I got really really bored . Also Percy no longer possesses the Achilles heal.

Chapter 1: Oh shit oh shit oh crap oh god's

Shit got to get away, thought Percy as he scrambled out of the way of an incoming hammer.

So percy was just minding his own business after taking care of a couple of HIPPALEKTRYON walking through the crowded streets on New York when the bullets and arrows came flying out of nowhere. Percy ducked just in time but could not completely dodge the incoming green fist.

That's gonna hurt in the morning, thought Percy, I can't even defend myself against them if they where monsters then sure no problem but their humans so that's a bummer.

"Freeze you are to be taken into custody by order of the Avengers" shouted the spangled guy decked with a shield.

Yeah right whatever you say flag dude, thought Percy as he dodged a laser beam from the flying suit of armor.

Dashing through the crowd of pedestrians Percy weaved through oncoming cars, motorcycles, and joggers as he moved through Time Square.

"Man, that kid can move fast." said Barton as he hopped on a motorcycle with Natasha at the wheels, Hulk stomping away, Steve running and Ironman with Thor flying after the target.

Sheesh can't a guy get a break I mean a few moments of peace without trouble getting in the way it feels like I'm cursed sometimes, thought Percy making his way into central park.

"Got him in our sight" said Ironman from up high before zooming down to corner Percy. "Roger that" said Widow following close behind.

Percy stopped to catch a break but it cost him, thunder crashed into his unprotected back along with a beam, a arrow, a bullet, a shield , and twenty pounds of green fists hammering down into his backside.

Percy let out a scream of agony before landing on his side with labored breaths.

"We caught the suspect" said Steve in his earpiece. "Good we're only a few seconds from you" said Fury and sure enough black SUV's pulled up with armed men getting out along with director Fury.

"Great job now lets get him locked up in a cell" said fury.

"Hold my friends our captive he speaks" Said Thor causing everything to quiet down with dreaded silence.

"F-father p-please help me," mumbled Percy an dthen lightning started to flash with the wind picking up.

"Thor what's going on is this your doing Thor." asked Clint.

"nay tis not of my Power" said Thor.

Suddenly the area was engulfed in a bright blinding light.