POV: Kagura

The smell of the world on fire greeted us as we were escorted out of the ruins of Rising Angel. I took one look back at the once mighty and proud school. The feelings I had about the school were complex to say the least but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness as we made our way into the Future Foundation's camp. That school represented my old life, a life I wished to return to. But time only flows one way so I look to a future of uncertainty.

I sat down on a cot inside a grey tent, awaiting whatever or whomever came next. A young woman stepped through the tents flap holding a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thought you might need this." She said.

"Thanks." I accepted the drink, but I didn't sip anything out of it. It reminded me too much of Kouki.

The woman took notice of this but didn't say anything, of which I was grateful for.

"I understand what you're going through." She said.

"How can you? This was a unique situation." I responded.

"It's not as unique as you think. I was a victim of a similar killing game. I even made it out with my friends and...someone else. Believe me I know what you're going through." She said.

"That means you were in Junko's killing game. What happen to her?" I asked.

"She committed suicide when we showed her that we can still have hope, even after everything she put us through and what she did to the world. My name is Kyoko Kirigiri and I survived Ultimate Despair." The woman called Kyoko said.

"Serra mentioned a mercenary group called Fenrir. It seems Junko has more followers out there." I said.

"Yeah, most of them committed suicide when she did but a few like Serra decided to carry on Junko's work. With Junko and Mukuro dead, combine that with the fact that Fenrir is backing her, Serra is the most powerful and dangerous Remnant of Despair." Kyoko mused.

"And she has Kouki. Okay, I'll help you." I said.

"I had a feeling you would say that. Your friends have already signed up. I promise you, we will find Kouki." Kyoko said.

"And put an end to Serra." I said.

POV shift: Kouki

The room I was in, its damp and cold. My wrist and feet were bound by steel chains to a concrete wall. The room had no source of light, which left me to my thoughts in the dark. The door slowly opened, the hinges squeaking loudly. Light poured into, I placed a hand over both my eyes to shield them from the sudden brightness.

"Just kill me." I said.

"Why would I kill you." Serra said, placing a tray of food in front of me.

"I have plans for you." She said, grinning as she looked down upon me.



Danganronpa: Return to Despair

Author's notes

This is not the end. I have planed out a trilogy, an SYOC trilogy so keep your eyes out for that. I would also like to apologize for taking so long to update and finish this story, it was never my intention to make you guys wait this long.