So I got into pokemon again partially thanks to Pokemon Go which is frustrating since I have no data plan and can only do it at home... Anyways, here is a Self-Insert OC reincarnation fic!

For those who are unfamiliar with an SI-OC, it is when a OC or self-insert is reborn into a fandom world like Pokemon! Sometimes they attempt to change the story to prevent sad or bad events from canon.

Disclaimer, I DO NOT own Pokemon! ... I am just a poor student in America (o_o)/

Review, Favorite and Follow if you like!


When you awake to darkness, I would personally think that it is completely natural to have a surge of panic.

And of course, I panicked more than the average person would being the paranoid I am. Attempting to flail my arms, a thought struck me. Am I dreaming?...

The thought alone made me calm down and think. I'm just dreaming. A dream.

I am proud to call myself a pretty talented lucid dreamer. Though complete darkness is a new experience. Normally something is already happening in my dreams when I realize that I am dreaming.

Maybe if I try hard enough, something will start happening, as my dreams are occasionally subject to my will.

My entire being felt detached. It was akin to the feeling one feels when laying in bed and allowing their muscles to relax completely. Like if you tried hard enough, though you would rather continue staying in the comfortable position and remain in relaxed bliss, you could pull back the feeling of being complete. Willing your nerves to pick up signals and start moving your limbs from their stagnant unused status.

After long enough, I could feel some sort of response from my attempts and focused on becoming "whole" again. What usually happens next is I awake and realize I have woken up before my alarm, thus ruining my undisturbed sleep. However, that is not what occurred following my efforts.

Instead, a bright light engulfed me.

In the vast region known as Unova, on the southeastern coast of the massive land, something miraculous was occurring.

In the small village of Nuvema Town, in the nearby forest, an important event finally began.

In a small clutch of soft grass lay a single egg with stripes of green, black and white. It was erratically glowing and slightly shaking with every second that passed.

Hovering close to the egg was a small humanoid creature. It appeared to have features that looked like a black dress with a single green strip around the waist area. It had a petite figure with a round head and flowing hair that seems to stay together to form a likeliness of the lines on a music sheet. Its skinny arms fidgeted in worry and anticipation.

The egg was becoming brighter with every glow and the worry was soon overtaken by excitement.

Nothing to fear, Meloetta thought this is normal for any pokemon egg. Xerneas looked over the little one and said they were full of life and very healthy. Despite her own reassurances, she felt very nervous and excited for her egg to hatch. She had exploring the peaceful area when her egg began glowing and showing signs of being ready to hatch.

She found a clearing in the forest near the human settlement that was safe, which was good as the time for the egg to hatch was drawing near.

Then the egg shone bright enough to engulf the entire clearing. It was almost like sparkles accompanied the light as a separate entity. After a few moments the lights dimmed until the light created by the process were gone.

Rather than an ovular object, a smaller Meloetta was seated on the grass with its eyes closed and legs bent. Its eyes started to open as it started to wake. However, this newborn pokemon was colored slightly different. In place of the features that would normally be a light green was a bright teal color. Its hair, stripe and eyes shared this different coloring.

The younger and smaller Meloetta stirred awake and opened its big eyes for the first time. Looking forward at first from its position on the ground before adjusting its head direction upwards and spotting the older Meloetta. Its neutral face shifted to expressing wonder and joy.

The baby pokemon squealed, sounding out gibberish even to the ears of its fellow pokemon. Legendary or not, baby pokemon all had to learn how to speak just as any creature. Its speech barrier did not bother the older at all.

Letting out a delighted squeal herself, Meloetta floated down to hug her daughter. My daughter! She could hardly believe it as she cradled the smaller pokemon in her svelte arms. She could understand how Lugia felt having a little one of his own. The squirming, squeaking bundle was her whole world at this moment.

However, the newly born pokemon was focused on everything but the larger pokemon.

Thoughts swirled around in my mind as I tried to understand the highly realistic dream I was in. This was unlike any dream I have ever been in before.

Best dream though. I'm a freaking pokemon and everything really clear. Which meant it probably would not last for long.

"Ewht-!" I attempted to talk to the Meloetta, but I was surprised that only a incoherent squeal came out. So not a dream that bends to my will, what can you do?

Not to mention I was still small just like my human body. Ah, the plagues of shortness never leave even with a different body.

But something seemed wrong, horribly off about this situation. Something on the edge of my mind, this experience was not what it seemed to be. That is when the wave of memories hit me like a runaway train.

I recall reading about reincarnation and theories on people regaining their past life's influence and memories after their new body has properly adapted, and is able to receive an onslaught of information. An event of that sort happened to me only moments after my rebirth. The memories suddenly returned and my thoughts clearer after an instant, though it felt like a longer time to me.



This is wrong

Blood? Blurs of color and light swirling around like some demented performance.

Horrible emptiness and silence, transitioning to pain and incoherence.

What is happening, no...





Everything is so blurred, tears running down a face. Fists clenched and anger, raw anger rising to the surface.

Tears? I-

Sadness and hopelessness rising and growing stronger. Should this really happen?

It's not fair!


Meloetta's moment of distracted jubilation was interrupted by a sudden growling sound from the smaller melody pokemon.

Only a second after that did the newly born begin crying, and breaking into big sobs. Fat tears ran down her face as the baby Meloetta wailed.

though startled for a moment, Meloetta put two and two together and realized her child was hungry. She felt like face palming herself. Of course a newborn needs some nourishment soon after its born.

She picked up her daughter by the armpits and sprawled her across her shoulder, then floated off the ground, still carrying her child. The legendary needed to find some berries to mash up and feed to her baby.

She had a feeling parenthood was going have this sense of urgency and concern for a while, until her daughter got older. For now, she would just focus on the bright and joyous present moment.

Once her baby stopped wailing enough to deafen a Tyranitar.

There you have it! Hope you enjoyed and be sure to review, favorite and follow! :3
