Since people keep pestering here you go, sorry if its not as good as you expected

My creative flow for certain works has been up and down

Hopefully future chapters will be better

Levi paced back and forth irritably, folding her arms over her chest as if she was a kid. Trying as hard as she could to stay calm but was ultimately failing miserably no matter how hard she tried. Why was she getting so worked up like this for? She was a grown ass woman for crying out loud. People went on dates all the time.

It was just two people with chemistry who thought the other was attractive and decided to court each other in hopes of attempting a relationship. However, she was acting as if she was committing a crime, like she was hiding alcohol and they were about to go get drunk in the park. When she was about to do anything but that.

She needed to get her shit together and act properly instead of rushing about and panicking. Hell, even Mikasa had pointed out she was on edge before she left for her date. If her niece could see she was acting like a fool then something had to be wrong with her. When had she become so embarrassed about going on a date?

She was simply meeting a woman for coffee and possibly dinner. Depending on how well the entire evening went, these things did tend to be unpredictable. But then again it had been some time since she had actually managed to get a date, seeing as she wasn't overly popular. As long as she didn't screw up everything would be fine.

Many people despite her supposed good looks were afraid of her due to her personality. Turning tail and running the minute she showed even a glimmer of her temper on them. She was known for lashing out when she got stressed out at work or when she was just done with everyone else's shit; having an infamous short fuse.

It had taken ages for some of her co-workers to get used to her temper. The only people who could really tolerate it were her boss Erwin and Hanji, most others tried to avoid her. She never though she would meet anyone who would be able to tolerate half of her shit, she still couldn't believe she had met someone on her worst day ever.

She had been here mentally preparing herself for what felt like forever "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" Levi muttered under her breath. She needed to stay calm but she couldn't, just thinking about seeing that green eyed beauty again made her heart race. They were the greenest eyes she had ever seen, quite literally getting lost in them at first sight.

She was the most stunning woman she had ever met in her life. Causing her heart to feel like it was running a mile a minute. Like time stopped and she was in one of those mushy movies. When you met the right person and everything just seemed to magically fall into place despite the fact for years she had believed it to be utter bullshit.

Erin wasn't that much older than her, but she was very pretty. She still couldn't believe that she had said yes to going on a date with her. She had really thought she would say no to her. She had even been prepared to go home and cry, then sulk then drink and eat ice cream. She was more than used to living the single life by this point, it was her natural skill.

But she had to contain her emotions as to not make a fool out of herself. But she seemed to be doing a good enough job of that as it was, fuck she was just a mess right now. As if she was going to admit she liked Erin more than she let on, the girl was a walking babe. She could get anyone she wanted compared to Levi, yet they were going on a date.

It was then that a said brunette with green eyes approached Levi from behind. Deciding to go with the sneak attack and surprise her to see how she would react. Having spotted her having a mini melt down in the middle of the street and knew it was her. "Penny for your thoughts?" an amused voice said from behind her. She had seen Levi blushing and looking worried as she waited for her. Was she really that nervous about a date.

Surely, she had been on a date before, most people had that experience. With the way she dressed she was surprised people weren't hitting on her every waking moment and asking for her number. Then again that was the impression Erin got from her. She was pretty good at reading people at first glance. Though she could in fact be mistaken, it was a very often occurrence.

Levi turned her head quickly, her eyes widened and her cheeks turned even redder. There behind her was Erin, smiling in amusement, her green eyes shining brightly under the streetlight. She was even prettier than Levi remembered, those eyes of hers just alluring her in. Though she was restraining herself, Levi very much wanted to pull her close and kiss the crap out of her.

Yes, she knew she sounded desperate and lonely, but she didn't know when she would meet a girl like Erin again. She was just so perfect she felt like she was in a dream that she never wanted to end. She didn't know what to say, she hadn't really been on a date since college. It was alien territory to her so she didn't know how to respond. She could only stand there awkwardly.

Clenching and un-clenching her hands, wracking her brain for an answer to give. But her mind was utterly blank, she had never acted this way around anyone before. Meaning Erin really was special. "N... No I was just waiting for you" she replied shyly. When had she become such a corny idiot, what if this caused Erin to find her boring.

She had hoped to act mature and sexy during this entire date but she was already screwing up big time, unable to get her words out or even act mature. She was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do with herself. Though she had a million words running around in her brain she could barely make a sentence.

Erin chuckled in amusement, this woman despite being older than her was adorable. Standing there red faced and awkward, but she liked that about her. It meant she was honest. "So, shall we be off then? I'm sure your cold from standing out here alone" Erin offered. She could see how red Levi's cheeks were and her hands looked almost frozen from the cold.

She felt bad for making her wait so long but her roommate Armin had pestered her with dressing up warmly. She just wished that he would stop acting like her father sometimes. Not that she minded sometimes, but other days he could be a bit much for her. He had been that way ever since they were kids.

Levi blinked and then nodded quickly not wanting to leave Erin waiting. She had never been so stunned by a pretty woman before, at least not to the point of being stunned. God, she wasn't a damn schoolgirl for crying out loud. This wasn't like when you had a crush on someone and you left notes in their footlocker.

Erin smiled and held out her hand to Levi taking it in her own surprising the other woman. She then started to lead Levi away, eager to get her out of the cold and start this date. Though the latter was briefly stunned by her forward gesture of affection towards her, she eventually intertwined her fingers with Erin's and followed her.

"So, what do you do with your time Levi? Aside from randomly picking up cute girls with pretty eyes?" Erin teased playfully. She had never really been able to forget the way she asked for her number. It had been the cutest thing she had ever seen, though she had wondered if she worked at that nursery. But then again, she had been dressed in a suit so she very much doubted that.

Levi blushed, she really had hoped to forget the cheesy way she had hit on Erin when they first met. It was not exactly one of her proudest moments if she was completely honest. She had just been so taken with Erin she had to make a move out of the fear she would never see her again, not wanting to regret not saying anything to her.

Usually she was a lot smoother and calm when flirting with someone. But for some reason when talking to Erin her tongue tied into knots and she couldn't seem to act normal. She gripped the cup of coffee in her hand tightly. She had really hoped she would be able to forget all about it. But it seemed the impression had deeply melded itself into Erin's memory.

"I work in an office with an annoying boss and look after my niece" she replied casually. It was hard work and often very stressful, but she loved her niece and her co-workers were good people. The annoying parts were often paperwork, bad backs and the long ass hours. But the pay was good and it would help being put towards Mikasa's future, so it wasn't all bad.

Erin blinked, that would explain why she had been coming out of a nursery when they met. Though she was impressed to know Levi was raising a child aside from working in an office. "Sounds like hard work" she replied. Late nights, annoying co-workers, paperwork etc. Didn't really sound very much like a good time in her opinion. But to each their own.

She was still taking her medical training at college so she could eventually take over from her dad. As his only child, she was forced to take on the role as the family heir which was hard work indeed. However, she had to take breaks every now and again due to the fact she would have breakdowns when it all became too much for her.

Levi snorted at the irony of Erin's reply, yeah, no shit it was hard work. There were times she felt like tearing her hair out and wanted to punch someone in the face. Her boss was a pain in the ass too. Lording over everyone and piling her with the most work as a senior member of staff, she bet he had so much fun sitting behind that damn desk of his.

If not for tea, coffee and the sweetness that was Petra or the mischief maker that was Hanji. She would have died from boredom or broken down from the mental pressure she was under. But she was a hard worker, she was organized and the best at what she did. The payoff was certainly better than the strain she had to go through in order to get the work done.

"So, you mentioned a niece, what's she like?" Erin asked curiously. She had no idea Levi had siblings, but then again, she did appear to be that kind of woman who seemed like an only child. She wondered what she looked like, if she appeared anything like Levi. A small girl who looked similar to Levi sounded like the cutest thing ever. Making her want to meet her sooner.

Levi hummed a fond smile on her face, imagining Mikasa's face in her mind "She certainly has an attitude. She intuitive and loving, but very troubled. Then again, after what she went through its understandable". Her parents had been murdered at such a young age, of course she would be traumatized by such a thing happening to her.

Mikasa was a very good child and very perceptive for a girl her age. She could be a little shit sometimes but she had a big heart. As much as she annoyed Levi, she loved her dearly. When she wasn't being a troublemaker, Mikasa was very needy and loving. Clinging to Levi for affection and chasing away anyone she didn't like. It was difficult for anyone to get Mikasa to like them.

Erin stared but couldn't stop smiling, it was becoming clear that Levi was a very kind person deep down. She just came across as awkward and cold when you first got to know her is all. "I'd like to meet her someday" Erin said gently. She sounded like such a sweetheart, she had always dreamed of having her own kids someday. Though it would be far off in the future mind you.

Levi smiled, Mikasa was always eager to meet new people. But by the time she got home she would be sleepy and eager for cuddles. No matter what time it was, Mikasa always stayed up till Levi got home. "Maybe you will" she replied. She had a feeling that Mikasa would very much enjoy meeting Erin. She had a good feeling about that, but that was something to think about later on.

"So, your thirty?! You look so much younger" Erin said in surprise. She sure had a baby face and took care of herself. She didn't look that much older than herself at first glance. Damn, she hoped she looked as good as Levi when she reached her age. Then again, she wasn't far of in age difference. Looking after the body really did pay off later in life.

"I don't feel it" Levi said casually as she sipped her tea. Because she sat at a desk so much, it caused her body a lot of physical strain. The amount of times she had come home sore and exhausted was endless. She did look after herself though, she had always been physically active. Her uncle had taught her how to fight when she had lived with him. Her teenage years had certainly been rebellious.

She had been in a gang with her then two best friends Furlan and Isabel. They had been thick as thieves and looked out for each other no matter what. Isabel referring to her as big sister. Losing them had been the worst day of her life, losing her family all over again leaving her alone in the world. Leaving her no other choice but to return to her uncle while she mentally recovered.

When she was finally free of him and lived on her own, she had spread her wings and come into her own. Later she had adopted Mikasa and taken her in, raising her the way she wished she had been. Though she was stern and often short tempered, she was also loving, protective and gentle with her. Making sure she was raised into a lovely young lady.

"I have to say; your hair is longer than I thought" Erin teased. When they first met, her hair had been tied back in a bun. Now that it was lose it reached her lower back in a straight curtain. She couldn't stop staring at how it shone so perfectly in the light, she was damn near tempted to reach across the table and play with it for herself.

Levi blinked and absentmindedly played with her hair a little, she had been growing it out since she was a teen. Her uncle saying she needed to look and act more like a lady to at least appear normal. Somehow, she just preferred to keep it long for some reason. Despite having it somewhat short when she was a kid.

"I have to keep it up for work, company rules" she replied. Nothing felt better than letting her hair down after a long day of keeping it up for hours. Fucking Erwin and his rules, she wanted to shove them up his ass just once. See how much of a dictator he appeared to be. Constantly acting like everything had to be perfect.

Erin smiled, glad to know Levi had been able to relax somewhat before meeting up with her "I'm glad you broke them for me" she teased. Though she had looked nice with her hair in that topknot, she looked better with her hair down and framing her face. She couldn't believe how sexy she looked right now.

Levi smirked at Erin's cocky attitude "Don't get used to it, it may never happen again" she teased. If there was to be a second date she would be far more prepared next time. But for now she would just have to deal with the hot mess that had quickly prepared in her apartment and left in a mad dash to be on time.

Erin fake pouted in disappointment at her reply "Spoilsport" she said unhappily. She had such thick silky hair, while hers was wavy and thick. Often proving hard to deal with. This time it was Levi's turn to laugh, she was honestly having a lot of fun. Making her forget about the dramas of work and all the troubles she ever had to face. Just having fun with Erin.