Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.





Breaking news: a train accident had taken place in 'W' station at six this evening. Witnesses said the train lost its balance and stumbled out of the railway into the platform just as it arrived. Officer Alfred F. Jones of 'H' Police Department stated there are at least 102 dead and 234 injured, in which 201 of those are in critical state and still in emergency care at 'H' hospital.

"Yes, there are at least 102 victims have been killed in this accident. We still don't know how this could happen, but we're going to run an investigation real soon," said Officer Jones to the press.

The police presume that the accident happened because of technical problems. The investigation is still on the run.

"We still presume that technical problems is the cause of this accident, but it may change along the course of the investigation," another officer, Ivan Braginsky, stated.





Arthur Kirkland walked deeper into the station. He had a novel in his right hand and a bag slung around his left shoulder. He had planned to go home by train this evening, and he had booked his ticket. All he had to do was to wait his train. Arthur checked his watch; three fifty in the afternoon. He did a double take to realize that he had come too early as his train arrived at five thirty.

The Brit finally arrived at the platform. He found almost all of the benches were full except for two benches. One bench on the front was completely empty while the one behind it, there was a middle aged man. Arthur decided to sit on the empty bench.

Just as Arthur was approaching the front bench, the middle aged man on the second bench stood up and left. Arthur blinked, assuming that the man left because his train was here. He then looked again; now there were two empty benches. The Brit decided to occupy the second bench since it was the nearest.

Arthur sat down and set his bag beside him. It was a good thing that he brought his novel with him. Otherwise, he would have to end up sitting there, looking at the passengers awkwardly while trying to find something to entertain himself until his train came. Sure, there was his phone, but he didn't have that many of games. Besides, he could never win Sudoku no matter how many times he played. His Asian friend, Honda Kiku, was far more professional than him when it came to Sudoku. Arthur had ever asked Kiku to train him, but he could only win once, with Kiku helping him. Other times, he never won.

The blonde haired Brit opened his novel by the bookmark and checked his watch; four o'clock. Just then, a man in a trench coat passed him by. Arthur glanced as the man approached the front bench and sat just right behind him. Arthur looked again; the man had long, wavy blonde hair, sitting just around his shoulders. He didn't see the man's face when he walked by, and could only saw his hair. Arthur stared at the man in front of him, who occasionally looked around the railway and checked his watch. He presumed the man was waiting for his train, so he went back to his novel.

Time went by, and Arthur was engrossed in his novel, so engrossed that he jumped when he heard his train had arrived through the intercom. Arthur, thinking that he was late, hastily tucked his bookmark into his novel and picked up his bag. He ran to the platform and stepped inside his train. Arthur then found his usual seat just by the window and sat down. He checked his watch; five thirty. Arthur let out a relieved sigh. He suddenly became embarrassed on the fact that he hurriedly stepped inside the train, thinking that he was late, when in actuality it had just arrived.

He looked around the train; it was a bit vacant. Only a few passengers were there. Arthur then looked at the station; sure enough, the station was also vacant. A few passengers were seen walking in and out the station.

And the long blonde haired man was still sitting on that bench.

Arthur blinked. He didn't realize that the long haired man was still sitting there. Was he still waiting for his train? Probably so, Arthur thought as he looked through the window. The man was still looking around the railway; worry was visible on his pale face. He occasionally lifted his left wrist, checking his watch.

The Brit hummed as he looked further. Nobody seemed to acknowledge the man's presence there. The passengers were just passing him by, not even giving him a glance. Arthur frowned, but his train of thoughts was cut as the train began to move slowly, leaving the 'W' station to the next station.





Kirkland Residence, 19:35 PM

"So how's the journey?" Seamus asked as he brought the tea tray to the living room.

Arthur shrugged. "It was well," he said as his big brother set the tray on the table. He picked up a tea cup and sipped it. "I arrived too early at the station, though, and I was thankful to have my novel in hand."

Allistair snorted beside him. "Your train arrived at five thirty, ain't it?"


Seamus laughed as he sat on the sofa across his brothers. "So you're missing home, aren't you?"

Arthur almost choked on his tea. "What the—no, I'm not! What makes you have the impression that I'm missing home?"

"If my memory doesn't fail me, I think you finished your class at three o'clock sharp. Your train arrives at five thirty and you said you arrived too early. Doesn't it mean you're a bit homesick?" Seamus stated as he picked his tea cup and sipped the content.

"What time did you arrive at the station?" Allistair asked, picking his tea cup.

"Around three fifty," Arthur answered as he sipped his tea.

"Ah, was it jammed?"

The blonde nodded, sipping his tea. "Damn right it was," Arthur murmured under his breath. "I swear I will never take a taxi during a bloody jam ever again." He paused, sipping his tea again, before realizing his twin older brother was nowhere to be seen. "By the way, where's Dylan?"

"Still in the shower," Allistair grunted, drinking his tea. "The lad's probably still on his imaginary concert."

Both Seamus and Arthur snorted. Silence then followed. The three siblings then drowned in their own thoughts while sipping their tea. There was no other sound aside from occasional faint slurp from the siblings and the ticking clock on the wall.

"Hey, Art, what railway station did you take?" Seamus asked all of the sudden.

Arthur blinked at the sudden question. "Uh, the 'W' station, as usual. I thought you already know ages ago?"

"You still use that railway station?" Allistair asked, one of his thick eyebrows rose.

"Of course," Arthur replied. "What? You lot want to recommend a better railway station for me?"

"Probably," Seamus muttered, scratching his light red hair. "I mean, you should have heard the news. You're the one in that town, so you should have known."

Arthur frowned. "News?" he murmured. He paused for a moment to try recalling recent event that related to 'W' station, until something hit him. "Oh, you mean the railway accident a month ago?"

"Aye," Allistair nodded, putting down his cup on the tray. "Claimed 102 victims, they said. Police assumed the cause was technical problems, but I think it was human error, though I'm not too sure."

"Ah, I think I have heard a bit about it," Arthur said. "It should be technical errors, because the witness said it lost its balance and stumbled into the platform, killing 102 victims in the process. But what is it supposed to do with the railway station I'm using now? I know the accident took place in that station, but it doesn't mean I have to use another railway station. You know I hate to use a different railway."

"True," Allistair grunted to Seamus. "Remember when this wee lad refused to go home when the accident took place? He slept in his friend's apartment for two weeks before the 'W' railway station opened for business again."

Seamus chuckled. "Well, yeah, I know," he muttered. "It's just that—well, we're afraid if there's something going on in that station. I mean, you take a round-trip from college to home for about a year or two using that 'W' railway station. And in that 'W' railway station, an accident happened a month ago. Aren't you worried?"

Arthur laughed. "You lot are worrying too much," he said. "I will be alright, I'm sure of it."

"Well, knowing you, I'm quite sure that you will be alright, but both Seamus and Dylan are worried if another accident happens, maybe some sort of terrorist attack or something," Allistair stated.

"No, no," Arthur waved his hand in dismissive manner. "I will be alright, I assure you."






Okay, first: Happy Birthday, France! Though the French hasn't been focused on yet here, in the later chapter, he'll be. This is his birthday fic after all (though I'm feeling I've been focusing on England instead of France lol).

Second: I'm not British, or Scottish, or Irish, or even Welsh, so I'm really sorry for the wrong usage of slangs here and there in this chap and the later chaps. I'm trying my best, tho.

Third: Flames are not allowed.

Fourth: I'm really sorry for the OOCness.

Bonjour, everybody. Here I am, a new author in this fandom, attempting to make another birthday fic for Big Brother France. This time, it's not a one-shot, but multichapter! I'm really in love with France and am proud of it, though lately I feel like I've tortured him enought in a few fics I've written in my PC lol. I'm kind of nervous how this would turn up, though. Hopefully dear readers would like to, uh, support, maybe? I've planned the whole plot, though, so the update should be around two or three days after publishment.

Feel free to leave comments and concrits. This is only the prologue, so I expect nothing, actually. But still I ask you readers to leave a comment, please. Comment or concrit, it's up to you. Tell me your thoughts about this, what you expect, everything. Have something to ask? Just PM me. :)

See you in the next chapter. :3