Sup everyone. I know what you're all thinking... WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU UPDATED THIS STORY!

To be honest, major writers block! family issues as well. But now I've got more ideas flowen this story should progress smoothly.

Also for those of you that are wandering, the death of Nick Jr hasn't fully hit Nick and Judy yet. No worries though. Plenty of time to add more good stuff. Anywho enjoy.

Training is a bitch! Especially when your trainer is big enough to step on you! Nick and Judy have been training to be Ghosts. A some-what new department of the ZPD. The training they received while at the academy was thrown out the window. Their new training would push them too and then past their limits. Every day was a new technique, a new tactic, hell even a new way to communicate to each other! As each day went by, their bodies would be put through hell. Sparring, defensive tactics and offensive tactics.

Rogue didn't show an ounce of mercy for either fox and bunny. When they fell from exhaustion, he'd make them get up and work even harder. In Rogues' mind, power is weakness, stamina is the most important thing to have in a fight.

"Come on you two! It has been almost four hours since we started your training," Rogue stood between them as they lay on the floor. Both panting heavily as sweat soaked their fur.

"Don't you think... four long enough!?" Nick shouted, trying desperately to catch his breath. Rogue looked at Nick as if he grew a second head.

"Four hours, you think four hours is long enough?!" Rogue shouted at the vulpine. Judy, while on her knees wiped away the sweat that was dripping from her forehead.

"Nick... honey... do me a...huge favor... and... SHUT UP!" Rogue chuckled at the lapine doe's outburst. Nick, slowly and painfully, got to his feet. Rogue smirked, knowing Nick wasn't going to give up, until he couldn't feel his body. Then he looked over at Judy. Still on her right knee, as her left one was supporting her elbow and arm, with her head in her paw.

"So, are we ready for the really exciting part of your training?!" Both lapine and vulpine groaned in unison. Nick looked at his wife, noticing that she was starting to wobble to and fro. Concern written on his face, he walked over to her.

"Honey, are you doing okay?" Judy glanced at Nick, then over to Rogue, then back to the floor. Rogue, now noticing that something was off with said bunny, decided that it was time to bring in his helper. Rogue walked to the back of the training room to a door. He looked through the wire re-enforced glass to see his training helper fast asleep in the desk chair. Shaking his head he turned the handle then entered the room, closing the door behind him.

Rogue silently creeped up to the desk chair, careful not too bump anything. As soon as he was close enough he readied himself and then...

"WAKE UP YOU LAZYBONES!" The black wolf that 'was' sleeping was now on the floor screaming her lungs out. The black wolf looked up at her scarer with wide sky blue eyes.

"Rogue! You are an asshole!" She screams at him. Rogue let's out a bellow of laughter! The black wolf glares at the white fulf with fire in her eyes. After a few minutes of booming laughter later, Rogue finally calmed down. He looked at the black wolf and smiled at her.

"Oh come on leafarna! You gotta admit it was pretty funny!" Leafarna rolled her skyblue eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. Rogue held his paw out to offer her a way to get up.

"I can get up myself!" She swated his paw away and got up slowly. Rogue snickered, and walked over to the door. Turning the handle he lolook back at his mate.

"I need your help with a female that I'm training." Leafarna rolled her eyes, sighed and stood up.

"Figures, you weren't very good with the females." Rogue's mouth hung open.

"Might want to shut that, you're drooling honey." Leafarna snickered as she walked past him, whipping her tail in his face. Rogue chuckled and followed her out back Into the training room. As they walked closer to the fox and bunny, Leafarna glanced over to Rogue.

"These two are the ones that the Chief wants us to train?" Rogue nodded his head.

"Yep, I get the fox while you get the bunny." He turned his head and smiled at his mate. Leafarna sighed heavily, turned her head towards her mate, and stuck out her tongue. Rogue laughed.

" After you, my dear." He gestured towards the two mammals, waiting for them to get this over with. Nick and Judy sighed, knowing that more training was coming.

As they walked up to the fox and bunny, Rogue snickered.

" What's so funny, fulf?" Leafarna asked her dimwitted mate.

Rogue looked to her and smiled from cheek to cheek. "Nothing really. Just the fact that those two have no idea what kind of training you're about to give them."

Leafarna snickered, looked at the fox and rabbit. She pondered on what kind of training she'd have them do before calling it a night. After thinking for a few minutes, she decided. Walking up to the duo, she grinned.

"Have you two ever heard of mammalian ju-jitsu?" Nick and Judy shuddered. Getting to their hinde paws, they braced themselves for what was to come. Nick nodded his head yes, Judy shook her head no. Leafarna smiled knowing she'd have the bunny all to herself.

"Well sweetheart, looks like you and I are gonna have a lot of fun together!" Leafarna exclaimed a little too happily. Judy looked over at Nick, her eyes pleading with his to not let this happen. But before he could do anything Rogue grabbed the fox by his shirt and drug him to the weight room. Judy watched as her husband was dragged away helplessly.

"Wave bye bye little bunny. It's going to be a little while before you to see each other again." Judy's eyes went wide, what did she mean they wouldn't be able to see each other again!? Before she could get the first word out of the question she had everything went dark. The last thing she heard was laughing!

I know I know it's to short for being over a year. I can't apologize enough for my absence! Life has gotten really crazy and it's hard for me to write when I want to. I hope this chapter makes up for my delay.

I don't know exactly when I'll have chapter 5 ready. Hopefully it won't take a freaking year to do haha. Anywho until the next one