Way of the Warrior
Raised by the greatest swordsman in Magical Japan, it is a very different Harry Potter that arrives at Hogwarts. In fact, he is no longer called Harry Potter. How will Magical Britain take Jubei Yagyu, the Heir of the Yagyū Shinkage-ryū school of swordsmanship?
And we're back. Sorry for the wait, but writers block is a bitch. Before I forget, I had someone point out that it didn't make any sense that the Flamals didn't take Harry in because of who they were, but then adopted Ed. I probably could have made that clearer, but the reason they took in Ed and not Harry is because Harry would have a spotlight on him, while Ed would just be another face in the crowd. With the amount of attention that would inevitably be on Harry, it would just be a matter of time before someone figured out who they really were, regardless of the Wizarding World's shortsightedness. Ed doesn't have that issue. Even as a friend of Harrys, he's still not going to be under as much scrutiny, so its unlikely that anyones going to figure it out.
Sorry for the long Author's note, but it needed to be discussed and I didn't want to forget. Anyway, enjoy!
Chapter 10
The first morning of Hogwarts dawned bright and early with the promise of a lovely, if chilly day. Jubei had woken up early, as usual, and made his way down to the Entrance Hall where he found Sen and Su waiting for him. Sen wasn't a surprise since they often got together to spar in the mornings when they could, but the white haired Chinese girl was a, admittedly not unwelcome, surprise. Sen didn't seem to pleased though as she was keeping her distance from the short girl, who was already gnawing in a large bar of chocolate.
"Ohayo," said Jubei as he approached.
"...morning," said Su.
"About time, what kept you?" grumbled Sen.
"Sorry, I got lost," said Jubei, "This place is crazy."
"You can say that again."
None of the three reacted, despite the suddenness of the voice that seemed to come from nowhere.
"Morning Hermione," said Sen, "I see you're already doing your job."
The shadow next to the Princess seemed to shift as a short figure in a dark blue Shinobi Shozoku stepped out of it, tugging down her mask as she did. Hermione's uniform was pretty typical of Ninja who operated in the shadows, designed to help her blend in while providing protection with blackened metal plates attached to her forearms and shins. She wore a sheathed Ninjato across the back of her belt.
"Yep," said the Ninja, "Its amazing what you can find crawling around in the rafters. Did you know that, despite it only being the first day, I stumbled on three different couples rutting in broom cupboards?"
"TMI Hermione," said Sen with a grimace.
"I also found the kitchen, 12 secret passages out of the school, hidden ways into all of the Dorms and teachers offices and rooms, as well as an uncomfortably large number of hidden passages into the female bathrooms," continued Hermione, "It didn't look like many of them have been used in a while though."
"How in the world did you find all that out in one night?" asked Jubei, staring at the Ninja incredulously.
"I only require about two hours sleep," said the girl.
Sen and Jubei stared at Hermione, not sure whether or not to take that statement seriously or not. Su was more interested in her chocolate.
"Anyway, lets go," said Hermione, heading towards the front doors.
"Go where?" asked Sen.
"You guys were gonna spar, right?" said Hermione, glancing back at the Samurai, "Well, Su and I need Sparring partners as well and sparring against the same person all the time isn't good for advancement of skills."
Sen and Jubei glanced at one another and shrugged.
"Sure, why not?" said Jubei, "Lets go."
The four friends headed out of the Castle and started making their way towards the large, open patch of ground near the Black Lake which was often used by those few in the castle who made sure to exercise. The group arrived to find that they weren't the first to arrive, quite the surprise considering the early hour. Sat on a flat rock with a training sword resting against his shoulder was Professor Flitwick while Ed was being kicked around the field by the teacher with dreadlocks Jubei had seen at the feast the previous night. The four friends stopped to stare in surprise as the teacher easily fended off Eds attacks with one hand while reading what looked like a cookbook with the other.
"Ah, good morning children," said Flitwick, opening one eye to look at the newcomers, "I've been expecting you."
"Whats going on?" asked Hermione.
"Professor Vector is putting Mr Flemming through his paces," said Flitwick, "I believe she served as his martial arts teacher before she took a job here at Hogwarts."
"...Shes good," said Su.
"Indeed," said Flitwick, getting to his feet, "I take it you four are looking for a spar, correct?"
"Um, thats right," said Sen, "Why?"
Flitwick just smiled and held up his training sword.
"Lets see what you kids can do," he said, "Oh, and I would strongly suggest that you come at me with intent to kill."
"Um, Professor, that may not be the best idea," said Hermione, "You could be badly hurt."
"I appreciate the concern Miss Granger, but I think I shall be alright," said Flitwick, "Now come at me."
Unlike Hermione, who clearly still had reservations, Sen and Jubei had no such problem. They had seen the diminutive teacher utterly destroy a rather powerful Oni after all and knew of his past reputation as the Demon Swordsman. The two Samurai summoned their weapons, a Naginata and Daisho sword pair, and readied themselves as Su put away her chocolate and slipped into a Tiger style stance. Flitwick simply stood still, his wooden sword planted before him with his hands clasped on the hilt.
The first person to make a move was Su, the silver haired girl charging the slightly shorter teacher and aiming a fist at his head. Flitwick simply leaned back, allowing the girls attack to sail over his head. He capitalized on Su's over extended arm and grabbed her wrist, tossing her over his shoulder and into Sen, who was aiming her Naginata at the teacher's back. Flitwick's training sword leaped up, knocking Jubei's katana away as it came in to remove his head and his other hand slapped the young Samurai Wakizashi before it could stab him in the kidney. Jubei stumbled slightly as his arms were forced in different directions, allowing Flitwick to kick his legs out from under him and throw him into Hermione, who was trying to sneak up on Flitwick from behind, sending both students flying to crash into their friends, who had only just managed to untangle themselves.
Flitwick turned to face his students, faint smile still firmly in place with not a hair out of place and his sword once more planted between his feet. He hadn't moved an inch from his starting point.
"Is that the best you can do?"he asked, "Come on, I know you're better than that. Stop holding back and come at me!"
The four warriors glanced at one another and vanished, reappearing surrounding Flitwick as magic pulsed of them.
"Oh? Are you taking this seriously at last?" said the teacher with a smile, "Good, this might actually be interesting."
Jubei narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip on his swords. He knew Flitwick was good, way beyond even his Father, but the fact they hadn't even forced him to move from his starting point stung his pride a little. The young Samurai took a deep breath and calmed himself, pushing down the anger he felt at being brushed off. Anger was useless in a fight. He had to remain focused if he wanted to have even the slightest chance of winning. He focused inside and called upon his Magic to fill his body, enhancing his strength and speed. To those around him, Jubei began to radiate a faint, red aura. Sen was doing something similar, although her aura was dark purple and crackled with energy, focused around the blade of her sword, creating a chirping sound.
Hermione and Su were also stepping up their game. Hermione placed her hands in a Seal, causing the leaves around her to be picked up in a swirling wind. They gathered in front of her, folding together to create the rough shape of a sword. Su crouched slightly as black stripes appeared on her skin and hair and her features became more feril, her teeth morphing into fangs, her fingernails lengthened into claws and her hair rippling into a thick mane.
"Hmm, Kyōka, Ninpo and Yěshòu nèi eh?" said Flitwick, "This might actually be interesting."
The four young friends tensed, before they charged as one, baring down on the diminutive teacher, who's only response to the incoming deadly attack was to smirk.
A quarter of an hour later saw the four friends, plus Ed who had joined them after his own beatdown, staggering back into the Castle, each covered in painful bruses from Flitwick's training sword. Even attacking him head on and working together, they hadn't even managed to touch the little man.
"Well, that was fun," said Hermione.
"But we didn't even manage to touch him," groaned Sen.
"Thats what you get for facing a Wizard Saint," said Ed.
"Whats a Wizard Saint?" asked Hermione.
"You don't know?" asked Ed, looking surprised.
"...Muggleborn," said Su.
"Ah, that explains it," said Ed, "Well, the Wizard Saints are the ten most powerful individuals on the planet. Its an honorary title given by the ICW that carries a lot of weight. The only way to lose the title is for someone to beat you and take the title for themselves. Even then, the title of 'former Wizards Saint' still carries a huge amount of prestige."
"I can imagine," said Hermione, looking a little shaken.
"If you want to see all the Hogwarts Alumini who became Wizard Saints, there should be a list in the Trophy Room," said Ed, "I can show you on our way back up."
"Sure," said Hermione, "We still got some time before breakfast. You going to come Jubei?"
Jubei shrugged.
"Sure, why not," he said.
"Well I'm not," said Sen, "I want to have a shower and get changed. I'll meet you in the Great Hall for Breakfast."
"...same," said Su, already heading for the door that lead to the Hufflepuff common room.
The group of friends went their separate ways, with Jubei, Hermione and Ed heading up the Grand Staircase and Sen heading down to the dungeons. The three friends made their way up to the third floor where the Trophy room was today where Ed led Jubei and Hermione over to a section of wall covered in plaques with the crest of the Wizard Saints above them. Most of the plaques were empty, but 15 of them held names and dates, starting with someone named Cicero Peeves back in the 16th century. Flitwicks name was the second most recent.
"Thats...actually kind of intimidating," said Jubei, "I mean, I know a person has to be something else to be made a Saint, but to see so few…"
"I know right," said Ed, "And from what my parents have told me, those who become Saints are getting more and more powerful. Even if he is the weakest, this Tom Riddle must be something else."
And I'm going to end it there. Again, sorry for the wait and the sort-of cliffhanger.
So, Voldemorts actually one of the Saints. That…could be very bad. Its probably a good thing that splitting ones Soul makes one weaker. I wonder if Harry will actually be able to face off against a Monster like that?
Thats also why the Saints and Flitwick didn't do anything about Voldie. Can you imagine what would happen if Monsters like the Saints fought? And Flitwick and Riddle are the WEAKEST of the Saints.
Anyway, I hope to get back into the groove of writing this now. I have some really good ideas I want to do that I can't until the Second Year, so I really want to get there.
And with that, I'm done. Please leave a review on your way out.