This is Warriors Preschool! Finally!
Bluekit's POV
"I'm gonna be so amazing!" Thistlekit yelled cheerfully as he walked through the door. "It's gonna be so fun!" Snowkit, who was walking next to him cheered, "Yay for Warriors Preschool!" The two of them were good friends, and well, Bluekit was ok with that. She hung behind the group of cheery kids, clinging to Moonflower like her mother was a buoy and she was someone in shark-infested waters. "Have fun playing playing with crayons Bluekit!" Leopardkit teased as she walked past.
Bluekit didn't care. Leopardkit and Patchkit would be going to Warriors Elementary soon anyway. "You'll be fine Bluekit. Go have fun, play with Snowkit, and make new friends!" Moonflower's soothing voice gave her the confidence and courage to go and join Snowkit inside the brightly colored preschool.
A very excited looking lady with white, long and wavy hair was sitting in a wooden rocking chair with a plastic bag next to her. It probably had crayons in it, or other supplies. She had a ball of yarn and some knitting needles in her hands, and seemed to be knitting a scarf. Two very rushed looking boys raced into the room as the lady open her mouth to speak. The boys each held a lunchbox, and just to make sure, Bluekit looked to her left to check if hers was still there.
"Hello class, I am Doestar, your preschool teacher. Can we sit in a circle to introduce ourselves please?" The lady asked as she put her lunchbox on a table.
A pretty looking girl with blue-gray hair turned her head from where she was sitting on the rug. Her blue eyes sparkled as she set her blue lunchbox on the table, and she walked over to him. Oakkit took no notice to Doestar, their teacher, and was completely focused on the girl and Stormkit, his brother.
The girl's elegant light blue dress spun as she stuck her hand out. "Hi I'm Bluekit! What's you two's names?" A hard stone seemed to be lodged in Oakkit's throat, and all he managed to croak out was, "Uhh… Oakkit…"
Thankfully Oakkit's brother saved the moment.
He shook Bluekit's hand, and introduced himself. "Hey Bluekit! I'm Stormkit, and this is Oakkit, my brother. Oakkit, looking relived, nodded eagerly. Then a boy with gray hair stepped over to the trio of preschoolers, a girl Bluekit's age with white hair following shortly after. "What are you doing chatting with this loser?" The boy said, pulling him and Oakkit away from Bluekit and towards a group of kids. "I'm Thistlekit, and the white haired girl is Snowkit." A redheaded gikitrl wearing a red romper pointed at him and said, "His name is Stormkit! Such a cool name!"
Stormkit glanced back at Bluekit, who looked to be on the verge of crying. A boy with black and white hair jogged over to her, and putting an arm around her, started to comfort her. Oakkit sighed and beckoned for Stormkit to come with him. They walked over to the circle, seating themselves in between Thistlekit, and the redhead who had liked Stormkit's name.
Patchkit sighed as he wiped yet again another stream of tears from Bluekit's eyes. How could she be bullied? Leopardkit wasn't mean to her, and Stormkit and Oakkit were nice. Plus, everyone else was younger. She sniffed and hugged Patchkit, who began to get worried. She wasn't afraid of much and he didn't think anyone here was very mean. Goldenkit was really shy, and Lionkit was well, bigheaded and competitive, but Patchkit couldn't imagine him being mean. And they were younger.
"Who did this to you?" He asked, continuing to let her hug him. She looked up at Patchkit, her eyes red and puffy from tears. "This-tle-kit." She said, sniffling. No surprise there, Patchkit thought unhappily. The two of them were basically against each other from the start. The only difference was that Bluekit would ignore him, while Thistlekit would be incredibly mean to her. He may be younger, but he was definitely meaner. Doestar's comment jerked him out of his thoughts. "As you may know, due to some recent budget cuts, where we had to get rid of the buses, all students are required to live on the preschool campus."
Question- Who was your favorite deputy that Bluestar had? Mine was Redtail.
These chapters will take more time. They are longer, so you can expect one twice a week, maybe three times.
Please review! Shoutouts will definitely happen, and I really love hearing what you think.