
Hello, hope you're having a good day.

One cold rainy evening, Merlin was in a bar. He was sitting by himself. Then a girl sits down next to him. Merlin looked at her and saw that it was Morgana.

"Hello, Merlin. Long time no see." Morgana greeted.

"What do you want, Morgana?" Merlin asked.

"Just wanted to talk to you. I wanted to apologize for what I did."

"Yeah. Like it's going to help."

"I know that won't but please let me explain."

"I don't want to hear it."

Then Morgana grabbed Merlin and kissed him. Merlin didn't fight. When Morgana pulled away, Merlin saw the woman he had fallen in love with all those years ago.

"Please, let me explain." Morgana begged. Merlin sat down and sighed. "When I woke up from when you poisoned me, I was in a room full of mandrake roots. I tried to fight. I was in there alone. In the dark with nothing. Eventually I just broke. I never wanted to harm you." Morgana started crying.

"But I poisoned you." Merlin replied.

"Because I was the source of the enchantment. I know why now and I'm sorry."

"When you were gone, I want to die. I was angry at myself, at Morgause. I was really angry at destiny."

"I'm sorry I put you in the positions that I put you in."

"When I killed you, I wanted to take Excalibur and kill myself. Both times. I loved you."

"I loved you too."

"Everyone told me that you were nothing but darkness. I didn't want to believe it. When I found out about what the Sarram did to you and Aithusa, I was so angry and upset. You didn't deserve the pain that you went through. I wanted to tell you about my magic but everyone told me not to."

Then Morgana put a finger on his lips. She shushed him.

"I know. I understand. It's ok now. I forgive you. Please forgive me." Morgana whispered.

"I do. Now that I know, I just wish that I could turn back time."

"You can't but we can put the past where it belongs."

"I cant."

"I know. I'll help you."

Merlin finished his drink.

"Do you want anything?" Merlin asked.

"No. I don't drink. How about we go to your apartment and talk?" Morgana answered.


As they stood up, Merlin started to stumble. Morgana put his right arm around her shoulders.

"Let me help you. You're drunk." Morgana said.

"I don't get drunk." Merlin mumbled. They walked out of the bar. As they walked it started raining harder.

"We need to hurry."


So they all but ran to Merlin's apartment. When they got to the building, they went to Merlin's apartment.

"When we get in, I have some clothes that you can wear, so that those clothes can dry." Merlin said.

"Ok." Morgana answered. They went in. Merlin took his shoes off.

"You can take your shoes off. I'll be right back."

Morgana nodded. Merlin went to his bedroom. Morgana looked around. Merlin's apartment was neat and clean but in the kitchen there were drugs and bottles of alcohol. She had to hold back tears. She could barely believe that Merlin was a drug addict and alcoholic. Then Merlin came out. He saw the tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Merlin wondered. Morgana wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Nothing." Morgana answered. Merlin handed her the clothes.

"Here. You can go change in the bathroom."

"Thanks. You should change too. You could get sick."

"I will."

SO Morgana went to get change. When she was done, she went back out. Merlin hadn't change his clothes. He sat on the couch and had a blanket beside him. He heard her and turned around.

"You can put the clothes in the basket behind you. Then sit down and make yourself comfortable." Merlin sighed.

"Thank you." Morgana thanked as she put her clothes in the basket. Merlin nodded and went to his bedroom. Morgana sat down on the couch. She was still cold from the rain. Then Merlin come back in. He threw his wet clothes into the basket. Then he sat down. He threw the blanket at her.

"That's for you. You still look cold."


Morgana covered herself up with the blanket.

"Do you want anything?" Merlin asked.

"No thanks. I'm fine." Morgana replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine, Merlin. Just calm down. You need to relax."

"Ok. SO what do you want to talk about?"

"You. Tell me some things that you did to Arthur with your magic."

"Why would I harm Arthur with my magic?"

"He's a jerk. I know that he annoyed you."

Merlin laughed.

"OK. I have done somethings to Arthur." Merlin sighed.

"Come on, tell me." Morgana begged. SO Merlin did. They talked for several minutes. Morgana was still cold. Merlin cold see her shivering. He sighed and looked at her. "What?"

"You're still cold. Come here." Merlin sighed. Morgana moved over to Merlin. Merlin pulled her close to him. Morgana moaned and curled up against Merlin. Merlin covered her up. Then he grabbed his phone and looked at the weather. He sighed.


"You might as well stay here tonight. It's just going to get colder. The rain is going to get worse."

"Ok. I'll sleep on the couch."

"No. I'll take the couch You can have my bed. It's warmer."

"No. It's your bed."

"I'll carry you to bed if necessary. You will sleep on the bed."

"Fine. You win. But for now, let's just stay like this. I like it."


Then Morgana kissed Merlin's lips. Merlin kissed back. When Morgana pulled away, she curled up against Merlin. Merlin sighed and kissed Morgana's forehead.

"I love you." Merlin whispered.

"I love you too." Morgana replied.

"I'm so tired."

"Then go to sleep."


Merlin grabbed a pillow and moved so that he was lying down. Morgana got up and covered Merlin up. She went to Merlin's room and went to sleep. During the night, Morgana had a nightmare. Merlin woke to her screaming. He got up and ran to his room. He went in and saw Morgana thrashing. He sat on the bed and grabbed Morgana's arms.

"Morgana, it's ok." Merlin said. He grabbed Morgana and pulled her into a hug. Morgana woke up and started hitting Merlin. "Morgana, it's ok. It's just me." Eventually Morgana calmed down. She began to cry on Merlin's shoulder.


Please tell me your thoughts. Just be careful about what you put.