Chapter 1: There'll be Another Time

"Go tell the Spartans, passer-by, that here, by Spartan law, we lie."

Simonides's Epitaph

I looked up towards the sickly brown skies, clogged with Covie aircraft, as green and blue explosions danced in the horizon. There was no trace of the Pillar of Autumn, my mission was complete and now here I was, standing on a platform in the middle of a ruined UNSC base, a graveyard to my fallen brothers and sisters.

Gazing out, Phantoms and Spirits descended into the rolling dust storms. Great, they were dropping troops into it so I couldn't see their advance before they started peppering me with plasma. However, I could still hear their distant shouts and roars in their language. Even though I did not understand it, the tone made it clear. They wanted me dead.

I was alone, NOBLE team was gone.

Jorge, the big guns, sacrificed himself to blow up the Supercarrier.

Too bad the entire Covenant fleet showed up.

Kat, the brains, pushing me aside and was rewarded with a bullet through the brain.

Her death would be in vain.

Carter, the leader, went down with the ship after ramming it into a Scarab.

Another friend pulling off a heroic sacrifice.

Emile, the CQC, returning the favor to a Elite after being gutted.

His final words still rang in my ears.

"I'm ready! HOW ABOUT YOU!"

And now me, the Lone Wolf, fighting solo on a dead planet.

Is this what being scared felt like? Tensed up muscles, fast, sallow breaths, rapid heartbeat. The knowledge you were going to die?

"No," my mind growled," It's not my time. Besides, the Covenant is sending a farewell party!"

I chuckled dryly. If the Covies want to wish me farewell might as well attend with the explosives.

And as the outlines of Elites and Grunts emerged from the dust, I tightened my grip on the rifle and the charred, palm-sized bunny.

It was the night before Christmas and all was quiet save for my house. A restless eight year old me sat crossed-legged as my Mom dug through the presents under the tree. I supposed she was tired of the excuse that four tiny little presents make up one big one and now took it upon herself to find one while my Father sat on the couch, reading the news with a grim expression.

Mom plucked a present the size of my hand and handed it to me. The wrapping gave little resistance from my vicious hands tearing it asunder. When the last piece flew, I held a stuffed bunny which caused a frown. How ironic. But that frown quickly turned upright when I heard a ball bounced and I looked over to see Dad dribbling a basket ball while still sitting. Mom rolled her eyes and Dad chuckled in amusement as I tried to steal it.

It was such a innocent time of ignorant bliss.

Mere hours late, I would witness my first Glassing.

I quickly shoved the bunny into my hard case on my right thigh and crouched low, shouldering the DMR as a group of Grunts led by a blue-armored Elite wandered below the platform. The Elite kept nervously looking around as if a ghost might pop out and scare him at anytime and when he was directly below me, I jumped with my feet touching each other.

The fall was silent and swift. I landed onto its head which gave a satisfying pop as bones cracked and blue blood spluttered. I then leaped off, allowing the body to fall to the ground and I heard the Grunts' squeals of surprised horror. I whipped around with my DMR ready and intending to end their lives.

They were already running away in all directions. At least I didn't have to deal with alien midgets at the moment.

I ran before they could give me away to other teams. Nearby was a parking lot and a couple marine corpses were scattered about. I needed to nab any ammo I could and if I had no other choice, I could always showcase Elite Slayer.

Funny how the first Elite I killed was the one who also sliced my mom. His expression when he remembered me as I repeatedly stabbed him with his own Energy Sword was worth drawing it out to let it sink in that the boy had grown up and took after his mother. I then took his sword and despite ONI wanting it for research, I used it on every Elite I could.

Till it ran out of energy, forcing me to hand it over so they could figure out how to recharge it. Then I took it back.

As I neared the lot, my eyes spotted a grenade launcher with a marine's hand still firmly clinging to it. I slowly walked over, constantly checking and rechecking all sides for any Covies. The only ones were the Grunts fleeing into the storm.

When I next to it, I fell to a knee and pried the launcher from his hand and still holding my DMR up, snapped it open to see if there was any ammo still in it. Thankfully there was.

I searched the rest of the bodies for any mags they still had. Mostly empty, but one or two bullets might come in handy.

"Thanks Max for teaching me how to identify bullet types."

I sighed. If only he and the rest of my training team was alive. Jacob would be making jokes resulting in his ass being handed to him by Jane.

Weeks after the Covenant attacked my home, the chance at revenge presented itself in the form of a ONI officer. I took it without thought and sometime later, I had been assigned to Beta Company where we got our training teams.

I stood, facing the others in a diamond formation as we introduced ourselves. The first person up was a boy around my height and most likely the same age as me. He had a constant grin on his face as if he won the lottery. However, his eyes kept darting around as though someone would attack.

"Hello, I'm Jacob!" He said in a confident tone.

The next was a girl, half of his height, and the features suggested she was only six years old. She was shaking, in fright or excitement I couldn't tell, and kept moving her mouth like she was going to say something. She also kept rubbing her fingers and when she spoke, she stuttered.

"I-I'm Jaaaa-Jane."

"Hello Miss Stutters!"

"Do-Don't ca-ca-call me th-that!"

"Ok Stutters!"

She growled and already I could feel a fight was about to break out, but another boy, a head below me and seven years old, stepped in. He glared hard at each one, commanding their attention. He kept a neutral expression and said," alright, calm down you two."

"And who made you bossy pants?"

Before anyone else made a comment, I walked into his face as I had already grown tired of his pride.

"I did."

That settled it. Max was our leader and I was his right hand. Jacob was the comedy relief and Jane was the fiery cracker. We went through Hell together, forging our friendship in fire but I was saved while they all burned.

I glanced up to see if there were anymore dropships delivering troops. Instead a cruiser was sending down a beam of light onto a mountain range.

"Wort wort wort!"

My attention was pulled down to see more Elites and Grunts emerge from the dust. They immediately began splitting up. One group consisting of a Split-Jaw and a trio of the midgets headed over to the first dead Elite. The leader's right hand went towards the neck of it and after a moment shook its head while I adjusted the grenade launcher and primed it to fire.

As soon as the Elite and the Grunts were together, I fired and dropped the launcher to run before they realize what just happened. Seconds later, I heard the explosion and screams of agony followed by angry howls.

I used the hit and run tactics I was fond of using. Find cover, pop out, shoot a couple of Covies, retreat, rinse and repeat.

Each kill was satisfying to me. Every crouch of bone, pained howl, and death rattle gave me a sense of victory. Every one that dropped dead meant one less for the Covenant and provided a silver of a chance for humanity to pull a victory.

But the more I slew, they were replaced by a stronger one and one less bullet to spend. The more that gnawing emptiness chewed at my very soul. Every SPARTAN I saw I was reminded of NOBLE or my old team, every marine was a life snuffed out.

After I had discovered Operation: TORPEDO and the fate of the SPARTANs sent there and the fate of my father I constructed wall to block emotions. Any attachments were deemed too risky, a friendship meant only sorrow, emotions could not be allowed. It was all for the greater good I kept telling to myself, the only thing that was important was the mission and mankind's survival. That meant putting down any insurgences that dared to be born and any leaders to be executed without trial.

Then I found my dad leading them.

I kicked down a door after blasting my way through a Mamore insurgent base. However, I was greeted by a hail of pellets and I snarled as my shield absorbed the force. Before my assailant could pump his shotgun, I shoulder charged him and we fell with me on top.

I rose and grabbed my magnum, ready to blow the man's brains out yet as I placed it between his defiant eyes, I recognized his face.


His eyes widened.

"Is-is that you?"

I nodded.

"You're alive, by God you're alive!" He shouted.

I got myself off, allowing him to rise up and I realized how tall I gotten. He was a foot shorter than me, but he nonetheless charged me and I stiffened believing he was attacking me.

Instead, he hugged me.

And moments later, when he released his arms, eyes full of joyful tears, I cuffed him. His joy turned to a confused and betrayed look.


"You are under arrest for inciting a insurgency against the UEG," I impassively said. His shoulders slumped in response as I dragged him out of the base and into the hands of the UNSC.

At least he was safe in a cell on Earth.





I dropped the DMR and ran as a white armored Elite gave chase, firing plasma from his Repeater. A building near the platform was my salvation and I threw myself through the window landing face first into the cracked concrete. The hiss of the weapon stopped then and the unmistakable zap of a Energy Sword reached my ears.

I scrambled to get up before the Elite could jump on me. I turned myself over just in time for it to vault over the window ledge with a raised sword and I reflexively snatched Elite Slayer from my right hip, activating it. The resulting zap must have confused it because it stood dumbly over me. I took full advantage by plunging the twin blades into its lower abdomen. The Elite gave a soft whimper and then it went limp. I threw it off and deactivated my sword.

And for a peaceful moment, I heard nothing. No Glassing, no angry roars, nothing. Just hopeful silence this was all a nightmare and I would wake up on a Falcon towards the Visegrad Relay with NOBLE team.

My mind drifted to them. I initially resented them and them me no matter how much they hid it. I didn't want to get bogged down by a team and they certainly didn't want Thom replaced. Yet the brief weeks we had forged a bond I could not quite explain. It was familiar though, as if we were… family?

Ironic how a bunch of killing machines actually managed to tear down that wall.

Now they were all dead.

And I was left with a flood of emotions I didn't know how to deal with.

The only solution I could think of was to brutalize the Covenant.

But don't they also have families?

No, murderers don't.

Aren't I a murderer too?

Expect I don't have a family anymore.


My solace was broken by the howl of yet another Elite.

I shot up as the Elite that had shouted charged at me despite having a Repeater. It brought it down low and swung at my visor. My brain sent a desperate message to my hand to grab it, but my tired nerves struggled to get it through. The weapon smashed into my helmet and the force caused a crack to form. I blinked when shards pierced my eye, eliciting a grunt of pain.

I also swore I heard a series of short, throaty growls. Was it laughing at my pain and misery?!

Before the Elite could take another swung, I furiously launched myself, head first, into its chest. The force was enough to send us to the dying, gray grass. Me and the Elite tried to recover before the other could, but I was quicker on the draw.

I unsheathed my combat knife from underneath my breastplate and shoved it with the force of a god into its neck. The blade pierced through the flesh, digging its way towards the jugular. The Elite, meanwhile, pounded its fists against the sides of my helmet and I growled at each hit that sent a annoying thud. However, every hit had a longer interval till there was no more. Once I was certain enough blood had been spilt, I ripped the knife out and wiped it against my arm. The purple blood dripped from the steel gauntlet.

I rose and picked up the Repeater. I took a deep breath and sighed.

Damnit, parts of my HUD were missing due to the crack. I had no way of knowing what my shield level was at unless it started beeping and ammo counted was gone. Motion tracker still had red blips moving towards me.


My eardrums nearly ruptured from a explosion behind me. I looked up to see a blue blob arcing its way to my general position and I jumped, landing on my back as it smashed into the ground and went up in a ball of fire. Some of it splashed on my and I felt the heat of the plasma burn my armor.

Oh joy, the Covenant has deployed Wraiths. How long till they just give up and just Glass me?

More roars and shouts caused me to look around and to my dismay, golden Elites were charging out of the storm. I had fought only a few and those few proved to be deadly like the SPARTAN IIs. Now there were dozens backed up by Wraiths just shooting wherever I was.

Actually I could use those Wraiths.

And so another round of hit and runs began. However, as time went on, I started to become reckless and brutal. For the first time since Jorge's death, I enjoyed myself.

I poured plasma into the mouth of every Elite I could, bashed the heads of Grunts into pulp, and took their bloodied weapons as prizes to use. I descended into a madden laughter, chuckled at the Grunts' screaming retreat and smiled as a Elite bleed out. Eventually, I resorted to using Elite Slayer to slice, dice, and chop them away and when it ran out, I repeatedly smashed the hilt against their skulls till it popped like a piñata.

For hours upon hours this went on and they just kept coming.

I couldn't keep this up. My muscles yearned for rest, protesting at every move and I panted heavily as saliva filled my dried mouth. Every plasma bolt erected a pained snarl or growl of hate and anger. The armor I had once so proudly wore was covered in purple blood, burn marks, and pieces had fallen off. My visor had multiple cracks and I had to wipe away the blood often.

And like the Elites, those damned emotions kept coming back, but I accepted it. At first I had tried to crush them, to ensure I didn't become confused yet the more I fought the more I realized they were my only friendly companions in a sea of hostility.

Happiness was a burning fuel for the fire of hope which I was grateful for no matter how soon it would die. I was happy that I had friends and family and grateful for the short time we had. I hoped that our story, our struggle against a murderous force that wanted Humanity's destruction would survive throughout the generations so when people looked back, they would say this was their finest hour.

This was certainly my finest and last hour.

The fighting had driven me towards a barren hilltop. On the ground, I spotted a battered assault rifle and I picked it up as plasma shrieked overhead. I looked at the source and fired a dozen rounds into a charging white Elite. Bullet after bullet, the alien kept coming till its shields dissipated and blood spewed from its rounds. However, it eventually faced planted into the ground.

I turned to see a golden Elite wielding a Energy Sword try and grab me. I let out a deep, tired exhale while using the butt of the rifle to smash in its face. The split-jaw dropped, holding its jaws and I pulled out my pistol to shoot it.

Once I returned it to its place, as if on cue, the heat of plasma bolt seeped through my armor alerting me to even more Elites. I let out a dry chuckle. They really had to work on their aiming.

I returned fire, but that did nothing to halt the hail as a second one joined in.

The searing pain erected a grunt and my muscles roared at it.

Ignoring it, I wearily snatched the pistol from my hip and aimed it at orange one. I kept firing till both fell to the ground in the circle of bodies that was forming.

Yet another that had used the distraction snuck by. By the time I had noticed it, its face had already obscured my vision and I felt the force of a hundred, angry Elites push me down. The alien then wanted to stab me with its energy blades and I responded with a swift kick to the groin, but several hours of exhaustion, pain, and hopelessness had sucked me empty of any precious energy.

The Elite was simply thrown off.

And to add to the fun, a 'Zealot' dangled a Energy Sword over my head. I threw a fist into its face and surprisingly despite my drained strength, there was enough power to collapse the shields. I smiled in satisfaction as its sword flew through the air off to some place. That smile was quickly replaced by a snarl as the Elite from earlier came into view. I placed my arm over my head and when I saw its white helmet move onto my right side, I launched my elbow into its jawless mouth.

Before I could hit it again, I felt feet clamp down on my chest and forearm. I looked over to see a Zealot with 'eyebrows' staring down at me with what I believed to be a thoughtful expression. It didn't speak, instead allowing the surviving Elites to gather around as evidenced by the thumping of feet.

I sighed and closed my eyes in defeat. So this was it eh? This was the way my world ends, to be impaled by a Energy Sword. Soon, everything would be over.

Still, I smiled. At least I got my wish right? To get revenge against the bastards that took everything away from me?

"Nah, it isn't that," I thought," it's just a part of it. I got to do things the average Joe didn't do! Went to so many different planets, met interesting people even though some were assholes, and to top it all off, I died giving Humanity a shot at survival. Guess my time is over then. NOBLE, friends, mom, I'll see you soon. There'll be another time."

And I waited for the piercing pain that never came.

Instead, I heard the wet smacking of flesh and Elites' startled shouts. I opened my eyes to see no Elite ontop of me and I grunted as I forced my aching head to move up. I saw the Elite that were about to end me writhing and twitching on the ground as if it was in such great pain that all it could do were that. Occasionally I caught glimpses of something burrowing itself into its chest.

Using the drawn attention of the Elites, I turned and pushed myself up despite the pain that had engulfed every fabric of my being. I stood on wobbly, noodle-like legs and clutching my bleeding left side. I dragged myself towards the dust storms just as a otherworldly, monstrous shriek tore the air and the hiss of plasma echoed.

I didn't know what was going on, but I am not going to stay to find out!

But as I stumbled through the storms, my body began to shut down. Each step sucked whatever energy I had left and sent raging pain up my legs. Every passing moment, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier till it felt like trying to lift a warthog with a finger. Blood continued to tickle down from wounds caused by explosions or sword slashes, emptying my vessels that supplied my organs.

Everything was also oddly quiet, much like before a storm. The only sounds were the howling of the wind and my own labored breathing.

A peaceful moment in hell! Too bad I couldn't enjoy it since I was dying.

And just like that, I dropped perhaps after I took sixty steps.

I didn't bother trying to get up given all the damage that was done to me. It was over anyways.

Before I succumbed to the blackness, I thought I saw something blue hovering in the swirling dust.

A/N: Hola fellow Halo fans! Thanks for reading my story and I would appreciate if you dropped a review telling me what you liked and what you didn't. I'll also attempt to update the story every two weeks on Fridays, but I do prefer taking my time with this so please bear with me if you like this.

Anyways, enjoy racking your brain about what is going to happen to Noble Six.

If you're also wondering about Six's armor appearance, here it is,

Colors :



Head-MJOLNIR Mk. V regular

Chest- Tactical/Patrol

Left Shoulder- MJOLNIR Mk. V

Right Shoulder- CQC

Wrist- Tactical/TACPAD

Utility-Hard Case

Visor Color- Black

Knee Guards- Grenadier