Marco woke up in a haze. Ringing fresh in his head, stomach feeling like trash, extremely blurry memories of the night before. Marco let his vision clear then took a look of his surroundings, it wasn't his bedroom as he expected. "Why... Am I in Star's room...?" Marco rubbed his head as he looked around Star's room. Marco tried to find a reasonable explanation on how he could have ended up in Star's room. His head still was ringing, he looked down where he expected under the covers to see he wasn't wearing any clothes. "No... It can't-" Marco was cut off when he looked to his side. He felt his body go cold.

Star laid, passed out, by Marco naked. Marco thought the worse as fractured memories slowly returned to his mind of last night. Marco panicked and grabbed his clothes and bolted out of Star's room. Marco ran into his room and plopped on his bed.

Star slowly opened her eyes. She was met with a blur of her vision and a splitting headache. "Ugh... How much did we drink last night?" Star plopped back in her bed. "I remember the party... And the drinks... Me trying to cheer Marco up..." Something popped in her head. "Marco! He might remember what happened.." Star dressed and ran to the kitchen. Marco sat there his head down. "Hey Marco!"

Marco jolted his head up as soon as he made eye contact with Star he felt a blush of embarrassment creep across his face. He tried to hide it by putting his head back down. Star may be naive, but she isn't stupid, she saw the blush and approached. "Something wrong Marco? Your face is all red." She walks over and tries to touch his shoulder but he reacts by standing up and walking away.

"I'm fine Star just still a little hung over..." He said about to walk out. Star smiled.

"Oh Yeah! Crazy party right?" Star smiled but followed Marco. Marco still cringed at the memory of the party that led to that night. "If you want we can go Dimension Hopping later."

Marco plopped on the couch and covered his eyes with his arm. "No Star, I'd rather just stay at home today." Star slightly frowned, she wasn't used to him being so distant.

"Weeeellllll..." Star jumped on the couch and ended up sitting on Marco's stomach. Marco's first reaction was blush roaring across his face. "We could sit here and watch a random movie.." Star said reaching for the remote.

Marco started to internally panic. He tried to shove her off. "Star get off me!" Marco said.

Star laughed. "But you do make a comfortable cushion" She said in a joking manner.

Marco shouted. "STAR! Get off me now!" Star stood up immediately, surprised by his tone.

"Jeez Marco I was just fooling around." Star let Marco get up then sat back down on the couch.

"I want to be alone today." Marco said as he walked upstairs. Star sat in confusion. His attitude, him being distant, him trying to avoid her. Star sat back on the couch and grabbed the remote. Star tried to think about last night to see if anything there caused it. To be fair, she couldn't remember much. She could remember Marco telling her how asking Jackie out went. Then after promising to help him feel better and a lot of drinks it goes black. Next thing she knows she's in her bed.

Star pulls out her phone and dials Janna's number. She was at the party, maybe she could figure it out.

Ring... Ring... "Hello?"

"Hey Janna! So listen you remember the party last night right?"

"Yeah! I also remember seeing you and Marco going crazy. Laughing, talking, lots of dancing and drinking. Why?" Janna chimed from the other end of the call.

Star stared at the ceiling. "Marco's acting really weird and I'm wondering if anything at the party happened. I was so drunk I couldn't remember a thing."

Janna took a moment to think. "Nothing that I saw. I just remember you guys leaving together. What did you guys hook up or something?" Janna joked, holding back a chuckle.

A blush roared on Star's face "Don't be ridicules Janna! Me and Marco are best friends."

Janna laughed. "Calm down I'm just joking around. But, yeah I didn't see anything strange."

Star sighed. "Well thanks anyway... Bye."



Star tossed her phone aside. She then grunted, she will find out what happened at the party. And then maybe when they confront it together, Marco will stop acting strange.

End of Part 2