Corrin and her allies fought the Nohrian army, led by Hans and his ruthless soldiers in the Lava Fields. It was a difficult task, but with the help of Ryoma, Hinoka, her retainers, and a freckled soldier, they were able to beat him. However, the fighting tired her allies, making most of them too exhausted to fight. Just before they could retreat, they met with Iago and his troops.
There was no way that Corirn could retreat, so she had to fight her way through, despite having so many injured allies. Just before they could lose hope, Xander, Leo, and their retainers joined. With their help and support, they were able to fight through Iago's allies.
The princess promised everyone that she would tell the truth of their true antagonist after resting and recovering from the fights. They will all recover before the sky completely changes. All of her allies agreed. They would still fight for her cause without knowing the truth. Corrin was very thankful that so many people trusted her.
She and her allies reached the astral plane. Xander and Ryoma were confused by the whole place, but Corrin explained that Lilith, a stable girl, created it. Both were in awe that one single dragon could create such a beautiful place.
"Time flows very differently here," Lilith told the two princes. "A day here happens to be mere seconds in Nohr and Hoshido."
The princes smiled and agreed to trust her. It was confusing, but it all made sense in the end.
Corrin's retainers, Jakob, Felicia, Gunter, and Kaze, had spread news that there will be a party tonight in the mess hall.
When Xander heard the news from Jakob, he was surprised. He knew that Corrin loved parties, but it has been a while since he last went to a party. More or less, it wasn't exactly a party. It was a ball, created by Iago, that was meant to find a queen. The paladin shook his head. He did not want to reminisce that ball.
Ryoma heard the news from Felicia, and he was excited. Just like Xander, it has been a while since he last went to a party. The last big event became a disaster. His step mother died. Those were bad memories, but he was excited to have a party with his siblings, especially with Corrin.
Corrin was in her treehouse with Felicia and Jakob. Since she was their masters, they would never leave her side, unless she asked them to. As Corrin lied on her bed, Jakob was preparing tea and Felicia was looking through her closet.
"C-Corrin, don't you get tired of wearing that heavy armor all the time?" The timid maid asked.
"What a rude question, Felicia," Jakob said. He walked to Corrin, and bowed down to her. "Milady, your tea is ready."
Corrin told her, "Yes, Felicia. Why do you ask?" She sipped Jakob's tea.
Felicia smiled. "I missed your birthday, but I did get you a nice dress!" She pulled out a light navy night gown from a silver box. The dress had cobalt tulle straps that would fall on the soldiers. It was sparkling with faint silver glitter. "This dress is very gorgeous, it compliments your eyes."
The princess was in awe. Since her friend got it for her, she happily accepted it. "It's so beautiful, Felicia. I'm going to wear this at tonight's party."
Jakob coughed, causing the two girls to look at him. He shook his head. "The dress is beautiful, but it is lewd. Just imagine how many men will stare at you." Corrin could see his cheeks burning a red color. It made her giggle.
"And if they do, you will punish them for me, yes?" Corrin asked, nudging him with her elbows. The room was filled with quiet laughter. It was a perfect time to bond with her friends and to kill stress.
Since Corrin was going to put on the dress, Jakob and Felicia left the room to give her privacy. She had finished putting the dress on, so she looked at herself in the mirror. The dress fit her perfectly; it showed off her curves and ample bosom and ram.
There was a knock on the door. "It's Kaze, milady. The party has started already. I told Jakob and Felicia to meet us there. Shall I wait for you?"
"You can go on without me," she replied. "I'm going to take a quick bath."
The green haired ninja nodded and left the door. He was going to insist on waiting, but he left to respect her orders.
The Hoshidan sword master was sitting on a bench, staring at the moon. The beauty amazed him. The night breeze was similar to ones in summer. He felt relaxed. This was his first experience in resting under the moon. He asked himself, would I ever get another chance to sit under the moon?
Ryoma decided that he will go to the party later. He was the only one outside, witnessing the beautiful view. He was still tired from the fight, so he wanted to have more time to himself, especially in a pretty night. Even though he was sitting outside, he could hear laughter and music coming out of the mess hall. He sinked onto the bench, simply smiling at the moon.
However, as he was sitting down, he could see a shadow walking through the plane. He squinted at the shadow, trying to figure out the shadow's doing. He followed the shadow silently, watching its every move. Ryoma was sneaking up on the shadow, but the shadow did not notice him.
The prince jumped on the shadow, and to his surprise, he heard a high pitched shriek. He had pinned the shadow's arms down on the floor, but in front of him, was his younger sibling, Corrin. He had pinned her down on the floor, and he could see her rosy cheeks and shining ruby eyes looking at him.
He immediately got off Corrin. He sat down, facing his large back at her face. Both of their cheeks were burning. "Please excuse my behavior, Corrin. I thought you were an imposter."
Corrin did not reply to him, but she nodded, which meant she accepted his apology. It was an awkward moment for the both of them.
"Why aren't you at the party, Corrin?" Ryoma asked, breaking the silence.
"I could ask you the same question," she silently replied, hiding her crimson face from him. "I was going to visit a special place before going to the party. Would you like to come?"
Without hesitation, despite the awkward tension, Ryoma agreed to tag along with her. He stood up and reached for her hand. She gladly took it and both of them were walking outside the plane.
Corrin was walking in front of him. He knew no one was watching them, so he decided to look at her, as if they weren't related. He was in awe by the dress she wore. This was the first time he had seen her in a dress. His eyes went a bit lower, scanning her—
The prince shook his head. He did not want to defy his sister's body.
"We're here."
In front of the prince and princess, was a small shelter. Corrin went inside and took out a box. Inside the box, were two small puppies, one blonde and one brown.
"I found these cute little ones starving in the middle of the woods," she said as she was snuggling with them. "You, Lilith, and Jakob are the only ones who know about them. He didn't want me to bring them here because no one would watch them, but I ignored him and brought them along with me. If Jakob was here, he would take these puppies away."
"When I'm away, Lilith would feed these puppies," Corrin said as she gave Ryoma the brown puppy. Its fur had a similar shade with his hair.
Ryoma was afraid of dropping the puppy, so he held it close to his chest. He felt like his large palms would squeeze it to death, so he tried his best to be extra careful with it. "He reminds me of you," she said, grinning at him.
Corrin held up the blonde one close to his face. "And this one reminds me of Xander."
The brown puppy licked his face, making Ryoma chuckle. They spent another five minutes with the puppies. Ryoma was happy seeing two puppies, but he was also happy seeing Corrin giggling. Soon, they said their goodbyes to the puppies and were on their way to the mess hall.
Again, Corrin was walking in front of her. Ryoma did try his best to avoid that gaze, but he couldn't. He looked down and saw—
He slapped his own cheek.
Xander was sitting between Camilla and Orochi, who were both drunk. He felt uneasy and wanted to leave, but there was nowhere for him to go. If he tried leaving, Elise would drag him back inside the mess hall. He was sitting on a table with the most drunk people. As he sat there, he was looking for his little princess. An hour passed since the party started, and he could not find her.
Xander tried leaving, but he heard the door open. He turned his head and saw his little princess wearing an elegant dress. His cheeks turned crimson. He shook his head and looked away, not thinking of mischievous thoughts.
His little princess tapped his shoulder and smiled at him. He smiled back and waved at her. She smiled once again and sat in the other table, along with Ryoma and his Hoshidan siblings. Even after she arrived, he was still irritated.
The purple haired princess noticed his uneasiness. She smirked, and left the table. Xander was relieved that she left, but he saw her whisper something in his little princess' pointed ear. Corrin nodded at her and left the table. Camilla took her seat, and she bothered the Hoshidans with her happy attitude.
Corrin took Camilla's seat. She placed her drink on the table. "I'm so sorry for leaving you, Xander. Camilla told me you—"
He cut her off. "You shouldn't apologize, little princess. I'm just not used to parties."
Corrin giggled. "It was my idea to have parties like this after a big fight. I'll stay with you to make you feel uncomfortable."
She smiled at him, and he smiled back at her.
Xander noticed Camilla flirting with Takumi. He could tell how annoyed he was by his drunk sister.
Corrin giggled. "Ah, look how cute they are. It would be cute to see them married."
His eyes widened. "Married?" He cleared his throat and asked, "Are you, per chance, married—"
Corrin was drinking out of a cup, but it wasn't her cup. She was drinking Camilla's booze. Drinking the booze made her ignore Xander's question. Xander looked over at Camilla's table, and saw her snickering.
Jakob noticed that she drank out of the wrong cup. He quickly went over the table and told Xander, "Milord, Corrin never had a drink before, so she gets drunk easily." He tried dragging her out of the table, but she was already drunk.
"Get me more," Corrin demanded.
"But milady—" He tried protesting, but she was glaring at him. He bowed and went to get more booze for her.
Corrin was already drunk. She wanted to have more fun, so she left Xander Xander just watched Corrin. She was acting like a happy drunk; she was laughing for little reasons. As he was watching, Camilla joined Xander.
Out of nowhere, Corrin was dancing with other drunks, such as Niles, Hinata, and Effie. They were trying to imitate Azura's dancing, but did poorly. Corrin dragged Takumi and Leo, but she just made them feel uncomfortable. Everyone in the mess hall laughed.
"Look at how cute Corrin is," Camilla mused, placing her head on her brother's shoulder.
"I agree," he said. "It's cute to see Corrin like this."
An idea popped inside her head. She smirked and asked him, "Even with her being drunk, do you think she can handle surprise attacks? A drunk princess must be capable of blocking attacks."
His lips created a smile. "You're right. If she fails to block this attack, I'm going to train her to death."
He asked Jakob for a dagger, and without hesitation, the butler gave it to him. The paladin was now walking towards his little princess. She was leaning against the wall while watching the attempts of Takumi and Leo dancing.
Little did they know that everyone was watching him. Xander was close to Corrin, so he tried slicing her with the dagger, but it did not touch her. She had failed to avoid the attack.
The prince sighed. "Corrin, you failed to—"
Before he could finish his sentence, her dress was split into two pieces. Xander accidentally cut her nightgown. She was not wearing anything under, so he saw her-
Jakob, Felicia, Kaze, and Gunter rushed to Corrin. All of them gave Xander a deadly look. Felicia, with her watery eyes, was able to cover her master's bare body with her own. Her birthday present was ruined by the prince. Xander did not look away from Corrin, but Jakob covered his eyes.
"M-Milord...even if you are the heir of Nohr...I cannot forgive you," Jakob whispered into his ear. Xander could hear Camilla's laughing.
Poor Takumi and Leo saw a glimpse of Corrin's bare body.
"Was I the only one who saw...that?" Takumi asked with a bloody nose.
"I saw that, but I wanted to see more..." Leo added, covering his bloody nostril with his hand.
Their comments made Hinoka hit the back of their heads.
It was the next morning, and a princess had awaken. Due to drinking, she woke up with a throbbing headache. She placed her palm on her forehead, feeling the burning sensation on her palm.
Corrin heard a timid voice. "S-So you're awake!" She turned her head and saw her maid, Felicia. "How are you feeling?"
"I have a huge headache..." Corrin replied in pain. "What time is it?"
Felicia sighed. "It is noon. I believe you slept well, unlike others. Most of them are sleeping inside the mess hall."
Corrin nodded. "What happened last night?"
"After Prince Xander cut your dress in half, Gunter carried you back to your chamber. I dressed you in your pajamas," Felicia replied.
Oh, no. Felicia's present. "I'm so sorry about your present—"
Felicia smiled. "Don't worry. While you were sleeping, Prince Ryoma gave me a dress to replace mine."
Corrin nodded. She was sad that her present was ruined. After all, she did like the dress. It made her feel confident. "Where's Jakob?"
"Bleaching the eyes of everyone who saw you naked."
Both Felicia and Corrin giggled.
"Please let me know when your headache is gone. Prince Ryoma wants to speak with you."
It took me several attempts to write this because I wanted to achieve a humorous chapter. Hope you enjoyed it!