Author's note: Hey, guys! Here's another chapter to the story. I thought I would upload this one, since I already have an idea for the next one and tonight I had time to write. I really missed writing fanfictions and working on the previous chapter and this one only made me realize how much I missed it. I'm planning to make the next chapter a bit fluffy and kinda make them accept what they're feeling, have more cute scene, since it's going to be about the week they have before the next ritual takes place. Do you think it would be too soon for them to do that, is it too quickly and would you like to read that? I'm kind of anxious to get to the part when they actually get together, but I'm aware that I need to keep the pace of the story. I'm trying not to rush it. We'll see how that goes. xD

Apologies for any grammar or spelling mistakes and if the characters are a bit OOC.

Warning: This is yaoi, which means boyxboy. If you don't like it, please, don't read!

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, they belong to their respective owner, Katsura Hoshino.

'Inner thoughts'

I hope that you'll enjoy reading and that you'll like it! :)

Love, Shiori

Allen woke up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. He was having nightmares again. He just wanted them to stop, so that he could have a good night's sleep. Unfortunately, nothing was going in his favor. They were persistently coming back, torturing him.

'I wonder what time is it.', he thought.

Turning towards the window, he saw there were at least two more hours before dawn. At that moment, his eyes caught the sight of an empty bed on the other side of the room. Panic started to take over him.

'Where is he? No. I can't panic. Maybe he just went to the bathroom. He will be back. I mustn't panic, I promised. He will come back.'

Walker wrapped himself in blanket and turned his back to Kanda's bed.

'He will be back.'

With that thought, he tried to fall asleep again. But he couldn't. The sleep just wasn't coming. Not knowing where Yuu was, was eating him up from the inside. The time was passing and he was still gone. Anxiety sneaked up into his heart and body, making him even more nervous than he already was. He was worried that something might have happened to him. Kanda was gone for a long time now and he couldn't help but think that the people in white had done something to him.

'I can't just sit here anymore and do nothing. I have to find him. I need to make sure he's okay.'

Allen sat up in his bed and was about to dress up, when he heard the sound of familiar footsteps down the hallway. Quickly, he lied back down, turning to face the wall once again and pulled the covers up. Soon after, the door to their room opened up and Kanda walked in. He heard the sound that samurai's sword made when it was placed on the floor and the sound of bed when he sat on it.

''Where have you been?'', Allen asked him.

''Moyashi, you are not sleeping.'', Kanda stated surprised.

Walker turned to face him. He looked fine. He didn't seem to be hurt in any way, which was good. Allen's worry slowly started to turn into an anger.

''Where have you been, Kanda?'', whitehead repeated his question, voice ice cold.

''Outside. I was outside.'', Yuu answered.

''Outside... Why were you outside at this hour?''

''HAAAA!'', samurai was shocked. ''What the hell's going on with you, Moyashi!? Are you my mother? What's up with all of this questions?!'', he was yelling.

''Those are a very normal questions to ask, Bakanda!'', now Allen was yelling too. ''Have you forgotten what you promised me?!''

''Of course I didn't.'', Yuu answered.

''Then why did you do it, Kanda?'', Allen cried.

''Listen, I just went to gather some information and do some research around.'', samurai explained.

''It doesn't matter, Bakanda. It matters that you just up and left in the middle of the night and came back at down, it matters that something could happen to you. Do you have any idea how worried I was?'', Walker kept on talking.

'Why wouldn't he understand? This idiot!'

''I died of worry! Why couldn't you simply tell me what you're planning, why wouldn't you let me help you?''

''Sorry. I didn't think about that.'', Kanda said.

Allen looked sad and hurt. Really hurt. Kanda thought that he could avoid all of this by sneaking out at night and coming back while the younger one's still asleep. He didn't consider the possibility that Walker could wake up, see that he's missing and worry even more, which is exactly what happen. And it made things only worse.

''You didn't think about that.'', Allen repeated the samurai's words, quietly. His voice was just above the whisper.

Kanda started to feel inside of his chest tighten. He messed up. Whenever he tries to be understanding, compassionate, to show that he cares, the complete opposite happens. Instead of protecting that person from the pain, he hurts her even more.

'What should I do?'

Yuu sat on his bed and buried his face in his hands. Walker watched the samurai's reaction. He noticed how his knuckles and fingers were starting to turn white from clenching his head.

'What's happening to him? I don't like it. I don't like to see him like this. Not at all.'

He threw his legs over the side of the bed, ready to get up when he heard his mission partner's voice.

''What should I do?'', Yuu's voice was like a whisper.

He started to shake.

''What should I do? What do you fucking want me to do, Moyashi?!'', he shouted.

Yuu was piercing through him with his beautiful cobalt eyes. The pained expression flooded his face. Confusion, fear, helplessness were radiating from the eyes he loved so much.

'What do I even want from Kanda? He's trying. He's trying hard. I know what I really want from him, but it won't ever happen. So what is it? What else could I possibly ask of him, when he's doing his best?'

Allen got up from his bed and walked to samurai. They didn't take their eyes off of each other the entire time. Walker reached with his arms for the samurai and wrapped his arms around the older exorcist. Whitehead rested his chin on top of Yuu's head and buried his fingers into the navy locks.

''I just want you to be safe.'', Allen whispered. ''I don't want to lose you. Didn't I already tell you that?''

Anger disappeared from Walker's voice. There was only gentleness, worry and something else Kanda couldn't decode. Was it love? It seemed impossible to him. That can't be it. Or could it be?

''You did.'', Yuu answered. ''Don't you think I want the same when it comes to you?''

It was useless denying it. He already tried to not worry about the whitehead, but whenever he thought of the possibility of not having him around anymore or him just being injured, he couldn't bare it. It didn't seem right, it scared him more than anything. Yuu couldn't remember when he started to feel that way. He didn't like it, he willed it away, but the feelings lingered. At this moment, he didn't want to pretend, he didn't want to lie to the younger one. Something was awakening in his heart and as the time went it was getting stronger and stronger. Kanda wasn't ready to embrace it, but he also didn't have the strength to fight it.

Allen knelt down in front of him, loosening his embrace. Their faces were now in the same height and his grey eyes looked straight into the cobalt ones.


''I will say this only once, Moyashi. I don't want to lose you, too. I don't want you to get hurt. I care about you. I don't know why, but I do.''

Walker's heart started to beat faster, the strange, tingling feeling in his stomach awakened. The heat rushed up in his face and he was sure he was blushing, but he didn't care. Little did he know that Kanda felt the same. The only difference was that the blush on samurai's face was so faint, almost undetectable. But Allen noticed it. Kanda was finally opening up to him, they are finally getting closer. That knowledge filled him with happiness. He wasn't used to seeing Yuu this vulnerable and he couldn't decide if he liked it or not. This was a whole knew side of the stoic, heartless person, samurai presents himself to be. He wondered if anyone else saw this side of him? Probably.

''Kanda, let's forget about this what happened tonight and not let it happen again. From now on, let's gather the information and do the research together. Please. I don't ever want to feel this way again.''

Kanda's lips curled into a smile.


End note: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it! :)