A/N: First of all I am deeply sorry that this epilogue is so delayed. I was suffering from brain freeze. I also have a baby bird that I currently own and he takes up a lot of my free time to the point that I get extremely tired.

Anything in italics is Helga's thoughts and/or voiceover. I tried not to leave anyone out. If I did than I am sorry.

A lone woman entered upon the stage after she was announced to the students. She was a guest lecturer today. At twenty-eight years old, Helga G. Pataki is a success in her field of Psychology. She had already helped children while she was young, and still continued to do so when it was called upon. She did the same with teenagers and also with adults now. Also she helped with some criminal cases.

Today she will speak about cases from the past and perhaps enlighten some students of updates regarding them.

"Good Afternoon everyone. My name is, Dr Helga Pataki. I'm glad you are all here to attend this lecture. I will try not to bore you to death. If I do bore you sleep, kindly don't snore too loudly please. You never know if your neighbor next to you is a hard core nerd jonesing for a boring lecture." Winking at the crowd, Helga gathered some snickers from that joke. "All right now, time to bore you all."

"Today I feel like discussing things that begun when I was sixteen. Why this age? It is because it left me with some questions that even I can't answer due to me being too close to the case at hand. This will happen to some of you when it is personal to you, but I will say that there are some factors of this case that have been answered." Helga offered a slight smile. "I will offer you an example or two."


Rhonda was wandering around the center happily helping others. Mostly it was the homeless. Even after everything that happened with, Brainy she had to feel bad for the ones he manipulated. She found out very quickly from her volunteer work how simple it was to lose all hope once your previous life had been yanked from you.

So as she volunteered, she decided to learn a bit more about other things. With Nadine, she already had a friend who always was selfless. This was the same as Arnold. So with those building blocks already and additional help from Helga, Rhonda wanted to do more for them.

So she spoke to her parents about helping her out and with that Dr Bliss got a team to come in for volunteer work. A team that included Helga for some younger homeless people, to help them readjust to things out there. Also people to come in to help educate them further and place them in jobs.

Now older and with a degree as a business woman and a teacher, Rhonda had everyone move into a different building which was bigger. So far she had a pretty high success rate.

Wandering into a room where her husband taught others about painting, Rhonda smiled at Wendell as he patiently spoke to them about always expressing themselves.

"Rhonda and her husband do charity events to continue their efforts in helping others out." Helga informed the audience. "While they do realize that they can't help the entire population out, they still aim for what they can. They also hope that these educational programs help increase. Also to let you know, the building that they moved into has another building to it. So there are ones that live there."


"Now this next person is someone that I will not say his name. I won't due to it being personal. Also he is allowing me to speak about this in hopes that it could possibly help others. Something that I find to be very brave of him to do." Helga said as she introduced the subject of Sid.

"One night he was attacked and raped by a few men." Her mind still shouldn't still be so shaken up by these details, but she was. Their friend could of been killed that night. "He went through the motions as many victims do. You know with the denial. The anger. The blame. The feeling of worthlessness. Feeling unclean. Name it and you got it. Our friend was damaged mentally and physically."

Sid did all his therapy with each doctor and after a year, he slowly made his way back home. Mostly by mind. While he was at home physically. He wasn't at home mentally. Sid wanted to be elsewhere far away. He wanted to be away from that city. That alley. The still possibility that someone might know what happened to him. He just wanted to get away.

Still he couldn't.

So each day he continued to speak to his most closest friends. The ones that visited him often at that place. He spoke to, Dr Bliss. Eventually he began to make his way back into school. Slowly make his way back his way into his life, but not truly. He didn't feel comfortable enough to want to date anyone still. He felt too worthless to.

"You have to know you aren't worthless, Sid." Arnold told him one day after school. "You never were."

Sid continued to glance at his hands. "I just feel like I am." His voice was too soft for him to hear himself even.

"Than don't rush it. It will come eventually." Chimed in Helga. "Why not concentrate on some things that might be of interest to you. Rhonda has grown considerably once she started helping others. Look how good, Football Head feels each time he helps someone."

Sid fell silent as he thought of their words. "Yeah you might be right."

"Just don't push yourself. Take it one step at a time." Arnold added in.

"We honestly doubt that it was completely our words to him. We do because he can have good instincts in him." Helga smirked happily at the thought. "What he decided to do was become a Physical Therapist at the same place that helped him out for those many months. He tells us that he is very happy in it." Seeing someone raise their hand up and ask a question, Helga almost sighed. "He began dating someone that works there. Now let us continue."


Brushing some of her fringe away from her face, Helga sighed. She didn't wish to do so, but she did knowing that the subject of, Brainy still was spoken about. Kids made limericks about him as if he was Freddy Kruger. There were even games made up in school yards. Most kids didn't know about it at such a young age, but once you get older there are many games you figure out that are based on something real. Something far more darker.

"Obsession can come in many forms." She began. "Some can actually be very innocent. Some aren't. It all depends. There are some that start off innocently, and end up in a dark place." She wasn't gonna speak about Lila out of respect of her father. She was one of the lost ones. "I unfortunately had to deal with this first hand."

"In the beginning it was all simply innocent things. Him showing up here and there. I'd hit him for invading my privacy, and I'd simply forget it for another day. Brainy was what you called a strange, but harmless person back then. He was our friend. He did things with us." Helga paused as she fought the urge to scratch at her own skin. "In all honesty, I and some people that I know, don't know when he went over the edge." Seeing a hand rise up, Helga let the girl speak.

The girl in blue almost reminded her of Phoebe. Dark hair, glasses, studious looking. Even the voice almost had the same quality as hers. "Is it true that he referred to you as some type of goddess?"

Helga almost cringed visibly, but digressed. "Very true. I do know that at first he supported my relationship with my boyfriend, but after it changed. I don't know when, but it did."

There in the back of her mind as she continued to speak to everyone, thoughts of some of her other friends drifted past. Stinky and Gloria were only separated for a bit just so she can attend an out of state college. When she returned they decided to get married. Stinky was managing a grocery store. Gloria was helping a wedding planner.

Wandering out of her department on a break, Nadine smiled with some delight at the insects that came in from the Amazon. As she thought of her research she picked up her phone to smile at a picture of, Curly at the bow of the research ship he was on before dialing him back to talk to him. Due to him constantly being out to sea, their relationship just ended up being part time lovers. They both were in love with their jobs, which made up for one part of a relationship. The other part was when they could be together. She knew she would be catching him soon anyhow.

With Phoebe, she became a Chemist. Something she loved so much that she would get far into it when she was discussing formulas with Helga, Arnold, and Gerald when they had dinner together. It was so much so that she had destroyed about twenty of her own tablecloths by trying to explain things in sharpie.

As for Gerald, he decided to just work for a radio station. Smooth talking voice that he loved to brag about with the knowledge of music, and what not. Asking Phoebe to marry him finally she accepted. At that wedding, there was some money passed between friends saying what age that will be.


As for Brainy, he was in a facility far from Helga. He was placed there for the criminally insane. Convicted of many crimes that included the murder of, Lila Sawyer. There were more included. More that were found out later on when he truly snapped in custody. They were more of experimentations than anything else. That was according to him.

He begged constantly to be reunited with his Deity, but no one would grant him that request. They knew what it could do to him. What it would do to her if that were to happen. So he would end up in his room drawing more pictures of her, and pray to her. He'd write to her, but those letters were never sent. They were withheld as evidence.

"One day we'll be together again." He pressed his body against his wall. The thoughts danced in his head till he wailed almost like a banshee.

It almost was a sickening displaying of the macabre even as he went towards his door to whisper to someone to join him. He needed not to be alone anymore. He wanted out of there, but the facility was heavily guarded. Still, he wouldn't give up.


After her part of was done, Helga departed the auditorium. She walked onto the campus to see her husband standing there happily waiting for her. Her darling Football Head was on time as usual.

He graduated a year earlier from high school. His career was not much of a surprise to her given the fact that he had years to perfect it. He decided to become a child psychologist. So she mostly dealt with adults and he mostly dealt with kids.

Going into his arms, Helga was greeted by almost a hearty kiss. "Did you have fun with our very own Father Ludwig, this morning?"

Smirking, Arnold moved around so they begin walking. "Yes and the kids that I council actually enjoyed it. I think they enjoyed listening to Wolfgang and him getting into it when, Wolfgang told him how wrong he is about shooting hoops."

Laughing at the two still almost rival guys, Helga was tempted into pinching Arnold's butt. Wolfgang was almost unwilling to become a coach to kids saying he couldn't in a wheelchair, but seeing that he still had some moves while partially paralyzed, Wolfgang decided to give it a try. So on the weekends he volunteered some of his time to help the kids at church, while working at PS118 on the weekdays.

"They never change." Helga shook her head.

"No they never do." As they continued walking, Arnold looked at her. "So how was the doctors this morning?"

Helga was silent as they continued to walk. She than sighed. "Well I'm about five weeks along, Football Head." Feeling him stop, she turned to gage his face. "What?"

"We're going to be parents?" Arnold asked in disbelief. His hand shook hoping she wasn't joking with him. If she was, he would be holding a grudge for the rest of the day.

Nodding her head, Helga kissed him on the lips. "We are going to be parents." Feeling herself being lifted up, Helga seriously hated this, but allowed him to get carried away. "Hey come on. Don't make me barf on you."

"It'll give me practice when our baby does it." Grinning, Arnold kissed her passionately. "Let's go celebrate right now."

"Sure." Taking his hand once more, Helga walked hand in hand to their car.

~The End~

A/N 2: Thanks for all the kind reviews. I appreciate all of them. :)