Kitsune no Ken GAIDEN Chronicles

Written by Neon Majestic

(DISCLAIMER: The Naruto franchise and the characters therein belong to and were originally created by Masashi Kishimoto.)


GAIDEN 55 – The Kira-Killers, Epilogue

(N.B. This Gaiden chapter takes place immediately following Gaiden 54.)

The following morning, Wednesday, November 10.

"What exactly were you thinking, going headlong into danger like that?" Uchiha Fugaku demanded.

Sasuke shifted his eyes so as not to look on his father's scolding expression. "I just wanted to help Naruto out…"

"Son, you could've gotten yourself hurt or worse," his mother Mikoto rebuked him. "I understand wanting to do your part to fight for the sake of a friend, but that doesn't give you the license to be so rash!"

"Sorry, Mom," Sasuke mumbled.

Fugaku harrumphed. "Well…it was for a good cause, so I guess we can't be too hard on him…but how do we deal with such impulsiveness?"

Standing to one side, Itachi fingered his chin thoughtfully. "Well, Dad, Mom, how about we weigh the pros and cons? On the one hand, Sasuke helped to recapture two dangerous escaped felons, a third criminal who was high on the police's radar, and a supporter who was party to several of their wrongdoings…"

"And on the other hand, he went off without saying anything to anyone—and on a school night too!" Mikoto rebutted.

"Naruto did it too," Sasuke spoke up—only to wilt back in his chair on seeing his father's gaze.

"The difference between you two is that Naruto is someone who I know is on call from the government in addition to being a Kyuushingai, and he has the training for such dangerous maneuvers. You, on the other hand, are not and do not." Itachi wagged a reproving finger.

"Hmm…" Fugaku considered. "Well, I can't exactly punish you for doing something that had good intentions behind it…and Kushina-san was there with you, so it's not like you were unsupervised…so instead, I'll just have to punish you for not saying anything to us beforehand. But what would be a good punishment…"

"Let me decide that one, dear," said Mikoto. "Sasuke, in light of all the circumstances, you're going to be grounded for a month. That means no going out with any of your friends, including the weekends, and including any dates with Haruno Sakura…and you won't be getting your monthly allowance this month…oh, and we'll also be depriving you of your little museum that you set up here in the house."

"What?" Sasuke started. "Wait—Mom—no! Not the rogues' gallery museum I set up!"

"Oh, don't be like that…you'll get it back. Eventually." Mikoto nodded. "I just think the space those displays are now occupying could be perfect for my next hostess-party!"

Sasuke groaned.

"In any case…" Fugaku turned to Itachi. "I'm just happy to know both of my boys are all right after all that happened last night. And glad to know that my older son was able to join us for breakfast today, too. Will you be sticking around for lunch, son?"

"Sorry, but I'll have to take a rain-check on that. I have a meeting to attend later this afternoon," said Itachi.

"At least you're free to go wherever you feel like," Sasuke mumbled.

"Oh, don't worry, foolish little brother, you won't be grounded forever," Itachi chuckled. "It's just one month. You'll get over it."

"And I hope you get over me burning all your porn," Sasuke murmured under his breath.

"Pardon?" Itachi shot his younger brother a sharp look.

"No, no, just talking to myself," Sasuke answered while looking away.


"So…you guys found no trace of Fuu, then?" Ino asked Naruto.

They were sitting under a tree close to the school's playfield, together with Sakura and Hinata. "Nope," Naruto replied. "Kira's people searched the entire shoreline right around the island all night, and Dad's group stuck around to help with the search right up to daybreak this morning, but there was no sign of Fuu anywhere."

"Maybe she got washed out to sea," Hinata suggested. "The currents surrounding Water County's smaller islets tend to be pretty strong sometimes."

"Well, I'm not about to write her off just yet," said Naruto. "Unless and until a body's found, I'm going to assume Fuu's still alive. This wouldn't be the first time she's cheated death—and the first time, I'd actually thought she bit it."

"But still…to think you and Sasuke-kun could've gone to such a dangerous place, even if you had Kushina-san with you," Sakura marveled.

"It all worked out okay," Naruto answered. "Well, at least for me it has. I'm not so sure I can say the same for Sasuke…"

"Why?" Ino and Sakura asked as one.

"Becaaaaauuuuuuse…Itachi threatened to tell their parents what Sasuke was doing. Sasuke's bound to get grounded till he reaches retirement age!" Naruto chuckled.

"Er, Naruto-kun, maybe you shouldn't be so flippant about it," Hinata said uneasily.

"Why not?" Naruto asked—and then he became aware of Sakura standing over him with her eyes inexplicably glowing white, her hair billowing in the sudden and equally inexplicable breeze that had started blowing.

"Naruto…" Sakura said in a sickly-sweet tone. "Have you started writing your will yet?"



Not far away, Haruna was walking in the direction of the school gate, on a little hill overlooking the playfield, when a sudden roar of determined fury from that vicinity caught her ear. Turning to see what it was, she caught sight of Naruto running for his life across the field, with Sakura bolting after him and Ino and Hinata trying to keep up with her. "APOLOGIZE FOR WHAT YOU JUST SAID ABOUT SASUKE-KUN AND I'LL MAKE IT PAINLESS!" Sakura screamed.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" Naruto flung over his shoulder.


"RUN, NARUTO, RUN!" Ino belted out.

Haruna watched for a long moment as the quartet ran up, down and around the field, leaving a massive trail of dust behind them. Then she shook her head and continued walking. But her thoughts were now quite busy.

Uzumaki Naruto…a Kyuushingai…yet he can clown around and come across like such a goofball…and yet…

She kept on walking until at last she reached the school gate, went through it, and headed along the sidewalk to go home. And her thoughts continued being busy.

For a Kyuushingai, you're a strange fellow, Uzumaki…but I guess this means school won't be boring now.


"So now we have the lot of you in custody," Morino Ibiki said with a gloating smirk on his face. "Right where you belong."

He was standing in the hallway of the Konoha Town precinct's holding area, facing four cages which housed Utakata, Konan, Mizuki and Mitokado Homura. "You, the fugitive Kyuushingai…I'm going to enjoy watching you suffer for how you humiliated this precinct's security detail," Ibiki said to Utakata. "You two," pointing at Konan and Mizuki, "I know your respective prisons will be quite eager to have a few words with you when you get back there…you'll be lucky to survive your first night back inside. And you," this directed at Mitokado, "I doubt all the money you have in the world will be enough to save you now."

"Up yours, cop," Mizuki snarled.

"What, like what you'll get the moment you meet your newest cellmate?" Ibiki replied.

"Pfft." Utakata barely managed to stifle his laughter. "Good one."

"Shut your face, jackass!" Mizuki yelled at him.

"Both of you shut up. You're worse than useless," Konan said sourly.

Mitokado merely sat back on the bench in his cell and sighed. "So much for camaraderie…"

"By the way, don't think we've forgotten about your fifth member, that other Kyuushingai," Ibiki remarked. "As soon as the police find her, you'll all have one great big family reunion."

"Oh, joy," Konan growled.


Later that evening…


"Hmm?" Aburame Shibi looked up at the sound of knuckles rapping on the outside of the front door. "Shino, are you expecting anyone at this hour?"

Shino, in the act of clearing the dinner plates away from the table, cocked an eyebrow. "No, sir."

"Oh. Well, you keep clearing the table; I'll see who it is." Shibi walked to the door and opened it. "…oh."

Standing there on the porch was a woman with blond hair and glasses, and a calm expression on her face. "Hello, Shibi," she said quietly.

Shibi's face was as neutral as it could ever be. "Galena."

Fujimori Galena looked him up and down. "You seem to be well."

"Same for you," he answered. "What brings you by? It has been a while since last we saw you."

"Yes." She nodded. "Too long."


Both of them looked up at the surprise in Shino's voice as he stood at the dining table, obviously not having expected to see Galena at their door. She, though, remained quite calm. "Hello, Shino."

"This is…unexpected." Shino frowned. "What brings you back here after all this time? I thought you were done with Dad and me after your divorce."

"It's been…complicated." Galena closed her eyes and let out a short breath. "But circumstances have made me think about a lot of things."

"…is that so…" Shibi's eyes narrowed a little.

"I'd be willing to explain what's happened…" Galena looked from one to the other of them. "…if you'd be willing to hear the tale, that is."

There was silence for a long moment. Shino broke it. "We just had dinner. There's still some left over on the stove if you like."

Galena smiled a little for the first time. "Dinner sounds lovely."

"In that case…" Shibi stepped out of the doorway. "Will you come in?"

"Mmm." Galena nodded and stepped inside.


"Still no trace of her, eh?" Kira asked, his tone and expression humorless.

"No, sir," the head of his security detail answered. "Apologies, sir."

"Keep searching. I will not be satisfied with anything less than results—not after she came this close to murdering me in my own convalescence bed," Kira growled. "What of the casualties we suffered?"

"Twenty-two dead, another six nursing injuries from the firefight," the security head outlined. "Additionally, we got some information from your island mansion—before Fuu and her group came here, they assaulted the mansion and injured three of your staff there. And your criminal attorney, Gato-san, he's currently in the hospital too—apparently the group confronted him outside his office just before they came here."

"How grievous are his injuries?" Kira wanted to know.

The security head suddenly flinched. "Ahem…slash-wounds all over his body, plus significant blunt-force trauma, and…he's lost one of his testicles," and he unconsciously squeezed his thighs together. "To be frank, sir, it's a wonder he's still alive."

"He's a lawyer. They're like cockroaches—you have to stamp on them more than once to kill them, and even then, you still have to make sure. That's how tough they are." Kira allowed himself a small smirk before resuming his serious expression. "Still…thirty-two persons affected because of one brat's temper tantrum. This is truly a bother."

"We'll find her, sir. And we'll make her pay," the security head vowed.

"For your sake, you'd better make sure of that." Kira fixed a look on him. "After all, this island's security is your responsibility, and yet you wound up having to rely on Uzumaki Naruto and his companions to draw your carcass out of the fire. And you don't even have the excuse of being bedridden like I am."

"…apologies sir," the security head mumbled.


"It's an honor to have been able to work with you once again," Han said quietly.

"I return the sentiment to you," Roshi replied. "Though I am sorry it had to be under such circumstances."

The two were sitting together at a large dining table with Minato, Itachi, Yugito and Jei. "Still, your help was invaluable," said Minato. "If you hadn't been there, the whole outcome might have turned out very differently. Good thing Itachi saved you when he did."

"Yes…after Deidara of the Akatsuki group injured you in the fight at your museum, it was natural to suspect that they might've sent someone to the hospital to finish the job. So Minato-sama made sure to do what was necessary to keep you alive," Itachi summed up.

"But now…in order to continue being a shadow agent, I have to let the rest of the world keep thinking I'm dead. That includes my daughter and granddaughter." Roshi sighed. "And the last time my daughter and I spoke, it didn't end on good terms. Now I'll probably never be able to resolve those problems with her…"

"It is what it is, Roshi-san," said Yugito. "If our group's enemies knew you were alive, they'd target your loved ones to get to you. We here in the group have enough trouble with that as it is, and at least our loved ones can take care of themselves as needed."

"Talking of loved ones…" Minato's expression was serious. "Han, it's important that you not allow anyone else to know Roshi's still around—not even Naruto or Kushina. You've already heard the reason why."

"I understand. Mum's the word," said Han.

"Well…on the plus side, I think there are perks to being officially declared dead…" Suddenly a lecherous look came over Roshi's face as he began to reach under the table, in Yugito's direction.

Yugito's expression stayed carefully neutral. "Roshi-san, if you try to sneak a feel of any part of my anatomy, I can and will make you dead for real. Are we clear?"

Roshi casually pulled his arm back. "Whatever are you talking about, Yugito-san?" he asked innocently.

"Anyway…" Jei interrupted them. "Han-san, we've been talking for a bit, and…basically, you and Minato-sama have worked pretty well together in the past. And you were a big help this time around, too. So, we were thinking…"

"We'd like for you to join Yuyami," Itachi said directly.

Han cocked an eyebrow at that. "Join your group?"

"I know you're averse to violence, Han…especially with your past experience as one of the Terrors." Minato nodded. "But still…when you do use violence, you know how to wield it responsibly. And you wouldn't have to be a lone wolf anymore—you'd have allies watching your back."

Han crossed his arms over his chest. "To be an agent of the government…but that's more or less the same reason we Kyuushingai were trained in the first place—to be tools of the government. And we know very well how THAT turned out."

"Indeed…and yet I've still become part of this group, as my way of making up for my past mistakes," Yugito said gently.

"We all became members of this group to atone for our mistakes in one way or another," said Jei.

"And yet…I would rather not have to dole out violence unless I genuinely cannot avoid it. But being with a group like this, I'd be engaging in violence mandatorily." Han sighed. "Is there any way this can be avoided?"

"It's your call." It was all Minato said.

There was silence as the other five eyed Han, waiting for his answer. He, for his part, looked up at the ceiling for a long moment. Then he brought his gaze back down and looked Minato squarely in the eye. "I chose my own mission a good while back, after the 365 days ended. I would rather give hope to people rather than cause needless pain again—and to give that hope in a tangible way, with results that last longer than the short-term effect of violence. And yet…with all that…to everything there is a season."

"Yes…" Minato nodded.

Han's expression was now resolute. "I want to continue giving aid to the common person for as long as I am able to do so. However, if and when you truly need my help…you may call me." His brow furrowed. "Is this acceptable to you, Minato-san? After all, I'm already a sometime ally to your wife and son anyway."

"And for that, I will be always grateful." Minato smiled. "Welcome aboard…even if it's as a part-timer."


"Those damn bastards…after what they did to me…they won't get away with this! None of them will!"

Gato snarled out his threat, despite being tightly bound up in his bandages and restrained to his hospital bed. "I'll use every ounce of influence I have to kill them all! Every last one of them!" he hissed. "Ah—ow, ow, ow…too much pain…damn it all…"

His room door opened at that moment. "Who is it?" Gato demanded—then his eyes widened. "…you!"

The newcomer had long, spiky white hair and red facial markings. "Hello, Gato, old friend," he said simply. "I came as soon as I could, after getting the news of what happened to you."

Gato blinked. "Gama Jiraiya…fancy meeting you again, after all this time."

"Politics keeps a man busy, you know, just like the business of the courtroom keeps you busy," said Jiraiya. "But you're right, it has been a long time. It's just a shame it couldn't have been under better circumstances than this."

"You know…looking at you right now, I'm not sure who's worse off—me or you," said Gato. "I mean, sure, I'm here in a hospital bed looking like a mummy," here he indicated his bandages, "but at least I haven't fallen into national disgrace."

"Hmph." Jiraiya's eyes narrowed.

"Out of curiosity, what have you been up to all this time?" asked Gato. "The last I heard anything of you was after you resigned from your position as the Justice Ministry's permanent secretary a few months back following the Parliament incident."

"I've been trying my best to stay out of the public eye…as have the other ministers who're to be implicated in this scandal soon." Jiraiya sighed. "After what went down with the LOVE syndicate at Parliament, I and a few government ministers have to ready ourselves for a blasted commission of enquiry into the things we tried to keep hidden for the good of the people. Until then, we have to count the days we've got left while pretty much twiddling our thumbs in our asses. And while we wait, some of the disgraces known as the Kyuushingai have cropped up to cause us even more headache."

"Well, which is worse—physical castration, or political castration?" Gato wondered.

"That's a debate for another conversation. But as it is, I think perhaps we should try to look at the positives of this situation," said Jiraiya.

"Positives?" Gato eyed him suspiciously.

"For us who've been tied up in the Parliament scandal, while we may be stripped of our positions and forced to keep out of the public eye until the tribunal, that only means that we can review things with the benefit of hindsight," Jiraiya said calmly. "And in your case, Gato, the fact that you're still alive and talking means you can turn your lawyerly silver tongue to even better use than ever before."

"Meaning?" Gato wondered.

"We have a common enemy—the Kyuushingai. It was because of the Kyuushingai that our country was flipped topsy-turvy for a whole year. It was because of the Kyuushingai that our government has been needlessly embarrassed. And it is ultimately because of the Kyuushingai that you're now here." Jiraiya nodded. "And now that we share a common annoyance, perhaps we could bring you into the loop, hmm?"

Gato studied his visitor. "Yes…?"

Jiraiya's tone was venomous when he spoke again. "Let's ensure right now that, even if we end up going down in flames…every single one of the Kyuushingai will get dragged down to hell with us. Including the ones that hurt you."

Now Gato's brow furrowed. "I'm listening."


Somewhere else…

"We begin tonight's newscast with an item of news just in: one of Mist City's most prominent lawyers, who was grievously injured and hospitalized last night following an attack by a group of marauding criminals led by a former Kyuushingai, issued a startling announcement a short while ago that he would be issuing a massive bounty for the capture of the group's Kyuushingai leader."

The small television's reception wasn't quite clean, but it was good enough for the young woman watching it at the moment; as long as the picture could be seen and the audio quality was good, it was all she needed. She mostly listened, only casting occasional glances at the screen as she applied bandage strips to herself.

"The Kyuushingai who calls herself Fuu, but who officials have confirmed as being the one called Chomei the Beetle, it was she who broke those criminals out of prison and led that group that left me for dead outside my office," the lawyer Gato's voice blared from the TV as a still-image of his face was shown. "As the police will tell you, because she was capable of breaking into two maximum-security prisons to fulfill her plans, she must be considered armed and extremely dangerous. And because I, a law-abiding citizen, want to do my part to help the authorities bring this madwoman to justice, I am issuing—from my own coffers—a bounty of $20 million for any information leading to her capture."

A picture of Fuu showed up on the screen a moment later as the news anchor's voice came back on. "The authorities have also released all their available information on Fuu, in order to assist with her capture," said the anchor. "She is of dark complexion, has green hair and orange-colored eyes, and is approximately five feet two inches tall and weighs 104 pounds. She is wanted on multiple counts of murder, assault occasioning grievous bodily harm, malicious destruction of property, assault with a deadly weapon, breaking and entering, and illegal possession of firearms and ammunition."

The young woman gave the TV a critical eye.

"The authorities are also advising that anyone who gives aid of any kind to this fugitive will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If she is spotted, please contact your nearest police department or the police emergency number immediately."

And now the TV was finally shut off…and Fuu, having just gotten done tending to her bandages, slowly stood up. She walked over to the nearby bed, where rested a classical acoustic guitar—only this one was opened up, and within its innards rested an automatic rifle, the trigger strategically placed near the base of the guitar's neck and the length of the weapon running up the length of the instrument's neck. Sitting down next to the instrument, she began to close it up, idly noting that part of the guitar's body was modified so the handle of the gun was sticking out, just enough that it could be gripped when needed.

But while she worked mechanically on closing up the gun within the guitar…her thoughts were all over.

So many times I've survived what should have been my death…and for what?

Taking some small nails and a hammer, she began to nail the guitar shut.

So many times I should have died during the 365 days…but I lived. I should have died when that gang blew up the Konoha Town precinct…but I lived. I should have died after I got thrown off the roof of Kira's mansion, when my heart stopped while I was in the sickbay…but I lived. And more recently, I should have died when I took that swan dive off that cliff last night…but for whatever reason…I LIVED.

The nails were hammered in place one by one.

And for WHAT? For life to mock me? To be reminded of all the times I failed at doing good, at being a hero? Killing innocent people while trying to stop criminals…losing who I thought was my best friend…losing my dream of becoming a famous musician…trying to use my training to serve my country, only to be branded as a monster both then and now…

The final nail was put in place; the guitar was sealed shut, the gun hidden securely inside it.

And on top of that…the boy who started the 365 days, he was the one in the wrong…and yet he's now treated as a hero. The man who tried to kill me, he was in the wrong too…and yet he's protected and treated like a victim. And I…all I wanted was to do the best I could, and yet…they, the ones who were in the wrong, they get to be sympathized with, and I, the one who was truly victimized and wrongly treated, I get demonized.

Fuu stood up, the neck of the guitar in one hand, and her other hand clenched into a tight fist. Her eyes were overshadowed as she bowed her head. Her mouth, still visible, was set in a hard line.

"Country…government…police…civilians…Kira…Naruto…" Her voice came out in a hiss. "You insist on seeing Fuu, Chomei the Beetle, as the evil one? As the criminal? You insist that you're the good ones and I'm the bad one? You insist that you've done nothing deserving of punishment, while I deserve to be locked away like an animal in a cage? You insist that I should be the bad guy, after all I've tried to do to be a hero? You WANT me to be the bitch that you insist I am?"

Then—her mouth abruptly twisted upward in a wild, unhinged grin.

"Happy to play the part."




NEON MAJESTIC: And with that, ladies and gentlemen, the Kira-Killers arc has concluded. With this, Fuu—who was, at worst, more of an anti-hero in the main story—has finally decided "screw it" and is now a full-fledged villain. And not only that, but Gato is on the way to pursuing vengeance for his injuries…not to mention, Jiraiya has shown up again with something sinister in mind. Plus, Kira is still being a douchebag in spite of Naruto helping to save his hide from Fuu. On the other hand, Haruna may potentially be less antagonistic to Naruto from here on out, Roshi is officially revealed to be a shadow member of Minato's Yuyami group while Han is on standby as a reserve member, Shino's mother Galena comes home (and by the way, the lady to whom I have given the name Galena wasn't connected to Shino's family in canon), and Sasuke loses his vanity project as a result of being grounded.

I'm going to cop to it right now—with spoilers ahead for anyone who may not have seen it yet—and let it be known that Fuu's last line in this chapter is a direct shout-out to the last line of the Ducktales (2017) episode "The Duck Knight Returns," which showcases the revamped origin story of a certain famous Darkwing Duck arch-villain. I really, really wanted to use that line in the context of Fuu snapping and going bad in a "then let me be evil" manner, much like how the trope of the same name works.

Now, while I'm here, I'm going to make an addition to the announcement I made in the previous Gaiden chapter. While I'm thinking of turning the entire Kitsune no Ken story (Gaiden chapters included) into an original published work, I will indeed at that time remove the story from this site. However, I'm not going to do that just yet—I still have a few lingering plot points and one final major arc (including stuff that has to do with the aforementioned Fuu) that I want to put into the Gaiden chapters, and you'll definitely see them posted here as chapter updates. Plus, the creation of the story as an original piece will take me time to do, anyway.

Stay tuned, everyone! More Gaidens to come—and the next Gaiden chapter will see us returning to a couple of "heroes of another story" who've been the focus of previous Gaiden chapters! Who will they be? Come back to find out!