AN: Can anyone else believe this? The LAST chapter? How...? I want to thank all of you guys for reading this. I've never written anything like this before, and I decided to publish my first attempt (stupid, I know). When I read over my work, it sounds immature, and barely as dramtic as it sounded in my head. I didn't think anyone would see this in the massive list of fanfics, let alone read this! Thank you for reading, following, favouriting, editing, commenting, whatever! I couldn't have done this without you guys, and all of your encouragement.

I walk out of Hiccup's house, sighing. It's been three weeks that he's been unconscious. Three weeks of no dragon attacks. Three weeks of the most change Berk has gone through.

Dragons now come and go freely. They no longer steal our food. Many of us have adopted them as pets. The teens and I have all kept our dragons. We meet daily to fly around Berk, becoming better acquainted with our new friends. Berk is so much different, all because of Hiccup.

Everyone has been visiting him. Stoick stopped making appearances in front of the village, and rarely left Hiccup's side. He would say he was proud, when people asked him how he felt, but that he wished the fight didn't end like this. Often, Fishlegs or the Twins will skip riding their dragons for the day, to watch over him. Snotlout told us that his family joined Hiccup's for supper each night.

I constantly thought of visiting him, but I couldn't bare to do it. All I would imagine is his unconscious body, burnt and missing a leg. I knew he would want me to visit though.

I don't know quite what to imagine. To be the one watching him awake? I don't know. I walked in, and immediately was greeted by Toothless. I glanced around his house- I'd never been inside before, but it still seemed familiar- and saw that Stoick wasn't home. Toothless nudged me over to where Hiccup lay. He seemed dead, his only movements in his quiet and shallow breathing.

Tears welled up in my eyes, "Hiccup," my voice caught, and I swallowed back a sob. I grabbed his limp hand, tears pouring down my face, "Please come back." I closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I sat there for. A minute. Five. An hour. I opened my eyes, probably puffy and red. All my tears were gone. I wiped my face on my sleeve and got up. Gently, I leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. I slowly walked out of the house, looking back one last time before closing the door behind me.

I was almost into town when I heard the commotion. I turned around and saw a crowd beginning to form. "He's awake!" Some called.

I sprinted up the path. He's awake! I pushed through the crowd and saw him. I went over and punched him on the shoulder, "That's for scaring me." I put on a frown.

"W-what? Is it always going to be like this?" He asked sounding exasperated.

I brushed a lock of hair behind my ear, wishing there weren't so many people around. I pulled him in, quickly giving him a kiss, "That's for everything else."

"Well I guess I could get used to it," he said. The others laughed and I grinned at him.

Gobber plopped some stuff in his arms. "Welcome home." Hiccup examined it and grinned. It was new equipment for Toothless.

Speaking of- "Night fury! Get down!" Someone called as a joke as Toothless flew in. Toothless landed on him, before jumping to the ground.

"Ready?" Hiccup asked Toothless, holding out the new tail to him. I smiled at them, and ran off to get the others.

We met Hiccup on the air on dragonback.

We flew around Berk. Though it was now familiar from the ground, and from the sky, it seemed different somehow. I let my mind begin to wander.

Who knew, all those months ago, that things could change so much?
How the weak could be great.
How to win when the odds are against you.
How greatness can be hidden in the least likely.

How to train your dragon.

AN: Thanks everyone! I'll let you know if I write more, but I am going to take a break until I get settled into school. Bye!