This chapter was inspired by a manip from Willow1411 and you can check it out on my twitter! Hope you enjoy!

The snow thawed and the police had identified the man who had been driving the car, naming him as Gideon Cassidy. Neither Robin or Regina had ever heard the name before, so the police had simply passed it off as a random event. Unluckily it had just happened to be Robin's car that was stolen, but these things did happen from time to time. Regina wasn't sure though; she was still sceptical. She decided to tell the police about the notes she had been receiving and they had requested that she inform them should she get anymore.

Today was the first day back in the office after the incident, she'd taken the week off, as had Robin and they'd just had a whole week of being lazy and lounging around the house in their pyjamas. It had been bliss, but bliss couldn't last forever, she had a magazine to run and he had his own business missing him.

Robin dropped her off outside her building, sending her inside with a kiss and reassurance that they would definitely be meeting for lunch later that afternoon. As soon as she was back in her office Tink was bounding through the doors after her, "the wanderer returns! I wondered when you would be coming back. Did you enjoy your zen time?"

"Very much actually," Regina nodded, shrugging off her coat and draping it over the couch before moving to her desk and dropping into her chair, swivelling it to look out of the window. "It's bittersweet to be back. What does my day look like?"

"Well, you have a meeting with the fashion team at ten. Then one with the financial sector at eleven, followed by an eleven-thirty with Home and Garden. After that I left you with an hour free to grab some lunch, then this afternoon you have a shoot with Sydney Glass for the cover story."

"What?" she rose an eyebrow, that was the first she was hearing about that.

"Yeah, you and Robin have a shoot. This month's cover story is about the merger, how did you forget?"

"Shit," she groaned, leaning back in her chair. It must have slipped both of their minds because she was pretty sure that Robin had no idea about it either.

"By the way, I read the editorial and it is amazing! The two of you read as the most amazing power couple."

"It mentions us being in a relationship?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at the blonde. She wasn't so sure about that, obviously, she was extremely happy with Robin, but she wasn't sure that she wanted their private life sprawled about all over a magazine column, even if it were her own magazine.

"Yeah, but only briefly, don't worry, it reads well and makes it very clear that you weren't in it for any reason other than love."

"Fine, but I definitely want to read this editorial first. Who wrote it?"

"Belle, Belle French, she's the best columnist we have."

"True," Regina sighed. She knew that Belle was very good at her job and would only paint her and Robin in a good light. She trusted her to do a good job of the article and yet she was still sceptical. She was worried about what Marian might try and do if she were to see the magazine, she was already crazy enough without that to rile her up. "Does it have to be the cover story?"

"Regina, it's your magazine, you have the final say, but I think using it as the cover story will get people to buy it."

"You want me to sell myself for readership numbers?"

"Precisely!" Tink grinned, sitting down in the chair in front of her and looking at her with her head tilted. "Did you forget how to do makeup during your week off?"

"What are you talking about?" Regina rolled her eyes as she turned on her laptop and waited for it to boot up. Before she could even anticipate it, her friend had rounded the desk and was licking her finger before running it over the side of Regina's eye. "Eww! What the hell Tink?!"

"Your eyeliner is a mess; did you even look in the mirror?"

"I can't believe you just did that," she shook her head as she stood from her desk before walking into the adjoining bathroom and looking in the mirror, seeing the mess Tink had been referring to. Her eyeliner was smudged on the right side and she realised that she must have had a quick doze during the car journey and leaning on her hand had ruined her makeup.

"What happened to your usually perfect winged liner? You even taught me how to do that look."

"I smudged it. I'm tired okay. Winter and I don't get on very well," she huffed. She definitely wasn't a winter person, she hated that it was dark when she woke up in the morning and that by four o'clock in the afternoon the sun had almost set again. Not to mention the cold, she definitely hated the cold. The only things she liked about winter were thanksgiving and Christmas, everything else could bore off for all she cared. "You already know that."

"True, I guess it's just a good job that you have an appointment with hair and makeup before the photoshoot isn't it," the blonde smiled as she moved over to the coffee machine and fixed it to make a latte. "What you need right now is a hot drink and a pastry, luckily, I can provide you with both of those. Look at me being the amazing assistant I am, maybe I should get a raise."

"In your dreams," Regina scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "do you know that your wage is twice that of the average CEO's assistant in New York?" she asked, coming back in from the bathroom and taking the mug from her friend's hand and snatching a pastry from the box. She wasn't even bothering to lie to Tink about that anymore, so what if she wanted a pastry now and then, they weren't going to kill her.

She bit into the sweet treat, tasting the vanilla custard that was inside, it was delicious and she needed to remember to save one for Robin so he could have it when he arrived.

"Trust you to choose the messiest pastry of the lot," Tink laughed softly, "if you need me I'll be at my desk. Do you need me to come in and remind you about your meetings or do you think you'll remember."

"I'm not a goldfish. Hopefully, I'll remember them, just email me the schedule. Just in case," she shrugged, sitting down in her chair and looking over something on her laptop. There was a news article about the man who had stolen Robin's car and she kept staring at the name, she had told the police that the name hadn't rung any bells, but the more she thought about it, the more unsure she became.

It was the last name that was familiar, not the first one. Emma's son Henry's father had that same last name, but that couldn't have been him. His first name was Neal. She was probably overthinking it, how common a last name was Cassidy anyway? She knew she was probably just being paranoid, but she didn't like feeling so uneasy and on edge, it was unsettling not knowing all the answers.

She took a deep breath and closed off the article, the police had told them that they would be in touch should any further evidence emerge so there was no use in trawling news reports, it wasn't as though she were going to find out anything more than she already knew.

Regina was startled by a little shouting coming from outside her office and all of a sudden, the doors crashed open. She shot out of her chair and stood up staring at the person who had just burst inside. "Regina I'm so sorry, I tried to stop him, but he insisted," Tink hissed, offering a glare to the guy who was stood a little in front of her.

"It's okay, Tink. Graham, what do you want?" she sighed, sitting back down again. The man had nearly given her the fright of her life, he was wearing his uniform and had his hat clasped in front of him.

"This isn't a personal call, unfortunately," he stated, moving closer to her desk and pulling up a chair to sit in front of her. She was very aware that her first meeting was in just under ten minutes and that his presence was going to make her late and then by a domino effect the rest of her schedule would be behind.

"Tink, we'll be fine in here thank you," Regina nodded, gesturing for her friend to close the door on her way out. Once she was gone she looked to her ex and rose an eyebrow, "you were saying?"

"I'm here about the man who stole Robin's car, at the time we informed you that it was probably a random criminal theft. However, some of the evidence obtained from the vehicle has been catalogued and notes were found in the footwell on the driver's side. We sent them off to the lab and the match the ones you have been receiving."

Regina took a deep breath as she tried to process what she was being told, she wondered if maybe Robin had some of the ones she had been given in the car for some reason, but she couldn't think why he would, she'd handed them over to the police anyway. "What does that mean then?"

"Well, forensics found two sets of prints on the notes, one matched the driver but we haven't been able to find a match for the second."

Regina swallowed the lump in her throat as she tried to register what she was hearing. This meant that it wasn't a random theft but a targeted one and now she had a strong feeling that she knew who was behind it or an accomplice at the very least. She thought it was odd that Marian had broken into the office that day, but she hadn't really considered what she was trying to achieve in doing so. "I can give you a name, Marian French, she'll be a match for those prints."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because I am, she's Robin's ex-girlfriend and she is crazy okay. So maybe go start questioning her alright, I don't feel safe with her around. She's already broken in here a couple of times."

Graham nodded as he stood from the chair and wrote a couple of things down in the little notebook he had in his hands, "right, if you feel unsafe, I can see what we can do about restraining orders. If you have any other trouble with her breaking in again, just call us outright and we can deal with it."

"I don't think she'll be getting through the barriers again; I've upped security and made sure that it's super tight. She shouldn't be able to get into the building."

"That's good," he nodded, "we'll be monitoring the situation." Graham stood from the chair and moved towards the door, when he reached it he turned to look at her, "I just wanted to take the time to apologise for the way I've treated you in the past and I get it if you don't want to forgive me, but just know I do want to help you Regina and I want to stop this situation before it getting any worse. Anyway, have a good day."

"Thank you, you too," she smiled, watching as he left the room and Tink quickly scurried in.

"What did that arsehole want?"

"He was just updating me on the case. They found some of Marian's notes in Robin's car. They think it's possible that she could have had something to do with the incident."

"Shit. As much as I love Robin and all that, he doesn't half come with baggage," the blonde huffed as she looked down at her watch, "anyway. You should be out of here now, you're already five minutes late for your first meeting."

"Right yeah. I'm going," Regina nodded grabbing her laptop and slipping her phone into her jacket pocket before leaving the room and heading towards the elevator. Graham had given her a lot of things to consider and it made what happened all the more worrying. She wondered what Marian had wanted with Robin's car and if she had been intending for Gideon to crash or if that had been an accident because of the snow. She had no idea what her motives had been and that was probably the most worrying thing about it.

The hours ticked by as the meetings on her schedule came and went, she was so ready to go home, but it was only just lunchtime and she knew that the afternoon brought the promise of a photoshoot. The only upside to the shoot was that Robin would be attending it with her and she wouldn't have to stand there woodenly as she thought about all the things she was not going to do when she finally got home.

As they wrapped up the final meeting of the day, she scooped up her things and headed back to her office. She noticed that Tink was stuffing her face with a delicious looking sandwich as she sat at her desk. "Glad you decided to wait so we could have lunch together."

"Sorry, I was hungry. Anyway, pretty sure you wouldn't want to eat with me hanging around anyway."

"What are you talking about?" she scoffed, pushing the door to her office open only to be hit by the aroma of food and candles. She turned to look inside and spotted Robin sat on a picnic rug by the electric fireplace she'd had installed to make the office seem more homely. "Hi, you." A grin edged its way onto her face as she closed the door behind her and moved towards him, "had you remembered about this or been reminded like I had to be?"

"The second," he chuckled, reaching a hand out to help her down onto the rug. Once she was seated, she kicked her shoes off and tucked her feet underneath her. "So, how's your day been so far?"

"Shocking," she groaned, reaching out to touch his cheek gently, "I'm guessing the police already informed you about what they found."

"Yeah, they did. They're extending the restraining order and sending her reminders that it is in place and that she shouldn't be coming so close to me. I don't want to think about all that right now though, what I'd like to think about is this picnic I brought you."

"Let me guess, you got that sandwich for Tink?"

"Of course, I could hardly come here with loads of food and not bring her anything."

Regina just smiled as she looked at the selection, he had set out for them, she hadn't realised how hungry she was until she laid eyes on the food. She was going to enjoy her lunch before it was time for the photoshoot.

The hour came and went and before they knew it both of them were hurried up to the wardrobe department for a makeover, apparently, they didn't seem sexy enough in what they were wearing. Robin didn't have the first clue about photoshoots, even though he'd had a couple, he'd kind of awkwardly just let them position him however they wanted.

They were dressing him in a dark fitted suit with a navy tie and white shirt. Whilst one person was attending to his hair, another was making sure that his clothes were perfect. "I think he's just about ready, do you want to go grab Mal and ask her what she thinks?" a short brunette asked as she looked to a young guy carrying a notepad.

From what Robin could understand he was the new intern that Regina had hired to work with Mal. The boy nodded before scurrying off through the department. A couple of moments late the blonde came flouncing through the room, her glasses perched on her nose as she approached him. He found her one of Regina's scarier friends, she was rather intimidating and definitely had an air of confidence that followed her around.

She looked him over and got closer to look at something by the collar before moving backwards and taking her glasses off, the end of which ended up in her mouth as she looked at him in contemplation. "Can you grab me a couple of different ties please, I think we could do with more than just one look. Get a suit in grey too, one that's slightly checked, I think that will look good, pair it with a sky-blue tie," she nodded. "This one is good for the first pictures. Robin if you'd like to follow me?"

"Yeah sure," he nodded and followed behind her, struggling to keep up as she flounced around in her killer heels and pantsuit. It kind of reminded him of the way Regina used to be when they first met, until he found out she was probably one of the clumsiest people alive. Knowing how messy and clumsy she was made her less scary. "So, do I pass your high standards?"

"You'll do," the blonde grinned as she looked over her shoulder at him and opened the door which led into the photography studio. The screens were set up and the photographer was looking down at his camera, checking on all the lenses. "Okay then, Sydney, this is Mr Locksley, Robin, this is Sydney Glass our editorial photographer. He's going to take some solo shots first and then we'll bring Regina in, sound good?"

"Um, sure yeah, okay," Robin nodded, he hated this. What happened to it being solely a couples shoot? Regina wasn't even in the room. "Where do you want me?"

"We'll get a couple of you stood up, can you place your hands in your pant pockets and let your jacket be scooped back?" Sydney requested. Robin tried to do what he had been told but figured he must have been doing it wrong because the man was quickly adjusting him, making sure that the fabric fell right and that his posture was correct. Once he had done that, he moved back and took a couple of photos, checking the camera after each one before sending off a list of quick-fire instructions for Robin to change certain things.

It seemed like a lifetime before Regina entered the room, though it could only have been ten minutes. She came through the door giggling at him and shaking her head, "you look like you're having fun."

His eyes widened as he took her in, she really had been through the whole shebang. Her make up was applied to perfection and her hair was styled in thick waves that just brushed the tops of her shoulders. Her dress was navy and matched his tie, the neckline fell in a way that revealed her shoulders and Robin couldn't take his eyes off her. "Wow, you look stunning."

"Thanks," she smiled, coming up to the photographer and looking at the photos he had taken on the screen, "where do you want me Sydney?"

"I'll get some of you on your own first Miss Mills if you don't mind," he stated, stuttering slightly over his words in a way Robin hadn't noticed until Regina walked into the room.

"No problem." She moved over to Robin, giving him a light shove, "I think it's my turn now," she smirked mischievously. He could tell that she knew what effect she was having on him and most likely the poor cameraman as well, but it was also clear to see that she was loving it, she was revelling in it. It seemed she was a natural in front of the lens, she managed to pull off all of Sydney's instructions without having to be moved once and in a matter of moments, her shoot was over and it was time for Robin to join her again. He was definitely asking for a copy of some of her photos, she looked radiant.

"Mr Locksley, can you wrap your arm around Miss Mills please?"

"Sure and you can call me Robin, it's fine."

"He doesn't do first names, I've been trying for years," Regina giggled, moving into Robin's embrace and spurring Sydney into action as he captured the first few images. They alternated poses a few times, looking in different ways, standing on the opposite side of each other and after half an hour Robin was ready to call it a day, he couldn't believe how long it was taking just to take a couple of photographs.

"Okay, I want to try something a little different. Sir, would you be able to take a seat on that chair for me please." Robin followed orders and dropped down into the seat. They all looked up to see Mal coming back into the room, she took a look at the scene and grinned.

"Sydney, may I?"

"Be my guest."

"Regina darling, come here," Mal smirked and Robin watched as she moved Regina closer before whispering something in her ear, something that made her eyes widen as she pulled back to look at her.

"Are you sure? Isn't that a little risqué?"

"Darling, people want risqué. Trust me, it will be a stunning picture."

"Alright," she agreed, walking over to Robin and straddling one of his legs, her left knee resting on the chair at the apex of his thighs as one arm went around his shoulders and the other resting with her hand against his stomach. "Robin, place one hand on my thigh and the other coming up to meet this hand please."

He did as he was told, swallowing hard at the feeling of her pressed against him, wasn't this a little racy for a magazine photoshoot? He looked at Sydney to find him grinning as he took a few shots. "Can I have serious expressions please?"

Regina chuckled before her face went serious and she moved even closer to him. Robin too pulled an expression of seriousness, trying to do as he was told as the photographer snapped away. Moving around them, taking the photos from different angles.

"Perfect. These are perfect. I think it's time for an outfit change please Mallory."

"I agree," she nodded, walking off towards the wardrobe department as Sydney scurried out of the room also. Regina dropped her weight so she was fully straddling his knee, her head resting on his shoulder. "We are definitely going to need a copy of that one," she grinned, looking up at him before pressing her lips to his.

"God, you are so sexy."

"I know," she smirked, biting down on her bottom lip. "Maybe after we've finished here you can take me home and show me just how sexy you think I am." She leant in, stealing his lips yet again before shifting her leg so that it was over his other and she was properly positioned on his lap.

He ran his hands over her hips and sighed into her mouth, she was a goddess and he couldn't wait to do exactly what she had just suggested. Though they were interrupted by the clearing of a throat from the corner of the room, "do you think the two of you might be able to keep it in your pants until we've done another outfit change please?"

Regina sniggered and slipped off his lap before walking towards the blonde woman stood by the door, "trust me I'm not making any promises." With that, she disappeared from view and Robin rubbed his hands over his face, he needed to get a hold of himself before it got even more embarrassing and he showed off the tent in his pants caused by the sexiest woman he had ever laid eyes on.