Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.
Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters. Also I am a very sick person so their will be periods where I don't update. But ALL my stories will be updated eventually.
Warning: LARGE FAMILY. IF you don't like my large family stories don't read.
There were 40 Pevensie siblings both by blood and adopted. They return to England. Will they adjust? Will they find a way to get back to Narnia? Or will Narnia find them?
The 40 Pevensie's, 20 boys and 20 girls sat on the train to Finchley in northern district of London. They had spent 2 Earth months in the Country and 15 years in Narnia. Now they were going home for three weeks before going to their boarding schools. They missed their beloved Narnia and all of them had husbands or wives and children.
Peter was the eldest of all his siblings he was 15 in Earth years and 29 in Narnian. He had blonde hair and blue eyes.
Clarence, James, Leanne and Arthur were next they were 14 in Earth Years and 28 in Narnian. There was also Estella, Bradley and Cedric who were adopted and was 14.
Susan was next and the eldest of the girls. She was 13 Earth years and 27 in Narnian. She had dark brown hair and green eyes. There was also Daniel who was 13 in Earth years and was adopted.
Charlotte was next she was 12 in Earth years and 26 in Narnian. Charlotte had blonde hair and green eyes. Damion had dark brown hair in blue eyes. There was also Astoria, Yasmin, Damion, Asriel who were all adopted the same age as Charlotte.
Edmund and Louis were next and were 11 in Earth years and 25 in Narnian years. Edmund had dark brown hair and green eyes and Louis had dark brown hair and blue eyes. Also there was Alexander who was adopted and the same age as Edmund and Louis.
Matthew, Diana, and Isabella were next and they were 10 in Earth years and 24 in Narnian years. Matthew had dark hair and green eyes, Diana had reddish hair and blue brown eyes. At the same ago and adopted was Mark who had dark brown hair and blue eyes and Isabella had reddish hair and green eyes.
Lucy she was 9 in Earth years and 23 in Narnian years. Lucy had golden blonde hair and blue eyes.
Next was Sarah, Adrian, John, and Richard they were 8 in Earth years and 22 in Narnian Years.
Laura was next she was 7 in Earth Years and 21 in Narnian years.
Judith was next who was 6 in Earth Years and 20 in Narnian years.
William was next and he was 5 in Earth Years and 19 in Narnian years.
Next was Joseph, Victoria and Alice who was 4 in Earth Years and 18 in Narnian Years.
Next were Albert and Louise who were 3 in Earth years and 17 in Narnian Years.
And lastly were Althea, Violette, Reinette and Zoey who were 2 in Earth years and 16 in Narnia years. With Mary the same age but adopted.
"Thou hopes we get back to Narnia soon", Damion says
"My Kings and Queens have faith in Aslan. He will bring us back", Lucy says who was always had faith in Aslan
"Thou hopes Aslan will return us soon", Peter says
"My King what about our husbands and wives? Our children?" Susan asks
"We will have to have faith. Thy husbands and wives will wait for us", Charlotte says
"Thou will all have to start talking like Englanders", Edmund says grimacing
"Thou will be hard. We spent more time in Narnia then here", Matthew replies
"I am only 8 here and I hardly remember our time here in England. It will be a challenge", Sarah says
"I am 6 and I have lived in Narnia longer", Judith says
"What about me and Mary? I have to speak like a 2-year-old when I am 16", Althea says grimacing at her small height
Albert, Louise, Joseph, Victoria, Alice and William could agree with her. They had to don down their age in their speech and everything.
"We can do it", Isabella says
"The train is about to stop", Susan says noticing they were slowing down
The siblings pick up their suitcases as the train stops. Peter leads them. They automatically go out in order of their coronation. It was a habit they didn't break. Peter leads them all too taxi's. Clarence, Arthur Albert, Louise, and Alice in one. Estella, Bradley, Cedric, Astoria in another. Daniel, Asriel, Alexander, Violette, Reinette in another. Yasmin, Adrian, and Zoey in another. James, Louis Joseph, Victoria and Laura get in one. Diana, Mark and Mary got in another. Leanne, John, Judith, Richard and William get in the next one. Susan, Matthew, Isabella, Damion and Sarah get in one cab and Peter, Charlotte, Edmund, Louise and Lucy get in the sixth one. It takes half an hour to get to their address. As soon as they were out of the cabs they see their mother waiting for them.
Helen Pevensie looks at her children as the get out of the cab. First was Peter he was taller than when he left two months ago. He held himself with confidence and he had a look in his eyes that was off a protector and some other emotion that Helen couldn't place and he looked older in the eyes. In fact all her children look older than they were in the eyes and held themselves differently.
"Mother!" Lucy says rushing to hug her
Lucy hugs her mother. Each sibling hug their mother with a bit of hesitation. After all it has been a long time for them.
"Welcome home. Let's get you all inside", Helen says
The boys pick up the girls luggage and bring it too their rooms upstairs before getting their own. Each sibling shared a room with a few others. Leanne, Estella, Judith and Laura. Sarah, Lucy and Isabella, Susan, Charlotte and Diana, Peter, James and Damion. Bradley, Edmund, Matthew and Mark. Louis and Arthur. Richard and John. Albert, Joseph, William and Clarence. Althea, Louise, Victoria, Alice and Mary. Violette, Reinette, Zoey, Astoria and Yasmin sharing another. With Daniel, Asriel, Alexander and Cedric.
"Children how was the country?" Helen asks her children
"It was great Mother", Susan says
"Professor Kirke taught us a lot", Charlotte says
"Have thou heard from father?" Damion says getting a nudge from Isabella from speaking so formally
"I have is alright he wants to know about your trip to the county I was about to post a letter to him", Helen says
"I will come with you Mother. I will be happy to walk with you", Matthew says
"You have had a long trip. Stay here and rest", Helen replies
"It is fine. Lets go", Matthew says
Once the two had left the other Pevensie's thought of a way to help their mother.
"Susan, Estella, Lucy, Charlotte, Isabella, Sarah why don't you cook dinner for us tonight. Damion you set up the table, Edmund you pen a letter to our father. I will get the dining room table read with the others", Peter orders
They each move to do their jobs. They were like a well-oiled machine. Always doing what the others said without arguments. Soon their mother and Matthew arrive back home.
"What's all this?" Helen asks
"We thought you would be hungry", Susan say gently
"You didn't have to do that my dears. I would have cooked for you", Helen says
"You will love the girls cooking Mother. They are the best. Don't trust Matthew to cook Mother he is terrible at it", Edmund says grinning as he helps set the table.
"Just you are going to get it", Matthew says
"Whatever you say little brother", Edmund replies
Helen watched as her children joked and finish putting dinner on the table. They say a pray and start talking.
"How did you girls learn to cook?" Helen asks
"In the country with Professor Kirke's house keeper", Isabella lies
"What did you all do while there? You didn't bother the professor. Especially you Edmund", Helen asks
The siblings stiffen.
"Mother Edmund hasn't caused trouble he meet a friend who changed him for the better", Peter says sternly
Ever gentle Susan speaks up, "Mother you should gather the information before you accuse anyone of us with a crime"
Helen looked at her children each of them had that look in their eyes clearly stating they would stay by each other.
"What happened in the country?" Helen says
"We decided it is better to work together. The was what the professor taught us among some other things", Charlotte replies
"I am glad you all are together. Your Dad will be proud", Helen says
They finish eating and the boys clear the table and wash the plates. They then have family time.
"Edmund what are you doing?" Helen asks curiously
"It is a law book Mother. I have taken a liking to law and government", Edmund says showing her the thick tomb
"Clean up everyone. To bed now everyone", Peter orders
Helen watches amazed as her children listen to Peter. Helen wondered what happened in the country to make them like this.
Sarah sat on her bed praying to Aslan to send her and her siblings back to Narnia. She missed her boyfriend and life there. She hoped she would see them soon.
Lucy sat on her bed looking at the stars she missed her beloved Tumnus who had proposed before Lucy and her siblings went after the white stag. She also missed her nieces and nephews and the other consorts. Even her bodyguards Reepicheep, Trumpkin (Red Dwarf) and Rainstone who was a Centaur.
"Aslan I pray to you that you will return us to Narnia and not lose our families", Lucy says looking up at the stars, "Tumnus please wait for me I will come home"
Isabella also looked up to the stars tears fall with her missing her husband and two children. Her husband is a centaur named Taranis.
"Please forgive me my heart", Isabella whispers
Matthew and Edmund shared a room Matthew had fallen asleep but Edmund was awake he was thinking about his wife Princess Aravis of Archenland and his two young children.
"I'm sorry Ara", Edmund says looking up at the stars one last time
"I'm sorry my love be strong and I'll be home to you and the kids soon", Mark says at the sky before falling asleep
Louis looks at the stars and apologies to his wife for leaving her and the kids and hopes to see her soon.
Damion had fallen asleep in his dreams he saw his wife Lady Septima who is a mermaid and his two young children. Damion mummers in his sleep asking Aslan to send them back to Narnia.
Charlotte also was struggling missing her husband Lycurgus who was a wolf shapeshifter. But most of all she missed her three children. Charlotte hoped Aslan wouldn't keep them from Narnia and their families long.
Diana missed her husband Oreius something terrible and prayed he was alright with their children and she would be back with them soon.
Susan looked at the stars and wondered if her husband Orin who is a centaur was watching the stars with their two children waiting for her to come home.
"I miss you my love", the Gentle Queen whispers before climbing into bed
Arthur headed to bed and looked at the sky and whispers he loves his wife and children and hopes to be reunited with them soon.
Clarence headed to bed thinking of his wife Hannah who was from Archenland. They had one small child.
James looked at the stars thinking of his wife Teresa and his son. He hoped to get back to them soon.
Leanne thought of her husband Jonathan and her two children.
Peter was wandering around the house thinking of his wife Lilliandil who was a star and his 4 children. He hoped and prayed to Aslan for him and his siblings to go back to Narnia.
All the adopted siblings considered themselves lucky to live here even in the time of war. They knew it strained their adopted mother as it made the total kids in the house 40. But they loved it and Helen couldn't say no to adopting them when she heard about them. As the adopted siblings were blood siblings.
They ALL considered each other family and hoped they could adjust to life in England again.
One more wish was made from all siblings. Praying that their subjects would be safeā¦
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review