The Old Man on the Mountain


Toph the Trickster


Ah, that was a familiar smell. Ana always found it hard to forget.


"Yes, Mama?" Came the answer from her daughter. Little Fareeha was munching on a platter of sausages that she had apparently toasted in the kitchen, if the mess was anything to go by.

It was a good thing Ana's parents were out of town for the weekend on a trip to Giza.

"When did you get currywurst?"

"I got some when we were at the market earlier, Mama." Fareeha was silent for a period. "It tastes good, Mama." She raised a sausage and offered Ana the plate. "I'm sorry for the smell, I'll try to fix it."

Ana could only smile, and gave her daughter a pat on the head. Bending down, she took a bite from the sausage on her daughter's fork.

With the taste, memories flooded her mind. Memories of times gone by, before war, before Overwatch…

Before Fareeha.

"It's okay, Fareeha, Mama likes the taste, too."

So this will be a series of vignettes I'll be writing following these three. Expect an update or so every other day, though I'll be putting up two on the publishing of this fic because I made the two entries on two different days. If you enjoyed the read, feel free to drop a review.


-Toph the Trickster