I don't know if anybody has read my other story, To See The Pain, but this was the original idea for that story. I originally scrapped the idea because it had an OC and I was worried writing her and the general story line. This fic is a lot less centered about torture than TSTP but there is still some in there so be warned. I hope you enjoy.

There were guns, bombs, so much noise and the awful screams. The peaceful, happy place that Italy had once been had been turned to rubble. Chelsea was hiding in an upstairs room of Feliciano and Lovino's house and both her and Feli had guns pointed at the door. She didn't know how long they'd even been hiding in this room for, and Chelsea didn't think she'd slept in a week. Was anyone going to come for them? They must have not known about it, none of the countries held a grudge against Veneziano and although some people forgot about Romano, they wouldn't purposely ignore him when he was in trouble.

The world meeting has to be any day now, they'll have to notice then, Al and Mattie know that there's no way that I won't show up and people will have to notice that neither representative of Italy was there. There was a crackling and somebody started to speak in Italian:

"Se sia l'Italia Veneziano ed l'Italia Romano vengono fuori ed arrendersi allora non uccideremo il resto delle persone all'interno."

Chelsea quickly mentally translated it to: "If both Italy Veneziano and Italy Romano come out and surrender then we won't kill the rest of the people inside." At the mention of him, Feli looked across the room to were his brother was catching the first sleep he'd had in days. A thought passed through her head, but before she had chance to say, Feli spoke up.

"Hey Chelsea, I'm going to surrender. I can't let mio popolo get hurt anymore."

"Veneziano," he knew Chelsea was serious because she called him by his country name which she rarely did, "Somebody needs to get word to the other countries. If that's your decision then I'm surrendering with you, it's more I important that one of you is safe to go to the others as you'd probably be more useful in a war than I would. One of the scouts went out to do research and found out that they don't know what you or your brother look like or act or even how old you look.

I'll cut my hair so I look like a boy and we can say that having the Mafia in the south held back my development so I'm younger than you." Chelsea said "Yes I know that's not true but they won't know that."

"Lovino is going to be so pissed at us you know." Feli said, after some though.

"I know." Chelsea replied.

"Wait! What about the curl! You don't have one!" Feli realised. Chelsea sighed, she took out a clip from the side of her hair and a curl sprang out.

"If you ever tell anybody about this then I will murder you." She stated as Feli just looked at her with wide eyes. Feli left a note for Lovi to tell him what we had decided and Chelsea took the scissors to her hair.