I've dealt with anxiety most of my life, but this is the first time I've ever really had a problem sleeping."

"Are there any new sources of stress in your life? New job, money problems, moving, family issues... a recent break up?" Bucky asked, really liking the look that she was pulling off that day. He'd never seen that leather jacket before, but he hoped to see more of it. And he knew exactly why she'd worn that particular t-shirt. Coupled with the hose on her legs and the sky-high heels... damn it was all incredibly distracting.

"Actually, I'm recently engaged," she smiled, holding up her left hand for emphasis.

"Oh," he smiled, amused and wanting to see just where she was going with all of this. "Congratulations."

"Thanks," she smiled back, looking down at the ring and admiring it for a moment. "Everything's going really great, honestly. I've got a great job, nice apartment, and my fiancé's great. I'm really happy. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Well, problems winding down and getting full night of sleep doesn't mean anything's wrong with you," he told her. "Stress and anxiety have a lot of ways of manifesting. If you're juggling everything constantly during the day and always going and going, once the day's over and you've got a chance to breathe... that can be the perfect time for your anxiety to kind of creep back into your life and mess with you a little bit."

"What can I do about that?" Summer asked, furrowing her brows and making her best worried expression. "I don't want to take drugs or anything like that."

"There's a lot that you can try before I would suggest a prescription," Bucky replied, twirling his pen between his fingers, something she found distracting for several reasons. "There's meditation, music, maybe working on whatever hobby you enjoy for awhile before you go to bed." He paused. "Exercise can work great, too."

"Really? What kind of exercise?" Summer asked, forcing down another smile. She liked where this was going. She could work with this.

He leaned forward on the desk on his elbows, pretending to consider the question as he touched a hand to his mouth when in reality he was hiding a little smile that he quickly managed to lose. "Well, it can be as simple as doing some yoga in your own apartment before bed to a late night jog around the neighborhood. Getting your body moving can clear your head in ways few other things can."

Pretending to consider those options, Summer sighed, "Well, I'm not much for yoga, honestly... and even though I live in a good neighborhood, I don't know that I'd feel safe jogging at night in New York City."

"That's fair. You could ask your fiancé to run with you, if that would help," Bucky replied.

She smiled and shrugged one shoulder. "I don't think he'd be up for that. See, he's out like a light every night before I can even think about sleeping. There's no way he'd stay up and lose sleep to go jog with me."

"Hm," Bucky said, highly disapproving of the actions of this fake, nonexistent man. "Well, then that rules out my next suggestion on how he could help wear you out at night."

She blushed, the reaction coming naturally. "Oh. Yeah, that... that isn't much of an option, either. I love him, but... he's a little boring, you know?"

Bucky nodded, licking his lips and glancing down at the chart on his desk. "Well... as disappointing as that is, you don't necessarily need him to give yourself a good workout."

Then his eyes met hers again, and Summer knew that was the point where they officially crossed the line and began to flirt with what they were really there to do. "Oh," she giggled, her cheeks growing even hotter. "Well, um... I've actually... tried that before, but... it actually ends up making me want to stay up instead of go to sleep."

He furrowed his brows. "Really? How?"

Even though this was all pretend and she was only playing a part, she still found it difficult to get her answer out. "... I just... don't want to stop, so..."

"... Ah," he nodded, shifting in his seat and doing his very best to maintain his tenuous professional facade. "Well, that does present quite the dilemma, doesn't it, Miss Smith?"

Before she could answer, he was up and strolling across his office to a water cooler that sat in the corner. He poured them both small cups of water and then returned, handing one cup to her and then leaning on his desk in front of her.

Nonchalantly taking a sip as she simply held her cup and stared up at him, Bucky said, "What I've gotten from our conversation so far is that maybe... in some respects... your life isn't quite as perfect as you'd like to think it is. On paper it all sounds flawless, but if your stress is keeping you up at night and you feel like you can't rely on your partner to help you with ways to combat your insomnia... then maybe things aren't as rosy as they seem."

"Oh," she said, feigning sadness. "I hadn't thought of it that way. What should I do?"

"Well, the best way to reduce stress is to eliminate the causes of it," he replied, setting his cup aside on his desk. Palms flat on the desk as he continued to lean against it, he added, "I would start by taking stock of everything. Start at the beginning and work your way through everything. Get rid of everything you can that's toxic or triggers your anxiety."

Summer nodded, looking down at the clear, cool water in the little styrofoam cup in her hands. "Yeah... I'll work on that. I really do love my fiancé, though."

"I don't doubt it," he replied, making no effort to hide the way that he was ogling her high heels and how incredible they made her legs look. "But problems that exist now will only get worse during marriage. It's not a magic fix. Kinda the opposite, actually," he added with a chuckle.

She let out a deep breath and bit her lip. "Yeah... you're right. Okay, so... while I'm... taking stock of everything... what can I do to sleep better? I don't know if I'll be able to think clearly if I'm only getting four hours of sleep a night."

He chewed on his lower lip, mirroring her own nervous habit, and as he considered his reply, he looked her up and down in a way that made her skin tingle underneath her clothes. Then he straightened up, and for a moment she thought that he was going to step closer and maybe make a move, but then he turned and headed back behind his desk.

He was gonna make her work for this, apparently. Or maybe he was enjoying it too much to get to the good part so fast.

"I could suggest reading books or drinking chamomile tea, or... maybe winding down with a bath and a glass of wine, but I'm willing to bet you've tried all that," he said, sinking back into his chair.

She nodded. "I have."

"You strike me as... restless," he said, choosing his words carefully. "Maybe even a little stifled. I think you know exactly what it is you want and what will help you."

"... I do?" She asked innocently. "But if I already know, why would I come here?"

"For confirmation," he replied, eyes sweeping over her again in a way that made her shiver. "Validation that what you need is normal and nothing to be ashamed of."

She smiled and her fingers fidgeted in her lap. "I... I'm not sure I really follow."

He grinned and leaned back in his seat, eyes turning slightly playful. "Come on, Miss Smith. We both know why you're here."

Well then. Blushing harder and feeling incredibly shy all of a sudden as if the character she'd made up was bleeding over a little bit, Summer slowly leaned forward and stood up out of her chair. Keeping her eyes downcast to the floor, she slowly walked around Bucky's desk and made her way there as Bucky stared at her intently, watching every step she took.

Once she was in front of him, Summer hopped up on his desk and finally met his gaze. She could see the heat in his eyes, the way that he was trying his best to appear casual and unaffected, but his body language said otherwise.

"You're the doctor," she said, crossing one leg over the other and supporting herself on her palms. "Tell me what I need."

Head tilting slightly to the side in response to that little challenge, Bucky leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees and looking up at her through his lashes. "You said you can't turn off your brain and relax. You're always going and going... always calling the shots, right? Always thinking... always in control."

She nodded. It wasn't far from the truth.

"What you need," he said, voice barely more than a purr, "is to lose control. Have it taken from you so you can't think and can't keep yourself up at night."

Her heartbeat fluttering wildly at those words, Summer replied quietly, "But I don't have anyone to do that for me. I want it, but... I don't have anyone to show me how to let go."

She slipped off the desk, instinct and desire guiding her as she took a step forward so that she was right in front of him. Then she dropped down to her knees, taking him by surprise and making his jaw drop a little. She then placed her hands on his knees and gave him her sweetest pleading look as she asked, "Will you show me?"

He didn't answer her. Instead he continued to stare at her like it was taking all of his self control not to simply take her right there, that gaze of his only growing more intense as she pushed his knees apart and slowly rose up between them. Carefully, she climbed on his lap, one knee on either side of his legs, and all the while their eyes remained locked. She placed her hands on his shoulders and murmured, "I won't tell anyone. I promise."

Keeping his hands at his sides, his eyes ran over her lips and the swell of her breasts beneath her t-shirt before he licked his lips and shook his head. "I can't."

"Why not?" she asked, one palm sliding up his neck and her fingers slipping into his hair. "I don't see a ring on your finger."

"I see one on yours," he pointed out with a small, amused grin.

"But he can't give me what you can," she replied, dragging herself across his lap for emphasis. "Please, Doctor. Just once?"

She leaned in close, close enough for her nose to brush his and their lips to almost touch. He closed his eyes and breathed her in, and she reached down to take his hands and place them on her hips. His fingers immediately tightened in a firm grip but he continued to protest. "I could lose my license."

"Only if I tell," she pointed out. "And I won't. I'm good at keeping secrets."

Then she kissed the corner of his mouth and trailed soft, teasing kisses across his jaw and down his neck, every touch designed to make him want more. His grip on her grew tighter, his hands bunching up her skirt and inching it up her thighs. As she kissed and nipped at the most sensitive part of his neck, over his pulse point, his hands ran up her thighs and felt the lacy trim of her stockings and the garter clips attached to each one. He traced the little clips with two fingertips, and when she rocked herself into his lap at the same moment that her tongue flicked over his neck, he groaned and his hands slid up higher and found bare skin where he had expected to find panties.

"Fuck," he groaned at the discovery, opening his eyes and staring up almost helplessly at Summer after she raised her head and bit her lip to hide a grin. She'd known that would get a rise out of him. Literally.

"Please," she begged again, dropping her forehead against his and running her hand down his chest. She undid one button and continued grinding down on his growing hardness as she pled, "Please, touch me."

Giving in - just a little - Bucky let his right hand slip between her legs and drift upwards until he let out a breathless chuckle against her lips. "How can you possibly be this wet when I haven't even touched you?"

"That's how bad I want you," she replied quietly, closing her eyes at the faint, too-soft brush of his fingers. She chased after his touch, needing it so very badly, but he pulled both of his hands away and she could have almost wept with frustration. "Doctor..."

"Don't whine, baby," he murmured, taking each lapel of her jacket in his hands. "I'm gonna take care of you."

Then he all but ripped the jacket down her shoulders, pulling until it was mostly off her arms but tangled around her wrists behind her back. That was exactly how he wanted her. He twisted the jacket so that her wrists pulled tightly together, holding it and using it as a restraint as his other hand snuck back between her legs.

This was even better than what she had fantasized about. Straddling his lap with her hands tied behind her back and his warm fingers softly rubbing just how she liked it, she let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes as he kissed up the side of her neck. "Is this what you wanted?"

"Yes," she mewled, trembling under his touch and shivering when he bit just under her jaw.

"You like being tied up? You like being at my mercy?" he asked, fingers moving steadily quicker, building her up not too slowly and not too fast either. It was absolutely perfect.

"God, yes," she groaned, dropping her head down and trying to catch his lips with hers. But he evaded her, grinning at the way that she made a noise of displeasure and tried to surge after him, only to be thwarted by him yanking on her jacket and pulling her back.

"Relax," he murmured. "You wanted me to take control, yeah? That's what I'm doing. Just give in to me. Let me give you what you need."

She nodded, cheeks on fire and body sweating and straining under the clothes she wished she wasn't still wearing. Then his mouth was at her ear, his voice sinfully low as he uttered another string of words that had her nearly faint with need.

"I'll make a deal with you. Show me how bad you need me. Ride my hand til you come, and then I'll let you have my cock."

She almost tipped over the edge right then, just from his words alone. He wasn't always so vulgar like this, but being under the guise of roleplaying seemed to have brought them both to the next level and it was worth it just for that alone. Following his orders, Summer did just as he said, though it was hard without having her hands or her arms for balance. She had to rely on him alone and use the rest of her body to achieve her goal, and though her thighs strained and her legs ached from the effort, she rode the hell out of his hand until she was trembling and he could feel her tightening around his fingers. The time it took to get her there was embarrassingly short.

"There you go, baby," he cooed in her ear, dragging his lips underneath it and along her jaw, her neck, anywhere he pleased. "God, you're so fucking tight. Come on, come for me. Don't hold back, come for me, baby..."

And she did, with a sudden cry that she couldn't contain. It filled up the whole room and tapered off only after she started to come back down, riding the waves in sheer bliss until it was over and she could hardly breathe. She fell against his chest, her face buried in his shoulder, and as she tried to catch her breath, Bucky unraveled her jacket from her wrists and let it fall to the floor. Then he held her close as she brought her hands to his chest, her arms half-numb and happy to be free and unrestrained again.

He kissed her temple tenderly, and she wondered for a moment if the spell was broken and now they were their usual selves again. She got her answer when he then gave her thigh a light tap and said, "Stand up and strip for me." It wasn't over yet.

Whatever satisfaction she had felt before flew out the window, her desire reignited thanks to just those words alone. She drew back and found his eyes heavy and full of lust as he regarded her, so she wasted no time in easing off of his lap and standing up in front of him. She had to bite her lip when she glanced down at his lap and saw the effect that she'd had on him so far.

First she took off her shirt, tossing it down on top of her leather jacket on the floor. Then she slid her skirt down her legs, and after stepping out of them, her hands went to her garter belt next until he reached out and stopped her with a hand on her outer thigh. "Keep that on. And the stockings and the heels."

She smiled and did as he said, reaching behind her back to unhook her bra instead. She watched then as his hand snuck down to rub at himself through his clothes, and the sight affected her more than she thought it would. She pulled her bra off of her shoulders and then carelessly dropped it to the floor, the sight of her bare breasts making his own hand move a little harder, and it didn't escape her notice.

"Now get on your knees," he said, hand moving up to start undoing his belt. "Convince me that you can take what I'm gonna give you."

She shot down to the floor so fast it almost made her dizzy. He spread his legs wide for her, pants undone by the time she had settled on her knees and found him hard and ready for her. She looked up at him as she took him in her hand, the flush on his cheeks and the anticipation in his eyes making her own excitement spike.

"Don't tease me," he told her, more of a warning than a command.

"Yes, Doctor," she replied, unable to help the little smile that her own words placed on her face. And then, true to her word, she didn't tease him. Instead, she focused all of her attention and energy on taking him apart, and after a year spent getting to know exactly what he liked and how he liked it, she knew just how to do it.

She took him in slowly, her tongue tracing up and down and around him in firm strokes that matched the movements of her hand. The sounds of his quiet sighs and occasional light groan spurred her on, and the first time she took him all the way to the back of her throat was the first time that he let out a real, deep moan. After that, his fingers curled tightly into her hair and she whined around him when he tugged her up and down a few times, letting him know that she was perfectly fine with him using her however he wished.

"You like this, don't you," he murmured breathlessly, watching himself disappear in her mouth over and over again. "Look at you. Prettiest face I've ever fucked."

He was killing her. She ached to be touched but she was focused fully on him and his pleasure, and on following his lead as he guided her and controlled her movements. She really did love it, and that was why she whimpered with disappointment when just as she felt him tensing and nearing his end, he pulled her off of him right at the last minute.

"As much I'd love to watch you swallow me down," he growled, pulling her up to her feet, "I'm not finished with you yet."

Then he was on his feet in front of her, and he finally, finally crashed his lips against hers as she nearly frantically pushed his suit jacket off of his shoulders. He let it fall on the floor and picked her up and set her on the desk as they kissed like mad, blindly reaching out and knocking over enough of his desk's contents to make enough room to lay her down.

He pushed her down with a gentle but firm hand between her breasts, breaking their kiss as he hovered over her and admired the way that she looked like that, laid out almost completely bare before him. She gasped quietly when reached down and tore the garter belt from her hips, tossing it on top of her other discarded clothes before he lowered himself down and kissed the generous swell of her breast.

Her hands worked more of his shirt buttons undone as he poured his attention on her breasts, taking her from needy to utterly desperate in mere seconds. They were two of his favorite parts of her, and he knew how to kiss and lick and play in ways that would make her simply gush. By the time that he had peeked up at her and began to drag his lips down her body, she had pulled half of his hair out of his bun and had also opened his shirt, making him look almost equally disheveled as her.

She opened her legs wide for him when his lips dragged over one of her hipbones, far too gone to be bashful at that point, and he slung her leg over his shoulder before looking up at her and grinning at her in a way that was absolutely filthy. "Ready, baby?"

"Yes, Doctor," she smiled back, watching his grin widen. Then, his eyes still locked with hers, he leaned in closer and simply inhaled, and something about it made her nearly lose her mind without even being touched.

Closing his eyes, Bucky then gave her one long, firm, perfect lick, stopping only to groan a low so fucking good against her sensitive flesh before setting to her with everything he had. She nearly twisted off the desk in response, her movements beyond her control and her body a wreck that had a mind of its own. He was so good at this, better than she could even fathom, and she was so worked up and on fire that his touch was simply gasoline on top of it.

She never would have believed before that a man existed who loved doing this as much as he did, but he utterly adored the act and could never get enough of it. Sometimes he would take it slow and almost make an entire night of it, and sometimes he would simply keep going and going until she begged him to stop. Other times, he devoured her like she was the last meal he'd ever have, and this was one of those times.

It wasn't just the tight, bruising grip of his hand on her thigh or the unrelenting assault of his mouth, but it was also the sounds that he made that made her lose her mind. He panted and gasped for air against her flesh, groaned hungrily as feasted on her, and moaned when she pulled on his hair hard enough to hurt just right. It was all too much and she couldn't handle it, tumbling into oblivion almost the very moment that he slid two fingers within her and expertly curled them to make her see stars. She knocked over his container of pens and her own patient chart in her haze, moaning it all out much louder than she could have ever realized.

Once she was lying limp and breathless on the desk, feeling boneless and nearly dead in the best of ways, Bucky straightened up with a ravenous look in his eyes. He ran his tongue over his lips and wiped away what remained of her, and then giving her hardly any time to recover, gripped her hips and yanked her down on the edge of the desk. Her eyes flew open and she squeaked in surprise, looking up to find him looming over her with his hair completely free and loose on his shoulders, shirt open and pants barely hanging on to his hips and concealing nothing, but most striking of all was the almost unbearable heat in his eyes.

Then, out of nowhere, he flipped her over on her stomach, bending her over on the desk and sending her hands scrambling for something to hold on to. Excited shivers raced down her spine when she felt his chest pressed to her back and his lips on her ear as he murmured, "This is what you really wanted, isn't it? To be held down and fucked so hard you can't even think."

An incoherent moan was her answer, but all that earned her was a sharp slap to her ass that took her breath away and made her entire body convulse with pleasure.

"Answer me when I ask you a question, Miss Smith," he demanded, his tone turning almost mocking at the end and yet it was still the hottest thing she'd ever heard.

"Yes sir," she managed, accidentally slipping back into her usual name for him. He spanked her again, harder, and she moaned shamelessly that time.

"Come on, baby, tell me what I wanna hear," he said, biting gently on the back of her shoulder.

"Yes, Doctor," she groaned, only to gasp and nearly bite a hole in her lip when two more slaps came her way.

"If you want me to fuck you into this desk, you're gonna have to do better than that," he taunted, teasingly brushing against her without giving her what she needed.

"Bucky," she attempted, only to earn another slap. "James," she tried again, and that got her both a frustrated growl, a bite on the back of her neck, and the hardest slap yet. It was both maddening and utterly exquisite.

Then his mouth was back at her ear and his voice was the roughest it had been all night. "You know what I want to hear."

That was when she understood. She groaned and turned her now-bright red face against the desk, knowing there was no way out of this now regardless of how embarrassed she suddenly was.

"Say it, baby," he coaxed, his hand slipping between her legs to tease her and feel how wet his treatment of her had made her.

She keened at the touch, but she wanted so much more, like she was painfully empty and needed him to fill her as only he could. But he wanted something first, something that had slipped out of her mouth completely accidentally months earlier and had since become a bit of a thing with them. She had never meant for it to happen and didn't even know where it had come from, but the minute it had left her mouth... there was no turning back, just as there was no turning back now.

Another hard spank brought her focus back to the present. "God, I wanna fuck you so bad," he groaned, dragging his lips up her shoulder blade. "C'mon, baby. Say it and I'll fuck you til you scream, I promise."

She whimpered in a weak, vain protest that she knew wouldn't do a thing. What she didn't expect was him grabbing her wrists and holding them against the small of her back, making her completely immobile and powerless underneath him before he hissed in her ear one last time, "Say it."

"Daddy," she finally gasped out, desperation and lust and need getting the better of her.

She felt his grin against her skin. "There it is," he said, his tone dark but full of delight. "Good girl. One more time."

"Please, Daddy," she groaned almost brokenly before being rewarded by her hands being released and his hips finally aligning with hers.

"I've got you, baby," he assured her, laving kisses down her neck before drawing away. She missed the warmth of his body over hers but then she felt him, smooth and hot and hard, pressing into her slowly and finally filling the ache in her body. "Fuck, so tight," he groaned, sliding his hand up her spine to the back of her neck. Then he gave her one last warning. "Hold on to the desk, sweetheart."

She grasped the sides of the thing just before he pulled out almost entirely only to slam back in and make her yelp, setting a bruising and almost brutal pace that she couldn't have possibly loved anymore than she did. It was exactly what she had wanted and needed, hard and fast and unforgiving, and his grip on the back of her neck kept her pushed down and powerless. He took all the control from her, just like he had promised he would, and she felt like she could lay under him like that forever and be the most content creature to have ever graced the earth.

Soon he came back down to her, bending over her and whispering filthy things into her ear, things that made her blush hard and jolt with pleasure, and when she could hold back no longer and felt her release bubbling up and spilling over, she came with a silent scream that Bucky recognized as the true sign of how far gone she was. She was only silent when she completely out of her mind and barely still in touch with reality, and those were the moments he prided himself on the most.

After that, he carefully withdrew from her and helped her up to her feet, her back still to his chest. She stood on shaky legs and leaned on him as he walked them backwards to his chair, where he sat first before pulling her down on his lap. She straddled his thighs again, this time facing away from him, and with her hands braced on the arms of the chair and his hands guiding her hips, she slid down on his length and made them both groan softly.

This time it was slower, more sensual, but no less intense. She laid her head back on his shoulder and rolled her hips up and down, back and forth, and he kissed her neck and left marks there for the next day as his hands groped her breasts and roamed all over her. Though she controlled the pace like this, he matched her every thrust and hit her in places that made her head spin.

With one hand playing exquisitely with her breast and the other having slid down between her legs to take her into sensory overload, Summer moaned and let her head roll until her lips were just an inch or two away from his. Somehow his kiss still took her by surprise, sloppy with passion and sweet with sheer affection, and it drove her to grip the chair's arms more tightly and take him deeper and faster. She wanted to feel him fall apart and relish the sense of power that came with knowing she was the one to make him like this, the only one in the world who got to feel him and hear him and see him lose his mind.

"You're so fucking amazing," he murmured breathlessly against her lips, brows furrowed as he grew closer with each swirl of her hips. "Feels so good. Love it when you ride me like this."

And that was when she knew that their little game had faded away and all that remained was them, the real Bucky and Summer, and the love between them that made the sex as phenomenal as it was. She smiled and covered his hands with hers. "Keep talking." His dirty talk was one of her favorite things in the whole world, and he was always happy to oblige.

"I love you," he groaned next, fingers rubbing her faster and thrusts growing a little less precise. "Love you so much. Wish I had a mirror in here so I could watch you fuck me in this chair."

She groaned and shuddered a little, feeling herself nearing the edge one more time. Her legs on fire from the strain and her knuckles turning white from her grip on the chair arms, she dropped her head back on his shoulder and started riding him as hard and fast she could.

"Yeah, baby, fuck, keep doing that," he gasped, lips and teeth and tongue wreaking havoc on her neck. "Ride it harder, come on. Fuck yourself on me. Use me. Use my cock."

His words giving her the burst of strength she needed, she did exactly as he said and took him with just enough extra force to tip them both over the edge. As they climbed their way up, she moaned and started to shake and he growled and moved his fingers ever faster, matching the frantic rhythm and giving her just what she needed to let go.

When he could feel her tensing and tightening, ready to burst, he hissed into her ear, "Who do you come for, baby?"

"You, Daddy," she replied in a whimper, far too gone to be embarrassed now. All she felt was heat and passion and the telltale tightening in her belly that had her gasping with anticipation, and the way that Bucky moaned in response to her words made them all the more worth it.

"That's right, sweetheart. Now come for me, Summer," he growled, losing his battle with his self-control and feeling himself start to spill within her. "Oh fuck, baby, I'm -"

She followed him off the edge, babbling and wailing nonsense that flew out of her mouth without her permission as they both lost their damn minds. Bucky nearly blacked out from how hard he came, his vision blurring as his teeth sunk into her shoulder and the pleasure wracked through his bones, and Summer simply laid back against him and let it take her apart. It was perfect and incredibly sweet, and she wasn't sure that she had ever been so fully and amazingly satisfied than she was in those perfect, quiet moments that followed.

Both of them utterly wrecked and breathing hard, slumped in the chair together with Summer draped over Bucky and his arms still wrapped around her, it felt like ages before either one of them could remember how to talk. But speech returned to Bucky first, who let out a deep groan against her shoulder and said, "That was fucking hot."

Summer smiled and giggled lightly, her eyes still closed. "I think I definitely wouldn't have any issues sleeping now, that's for sure."

Unwinding his arms from her and smoothing his hands up and down her thighs, over her bare skin and the tops of her stockings, he grinned. "Well, I do what I can for my patients."

"You'd better not," she replied cheekily, turning her head and catching his lips in a kiss they both smiled into. They kissed lazily for a moment or two, just soaking up those languid few moments following their little adventure, until Summer shifted and carefully eased off of him. Then she turned in his arms and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck, asking, "So... you liked my surprise?"

He chuckled. "... If you couldn't tell how much I liked it, then I definitely did something wrong."

She grinned. "You didn't. I was just... super nervous. Like I went back and forth every day this last week, chickening out and working my nerve up over and over again before I finally just bit the bullet and made the appointment."

"I'm glad you did," he grinned back, hand running comfortingly up and down her back. "I feel like it's my birthday or something."

She giggled and shook her head, playing with a few strands of his hair. "Nope... just thought you deserved a, um... nice day at the office. And I remembered one time you said something about wanting to try roleplaying, so..."

"You remembered that, huh?" he smiled.

"Yep. And I don't ever want you to get bored with me, so -"

He gave her a look that shut her right up. "Summer," he noted lowly, "you're a lot of things. But boring will never be one of them."

She blushed and gave a small shrug. "Well... I just... thought it was time for something new. And I figured roleplaying was a good option, since the only other thing I could come up with was... something a little... um... less... private."

He raised an eyebrow. "Less private?"

"... Sort of."

"... Sex in public?"

"No," she giggled. "Um... well, I just had this... passing thought of... uh... since you and Loki joke all the time about... a foursome..."

His eyes lit up with understanding. "Oh."

"Yeah," she blushed, suddenly having a hard time looking him in the eye. "But I don't know if you would ever actually want to do it, or if they would either, plus I didn't have the guts to actually ask about it, so -"

"Summer," he chuckled, "I already talked to Loki about it months ago."

She blinked in surprise. "You did?"

"Yeah," he said, one corner of his mouth curled in a lopsided grin.

"Like... talked about it seriously, or..."

"We went over hypothetical ground rules," Bucky replied casually. "Talked about where we'd do it and how it might happen."

"... So they'd actually want to do it?!" Summer nearly gaped, for some reason finding that fact to be particularly astounding.

"Aemilia's the one who got the conversation started. She told him to talk to me about it and... figure things out from there."

Head spinning, Summer opened and closed her mouth a few times before finally managing, "But why didn't anyone talk to me about it?"

"Well... we were talking about making it a surprise for your next birthday," Bucky admitted. "Although I guess I kinda... ruined that just now, but..."

"... Oh." Summer suddenly gulped and felt as if the room had grown very hot, despite the fact that she was still very naked. "Um... yeah, I... I wouldn't... say no to getting that for my birthday. Or... any day, really."

"That's what I thought," Bucky grinned. "Think you can pretend to be surprised when it happens?"

"... Well, I mean, either way I'm just gonna stand there and become an actual tomato who can't speak, so... probably?"

"Good," he grinned. "If we get approved for the apartment in their building, all we'll have to do is walk up to their room after your party and then... start the real party."

"Oh my God," she groaned, covering her face with her hands. "I can't believe this is actually gonna happen. I'm gonna die."

"Probably," he chuckled, watching her flail. "But in the good way."

She dropped her hands from her face with a groan and then smiled shyly at him. "You know, you're perfect, you know that? Like... how in the world did I end up with someone who gets me like you do and is into all the same things that I am? Like... even the more embarrassing things."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart," he told her softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You're perfect the way you are. Kinks and all."

She cringed a little but smiled anyway, her embarrassment melting away when he leaned closer and kissed her. The sweet, gentle press of his lips calming her nerves a little bit, her mind began to wander and when they broke for air, Summer sighed, "Man, how the heck am I gonna come up with something for your next birthday now? Like how the frick do I top that?"

"I don't know," Bucky smiled, "but I can't wait to see what you come up with. Besides, I'll be happy with anything as long as it ends with you naked in my bed."

She smiled back and then raised an eyebrow. "What about naked on your desk? Or naked on top of you in your chair?" She paused. "... Naked in your car, maybe? Naked on your dinner table? Or what about -"

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," he chuckled, kissing her again. "I'm happy as long as you're naked, period."

"I thought so," she giggled before capturing his lips again. She felt like she could kiss him forever, and the best part of all was the fact that she knew he felt the same. Being so completely connected and in sync with another person was so special and rare, and she didn't take a moment of it for granted.

"I can't wait to marry you," he told her quietly when they pulled apart, murmuring the sweet words against her lips.

"Me either," she replied, smiling brightly enough to light the whole room. "I love you."

"I love you more," he replied, making her smile and shake her head before they kissed one more time.

With Bucky by her side, Summer felt like she could do anything - even take on a completely false identity and waltz into his office in a killer outfit to give him the ride of his life. He pushed her in ways that she loved and needed while at the same time pulling her back into her comfort zone when she needed it and giving her everything she could possibly want. He was still her best friend in every sense of the term, and now he was also the love of her life and her perfect partner in crime. He was everything she had ever wanted in a man and more, and sometimes she had to pinch herself to make sure it was all real and not some crazy Inception-esque dream.

"By the way," he said just before they managed to force themselves to finally get up out of the chair and get dressed, "I liked the t-shirt."

"I thought so," she grinned. "That's still one of my favorite memories, you know. You singing to me in that bar."

He chuckled and nodded, recalling that particular night. "Yeah... and yet you still didn't get it. Maybe I should have sang Cherry Pie instead. Would have been even less subtle."

"... I still would have convinced myself that you were just singing about one of your favorite desserts."

He smirked at her a bit devilishly. "I would have been."

She laughed and playfully slapped his shoulder. She loved this ridiculous, filthy, beautiful man, and she couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with him. She also now really couldn't wait until her next birthday, and that was entirely his fault. She just had to figure out how the heck to appear even remotely surprised when it finally happened.

But there were certainly worse problems to have in life. All in all, she was pretty sure that she was the luckiest girl on the planet, and she was going to enjoy every last minute of the crazy ride in her future.

After all... who wouldn't?

A/N: aaaaaand that's a wrap on this story :) I have to say, writing this epilogue was incredibly fun and also a bit terrifying, since I, ah... went some places that were a bit new for myself personally lol, and I hope it didn't put off too many of you (you can all probably guess what I'm referring to lol). I hope this is a satisfying end to this story (insert pun here) and I thank you guys SO MUCH for reading and following and reviewing. The response to this story has been amazing and I'm incredibly grateful. My huge, huge thanks also to midnightwings96 who, as always, is amazing and irreplaceable and without whom I would likely never finish even a short 6 chapter story. Again, my huge thanks to each and every person who read this story, I love you, and drop me a review and let me know what you think! :D