Chapter 1: Sleep-Deprived

AN: Hello! Just wanna say, this story might take a while to finish. It's a KageHina fic (obvi) and this is my first fic, so if I mess up or you want other couples or other genres to be in it, please ask/tell!

Summary: Kageyama and Hinata weren't always the best of friends. But when it came to volleyball, heck, they'd become practically family just to play- and win a match if they had to. Of course, you already know that. You're a Haikyuu! fan, just like the rest of us. Anyway, you know Hinata is constantly being picked on because of his height (heck, I'm 5'1", or 159.94cm, shorter than Nishinoya!), or because he's 'Karasuno's #10, the one who does the amazing quick attack and huge jump'. We all loovvveeee our little baby Hinata. (He's so frikin cute!) We all hate when he's picked on even though it's sometimes kinda funny. But this story takes it a little too far. Some fights here and there, maybe a little bit of hurt and comfort, and some definite romance. It is a KageHina fanfic you're about to read. Enough ranting from me and breaking the 4th wall. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show (story?)…

-Kageyama's POV-

I had just finished eating dinner at the hotels' cafe and decided 'Damn, I have to piss'. So I start to head over to the bathroom but hear some gasps – not like surprised gasps, but it was as if someone was choking of the lack of air and were literally suffering to get more air. I froze, unsure of what I was hearing and stood to listen for more. I hear a faint and chopped 'stop' but the voice was-choking? I hear another voice grunt and thud, then an "oompf!". Is someone being beaten up? I run to the voices, turning from corner to corner (which was really only like 2 corners), and I stop by the small ice room with the vending machine in it and see-HINATA?!

-The Present (A Few Days before the incident)

Hinata's POV-

'Daisies… Roses… Barbie… Stars… Volleyball…' - WHAM

"OI! HINATA! Stop spacing out! What's wrong with you?! You just stared blankly at the net and got hit square in the face instead of blocking, you dumbass!" Kageyama barked.

"Kageyama, relax, Hinata just seems… tired" Suga says.

'What's happening? Oh-OW?! What the heck?! My frikin face hurts!' I finally open my eyes to see Yamaguchi crouching over me, poking my cheek. I slowly start to sit up and look straight ahead of me, only to see Kageyama's scary glare staring right back at me.


I stare, not thinking for a second and finally process what he said. I get up angrily and yell back:

"OW! What did you do that for?! I start to stomp forward toward him but trip on my laces.

"Wow, he can't even tie his laces properly" Tsukishima laughs. Noya and Tanaka laugh a bit with him.

I sit up, embarrassed and scratching the back of my head, and say "N-Natsu kept me up really late last night. She forced me to play with dolls for like 3 hours. I'm tired. But I can still play." I rush the last part. I'm not lying, but I also stayed up trying to study, but to no avail. I wasn't about to tell them that, though. My entire team giggled, half believing my story.

"So, a 3 year old forced you to play with her? That's a strong 3 year old" jokes Tanaka. "Or a weak 16 year old." Nishinoya adds on. "She's 6 years old, and I didn't have a choice. She cries easily." I say back, only making the team chuckle again. "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that" Kageyama laughed.

I see Kiyoko walking over to me, and says, "It's okay, I believe you, and I think that's really cute. Just sit out for a bit." I feel myself blush, and next thing I know, Tanaka and Noya are beside us, telling us "Yeah, Hinata, Kiyoko, we think it's really cute too!" Figures they'd try to get on her side and get her attention. She hands me a water bottle and pats my back a bit. I walk over to Yachi, who is sitting down and drop like a rock next to her. 'Jeez, I didn't know falling asleep at 3:00 a.m. could effect me this much.'

"Aahhh..." I sigh. "You look so tired, Hinata-kun. Maybe you should go home and nap?" she suggests. "No, no, I'm okay. I just need to rest up for a minute." I answered. I close my eyes and without realizing it, I drift off to sleep.

-5 (ish) minutes later-

"HINATA." my eyes jolt open to meet Kageyama's eyes 5 inches in front of mine. I yelp, and instinctively shoot my head forward only to hit it against Kageyama's. Rubbing my forehead, I open my eyes to see large hands reaching down, grabbing me by the armpits and picking me up as if I were a child- Asahi.

"Coach, where should I put him?" he asks. I look behind me to see Asahi. "Just put him there on the ground" Ukai answers.

As he puts me down, Ukai says "Hinata, I know you're tired, but we have a game in just a couple of days. So, unless it's serious, try to play." "Right sir, sorry sir! I want to stay on the court sir" I salute. "Good. And don't call me sir, Hinata."

I walk to my position on the court and see Kageyama is on my side of the court this time. I begin to play, but the whole time, I'm playing sloppy. When Kageyama and I start to walk home, he sort of just stares at me angrily. I pretend to not notice and just keep walking, all the while yawning a lot. He starts to talk "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean? I'm a perfect human being."

"Except today you played horribly. Do you even want to play, like for real? You couldn't even receive! Not much of a perfect human being if you ask me."

"Well, I didn't ask you. And I told you; Natsu-"

"Yeah, I get it, blame your 2 year old sister."

"She's 6, Kageyama. And it's true. She got a super long nap at school and she wasn't tired and my momwanted me to play with her and she wanted me to play with her so I didn't ha-"


"Well jeez, I was just explaining" I mumbled.



"That's still no excuse to practice poorly. We have a big game coming up and the whole team is counting on our quick attack, so be better tomorrow. Shrimp."

I grunted back in response and a few minutes later we said our goodbyes and parted.

AU: Hello! I knoowwww it was suuuuuppppeeerrr short. But it'll get better. Please leave a review! Thanks! I'll upload more once I can! Bye!

(P.S. to people who have already read this, I just updated this chapter lol okie bye)