Rook: Knight of the Double Blade – A Makai Knight Mini-Series

Walking the streets at night, a young woman in a simple dress paid no attention to her surroundings. Most people ignored her as she past, paying more attention to their phones or conversations than a single person. Not having a destination in mind she just wonder aimlessly. So lost in whatever thoughts that were in her head she didn't even noticed that she left the crowds and lights behind and entered a more run down part of the city, a darker, less populated area.

Now she was aware of some people following her. Quickening her pace she heard them walk faster as well. Before long she was at a full on run, but her followers didn't chase her down. More worried about what was behind her she looked back, and missed the ones suddenly in front of her. They quickly covered he mouth and dragged her into an alley. Forcing her to the back where no one could see they threw her down and hovered over her. "Please," she practically squeaked, "please don't hurt me."

"We ain't gonna hurt you," the apparent leader said, sneering at her trembling form. Licking his lips he told her," You look almost too good to eat." That got a sick chuckle out of a couple of those with him. The very sound made her try and squirm further into the wall.

"Please," she repeated as he traced her cheek with a dirty finger. His very touch made her recoil in disgust. That sneer just grew more menacing and disgusting.

"Who the fuck's that?", one of them asked. Everyone looked back at the opening.

In a dark overcoat, a man with dirty blond hair calmly walked toward them. Hazel eyes seemingly studying all of those present. Dark pants, a deep blue dress shirt and boots was all he wore. His coat simple adorned by a thin gold pin on his right lapel and some sort of Gothic looking face pin on his left breast. He only said one thing as he got closer, "Leave now."

The woman tried to move but the leader pushed her back down, "Fuck his shit up!"

The group charged him. The closest to him reared back and swung with all he was worth. The newcomer grabbed his arm and flipped him over his would be attacker shoulder and continued forward. Another came at him low that he easily jumped over it. A third tried to tackle him, he was able grab him to stop his momentum and keep him in place long enough to flip over his back. Turning around briefly he kicked him into the second attack as he tried to get up. Again this new guy made his way toward the back of the alley. Another one was smart enough to come at him with a pipe. Ducking the first few swings he reached into his coat. The attacker took one giant swing at the other man's head trying to cave it in.

There was an audible clang as the pipe met, and bent around, a black, roughly two and a half foot staff with gold inlay wrapped around the ends and in the middle. The would be attacker and couple of the others stared in disbelief at the now twisted weapon. Here the newcomer takes his eyes off the back wall and at the wielder of the pipe. Pulling the staff free he kicked the other man back. The newcomer went to put the staff back when the other man recovered faster and nailed him in the arm with the bent pipe. It hit him in just the right area that the shock went down his arm and caused his hand to open. The staff landed with a huge thud on some garbage and cinder blocks that shocked the others present. Another kick put him down for good this time. The newcomer looked angry with himself momentarily as he looked at the down man then looked back at the back of the alley.

He stared at the rest of them, gauging where they were in front, and where they were in back of him. All it took was him glancing down at the staff for the rest to jump him. They were finally able to force him back as a group and away from his weapon. Taking a few punches he grabbed one and tossed him into the group and created enough space to break free. Positioning himself between the group and their leader and the woman he looked back and forth at them, silently weighing his options. Realizing he only had one. He took most of he group by surprise by running at them. They weren't prepared for his attack as he took them down as fast as he could.

As the last two went down and their leader slack jawed at the sight, the newcomer looked at the down men shaking his head. Finally focusing on the back of the alley he went, "I said leave."

"Fuck you bitch," the leader snarled as he charged him. Every punch and kick was blocked or dodged, infuriating him even more. But he was able to get the fight closer to the woman. Figuring if he was trying so hard to save her maybe he could use that to his advantage. Grab her and threaten to kill her or something. When they were close enough, the girl actually stumbled toward them making this even easier, he reached for her. The newcomers moved faster than he thought was possible, grabbed his arms and crossed them against his chest as he slammed him against the brick wall. He looked the newcomer in the eyes as he was held in place, just seeing determination.

That just made him angrier, "You expecting a thank you fuck from this little bitch? That she be grateful and just give it up to the god damn hero?"

"She's not the one I'm saving," he grunted. In his free appeared a black, demonic eye looking Lighter. He turned just enough to put it in the woman's face and lit it. Transfixed by the blue flame her irises glowed as ancient lettering appeared in her eyes.

A small, tinny male voice said, "And neither one of you are his type."

Briefly looking annoyed he cut the flame and grabbed the woman. She grabbed him and threw him away from her. Demeanor completely changed now, more confident and looking at the leader as hungrily as he did her and grabbed him around the throat. The newcomer quickly got to his feet and grabbed the woman, broke her grip and forcibly moved her away from the man. He sucked in air as he held his throat as he watched the two of the struggle with the woman eventually being thrown down.

She was suddenly very animalistic in her movements, crouched down and ready to strike. The newcomer got between her and and the other man and took up a fighting stance. She started speaking, but it wasn't in any tongue her now scared to hell would be attacker understood. But the man in the over coat understood her perfectly. "Makai Knight," She tried to get in a position to get around him but he made sure he was a constant obstacle in any path she tried to take. In a more demonic sounding English she went, "Do you not know what he and his followers intended to do to this body?"

He replied, "I have an idea."

"Then why protect this scum?", she snapped. "Let me feed on this filth and those like him. Let me take their darkness away from this city."

"Human affairs aren't my concern," he told her. "And how long before you start feeding on those who wouldn't attack you?" She hissed and took a swipe at him even though she was too ar away to make any contact. "I only have one job. Cutting down Horrors and protecting the ones your kind hunts, no matter how disgusting I find them."

With a roar she came at them and he cut her off with a kick to the gut. Taking the attack to the Horror he tried everything he could to get her away from the man. A few of his group came too, saw what was happening as the two of them fought each other and finally took heed of his warning and ran out of there, dragging who the could along the way. Their leader was still frozen in place having seen and heard thing they didn't. He looked at them then spotted the staff still on the ground, leaning against a cracked cinder clock. Finding his courage he ran for the staff, grabbed the end in the air and headed for the fight. Then he looked like someone took the street out from under his feet an his feet went up and nearly threw his own shoulder out as the staff didn't budge an inch. "Fuck," he muttered trying to grab at his shoulder and get up at the same time.

The so called Knight kept the horror at bay as long as he could. He made a misstep and she charged in connecting with a swipe to the chest that sent him reeling and went for another. He backed up, soon back flipping out of the way as she gave chase. The other man stumbled out of the way as he came closer, his foot kicking down on the staff as he landed causing it to spin in the air. An awaiting hand grabbing it he swung and clocked the woman in the head snapping it around and making her stumble back a few feet. She brought her head back around and snapped her neck back into place. The Knight seemed unfazed but the would be attacker kept crawling backwards.

He ran into something and looked back. Two people, a woman in a dark coat that went past her waist and a white blouse and tan pants, looked down at him. "Well this is a problem," she said. The other one, a man in a black and purple double breasted fully buttoned coat. looked on with indifference. Both wore similar black leather bracers on their wrists "You're getting sloppy Carter," she called out. He grunted in response as he continued the fight.

With his weapon he was able to keep the Horror at bay easier now while trying to wear it down and damage what he could. Without warning he tossed the staff at the Horror. She caught it on instinct and immediately her hand drop to the ground. She looked up realizing how exposed she was at the moment and could only watch as the Knight ran in with a kick to the face. She fell back and he grabbed the staff and smashed it against her legs as she got up. She scrambled out of the way as he swung the staff down at her and faced him as he prepared himself for what was next. Opening her mouth she shout a small spike that he batted away with the staff. She shot another one and had the same results. Inhaling she fired them out of her mouth at a rapid fire pace. The Knight swung the small staff around deflecting what he could and trying to avoid the ones he couldn't. Spinning around he grabbed the other end of the staff and pulled. Both hands deflecting the spikes as what light in the area caught the surface of what he was swinging making look like it was flashing for the briefest of moment. One last spike left her mouth and shot right at him. A metal blade deflected it enough that it just missed the right side of his face and embedded itself into the wall behind him. He repostioned himself for the attack wielding the two half of the staff that now revealed the hidden blades that were inside.

Not taking his eyes off the Horror he called out, "Jules, I need a barrier now."

"On it," the blond woman said. Revealing a wide brush with a white bristles, she pulled out some red paper with markings on them. Her companion grabbed her arm and stopped her. She looked back at him, "Reks?"

"Do not take orders from a Knight," he told her. She pulled away and stared at him.

"It to keep the Horror in," she informed him. "If you weren't so pig headed... Just watch the jackass here."

Turning back to Carter and the Horror, she saw him swing and cut the horror while avoiding it's swipes. He jumped off a trash container high in the air. The horror was ready for him when he landed. Jules already had a different type of paper, gray this time but still marked, in hand. Bringing her brush to it the end glowed a bit as she swiped it toward the horror. The paper formed a long metal spike that embedded itself above the Horror. Carter landed on it and sprung off as the Horror grabbed where she thought he was going to be, Flipping in the air and landing behind the shocked Horror he swung both blades and cut her deep in the back. Recoiling in pain and screeching in response she caught Carter with a savage back hand that sent him flying into the opposing wall.

"Carter!", Jules called out. Again Reks held her back.. She freed herself one more time as the woman bent backwards, her skin going leathery and black as night. Her arms became another set of legs as a pair of arms with pincers appeared to grow out of her hips. Her neck elongated into a tail as her head became it''s stinger. Mandibles snapped at Carter as he slowly got to his feet, blades in front of him to defend himself. Jules held her brush close, did some small, quick hand moments and fired off a blast of magical energy that struck the Horror in the side.

Angered the Horror angled it's tail toward her and fired of more spikes from it's stinger.

"What are you doing?!", Reks demanded as he used his brush, similar in design to hers but with a metal ring separating the bristles from the main body of the brush, to use smaller blast to intercept the spikes.

"Taking on a Horror like we were trained to do," she said as she kept up her attack.

Seeing the opening she gave him Carter ran in and jumped, landing in front of the horror and jamming one of the blades into it's head as he did so. Struggling to hold on to the blade as to struggled to get free he looked up to see the tail ready to strike. Pulling the blade loose in time he jumped out of the way as it struck the ground. Landing near the other three he spun the duel blades in his hand a bit, deflecting more of those spikes, before bringing them together at the other end, forming a double bladed staff that was almost five feet in length. Stabbing and swing as he charged he forced the Horror back then retreated a bit to make some space between them." Jules."

She was already prepared with the red paper in her hand, "One barrier coming up." The bristles glowing again, she placed the the slip of paper in the ground and brought the brush to it, a barrier of energy flashed to life momentarily before fading from view. The only hint that it still existed was part of it flashed when Carter deflected another spike into it. "Be careful. This one isn't going to last that long to begin with," she reminded him.

He didn't make any sort of movement or sound that he understood, just kept his attention on the Horror in front of him. One who took a small woman to use itself as bait to attract it's prey. Concentrating a bit her brought the staff over his head and spun it. Both ends seemingly cutting a line in the air that formed a circle when he was done and brought the staff down to his right side. The interior of the circle cracked and broke as an otherworldly light shined on top of him. Then, what seemed to be with the slightest nod of his head, plates of metal came down on top of him. Clad in flat red armor, he looked more like a metal wolf with the snarling head and clawed fingers, a silver diamond shaped jewel at his waist, Blue eyes staring defiantly at the Horror in front of him The staff changed as well, the blades growing a little longer and at the base where it met the staff curved bladed like hilts appeared. He swung the staff around with practiced ease, now he was more than just Carter Greystone he was Rook, Knight of the Double Blade.

Slowly he walked forward, using either the staff or his fist to bash away the spikes coming at him, the ground cracking beneath him with each step. Once he was close enough the Horror tried to jam it's tail into him. He caught it with his free hand and swung the bladed staff through the tail severing it from the rest of it's body. The lone man who had no idea what was going on held his ears as the creature cried out in tremendous agony. As it scurried away. The tail disintegrating in his hand he ran at the fleeing beast. Jumping up and off a wall he flew over the Horror and swung the staff. As the blade cut through as he past he landed and the beast appeared to exploded in a fireball before the flames turned into those symbols momentarily before fading completely.

After the armor flew up to whence it came Carter turned around, separated the staff and returned it back to it's original staff stat as Jules removed the paper from the ground removing the barrier. Shooting a glance art her companion she looked at the guy Carter just saved, "So what are we going to do with this one?"

"Drop him at the police station,' was his answer.

"I'll take him," Reks said. Grabbing him by the arm he hauled him to his feet and dragged him toward the alley's opening. Looking back a bit at the Knight he leaned in and spoke, low enough that only his current companion could hear, "Don't worry, I'm not taking you to the police."

Oblivious to that conversation Jules told Carter, "They're not going to believe him if Reks doesn't do anything. And if he does they still don't have anything to hold him for."

"Not my problem." Turning his head to the left a bit he, "Xypher, are there any more Horrors around?"

The pin on his label spoke in that tinny voice, "No, Scorpina there was the only one."

"That wasn't it's name," Jules said with a slight smirk.

"Eh, I like my name better," the pin said. "Unfortunately me and Carter got here in time to stop her."

Carter looked a little closer at the pin on his chest, "Unfortunately?", he said.

"Well he was planning on raping her."

"And she was planning on eating him," Carter said.

"Not my problem if she has poor taste in meals... Ow," he exclaimed as Carter flicked him.

"And he'll probably do it again," Juels said, mainly to stick up for the Madou pin. "And that one won't be a Horror."

"I know," Carter said softly. In his more normal tone of voice he told them, "But human affairs aren't our concern. We protect them all, no matter who they are. No matter how we feel about them."

"I know," Jules said but not in a mocking way. "Well we better keep hunting, who knows if there's another Horror around. I'll let you know if I find anything." Carter nodded. Jules reached out and squeezed his arm and smiled before using her brush to make the metal spike disappear and walking off. Carter watched her a moment before heading back to the street himself.

Reks opened a door and gestured for his companion to head on down the staircase in front of him. As he said he didn't take him to the police. But he never said he take him home either. A fact that seemed to go over the other man's head. At least until right now. He started to back up, but simply bringing his Madou brush back into view quickly stopped that. "Go ahead," Reks said. "It's perfectly safe. They won't be able to find you down here."

"W... who won't?", he asked.

Lifting an eyebrow he replied, "Things like that woman." That was enough to get him down the stair, so fast he almost tripped himself going down them. Closing the door behind him Reks calmly followed hitting a switch near the bottom to light up the nearly bare room. "It's not much but it'll keep you comfortable for a couple of days. The mattress over there on the floor isn't much but it's better than nothing.

"Thanks,' he muttered as he looked around, Outside of the mattress there was a couple of different sized crates in a corner making a makeshift table and chair. "You sure nothing like that bitch will find me here?"

"Positive,' Reks told him. Still he looked around the room again unconvinced. "There are seals in place," he told the man. "To make sure they can't sense anybody on the inside. Like that barrier my partner put up earlier." That made his guest a little more at ease with the situation.

"What the fuck was she?", he asked suddenly. "That wasn't fucking human."

"She used to be," Reks said walking toward the crates and sitting on one of the smaller ones. "And I'm sure she might have been a lovely person before the Horror possessed her."

"Horror?", he said looking confused. "You guys used that word a lot when the bitch," he made some motion with his hand trying to find the right word, "turned into whatever the fuck that was."

"That was it's true form,"m he explained. "That was a Horror, or the name we call then. A creature from a different dimensions that makes it's way into our world, looking for food. Or to take possession of a person so they can move about and hunt more easily."

"You mean like an alien invasion?"

Reks looked almost amused by his question. "Not quite. No, it's said that they're are born from, and drawn too, the darkness in human hearts. It'll be inside a gate, waiting for the right moment to emerge. Usually when some one is close enough, either with said darkness on their hearts or at their darkest and weakest moments. It very possible that woman was being attacked by a similar group to yours, it just happened to be by a gate."

He seemed to be understanding things better now, "So it made her a deal, the power to get out of it."

"In a sense,' Reks told him. "From my understanding that particular Horror tends to hunt down those groups looking for an easy victim." His guest started to say something, almost like he was going to protest, but Reks didn't give him an opening to do so. "But what the Horror never tells their unwitting victims is that in doing so they are consuming their very soul. That woman was dead the moment she agreed to it."

"So it was wearing her like a outfit."

"In a manor of speaking," Reks said, losing the amused look. "The memory and personalty is still there to keep up the disguise if need be. But the person she was, eaten by the Horror."

"That is fucked up."

"No truer statement was ever spoken."

"So who are you guys then?"

"We are an order that had been protecting the rest of you from for longer than most people can imagine. In secret of course, mostly because we have too for various reason." Standing up and brandishing his brush he exclaimed, "I am a Makai Priest." The bristles glowing he pointed the brush at the wall and let lose a small ball of energy that exploded on contact. His guest was stunned to the point his jaw dropped.

Walking over and almost touching the smoking spot on the wall, but was too afraid to. He looked back and forth between Reks and the spot on the wall a couple of times before going, "That was magic."

"How observant of you," he said dryly. "We learned ways to challenge the Horrors and hold the back. A few of us can even defeat one." To anybody else watching he may have seen a little too proud of that particular fact.

That bubble, as they say, burst when they other man asked, "What about the other guy?"

Shooting him a deadly glare that made the other man stumble back he went, "Who?"

"Th... the other guy. The one with the..." he started swinging his arms around in the air like that explained everything. "The one who killed that bitch."

"She isn't dead," he said coldly.

And the other man expression changed back to panic just as fast. "You said she was dead."

"I said the woman it possessed was dead," Reks said getting close enough the other man backed up some more. "You can not kill a Horror. You can only send it back to the Makai dimension." Reks backed off a bit to regain his composure. A little calmer he went on, but the disdain was still evident in his voice, "That other one was a Makai Knight. Something we created and they quickly forgotten that fact."

"Fucker seemed strong," the other one commented. He quickly backtracked when Reks glared at him again, "I mean that weapon of his was fucking heavy. Almost ripped my shoulder out trying to grab it."

Chuckling now he understood where he was coming from Reks went on, "That's because his swords and armor are made of soul metal. Unless you are especially trained in their use hey are extremely heavy, and dangerous to touch. Practically burning those who aren't properly prepared to wield them."

"But I ain't burnt," he said looking at his hands then showing them to reks.

"The casing around them protected you. The bare metal itself... that would have been a different story." The other man gulped and stared at his hand. "Now somewhere in that addled brain of yours you have to be wonder why am I telling you all of this. Because secret societies are supposed to be secret after all."

"Not really," he said starting to look nervous again.

"Of course you are," Reks put an arm around his shoulders and guided him across the room. "You see I think you can be of use to our cause."

"H... how?"

"Oh I'm sure we can find some place for you." They stopped by a section of wall as Reks backed away a bit. "From an informant of sorts to," he studied the other man a bit. "Perhaps a Makai Priest like myself, if you have the right, shall we say, talent for it."

"Seriously?", he asked looking more interested than confused now.

"Oh yes, we are a very open order for a secret society. We are all considered equal." A little darkly he muttered, "More or less." Shaking himself out of it he turned his attention back toward his guest. "But that is neither hear nor there. In fact we can begin right now if you'd like with a simple test. A test of courage." Touching part of the wall beside him a door sized panel opened up. Nothing but complete darkness could be seen on the other side. "Unless of course if your courage is failing you at this particular moment we can wait a bit.

"Naw," he said puffing out his chest a bit before walking through, "I not afraid of shit." The door closed behind him. "Hey!" he banged on the door but it wouldn't budge. As his eyes adjusted tot he dark he realized there was a bit of light coming in from outside. Not a lot but just enough to curb the stifling feeling of being in complete darkness. Staying where he was he looked around a bit and say a shape close by, practically hanging against the wall. Figuring this was part of the test he slowly edged toward it. "Hey," he whispered. He said it again a little louder, "Hey." Starting to reach out a hand he felt goosebumps forming on his arm right before the form moved. In what light there was he saw a black demonic face came at him.

On the other said of the doorway Reks listened to him scream, almost in concert with another, demonic sounding scream. Within a few moments both screams stopped and he started smiling to himself. "As if a low life like you deserved anything else." Turning to leave he saw that he wasn't alone anymore. Seeing this newcomer was angry he looked worried for the briefest of moments before putting up his usual expression. "Just feeding the pet," he said as he walked past. "You should know how important that is."

The other one said nothing, just clenched a fist tightly, trying to control the anger that was building.

Horrors always hunted at night, that was a fact that was never questioned. It was why they often possessed human in order to walk around during the day. Picking out potential targets to keep track of, to pounce on when the time was right. It was near dawn now so any Horror still in the city would have started to go back to whatever hole they, or in those cases, their "host" bodies had. As such Carter knew the hunt was over for now and he needed to rest before it began all over again.

In a small wooden area outside the main city he walked the well worn path. His destination was a two story house that would fit a larger size of family comfortably based on appearances and would seem better placed in one of the better neighborhoods than the middle of this area. Lantern like lights illuminated his way as he got closer. He didn't even slow down or question as he saw Jules lounging on the steps leading up to the front door. She gave him a friendly wave and smile. His response, "Why are you here?"

Moving just enough to give him room to walk up those steps she said, "I know Reks is going to be a tool later when I see him. I want to avoid it as long as possible. Which does mean I don't really have a place to stay tonight since he decided he's crashing at my place." She looked up at him and smiled again as she battered her eyelashes. After a moment Carter just nodded his head toward the door and she quickly got up and joined him. "Thank you kind sir."

"Like he ever turns you down when you ask," Xypher said as Carter opened the door

"I am being polite," she told the pin. "It would just be rude just to walk in when you two aren't here."

Letting her go in first Carter said, "You're welcome to be here any time.'

"I know," she smiled. "But like I said, it be rude." Being familiar with the place as she was she flipped the switches that turned on the lights. and continued on inside. Jules removed her coat and laid over a nearby chair as they continued on. In the main room of the floor Carter took a right to a door that lead to a small study with several bookcases built into the walls, all of them loaded with old books and various other things. Heading over to the desk he removed Xypher from his place on his chest and slid him onto a display on the desk. "Knowing you there's no food prepared."

"I'm sure there's something," Carter said as he removed his coat and placed it on a hanger on the wall.

"Well if you had a servant like a proper titled Knight," she started to say. When she looked at him he was staring at a small table by the chair she was standing by. At a small red envelope that was on it to be precise. "It never stops being creepy how it just shows up like that."

"It was there when we entered the room," Xypher told her. "I saw it when Carter put me here. Those Watchdog messengers can get in just about anywhere."

"It's a little late for orders," Carter said as he picked it up with one hand and reached into his pants pocket with the other. Holding the envelope by the one corner he used the blue flame of his Madou lighter to ignite another. Letting go as the flame quickly consumed the envelope the ashes grew and formed letter of the ancient Makai language in the air.

As both of them were trained to understand the words they read the orders the message contained. "The Watchdogs want to see you about tonight," Jules finally said.

Carter finished it as the letters disappeared, "Because I came into conflict with the civilians earlier."

"Word traveled pretty fast," they looked back at Xypher," I haven't even sent a report in yet."

"I'm pretty sure I know who did," Jules said, looking half angry and half disappointed.

Carter said, "He's doing his job."

"And I'm sure if you were a Makai Priest Reks would have been a little kinder in his report," Jules shot back. "I don't understand why he's like that. Particularly lately."

Xypher commented, "He seems to be the same pain in the neck to me." Carter shot the pin a look, "And you can't flick me from over there so I'm safe for the moment."

Jules gave the pin a sly grin, "He could walk over there just as easily."

"Don't give him any ideas," Xypher protested.

"Unfortunately that attitude isn't only confined to Reks," Carter said as he left the den. Jules followed as he continued, "I've met some Knights who have the same attitude toward Priests."

"That's fine, I'll just hang out in here," Xypher called out.

Jules told him, "We'll be right back." She lost a bit of the smile though, "But sometimes I wonder if that what happened with Reks. Meeting some of those Knights you mentioned I mean. He wasn't like this when we were training."

"Maybe it was always there and it just now starting t come out," Carter offered.

Jules studied him a bit as they entered the kitchen. "I'm trying to decide if you actually think that's true or if you're saying that because you have a bit of a problem with Reks. too"

"You know him better than I do," Carter said as he started rummaging around to see what he had. "I just see the man I've dealt with."

"Well in my eyes he wasn't always like this," Jules said as she gave him a hand, being familiar with his kitchen as well. "It wasn't after we started going out into the field that he started to change. Maybe he did met some of those Knights and never told me."

"Maybe he did," Carter conceded. "You always seemed to be a good judge of somebody's character. And like I said you known him better."

"Then why am I usually hanging out with you?", Jules shot back. The smile saying it was a joke. Carter just shrugged in response. After a bit they both had something to eat. Although Jules forced him to keep her promise to Xypher as they ate in the den. Sitting on opposite ends of the same couch hey spoke about little thing as they ate, potential dens where Horrors might be located, rumors of anything that may pertain to their particular line of work. Nothing really important, just things to pass the time while they finished.

"Well that was good," Jules said as she put her plate down on the coffee table in front of them. "I think I'm going to call it a night. I'll see you later Carter." She gave his hand a light squeeze as she stood up. Carter rose as well and walked her to the den's doorway. He stood there as he watched her walk up the stairs and enter the room he usually slept in.

Back on the desk Xypher went, "So, just you and me again tonight?" Carter looked back at the pin but said nothing. He glanced back up to the room Jules entered before turning back into the den.

The next morning Jules came down the stairs and found Carter on a couch in the main room. Well at least it was bigger than the one in the den. In what became sort of a tradition she quietly walked into the den and removed the cover off the stand Xypher was on. Blank eyes seemed to blink a bit as they readjusted to the sudden brightness. "I guess you want me to tell Carter you said goodbye again?"

"If you would please," she said softly then started to leave like usual. But she caught sight of Carter sleeping. "Xypher,do you think he'll ever get the hint and join me up there?"

"Oh I'm sure he already got the hint," the pin told her. "But he's too proper a Knight."

"I know he is," she said as she walked back to the desk. She bent over a bit to get eye level with the pin. "It's one of the things that makes Carter Carter. You know, all this time and I still don't even know why he takes a couch. He does have a couple guest rooms up there, I used to stay in one until I made my way into his."

"He wants to be the first line of defense," the pin told her. "As he figures it any attack would come from the lower level and not the top floor." She looked back at the sleeping Makai Knight and smiled. That would explain all the barriers he had her put on the windows on the second floor. "Although if you really wanted him up there with you could just ask."

"It's not quite that simple Xypher,"

"Anybody ever tell you that you humans make things more complicated than they need to be?", the pin shot back. "You ask, he either says yes or no. Simple."

She knelt down a bit, 'You're probably right. But if I have to be honest, whatever is between me and Carter, I think it's part of the reason why Reks is acting the way he is. He has a problem with Makai Knights in general, but Carter just sets him off for some reason. If me and Carter..." she sighed. "I need to get things straighten out between me and Reks first."

The pin snorted, "Way too complicated."

Jules smiled, then looked back at Carter. "Xypher, can you do me a favor? If I know Reks he's probably going to be at that meeting with the Watchdogs too. And I know how he's going to try and spin it. Just back Carter up."

"For you, anything." Jules lightly rubbed the top of the pin and stood up. Entering the main room she quietly walked over to the couch. Reaching out a hand she carefully brushed a few stray hairs out of his face, trying not to wake him. Retrieving her coat from the chair she put it the night before she left his house and headed home.

Later that day, after his usual morning workout Carter stood in front of the Watchdogs, the beings who gave him and the other Makai Knights and Priests their orders. Several columns circled a brightly lit area. But that light barely gave the slightest hint to what was in the darkness beyond them. Standing in the middle of the area he locked up at two balconies on his left and right. On the left one stood a woman, the right an older man. Both wore white robes. The woman had a necklace of pale colored seashells around her neck. The man had a wreath of white leaves circling around his head. Between them, right on the floor in front of him was a statue of a demonic looking dog with an open mouth.

As Jules had predicted, Reks was there and was already giving his version of the events from the previous night. Both Watchdogs looked bored and uninterested as he spoke. Audible to only Carter Xypher gave out a small grunt. Not being privy to his and Jules conversation from earlier he looked down briefly trying to decipher what that meant. But only briefly as he knew the Watchdogs would notice.

Also because Reks decided to point a finger right at him at that moment. "That's when I saw this man viciously attack the very people he was to 'protect'."

Above them the female Watchdog spoke, expression not changing at all. "Is this true Rook?

Still looking bored as well the male added, "If true it would be a heinous breach of duty and protocol. How do you answer?"

Ignoring the look Reks was giving him Carter stepped forward a bit. "His version is not completely true."

Here the female tilted her head a bit, but her expression didn't change, "So what Makai Priest Reks is saying is partially true?"

"Let the Knight answer Illumnia," the male said.

She responded, "I am merely asking for calcification Nisoka. With charges such as these nothing must left to interpretation."

"Agreed," the male said after a bit. "Knight, continue."

Carter nodded, "I discovered the Horror I was tracking had already found some potential prey. I ordered them to leave. They decided to to attack me."

Here the male expression change to a more curious one, but still with a hint of that previous boredom. "Why would they attack you Knight?"

"My only assumption at the time was they thought I was trying to save the woman the Horror had already devoured.."

"He drew his weapon," Rek spoke up.

"In self defense!", the pin on his coat snapped.

"Xypher," Carter hissed.

Both Watchdogs stopped looking bored. They showed nothing, which was more worrisome than anything. Carter could never get a good tell on either of them as it was.. "Is this true Knight?", Nisoka demanded.

Carter glanced over at Reks. His smugness was the only thing worse than the blank looks on the Watchdogs. "I was attacked with a pipe. I acted on instinct to block the assault. But I never used the Swords of Rook on my assailants."

"You still should have found another way," Nisoka scolded.

Illimina added, "As a protector of these humans you must be mindful of the difference between you and the ones you protect."

Carter chaffed a bit but said, "Yes sirs. I will do better in the future.

"But Carter was telling the truth," Xypher spoke up/ "He was attacked and had to defend himself."

Illumina started to say something but Nisoka raised a hand, boredom returning to both their faces. "Let the Madou pin speak, it can be entertaining on occasion." The female Watchdog nodded in acquiesce.. "Continue."

"My pleasure," Xypher said. "They group Carter was trying to save attacked him like I said. The Priest here didn't even make himself known until Carter engaged the Horror. If that one didn't hit Carter on the arm with the pipe he never would have known Carter drew it to protect himself."

Glaring at the pin Reks said, "I know what I saw."

"And I was in the middle of it," Xypher shot back.

Nostrils flaring a bit Reks went on, "Why should we care about your opinion jewelry?"

"I'd care about it over the guy arguing with the 'jewelry' you son of..." Carter put a hand over the pin. His muffled protest could just be heard. Reks raised his brush fully prepared to retaliate for the cut off insult.

"Enough!", both Watchdogs ordered. Carter lowered his hand as Reks kept his Brush as the ready. Although their unwavering gaze on him made him slowly lower it.

Illumina spoke first, "Makai Priest Reks where were the Swords of Rook when you and Makai Priest Jules arrived?"

He answered readily, "They were out like I said."

Nosika spoke next, "Were they in Rook's hands."

He was a little more reluctant to answer this time, "No, they were on the ground."

"Were the blades drawn?" Reks looked away in disgust. The watchdogs started at him until he answered with an angry shake of his head. "It appears you own testimony backs up Rook's claims in this particular event."

Looking almost sick Reks said, "Apparently it does." He walked away from the scene. Stopping right at the edge of lighted area he turned smartly, "With your leave." Then he entered the darkness before permission was given.

"Rook," Illumina spoke. If either of them were insulted by Rek's actions as usual they didn't show it. "While we do not condone your actions of the previous night we do understand that there were special circumstances involved."

Nisoka spoke next, "But we will not remind you again to take care if a similar situation happens in the future. Nor will we be as lenient."

Bowing Carter replied, "I understand."

"Now,' Illumina said, "step forward and cleanse your blade of the Horror's foul darkness." Without a word Carter stepped forward, drawing his weapon. Separating it he placed both blades into the mouth of the dog statue before him. There was a hissing sound as as the stone eyes seemed to glow. With a stream of smoke a small metallic looking feather blade appeared at the base of the statue.

Retrieving his blades and recombining them a small, hooded person appeared from the darkness. No one said a word as it reached out and gingerly took the blade with a gnarly, weathered hand. The blade disappearing inside the sleeve of it's robes the figure quickly returned to the darkness. Stepping back to his original spot Carter faced each watchdog and bowed before turning to leave.

"A moment longer Rook," Nisoka said. Turning back around he was surprised to see Illumina gone leaving the two of them. "There is a task we wish to assign to you. As Illumina is in need of rest I can easily relay the order."

Walking back to his previous spot Carter went, "What is the task you wish me to do?"

"There is a disease in our ranks," he said. "One that causes a rift between Makai Priests and Knights."

Confused at this information Carter said, "I thought the Golden Knight in Japan took care of that situation a couple of years ago."

"Yes he did," Nisoka readily agreed. "However he only removed the primary source of the conflict. Symptoms still exist after the fact. One could argue they existed before Sigma made it worse. Now we fear someone here is trying to cause those rifts to grow again."

"Oh boy," Xypher muttered.

"Do you have an idea who?", Carter asked.

Slowly shaking his head Nisoka replied, "We do not at this time. Which is why we place the burden of this task upon your shoulders. While it would safe to assume another Makai Priest is behind this a Knight could just as easily be attempting to fan the flames. Find out who it is and stop them. But do not trust any one in this task and suspect everyone."

That last bit rubbed Carter the wrong way, "With all due respect, it's possible that sort of thinking is what helped create those rifts in the first place."

"I due believe the Watchdog misspoke," A new voice said. Carter turned around to see an older man walk out of the shadows. Wearing loose dark clothing, the dark red highlight of his jacket being the only bit of color, and a turban like wrap around his head he smiled warmly at Carter The wrinkles around his eyes the the gray of his beard was the only give away of his age.

Carter bowed in greeting and in respect, "Makai Priest Vincent." He didn't return the bow. Instead he took the younger man's hand and shook it.

"If I may be so bold," he briefly glanced up at the Watchdog, "I believe he meant to say be careful of who you trust."

"If you so wish," Nisoka said.

Carter only just caught the smallest hint of a smirk on the older man's face. "I will brief Carter on what is going on." Nisoka nodded and walked to the interior of the balcony. "Come my boy," Vincent said as he guided him toward the exit, "Let's talk in the open and not a stuffing room like this one."

In the city, on a side street hardly any one used a section of a wall started to glow slightly. Taking a outline of a large door the wall opened, curling inwards from the middle. Emerging from the interior darkness Carter and Vincent walked out and the wall returned to normal as they walked away. Hitting the sidewalk nobody paid them much attention. Still they tried not to draw any extra attention to themselves as they spoke, "Do you think somebody is trying to cause a rift in the order again?", Carter asked him.

"It's a possibility," the older man mused. "The watchdogs seem to think so. However," he trailed off a bit, looking for the right words. "While I haven't had the honor of meeting other Watchdogs, those two seem rather linear in their thinking. If something appears to be the case then that has to be the situation.'

Carter looked at him with a unsure expression, "You think it could be something else?"

"It could be, a feint to distract us from their true goal," Vincent said with a slight nod. "Or they could be right and someone is trying to cause trouble once again. The information I've seen could sway either way. I will be willing to to share said information of course."

"And I would be grateful, "Carter told him."In keeping our options open can you think of any one who might be taking up Sigma's cause?"

Vincent didn't say anything right away as he thought it over. "In all honestly, I'm not really sure. Not a whole lot of questions were asked after the previous events. Those Priests who joined Sigma's cause were quietly welcomed back into the order. It could be any of them. Or it could be none of the and a new player is on the field."

Xypher spoke up, "Well that narrowed things down." Vincent gave the pin a amused look.

"Well there aren't a lot of factors to narrow things down or eliminate any one just yet,' The Priest explained. "For example, Carter do you trust me?"

The young Makai Knight didn't even hesitate, "Without question."

Stopping to face him Vincent asked, "But should you?' Carter just stared at him. "This is a slippery slop we find ourselves on. If we start accusing or hassling innocent individuals wildly we'll be causing those same rifts we were trying to stop." He started walking down the sidewalk again with Carter quickly in tow.

"But if we do nothing," Carter argued, "if there is someone doing just that, he'll have free reign before we can stop him."

"As I said, it a slippery slop," Vincent told him. "It would be the same as wonder if stopping him was an act of justice or vengeance."

This time Carter stopped. Vincent went ahead a couple of feet before he noticed. "If he was stopped what would be the difference?"

"It could decide which slop a man fell down," Vincent told him. "A vengeful man, would take a small amount of pleasure in stopping the one behind it. Be almost glad he was the one who cut him down. That is a path that leads to darkness. Now," he continued walking again, "a man of justice, even if he felt the person deserved to be cut down, would not enjoy it. Again a fine line one is never sure which side he is one in the heat of the moment. So carter, after all of this, do you still think you can trust me."

This time he didn't answer right away, taking a couple of extra moments to think it over. Something the older was happy to see. Finally he looked at him and said, "Jules trust you, and I trust her."

Chuckling a bit Vincent told him, "Who am I to argue when my character reference is my own student. You two do seem to be a little close to each other. If I was her father I'd be asking what your intentions were."

"Jules is," Carter searched for the right word, "special."

"That she is," he quickly agreed. "I would still be asking your intentions though."

"She is my friend and ally," Carter told him.

"Pity," Vincent said, confusing the younger man a bit. "I was hoping there would be a slightly deeper and more interesting answer there."

"I mean I care for Jules," Carter said. "as a friend. I mean."

"He means," Xypher spoke up, "he's too proper a Knight to do anything." Carter flicked him annoyance. "You know it's true."

"There's nothing wrong with being a proper knight Xypher," Vincent said. "It's one of the qualities that spoke to me when we choose Carter to take on the mantle of Rook. But," he said with an amused look, "do take it from a more experienced gentleman, they won't wait forever. That's a lesson I learned the hard way." Carter said nothing, but he did nod in understanding.

The older man pointed out a small cafe that he visited rather frequently. Gesturing at one of the empty tables they sat down. A waitress was soon there. "Will that be the usual for you?"

"Yes please,' Vincent told her with an easy smile.

"And your new friend here?", she asked looking at Carter.

"Whatever he's having," he said since he wasn't familiar with the menu as Vincent obviously was. The waitress said she'd be right back.

Vincent looked around at the others enjoying their food. "Hopefully you'll learn to sit back a bit and reacquaint yourself with the population we're trying to protect. The previous Rook was a bit too hard headed in that aspect. You have to be unmovable as stone..."

"in order to be a proper protector," Carter finished for him. It was a saying he quickly became familiar with in a short time. Vincent nodded

"I never could convince him you didn't have to alienate yourself from humanity in general. Sometimes you have to remind yourself that there are good in people. Especially when we deal with the results of their inner darkness on a regular basis." Their order, which turned out to be some sort of thick soup, quickly arrived. Apparently a perk when you're a regular customer. Taking a spoon and stirring the soup in front of him a bit he said, "Speaking of Rooks, have you seen him lately?"

Carter came just short of playing with his bowl, looking a bit ashamed, "No." Vincent said nothing, he just waited for him to continue. "I never felt that I would be welcomed back."

"Now where did you get a fool idea like that?", Vincent asked him. Taking a napkin he reached over and shined up the slim gold pin on the right side of his coat, "He made you part of his when you took on the Rook title. Why would you think you wouldn't be welcomed.'

"His middle daughter still calls me the usurper," Carter informed him. "And I'm not exactly sure how his oldest daughter thinks about me. The only one who didn't seemed to tolerate me was his youngest."

Vincent understood where he was coming from. "Well you were a very, very rare example of a title changing hands. A bit natural I suppose, especially since Rook had been part of that line for as long as anyone can remember. But I know you are doing a fine job upholding this particular legacy," he assured him. "And I'm sure he feels the same way.

"I hope I am," Carter told him. "some days I'm not too sure. I mean last night..."

"Trust me son," Vincent said, a glint in his eye, "I've seen him in similar situations. You went easier on them than he did. Now eat your soup before it gets cold. It's not quite as good then. And no crackers. Use the bread to soak up the soup."

Night was starting to fall and those of the Makai order that actively hunted Horrors begun to do so. Jules, foe example, had just finished marking a potential gate for Carter or another Knight to check out if they came across it. And she'd probably would tell Carter about it as soon as she saw him. Honestly she would have told another Knight if she came across one but more than likely it was going to be Carter. But right now she walked the streets just watching those around her. Mainly she as looking for any signs of a Horror that might have taken over a human. But partially she was looking at how happy everybody seemed to be, remembering Vincent's words about remembering the there was good in humanity too.

Not that she thought humanity was inherently evil, no far from it. But like every one else she knew she realized how easy it was for them to fall. And their order was just as vulnerable too so it's not like they had some sort of special immunity.

"Jules," a voice called out. She looked around, knowing it was one of their order. She found him soon enough, and it was another Makai Priest. She recognized the man with the white shirt and vest with the various magical trinkets on it and the black headband. But only because he and Reks teamed up a lot . As it was she had to think a moment to even remember his name.

"Terrance," she said cordially. Reks didn't have a lot of friends, and she really didn't care for most of them. Like this one. Only because he was about as smug as Reks was. And it was bad enough she had to deal with it with her partner, wasn't no way in hell she was going to be around for a double dose.

"Reks said you ditched him tonight," he said. Not a hello, not a how are you. Just straight to that.

"Have to had plans to begin with in order to considered ditched," she told him as she kept walking. A small part of her hoped he get the hint. But Jules knew that wasn't going to be the case.

Terrance followed her just like she thought, "Reks thought you did."

"Well he thought wrong," she shot back. "We're not tied at the hip you know. I can go out all by my lonesome."

"Going to see your Knight," he spat.

Jules stopped, mainly to suppress the urge to punch him in the face. Again it was bad enough to get this from Reks. "I didn't have plans to no. But if I happened to come across him I'd a least say hello like a civilized person.

"He's an emotionless prick," Terrance told her. Word for that was Reks' favorite argument to use against Carter and she was pretty sure where Terrance got that from. .Jules forced her fist down before facing him.

"He has emotions," she told him as calmly as she could. "But like every Knight out there he has to keep them under control. If you and Reks paid any sort of attention while we were learning you'd know that."

"Look," he said, obviously trying to back track and think of something else. "I know Reks can be trying. especially lately," he had a look on his face that she could figure out. But it was gone as soon as fast as it appeared. "But he's a good man."

"So is William," she told mentioning another Priest in the area. "And James and Hector. I heard good thing about a guy named Zach a few towns away. There are a lot of good men out there. And probably a few good women if I swung that way.."

"You and Reks have known each other since training," Terrance kept going. "Even before Vincent took both of you on."

"And that doesn't mean anything if only one person feels that way," she shot back. It wasn't Reks but maybe it was time to get this started somewhere. "I don't know when you decided to become Reks' wingman or what ever the term in no for what your doing is now. But I have never seen Reks in that way. And I'm not going to start now you and him want me too."

"But you feel that way about Greystone don't you?", he demanded while getting in her face. If he expected her to back down he as in for one hell of a disappointment.

"Carter is my friend," she told him, getting close enough the he took a step back. "A friend I care about deeply. If something else happens between him and me that's between him and me and no one else. As of right now I don't care you or Reks or anybody else thinks about it. Am I clear."

"Perfectly," he spat before leaving.

"Oh this is a bad sign for tonight," Jules muttered after he was gone.

"Help me," a different voice called out. Jules looked around.. The voice called for help again, it was coming from the alley next to her.

"A really bad sign," she muttered. Hand wrapping around her brush just in case she entered the alley trying to find whomever called out.

Not that far away Carter stood in front of an old, abandoned grandfather clock that someone threw out. He studied it for a long time before looking around to see if anybody was around. Seeing that it was only him on the street for the moment he reached int his coat and pulled out the staff. Separating it into two swords he pointed one at the clock. Studying more closely as he slowly hovered the point over the surface . Finding what he was looking for he jammed the blade into the clock. But it didn't penetrate the wood, instead it entered some sort of energy wave. The gate this particular Horroer would have used to trap a human. Removing the blade a dark glob floated in the air in front of him.

"Good eye as usual Carter," Xypher told him.

"Are you trying get back in my good graces after almost getting me in trouble with the Watchdogs earlier?", he asked. Before the pin could answer he slashed though the globe, once with one blade than the other. It quickly dissipated.

"I swear I keep hearing a tiny scream when you do that," Xypher said. "An no I'm not trying to get back in your good graces. Probably. Okay maybe a little."

He looked down at the pin with a light smile, "It's fine. What happened had to come out no matter what. Better to get it out then instead of them finding out later."

"I've heard what happens when they find things out after the fact," the pin went on. "It's not pretty according to rumor." Carter was positive that if it could the pin would have shivered a bit just for effect.

"Help!" Carter turned around to see a shirtless man run at him. Being prepared for an attack he was stunned a bit when the person quickly got behind him and tried to hide. "You gotta help me man," he said in a quivery voice. "Some crazy bitch is trying to kill me."

Before he could inquire about this "crazy bitch" in order to see if it could have been a Horror he heard another set of footfalls coming toward him. Looking up he saw Jules come up short with her brush in hand. She looked at him briefly before returning her attention to the quaking man behind Not saying anything Carter reached into a pocket and pulled out his Madou lighter. Holding in front of the man's face he ignited the flame. Transfixed his eyes gave him away as a Horror. "Makai Knight,"he spat after the flame went away, quickly growing angry than afraid and tried to grab him. Carter was faster grabbing his wrists and throwing him down a side street.

The Horror scrambled to his feet and hissed at the two of them before running away. Jules looked at him. Carter stepped back and with a arm gestured for her her to chase after him. She shot him an annoyed look before racing after him.

"You didn't sense that one Carter?" Xypher asked as he started after them. "I got him about a mile away."

"Just making sure," he said. Hearing a battle he quickened his pace a bit until he found them. The only light was a barrel that was on fire he say Jules fight the Horror. After va bit the man crossed his arms and screamed, transforming into hid true Horror form. Jet black leathery skin, two horns on his head and a small set of wings on it's back as well as a pointed tail. Jules was undeterred as she attacked him again.

While this was happening Carter leaned against the wall and watched her fight. "Um, Carter," Xypher started to say. He held a finger in front of the pin to keep it quiet.

Jules kept the Horror at a distance with various kicks. Much like her mentor and Reks her style was more fluid, almost dance like. Every so often she get in a backhand. That just seemed to infuriate the Horror more and more. It went on for a overhead strike. Jules easily blocked it. The horror looked down to see her brush againt it;s stomach. She didn't even smile when it looked back at her and unleashed an energy blast that knocked it back. She ran in with a jumping kick the horror easily dodged. When she turned around it's hand was around her throat in the next instant. Here Carter started to react but she got her brush in between them and closed her eyes. A bright light was emitted from the brush momentarily that blinded the Horror and it let her go to clutch at it eyes.

She kicked it back then backed flip out of the way. Near the flaming barrel she stood up straight and held the brush close to her body. A couple of quick gestures with her hand she placed herself in a fighting stance with the brush behind her. The flames in the barrel seemed to flow toward the brush. Once in contact she she brought the brush back around and spun doing a pirouette. The flames spiraling around her as she did so.. Stopping with her hands above her head gripping the brush, her feet together and facing the horror. With a shout she brought the brush down released the fireball that was attached to the tip at it. The Horror couldn't react in time as the fireball hit it. Screams of agony were silenced quickly Horror disappeared inside the fire.

Cracking her neck Jules looked down at her brush, it was smoking a little. In a panic she started blowing on it and shaking it. "Damn it it hasn't done that in months. How does Vincent to this all the time and not have his brush look singed."

"I didn't think spirit animal pelt could catch fire," Carter said from the wall, a bit of teasing in his voice. She shot him an annoyed look as the smoke finally stopped. "Come to think of it I've never seen Reks do that spell."

Xypher spoke up before she did, "That would require you to hang around him more than you do now."

"Reks doesn't do this particular spell," Jules informed the two of them. "Each time he does it he nearly sets himself on fire. Vincent says he lets his emotions overwhelm him bit when he does it." She looked back ar her brush apparently answering her previous question seeing how aggravated she still was after that meeting with Terrance. Still she shot him another annoyed look, "And a gentleman would have helped a lady."

Getting off the wall and walking toward her Carter said, "I knew you had this one."

"Oh, because it was a low level Horror and beneath your notice," she said in annoyance before walking away.

Now Carter was confused buy this change in attitude, "No because I knew you were good enough to take it. Did I make you angry somewhere because I'm not sure where this is coming from."

She stopped and looked up at the sky before blowing out a breath. "No, I was already riled up before you came along." She looked back at carter and gave him a small smile, "Sorry I was taking it out on you."

"Already forgotten." He walked up to her. Hr tilted his head a bit to examine her neck. That annoyed her but she tried not to let it show too much. He still saw it. "I know you can take care of yourself I'm just checking."

"That's sweet and you better remember that first part," she told him. "Oh I marked a potential gate before I ran into that one. It's in that direction I think," she pointed where she thought they came from.

"I'll check it out," He told her. Debating to himself for a couple of moments while Jules watched him he said, "Can I ask you a favor?"

"Depends on what you had in mind," she told him.

"The Watchdogs gave me an assignment," he explained. "They think someone might be planning to cause trouble between the Knights and Priests again." Jules let out an exasperated sound. "It's nothing concrete but if you hear anything let me know."

"Oh I could probably direct you to a couple of people right now," she told him. "But it would be more with how much they're annoying me at the moment than anything else. I'll keep an ear and eye open. But if I do find something you're going to owe me."

"Fair enough," he readily agreed.

"Carter," Xtpher said getting their attention. "It took me a second but I'm still getting a small Horror presence." Both of the looked around and saw nothing right away. Reaching into her coat Jules pulled out a small palm sized disk and ran her brush over it. Magical energies reacted as several green rings appeared in the air. A red pointer spun slightly until it stopped in a particular direction. They both looked to see a dumpster in the spot.

Surrounding the dumpster Carter drew his swords as Jules grabbed hold of the lid's lip. Carter nodded once and she lifted as fast as she could. Both of hem looked into it and saw nothing. "I got a reading," Jules said as Carter started using the tip of a sword to move the garbage around. "It has to be here."

Still finding nothing Carter looked at the wall in front of them. "It might be inside the building. Come on let's find away in."

As they hurried to find a way into the building they missed it. Behind the dumpster, almost completely hidden was a faint spot on the wall. A spot that pulsated slightly like it was alive.