Aniki and Atsuya had been inseparable since the latter remembered. They played together, ate together, and took baths together. However, one of Atsuya's greatest regrets since he learned the concept of age the first day of pre-school was that he had come to this world too late. One of the few things he and Aniki didn't do together was sitting in the same room, ignoring at the same teacher. Aniki was always one step in front of him, be it school or sports. Of course, Atsuya looked up to him like a god-heck he listened to him more than their parents. But when he was aware of his brother's mortality, Atsuya wished he could be by his side. He couldn't swallow the bitter taste in his mouth when other kids flocked around him. Aniki was laughing, and Atsuya was not being the idiot reducing him to giggles.

Eventually, the things they did together vanished little by little. More like a loss, it was a replacement, Atsuya told himself. Aniki always called him to play some snow sport and it was super fun. They were together. Atsuya told himself he would never let anyone steal this from him.

Then soccer came. But his Aniki backed him up when the weak ones threw a hissy fit like angered squirrels. When he became the captain and gave Atusya gave special treatment he relished in it though he would never say that out loud.

Then that guy came. Of course, Hakuren was strong enough with Aniki and Atsuya for a member of the reinforcement committee to transfer all the way to the snowy mountains of Hokkaido. Atsuya was proud of that; he showed off to his friends that his brother and he were that strong. But he couldn't-or didn't want to-think of the changes said guy would bring. Atsuya and Aniki were hella strong so there was no need for that town guy to mess with them, right? The guy should focus on the squirrels. That's what reinforcement means, right?


Atsuya had been telling himself for the past year that his brother spoke with Someoka-san because it was his duty as the captain. Aniki did say he wanted the new member to feel "comfortable" and "accepted. " But he noticed-he wasn't as bright as his brother but he wasn't stupid. Aniki chuckled in this or that way, spent more time than necessary with the salmon head, and even took the trouble to look for him. Who does that?! Aniki wasn't an extrovert, but he wasn't friendless. He always had company-be it Atsuya or no Atsuya-so he never went through the trouble of investing their time with someone, except Atsuya of course. Aniki was like water, going with the flow of gravity.

But as Atsuya learned in one Physics class he left like listening, only a force with equal strength can derail the direction of an object. Atsuya had a hunch that force was love. He scrunched his eyes at the two who were talking after practice. "Aren't they getting along too much?" he murmured.

"Eh, the captain and Someoka-san? I think they get along!" Atsuya growled lowly. It's not like he expected an answer from her. She was always in her own cute world, dragging everyone to her pace. The annoying princess began nagging him with questions, jumping like a bunny and gazing at him with blinding curiosity.

"It's none of your business!" Atsuya yelled, aware it was useless. The princess did drop the topic only to talk about herself. He waved the forward off, lightly giving her the praise she wanted. Really, it was useless to do otherwise. At least she wasn't this bad in the field unlike before.

"Hey, Aniki," Atsuya called out as they returned to their room after dinner. Damn, he felt awkward.

"Mn, what?" His brother asked softly, twisting the knob and entering. Atsuya didn't reply until he closed the door, flattening his back against it. He wanted to disappear.

"Err. . ." God, he was never this hesitant. He gazed down at his brother, staring at his icy orbs as he looked back from his bed, the lower bunk. His eyes were soft and his smile warm. Atsuya's heart leaped. They never had these kinds of conversations. He thought Aniki was too cool to fall in that cheesy trap. He swallowed hard.

"By the way, Someoka-kun and I are going to get ramen tomorrow. Wanna come?" He hummed at Atsuya's almost furious head shake. "Okay."

"Hey. . . um," Atsuya tried again, stopping when he realized his head was empty. How was he supposed to ask? He should have asked Shiratoya damn it! Girls know about this kind of stuff, right?!

"It doesn't seem you are in trouble," his brother read him. "So you don't have to hesitate."

"Huh?!" His face reddened. "Geez, have more faith in me Aniki!" Shirou laughed, soft and short like a bell. Atsuya gripped the edge of his scarf and threw his fist to the door. "You and Someoka. . ." he chocked, "are you guys dating?!" It came louder than he intended and regretted his words when his brother's eyes widened like saucers. Atsuya stood frozen, gazing into his brother's eyes.

"We are not," he eventually replied, smile and eyes wistful.

"Do you want to?"

Shirou had his arms behind his head and they shot up at the question. He twisted his body away, just so Atsuya couldn't see his eyes and gave a curt, positive reply.

". . . Why didn't you tell me?" Atsuya asked. He felt betrayed. He told everything to Shirou. He thought they had each other's back no matter what. But. . . his brother didn't think the same.

"I know you hate romance. Don't take it to heart; I know how you would have reacted." The last shook Atsuya to the core because he was right, Atsuya would have dismissed Shirou's words-"he's cool" and the like. It would have sent the message, but he would have instinctively dismissed it because he didn't give a crap about it.

"But if you had told me straight to my face I would have accepted it!" Atsuya swallowed a lump. He wasn't about to cry, no.

"Sorry. . ." Shirou replied in a low voice. Atsuya gripped his scarf, the fluff worn out and the dirt stuck in the corners. It gave him strength when he was alone; when Aniki couldn't.

"I'll help you," he said decisively, leaving no room for argument.

Atsuya knew he wasn't a planner, at least when he was alone. He wasn't a schemer either; head-on was his way of life. "Salmon head!" he called Someoka. The upperclassman was usually the first to arrive at the clubroom. "Do you have a girlfriend?" The guy in question spluttered his drink in front of them. Great, strike when they least expect it. One of Atsuya's favorite tactics. He could totally do this.

"Why are you asking?" he asked, wiping the corner of his mouth. Ew, what did Aniki see in this guy?

"Because I want to know obviously," Atsuya declared. Salmon head scratched his head-because he had no hair-roughly.

"I don't. Why do want to know?"

Atsuya shook his head and spread his arms, the same taunt he used for those weaklings. "No reason. Are you interested in someone? "

"Li-like I would tell you, idiot!" Someoka looked away, cheeks tinged pink under the lit bulb. Whatever, if it's not Aniki, he can totally be. Aniki is good enough for anyone.

Shirou was pleased with the news. Of course, Atsuya told him Someoka wasn't interested in anyone. Contrary to his detached attitude, his brother actually worried about the smallest things. He would think he had no chance with the salmon head which was totally untrue.

"So, what are you gonna do today, Aniki? The ramen date is after practice, right?" Atsuya spoke in a hushed tone. They were a few feet away from the squirrels, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful in the open. His brother blushed red and told him to hush, that is wasn't a date.

"It could be though. Who-"

"Atsuya!" God, it was so funny to see his brother all blushing and bothered, glaring at him with tense anger. He couldn't resist and hurled over himself and laughed out loud, interrupted with a shriek when Shirou stomped on his foot hard. He kept chuckling with labored huffs. "It doesn't mean anything. Someoka-kun and I are teammates. "

Atsuya straightened, the light, warm air filling his lungs. He glanced up at the white sky and looked back down to reply but they were called to start practice. Atsuya told himself to address his brother's lack of confidence later, preferably before he left with Someoka.

Talking with Shiratoya was more helpful than Atsuya had expected. She was pretty much the only other member he could. . . maybe trust was too strong of a word. Depend, ask. Yeah, ask. To Atsuya's surprise, the girl had had a few boys confess to her, but she wasn't interested so she rejected them. He couldn't help himself and voiced his support. It was in these few moments he felt. . . something. A connection perhaps. Anyway, this wasn't for him but for Shirou.

The lovebirds had already left the school, so Atsuya had to text his brother. He went back home and quickly changed clothes, grabbed a hat and coat and walked back out, telling their mum he was going to be back before dark. Atsuya didn't want to invade his brother's privacy-Shirou was extremely sensitive and reclusive at heart-but if he wanted to help, he had to know how Shirou acted around Someoka when they were alone.

Shirou would give him the silent treatment for a week if he was found. Atsuya prayed the latter didn't happen.

"What are you doing?"

"What?!" Atsuya jumped and turned to the girly voice. Shiratoya was staring at him with a cat-like expression, head tilted to emphasize her confusion.

"It looks fun. Let me join! " She jumped a little. Was this girl's only state excited and happy?

He replied after composing himself. "No, go back where you came from," he said before the president/coach settled beside his daughter and greeted Atsuya who returned the sentiment with a grumpy mutter. Shiratoya had the superpower of maintaining a conversation with herself, so Atsuya merely shunned her from his senses and continued to observe his brother and his. . . date.

The lovebirds were already slurping noodles, exchanging words in between bites. He heard the coach speak to him and replied absentmindedly, trying to think for once a plan or something that could bring the two closer.

"That's the captain and Someoka-san! Senpa-" Atsuya pressed a hand against Shiratoya's mouth and looked around.

"Where did you dad go?!" He asked in a hurry, lowering his hand.

Shiratoya replied as if nothing had happened. "He went home. We finished grocery shopping, so he let me stay here." Atsuya cursed out loud as the girl stared with the same bright smile. He looked at the two, and then back at Shiratoya.

Shirou didn't kill him that day. But he would tomorrow.

"A. Tsu. Ya," his brother hissed his name, slamming the door to the restroom shut. His body was rigid, and he huffed like a madman. "Why did you tell her?! You know I hate people asking about my life!"

"Ah-ah, I know. I know. Sorry! " Atsuya lifted his palms defensively.

"Sorry, my ass!" Now Atsuya realized he had fucked up bad. Shirou swearing is a serious sign. His brother glared at him, vulnerable hatred blazing his eyes. "You are doing my laundry for a month," he hissed again, "Including jersey and shoes."

"Why the shoes?!" Atsuya squeaked. Shirou had bad athlete's feet. Those things smelled like a putrid dead bird. He gagged, imagining the stench up close. And cleaning them. . . his hands would smell for a decade.

"Because you told the only person in the whole team who is capable of yelling to the whole school the name of the person I like!" Shirou grabbed him by the collar and fumed on top of him. He could smell the green onion of their breakfast.

"I convinced her to tell no one!" Atsuya defended himself in a hurry.

Shirou lowered him a bit, relieved at those words. However, his eyes glistened with cynicism and disbelief. He hummed. "How?"

Atsuya looked away and shrugged. "I told her I would do anything for her."

Shirou lifted an eyebrow.

"We came up with a plan," he offered, observing Shirou from the corner of his eye. "It's not that complicated."

Shirou hmped and crossed his arms before facing away. "We'll see."

"I just want you to be happy. . ." he said, regret and sadness dripping from his tone. It worked, and all ill feelings dropped from Shirou's posture but how he looked a bit guilty.

". . .You are still doing my laundry."

Atsuya sighed, slumping his shoulders. "Okay."

Shiratoya's plan was successful in putting Shirou in a pleasant mood. Four tickets to Hokkaido Greenland in Iwamizawa. What she wanted from Atsuya conveniently aligned with his goals: going with friends to an amusement park. She understood Shirou and Someoka would probably go off together and she was fine with that. Atsuya had to admit it was his first time going to a huge amusement park and his eyes lit up when Shiratoya told him there was a biiiiiiiiiiiig rollercoaster.

He was so down for that.

Atusya hated waiting but more than that he hated Shirou succumbing to his own anxiety. His brother counted down the days, and he ordered Atsuya to call off the whole thing every day when they arrived to their bedroom. He tried calming Shirou down, telling him think up one of his plans.

"That's what you do best, right Aniki?" Shirou nodded and sat down, Atsuya slipping a cup of hot tea on his shaky hands. They proceeded to plan the visit themselves just to calm Shirou's nerves.

The morning of the outing was the restless he had seen Shirou ever even with his amazing job at covering it up. He gripped Atsuya's sleeve every so often and was flushed like he had a cold. Someoka commented on the latter when the three met up at the base of the school, Shiratoya apparently waiting on the private shuttle to the city.

The drive to Iwazanami went surprisingly well. It didn't seem awkward that Shirou chose to sit beside Someoka. Now that he had seen their interactions up close, they seemed to get along well. But gazing at the two smiling and talking made a heavy ball to set on Atsuya's stomach. He twisted his head to the seat behind him and made some small talk with Shiratoya to pass the time.

The amusement park had all kinds of attractions and rides that Atsuya almost forgot his objective. Apart from the huge machines, he was pretty amazed at how the place seemed to be designed to cut groups into two and how natural its scheme went unnoticed. They chose which rides they wanted to go and those who didn't wait outside. Atsuya rode a couple of rides with each of them, even salmon head after a taunt, and all rides were just as fun.

He could detect it in his fingertips that Shirou and Someoka were getting closer and realized the feeling he had been suppressing since the start was loneliness. If they got together, they would be devoting a lot of time with each other, Shiratoya informed him.

Atsuya pushed down whatever was climbing from his throat and he went wild for the rest of the day. His brother was in love with the salmon head because he was one of the few who accepted the Shirou for the sentimental and vulnerable person he truly was. Someoka had looked at Shirou hard and told him he was fine with that part of him. And Shirou found Someoka's fluster when he tried consoling him up endearing as well. To him, it meant Someoka was going an extra mile for his sake, and that he was worth doing something Someoka knew wasn't good at.

Atsuya wanted his brother to be happy. That's what was most important.