(Author's Note:Hello there everybody. TigerVolcano5000 here and I would like to welcome you guys to my very first fanfiction story ever. I've been reading many stories on here for the past few years and I've only figured out how to put up my own account about a week or so ago. I guarantee if you will not be disappointed if you just give me and my stories a chance because this is the first I've published on this website. I should mention that this story was inspired by a story called "Teen Titans: Season Six" by Skychild101. So, when you have some time, check out his stories. I'm sure many will agree that they should have made a sixth season to the 2003 Teen Titans series, and I'm so angry that they didn't. But, that's what fanfiction is for! This is my idea as to how a season six of Teen Titans could have played out. Again, just give my stories a chance and I will make sure that you don't regret it.)

Disclaimer: I do not own anything

Chapter One: Battling the Beast

In was nighttime in the metropolis of Jump City, and a lone eagle flew far above in the sky. But this particular eagle was different than most of its kind. For starters, the eagle was green and it also was looking very intensely for something. Then, it heard an explosion coming from a recycling plant down below and went to investigate. As the eagle reached the ground, it morphed into a green gorilla and smashed the door open. It then walked inside, looking around and being ready to fight in case something happened. It then heard explosions followed by a feminine scream. It raced toward the other room that was filled with and saw a teenage girl smash into the wall next to it. She had purple eyes, pale skin, and blue hair. She wore a dark blue cloak and boots, a black suit, and a red and gold belt. The gorilla morphed into a green-skinned human boy with fangs and pointed ears who wore a purple suit and gray belt. "Raven"! He rushed over to her side and helped her up, "Are you okay"? She rubbed her head, "Yeah, I'm fine Beast Boy".

Beast Boy looked at where Raven was thrown and saw four three standing in the middle of the room and a large smoke cloud which they were glaring at. Three of them were teenagers just like Beast Boy and Raven. One was a tall African-American man who was mostly machine and had blue armor around a large portion of his body. His left eye was a red cybernetic one and his right arm was a cannon he had pointed at the smoke cloud. One was girl who was flying in the air who had orange skin and long red hair. Her gloves, boots, and outfit (which exposed her naval) were purple and her hands and eyes were glowing with green energy. The last one was a fair skinned boy with spiky black hair and a white mask. He had a red outfit, green pants, and black & yellow cape, and was holding out a gray staff. Light began coming from the cloud and, as the smoke cleared, Beast Boy was able to perfectly see the enemy. This creature had red eyes, stood over eight-feet tall, and had a body that was completely engulfed in flames. "Cyborg! Starfire! Attack from two different directions! Try to get it off balance"! The fair skinned guy shouted. Starfire flew into the air and began pelting the creature with green bolts of energy which she's named "starbolts", and Cyborg jumped behind it, charged up his sonic cannon, and blasted in the back with a blue beam of energy. The leader took out three small disks and threw them at the creature, and they exploded on impact. He then jumped up and smashed it in the face with his staff. But when he tried to hit the creature again, it caught his staff and melted in its fiery grip. It then pointed its hand at his chest and fired off a powerful blast of flame which threw the boy into the wall.

"Robin"! Starfire exclaimed, before going off to help her friend. Cyborg ran up and began unleashing a barrage of punches onto the creature, who ended up backhanding him away. Deciding that they have had enough, Beast Boy and Raven jumped into the fight to help their friends. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos"! Raven's eyes glowed white and her hands were covered in black energy as she telekinetically tore metal from the walls and floor and used it to wrap up the creature. Beast Boy then morphed into a woolly mammoth and rammed into the creature, sending it crashing into the wall. "Good to have to back with us, dude", Cyborg said to Beast Boy as he and Raven were joined by the rest of the team. "Yeah, doesn't look like the situation got any better with me gone". "Unfortunately, no", Robin said as he took out two of his birdarangs.

The creature stood up, having melted the metal off of itself, and stared at the teens with its emotionless face. It put its hand in a barrel filled with metal scraps next to it and, immediately, the fire on its body went out and its orange skin turned into a shining silver color. Both of its hands then morphed into hammers and it attacked. It swung one of its hammers at Beast Boy and sent him flying into the wall. It slammed the other one down on Robin but he back flipped out of the way and threw a blue disk at the creature which caused it to freeze in seconds. The team was cautious as they slowly moved toward their frozen enemy. Then, in an instant, the beast broken out of its prison and sent its foes flying. Beast Boy stood up and transformed into a T-Rex. It then roared in the face of the monster, bit down on its upper body, and slammed it into a wall with such strength, it caused the beast to go flying outside. It stood up and saw their entire team glaring and ready for a fight. All six of them noticed that some dark clouds were beginning to form in the air and it looked like it was going to rain very soon. Robin addressed his team, "Alright titans, we can't let this thing get away again. We have to end this before the rain starts, otherwise it'll be able to absorb the water and escape". The team all nodded as they saw the creature turn one of its hands into a mace. It then jumped into the air and the team was able to dodge before it smashed on the ground. Cyborg opened up his shoulders and fired six missiles at the creature, who used its arms to block the attack. Starfire then raced over and blasted the beast with her laser vision, forcing it back. She then grabbed its waist, flew up, and threw it toward the ground. It was able to catch its balance and land on its feet, but the ground began rising and engulfed it completely. It was Raven who was using her magic to try to hold the creature in place. But the beast was stronger and was able to burst out of the prison. Then, with surprising speed, it grabbed Raven and threw her into Starfire. The creature was then blasted into a tree by Cyborg's sonic cannon, which was keep it from moving. It was slowly able to raise its arm and form a shield to protect itself. With the shield, the creature was now able to walk forward and move closer to Cyborg. He tried to increase the power of its sonic cannon but, while it was able to push it back a few inches, it wasn't strong enough to stop it completely.

Once the creature got close enough, it grabbed Cyborg's cannon arm, twisted it, and then gave him a powerful kick to the chest which sent him sprawling across the ground. It heard pounding on the ground and turned to see that Beast Boy had morphed into a rhinoceros. The creature was able to stop the charging Beast Boy in his tracks with its augmented strength. It then lifted him up and threw him into the side of the recycling plant. Robin then jumped on its back and, while it tried to shake him off, he planted a small device on the side of its neck and then jumped off. The creature turned around, glared at the Boy Wonder, and charged with its hands turned into long spikes. Robin smirked, pulled out a remote, and pressed the button. This activated the device and the creature was stopped in its tracks as the device unleashed a powerful current of electricity. Thunder boomed in the air and Robin looked up to see the storm cloud was getting larger and they were running out of time. Robin called to his team, "Beast Boy hold it still! Everybody else, prepare to attack with everything you've got"! Beast Boy changed into his Sasquatch form and used his strength to hold the creature in place. Robin took out multiple explosive disks, Raven readied her magic, Cyborg placed his sonic cannon at full power, and Starfire charged up her starbolts. Once he saw that everybody was ready, Robin shouted, "Beast Boy, move"! Beast Boy morphed into a hummingbird as his teammates unleashed everything they had at the creature. This caused a powerful explosion, which knocked each member of the team back. They all, slowly, stood back up and, when the smoke cleared, they saw bits and pieces of the creature which was revealed to be a machine. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed as it started to pour. "Everyone alright"? Robin asked as he looked back at his team. "Circuits might be a little damaged, but I'll be fine", Cyborg said as he inspected his arm that the creature twisted. "I'll live", Raven stated, in her usual monotone voice. "I'm okay", Starfire replied as she floated to the ground with her team. "I'm alright", Beast Boy, though he sounded upset and his teammates understood why. Cyborg pressed a few buttons on his arm and the T-Car, a blue car which was one of their primary means of transportation, drove up and stopped right next to them. "Come on, let's head home", Cyborg said as he got in the driver's seat and the rest of the titans followed. The drive back to their headquarters and home, Titans Tower, was long from where they were and was pretty quiet. Not only because of the difficulty they had when dealing with that monster but also because of the fact that they knew that Beast Boy definitely wasn't in the mood for conversation right now.


It had been a couple hours since the team had defeated the creature that they faced and, while the rest of the team was sleeping or getting ready to sleep, Beast Boy was sitting on the living room sofa. "(Yawn), hey man. What are you still doing up"? Beast Boy turned to see, a very tired, Cyborg standing near the entrance. "Nothing, dude. Just thinking". "Terra"? Beast Boy was silent after Cyborg asked, which gave him his answer.

Terra was a geokinetic who was a close friend of the titans, and she even joined their team for a while. But it was later revealed that, the whole time, Terra was working with Slade, the team's most cunning and most hated enemy. She betrayed and almost killed them. Later on, she ended up sacrificing her own life to save theirs and destroy Slade. She was turned to stone and, since then, the team has tried to find any way to restore her but to no avail. Then, earlier today, Beast Boy saw a girl who he claimed had been Terra. The team wanted to know if it really was Terra or not, but Beast Boy wasn't his usual talkative self when he came to help them. "Did you find out if it was her or not"? "Yes it was her. But, she doesn't want anything to do with being a superhero". Cyborg only nodded. He, and the rest of the team, knew that Beast Boy had a thing for Terra and he took it the hardest when she betrayed them. Cyborg put his hand on Beast Boy's shoulder, "I'm really sorry, man. But just moping about isn't really going to help anybody. If Terra really doesn't want to go back into the superhero life, we should respect that". Beast Boy sighed, "Yeah, you're probably right". Cyborg smiled and patted his friend on the back, "Alright, (yawn), I'm going to lie down". He walked over to the entrance and placed his hand on a hand scanner. The scanner beeped and spoke in a robotic voice, "Security system, online".

"Night, BB". "Night, dude". When Cyborg left, Beast Boy got some time to think to himself about his friend had just told him. He had a very good point. He really care for Terra but if she wanted a normal life, who was he to stand in her way? He stood and walked to his room, maybe he'll feel better in the morning.


The titans left the recycling center almost immediately after they defeated the android. Because of this, they didn't see was a hooded man step out of the forest after their departure. He wore a brown cloak that completely covered his body and a hood that covered his entire face. He had black boots and fingerless gloves which showed pale skin. He was holding a strange machine and was, apparently, searching for something. The machine began beeping as the man reached a certain area, so he began searching and found the remains of the android. "Extremely damaged. The reconstruction will be difficult and time-consuming, but not impossible". He spent the next few minutes making sure to gather all of the pieces of the destroyed android. Once he did, he looked at Titans Tower and smirked, "Soon titans. Soon we'll see if you really are as good of heroes as I hear. Although, I personally doubt it". With that, he went into the forest and disappeared in the shadows.

(Author's Note: And there we go, my first chapter on my first story. I really hoped that you guys enjoyed it. Again I want to apologize if it is not the best story you've ever read, but I have just started on this website, so give me a little while to get better. But, I really do appreciate you guys taking time out of your busy schedules to read my story and I hope that you will continue to do so as I work. My plan is to post the next chapter by Sunday but I want to hear what some of you think of it before I continue. Tell me what you think, any improvements that need to be made, and , overall, anything I can do to make reading the story more enjoyable. So, who is this mysterious new villain? And what does he want with the titans? You'll have to find out next week. Check the story every once in a while because I will post a new chapter you guys and gals so much for reading and I'll see you next time.)