Kylo looked around the room as the First Order politicians rambled on about the next rally they were having on Dumentlas. Dumentlas, a small planet that had very beautiful water landscape and a picturesque view of its 5 moons. Most of the planet lived in the ocean and its citizens were either coral harvesters or the fish and water life that moved along unawares of what was going on above them. The velvety orange and pink sunsets would go on for hours. Slowly adding more hues until the whole sky melted into a perfect reflection of the water below.

"This setting will be the backdrop. The backdrop in which we drive our point across of the ultimate freedom, of standing beside the First Order. We will have a floating platform set across the glowing water as two of the suns go down. This is when we have the speech timed to go." The planner, Nsih Lexans, fumbled through her images on the light wall. To buy time she gestured to General Terick.

Terick smiled slowly bowing his head. "I have a speech that will push the Dedication Pledges of all local legions in this system. They will move forward… They will give what they have… They will know true power…. Where the Republic has become weak, we will be the ones to bring back order and protection to the Galaxy." Terick was the ideal of the follower of the New Order. He was tall, strongly built. Golden haired and tanned skin. He was magnetic and personable. Terick was the compassionate face of the New Order while Kylo Ren was the menacing one.

Terick stood up and strolled around the dais. "I know that building back support is critical and raising the funds to continue is at an all time high. By having new governs join we will gather more support. Our show of force gathered attention. Waiting any longer will allow other incidents to take center stage."

The dais looked at the wall behind him, outlining the speaking points to cover. Members of the team were pulling up pictures of the new proposed uniforms. Kylo's boredom was at an all time high. The ridiculousness of this pageant was something he had been willing to tolerate but now it was growing increasingly tiresome. At some point during this whole display Kylo would be called upon to show his unique skills. Force lighting was the crowd please but he hadn't properly mastered that skill. The power that the First Order needed to get the sway of those dedicated to the memory of the Jedi was important. Half the attendees would be there to see his parlor tricks.

"Kylo Ren will then do er… what he does so well." Nsih looked his direction and swallowed audibly. "Sir, where on the platform would you like to stand?" Nsih knew that Ren had little to no tolerance for the niceties of the First Order pledge drives. She flipped through pictures of possible locations.

Kylo shrugged, "Where I am needed." His mask covered his bored expression but his tone conveyed how done he was with the conversation. "I will look forward to any help that I can provide for this important event." Kylo stood up and nodded to the most important people at the table. As he walked out the door the entire room seemed to sigh with relief.